Chapter 73 Forbidden Court (73)
Rolling around in the world of mortals is too tiring, if possible, I would rather never meet her. (3)
The room was silent, and after a long time, she knelt on the ground and burst into tears.The hairpin in her hand was covered with blood, and she held it too tightly. After a long time, the blood coagulated and dried up. She tried hard to separate, but she didn't have the strength.She killed Mr. Cui, and only now did she feel scared and sad.Finally, even the last person she was close to was lost. She came to this world and left nothing behind.

Everything is too cruel, why should she face it?After she cut off all the back routes, the forbidden squad arrived and came to arrest her.

Recording scene also did not expect to end with such an ending. In his vision, there should be a fight, capture Cui Zhuyu to hand over to the officials, and then give the imperial concubine an example... As a result, Cui Zhuyu died under the queen's hairpin .

The queen's body was stained with blood, and the blood scum bloomed on the goose-yellow swirling skirt, and before the tea came, it bloomed extremely brilliantly and coquettishly.The queen's face was pale, but her lips were so red that she seemed to be traced with blood, and she was about to fall into a demon's way in the next moment.He shivered, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "Saint, I'm late, I shouldn't bother the saint..."

She ignored him, looked at the bloodstains all over the floor, and turned her gaze slowly, "If you want to arrest me, arrest me alone, let Aunt Jin and Brother Fo go."

They naturally insisted on saying no, she shook her head and said: "You will only be afraid if you follow me, it is better to go to the next life. Do what I told you before, and don't make me repeat it."

They were still crying and did not want to be separated from her, Lu Jing sighed and said: "Let's listen to the saint's words. Now the two countries are at war. With your identities, staying in the confinement is an excuse. Not only will you not be able to protect the saint, but it will also bring disaster to the saint." .”

They looked at her anxiously after hearing what the recording said, and they had no idea for a moment.She stood up staggeringly, and the corners of her lips raised vigorously, "It doesn't matter, I dare to kill people, what else will be difficult for me in the future? Listen to me, you go, go now, the farther you go, the more difficult you will be!" good."

Seeing that she has made up her mind, Aunt Jin and Brother Fo have nothing to do.Stepping back and forth, they walked into the yard, where there were horses they had prepared to escape in advance.Turning over, he lingered in place for a while, then shook the reins resolutely, and blended into the vast night.

Zi Hua let out a sigh of relief, looked at Cui Zhuzhang on the ground again, and said to Lu Jing: "Help me find a good coffin to put him in... He is my teacher after all." Then he asked those Yu Longzhi, "Where's the shackle? Let me copy it!"

Lu Jing's body suddenly fell half a foot, and he said: "Saint, don't offend the ministers. The officials never said that they would punish the saint. They only ordered to find the saint and bring him back to the prison. The saint I ordered someone to do it immediately. I have been bumping and suffering for the past two days, and it is time for the saint to rest. I have already prepared a carriage, and it was windy outside. I asked the saint to get on the carriage, and I returned to Da Nei after closing my eyes. "

She is willing to cut herself to pieces now, she can do whatever she wants.The place in the car is small, no clothes changed, the smell of blood permeates everywhere, and there is a sweet and glutinous fragrance after smelling it for a long time.She leaned on the brocade mat and fell into a drowsy sleep. In her sleep, she had spring for a while, cloud view for a while, and her father, Mr. Cui and Ah Rong, thinking about all the people who were closest to her.She was still melancholy in the half-dream, half-awake, none of those people are here now, only her is left in the world, and she will live in the future, and I don't know why.

At night, the door was closed tightly, and when we got to the Xuande Gate, we got off the horse and knocked on the scene, and the carriage drove straight into the inner city.Passing through the Daqing Palace, there are too many palace gates to drive smoothly, so she needs to be asked to walk.She didn't care, she followed the recording scene and walked in the aisle, looking up at the sky, the crescent moon was so far away in the sky, it was as shallow as a thread.It was too cold, no amount of thick cloak could keep out the severe cold.Sometimes I wonder if I am a walking dead, but it turns out that she is still alive.

She was not sent to Xiyi, nor was she sent to Yongxiang, but went straight to Funing Palace.The lights in Funing Palace are brilliant, when stepping into the gate of the palace, one can see a person standing on the altar in front of the palace, dressed in black and brocade clothes, standing alone from a distance.She stood still, as if 1 years had passed.But he didn't make her come closer, nor did he say a word, just made a gesture.Huangmen led her back, she straightened her back, and she didn't want to show her weakness to be ridiculed.The Hall of Rouyi was the place where they got married, and it was an indescribable feeling that they came back to the original point after going around in a big circle.

It's just that the situation is different from before. As soon as she entered the hall with her front foot, the door of the hall with her back foot slammed shut.She heard the yellow door locked on the auxiliary head, she stood stiffly and closed her sour eyes.This palace is like a gorgeous and gloomy prison cell, blocking her connection with the outside world from today, maybe she will never be able to get out in this life.

The Forbidden Court under the darkness of night is uniquely vast and peaceful.The lights in Funing Palace were not turned off, so I sat upright today and listened to the recording of the details of the hunt tonight.

Cui Zhuyu died, and he died when he died, but he died at the hands of the queen. This made Lu Jing feel very emotional, "The sage has such courage, which is beyond my expectation. I am waiting for the ambush to prevent the Wurong people from attacking the sage." Unfavorable, I planned to wait until late at night to do it, but I didn't expect the saint to take the first step. The minister was heartbroken to see the saint, because she had too deep a relationship with the Miao Nei people, so she hated Cui Zhuyu to the bone. Fortunately, Yu Longzhi had already died at that time. I am in ambush, otherwise even if the saint kills Cui Zhutiao, it will be difficult for him to escape afterwards." He paused, and secretly glanced at his face, "Poor saint, are the officials really planning to imprison her? Now that the Miao Nei people are dead, Jin My sister-in-law and Brother Fo have also left, and there is no one around her who knows how to feel hot and cold. The night is hard, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon..."

He chattered a lot, but now his expression was indifferent.It took a long time to get up, and I went to the charcoal basin to stir the red-hot snail charcoal, "I don't need to be too smart to assign someone to her again, it is enough to take care of her food and daily life. Taking her back to the palace this time will definitely cause some troubles." Bolan, you must be careful with everything in Rouyi Palace. The back bedroom is a forbidden area from today onwards, without my order, no one is allowed to approach, the Queen Mother is no exception."

Lu Jing answered yes, and wanted to comfort him again, but after thinking about it, he gave up.They all need time to calm down, especially the officials and the queen.He turned around and looked at the watch, "It's getting late, the officials should rest earlier, the minister has ordered Shang Gong to go to the Rouyi Hall to wait for the saint to bathe and change clothes, I don't know if it's done now." He became worried again, "The saint After experiencing such a big change today, you can't be overwhelmed... The minister sent someone to watch, so that nothing happens."

He said it to him on purpose, and he went while talking.He sighed, and stood at the window to look out, the night was thick, and the mist was suspended in mid-air, hitting his face, it was as fine as a veil.Hearing that she killed Cui Zhuzhu, he was shocked and heartbroken.People who are originally delicate and flowery should not be associated with death and conspiracy.He blamed himself very much. He had to bear a lot of responsibility for her downfall to where she is today.But she shouldn't try to escape, he thought that he had already explained it thoroughly in Yaohua Palace that night, but it's a pity that she kept perfunctory and never really changed her mind.

To face her again, I don't know what will happen.Should I go see her?He hesitated a few times, and was still resentful before, but after hearing what happened tonight, he felt that compared to what happened to her, his emotions were nothing.There was no one close to her, and it was the most frightening and lonely time.It's not that he has a vicious mind, he actually thinks it's good.When you love someone so deeply that you can't do anything, you hope that her wings will be cut off.Even if he becomes a disabled person, he can take care of her for the rest of his life, as long as she doesn't leave.

He looked into the apse, and there was a melancholy light from the mullioned windows, and a figure walked over, with a thin profile, a little strange, not what he remembered.He felt a sudden pain in his heart, almost involuntarily, and walked through the corridor to find the light. His long sleeves were blown by the wind and hit the railing, sweeping away the severe frost on the surface.

She was still wandering around the front hall, not intending to go to bed.This is the case with the first murder, with guilt and fear, and it will get better gradually.Her feelings may be deeper, after all, that is a mentor for more than ten years, who once taught her the principles of dealing with people.When she was the most angry, she dared to do anything. He remembered that when the news of Chunwo's death came, she even dared to draw a sword to kill him in the army chief.

His queen is a strange woman who dares to think and act, but he can see the desolation behind it more clearly.If there is a backer, if it is not desperate, no one in the world is willing to let his hands be bloody.She is a poor person, she is young, and she has too much burden, which bends her back.

He put his hand on the door, the door frame was cold and chilling.She has nothing now, only him, so that's fine, she can always depend on each other for life.

In the hall, Shang Gong, who was sent in by Recording, persuaded her to change clothes, eat, and go to bed to rest.She said: "I can take care of myself, leave me alone. You go out and leave me alone."

Those Shang Palaces were ordered to take care of her, fearing that she would commit suicide, so they poked there like nails.Impatient, she became angry, and smashed the bronze Boshan stove, with a bang, the ground was full of sparks.There was a commotion among those Shanggongs, and then she yelled sharply, "You dogs look down on people, how dare you not listen to me now."

He opened the door and walked in. When she saw him, she was stunned for a moment, took two steps back, and hurriedly hid in the curtain of the apse.

Several Shanggong murmured, "Officials, the servants are incompetent..."

He waved his hand and signaled them to go out.Those palace officials bowed their knees and hurriedly retreated outside the hall as if they had been pardoned.

He looked down, the tower incense was not burned out, it was half-lit and half-extinguished on the blue bricks, and there was still a breath.As he walked forward, scorching flowers bloomed all over the road. The crow stepped on it, and it withered under his feet in a blink of an eye.

He shouldn't have come, and he gritted his teeth many times in Funing Palace, making up his mind to snub her and teach her a lesson.But as Lu Jing said, knowing that she was not far away, he couldn't hold back after all.It turned out that he didn't hold any grudges at all, he was crazy about his thoughts, and he would always be a useless person emotionally.

She didn't dare to see him, so she wrapped herself up, and the velvet curtain became a chrysalis, leaving only a slender ankle and a pair of small shoes embroidered with lotus flowers.

She is really a little silly sometimes, and her behavior is childish. Even after so many things, she can still see the clear marks left on her by the carefree years of the past 16 years.Thinking that wrapping her body so that others can't see her, reminding him of the roe deer he met during winter hunting, burying his head in the snow, deceiving himself and others is also a skill.

He stood in front of her and said through the curtain, "It's good to be back."

(End of this chapter)

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