This villain is so cute

Chapter 153 Young man, get to know each other 1 [Grievance to cry] 3

Chapter 153 Young man, learn about interpenetration [wronged to cry] 3
This day happens to be Children's Day.

The newly built cultural plaza in the town is very lively. The merchants rented land and filled it with children's play facilities. Most of the parents brought their children to celebrate the festival. It has already become a children's playground.

Shi Qing played with Yan Yi, Yan Yi's cousin Ji Qiuxue, and three or two children who had just played together in the big sand pile.

As for their parents, they sat chatting and looked at their mobile phones, staring at their children from time to time.

Seeing that the children were not running around, they continued to talk about the world and the family with peace of mind.

This large sand pile is provided by the square, unattended, and it is completely free for children to play. It is located in a relatively remote corner of the square and will not hinder other movable charging items.

There are also fixed recreational facilities such as slides, table tennis tables, and basketball courts next to them, all of which are free.

However, since everyone is tired of playing, most children will choose to play the rides that are charged for the rides that are only displayed on holidays.

Even if the parents are not willing, they still ask the parents to pay the money, otherwise they will lie on the ground crying and throwing their hands and legs.

Most parents can't bear this kind of children's usual tricks, and can only pay for it with their eyes wide open.

At this time, Shi Qing and Yan Yi are already five years old, they will be six years old next year, and they will be able to enter the first grade in the second half of the year.

Yanyi's cousin, Ji Qiuxue, is one year younger and lives in another community a bit far away, so she only has time to play together during holidays, because she has to accommodate her parents' time.

They can only come out when their parents have time to take them out. After all, they are too young to go out alone.

After cleverly playing the paid rides, the three children leisurely went to the sand pile to play with sand and took out their fixed sand playing tools.

Such as plastic shovels, small buckets, toy cars that can carry sand, funnels...

"Sister, I will build you a big princess castle right now!"

As soon as he arrived, Yan Yi said to Shi Qing with such confidence and fighting spirit.

Immediately after speaking, he started his hands to prove that he is not the kind of little boy who can only talk empty words.

Shi Qing squatted in the big pile of sand, slowly shoveled the fine sand into the small bucket with a plastic shovel, raised his eyes and glanced at him, encouraging him: "Okay, brother, can sister live in the castle?" , it's up to you."

When Yan Yi heard this, he became more motivated, and quickly built a pyramid with sand that was higher than his calf, and covered it with his clean hands to prevent it from collapsing.

Then he tugged on Shiqing's clothes with a sense of accomplishment, and motioned her to take a quick look, "Sister, all right, this castle is for you!"

Shi Qing's mouth twitched, she thought it was like a castle in a fairy tale.

However, the child's self-confidence could not be weakened, and she still praised: "Wow, brother, you are amazing, this castle is so beautiful."

Shi Qing's heart: Oh, it's too difficult for her, she has to praise other children against her will.

Under the bright sunshine in the morning, Yan Yi was very happy when he heard the praise: "I can build you another one."

When Ji Qiuxue saw it, she begged: "Brother, brother, I want one too! You can build one for my sister too!"

Yan Yi glanced at her, and became reluctant: "All right."

Then, he took a hollow triangular tool, pressed it in the sand, and then picked up the tool, and a triangular sand pile stood in front of him.

Yan Yi pointed at it and said to Ji Qiuxue: "Here, here you are, your castle."

After finishing speaking, he continued to play with the sand, wanting to build a bigger castle for Shi Qing.

Ji Qiuxue: "???"

Facing her own castle that can be crushed with one hand, and comparing it to the big castle her cousin made for Shi Qing’s sister, 4-year-old Ji Qiuxue sniffed, her eyes were red, and she was so wronged that she almost cried come out.

But Ji Qiuxue didn't say anything, thinking that if her brother didn't build a big one for her, she would do it by herself, hum!
Next, she groaned and tossed with the sand, determined to build the largest one in the universe by herself, so that everyone would envy her!

Ha ha, a special child's heart.

Shi Qingcai ignored the two of them and continued to pack sand without raising his head.

Pour it into the funnel toy when it is full, watch the sand slowly leak out, and then continue to fill it.

The other children also play quietly by themselves, the sand pile is big enough, and the toys are brought by themselves to play by themselves, there is no need to fight or grab, and there are parents watching around, so they will not make trouble.

However, just as Yan Yi was making a pyramid as high as his navel, a strange little boy ran over from nowhere. He looked about the same age and height as them, but he was a hundred times more mischievous than them.

"Ah, look at my whirlwind legs!"

"Hey, Foshan Shadowless Foot!"

While shouting these two moves, he kicked the pyramid that Yan Yi had just built to collapse with his feet.

The little boy ruined other people's achievements for no reason. Not only did he have no self-blame or guilt, but he looked very accomplished and ran away laughing.

Without looking back, he continued to go to other places, trying to grab other children's toys.

It seems that he should be a "recidivist", and he has become accustomed to it, and he doesn't feel that he is doing something wrong.

It is estimated that the family members don't discipline them very much and let him bully other children.

If you get used to bullying and bullying, you will feel that it is natural that others deserve to be bullied by him, and he will not be punished anyway.

Shi Qing looked at the figure of the little boy running away, and didn't want to care about it.

Children are not sensible yet, it is normal to fight and fight.

At the beginning of human beings, they are not inherently good, but they need the education and guidance of parents and teachers to be kind.

Therefore, although many people are mischievous and bully people everywhere when they are young, because they grow up while receiving education, they will become mature and stable when they grow up.

Those who do not have or are unwilling to receive education will become cancerous tumors of society when they grow up, and continue to harm people.

However, when he raised his head lightly at that time, he saw Yan Yi with his mouth flattened, staring at the pile of sand that had been kicked down, his eyes were filled with crystal clear tears.

In no time, Dou Da's teardrops rolled down from his eyes, which were prettier than girls, and he looked aggrieved.

Shi Qing immediately felt that she must seek justice for him and not let him be bullied in vain.

"Brother, just wait, sister will let him come back obediently and apologize to you!"

After saying this, Shi Qing walked out of the sand, went to the faucet next to him to wash his hands, then walked to the center of the square with great momentum, and grabbed the naughty little boy by the back collar.

"Ah, what are you doing?" The little boy raised his dirty and unwashed face, punched and kicked Shi Qing, and shouted fiercely, "Let go of me, or I will kill you!" Oh yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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