This villain is so cute

Chapter 154 Young man, get to know each other 1 [Never apologize] 4

Chapter 154 Young man, let's understand each other [Never apologize] 4
He looks like a full-fledged child, punching and kicking with all his strength, very arrogant, and not worried about hurting others at all.

Fortunately, Shi Qing knew how to hide and was not hit by him.

At this time, Yan Yi, who was crying, and Ji Qiuxue, who was confused, ran over after him.

Well, here to watch.

Shiqing's fighting power is strong, they have seen it before, subduing a child of the same age, and they don't need the help of the two of them at all.

Shi Qing grabbed the brat by the back collar with one hand, put one hand on his hips to boost his momentum, and asked him seriously, "Don't you remember what bad thing you did just now?"

Xiongzi was really a little apprehensive watching it, and felt that he had lost his little face when he was surrounded by people.

In order to conceal these emotions, he rolled his eyes and yelled, "I have done so many bad things, how can I remember?"

This look that he is very proud of doing a lot of bad things, anyone who sees it will itch, wishing to beat him up.

Shi lightly gritted his teeth, and waited until the teeth were no longer itchy, and then reminded him: "Just now in that pile of sand, you kicked down my brother's pyramid, shouldn't you apologize to my brother, say sorry?"

That's right, Shi Qing was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to apologize.

These words are telling him in private that saying "I'm sorry" to others is the basic way to apologize for doing something wrong.

The bear pouted, of course he didn't want to.

Don't think that because he is young, he doesn't understand anything. He knows that apologizing is tantamount to admitting defeat.

He, Niu Hulu Rongxin, will never apologize, never admit defeat!
Shi Qingcai didn't care what he thought, and dragged him to Yan Yi, "Quickly, apologize to my brother."

The bear kid tried to escape with brute force.

But he soon realized that no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of Shi Qing's hand holding his back.

He really started to get scared and wanted to cry.

Crying is an excellent weapon for a child.

For adults, crying is not the solution, but for children, it is.

As soon as the child cries, the parents immediately accommodate and the problem is solved immediately.

When the little bear had no choice, he thought of crying.

He burst into tears suddenly, but he still refused to admit defeat and yelled: "Man, man, I want the first one, and I want the first one. It's impossible to apologize. Hit me if you have the ability!"

How familiar are the lines coming to his face, from which it can be known that this brat must have watched TV series a lot at home.

"Okay, if you refuse to apologize, then go and help my brother make a new pyramid that is exactly the same." Shi pointed lightly at the pile of sand.

Yan Yi was stunned, and pointed out seriously: "Sister, mine is a castle."

Shi Qing blinked, thinking a little bit in his heart.

Well, a castle is a castle.

She then opened her mouth to the brat in her hand: "...Oh, yes, my brother's is a castle."

The bear child was sobbing, but he raised his chin with backbone: "Okay, it's not difficult, just do one."

"I don't want him to do it." Yan Yi became disgusted instead, "The castle I gave to my sister can only be made by myself. It is not sincere for others to do it for me."

Shi Qing: "..." Otherwise, what should I do?
One refused to apologize, and the other refused to accept a redo, but what to do?

However, before Shi Qing could figure out what to do, suddenly a 60-year-old old woman rushed over and slapped her hand vigorously.

As soon as her hand hurt, she loosened the back collar of the bear boy.

The old woman pulled the bear child into her hands, and said to Shi in an aggressive manner, "Where did the stinky girl come from to bully my precious grandson? What about your parents! In case my grandson is not feeling well, I want your parents to lose money!"

The old woman's voice was so loud that it could be heard in almost the whole square.

The protected child started to feel complacent when he had something to rely on. The villain complained first, "Grandma, she just bullied me!"

When the old woman heard the words, she became even more angry.

Some people who knew the mother-in-law and grandson felt contemptuous in their hearts, and discussed in low voices with the people around them:

"It's just her grandson who can be mischievous and can turn the sky upside down. If he doesn't bully others, others will laugh at him. I'm ashamed to say it here."

"That's right, that little girl is soft and cute, how could she bully her grandson."

"I still want compensation from others, I think I'm crazy about money."

It's a pity that the old woman is hard of hearing and can't hear these discussions at all.

In fact, many people speak loudly because they are deaf, and this is especially true for old women.

Shi Qing was a little confused by the old woman's loud voice, and when she came back to her senses, she found that Yan Yi was helping her rub the hand that was beaten just now.

The child's skin was fair and tender, but when the old woman slapped it so hard, the back of her hand turned red.

Yan Yi's movements are very light, and he even blows on the back of her hand from time to time, with a very caring appearance.

If it wasn't for the big teardrops falling from his eyes.

Shi Qing felt that not only girls are made of water, but also young boys are also made of water, and tears come when they say it.

"Hey, don't cry, I didn't even cry." Shi Qing squinted at Yan Yi.

Yan Yi hiccupped: "Woooo, then I'll help you cry."

Shi Qing: "..." Excuse me, you continue.

Shi Qing took Yan Yi and Ji Qiuxue and left, completely ignoring the indiscriminate old woman in front of her.

If there are bear children, they will think of the bear parents. It is useless to reason, it will only waste saliva and cause trouble.

Shi Qing and the three turned their heads and left.

After all, it was a small fight between children, and with so many people watching, even if the old woman was dissatisfied, she could only curse behind her back.

Children, what do you know? It is impossible to stop other people's children from fussing about such a small matter.

On the other side of the sand pile, the parents of the three people immediately put away their phones and rushed over after realizing that something was wrong.

After understanding the whole process, the parents naturally felt guilty, blaming them for being too fascinated by looking at their mobile phones just now.

Looking at the wronged children, they swore that they would never play with their mobile phones when they brought their children out!

The validity of this oath: 1 minute!

Because after 1 minute, they felt itchy again, and couldn't help but take out their mobile phones to take a look...

After returning to their own homes, the parents began to educate their children.

Xu Huiling looked disgusted: "Ayi, as a boy, you are born to protect girls. If you don't want to, you will cry. Mom will feel embarrassed when she sees it."

Yan Yi blinked his tear-stained eyes, expressing his incomprehension, and asked in a childish voice: "Sister is very powerful, can't she protect me?"

Hearing this, the corners of Xu Huiling's eyes twitched, and she immediately thought of the word "Shou", and she felt dizzy for a moment.

 Xiongzi (Niu Hulu·Rongxin), the male protagonist of the previous plane, was blindly doted on by his grandmother in the early stage, and he was a little hard to explain, but he will grow up later.

  Ji Qiuxue, the heroine of the last plane, is now Yan Yi's cousin.Daily: Woohoo, my cousin won't take me to play, so I'll find Sister Shiqing to play with.

  Yan Yi's eyes filled with resentment: ...

(End of this chapter)

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