This villain is so cute

Chapter 183 I Like You, Together 1 [On Hot Search Again] 2

Chapter 183 I Like You, Together [Hot Search Again] 2
In the variety show "Like You, Together", there are four male guests and four female guests, one male and one female form a group according to the script.

Teaming up with Xiao Xian is naturally the real heroine Chen Wenfei.

These two people had a sincere love in the various intimate interactions during the filming of this love variety show.

Teaming up with Shi Qing is Feng Ying, a female singer who recently debuted in a talent show. From the photos, she looks like a very cute and cute girl with a baby face and big eyes.

Shi Qing felt that Feng Ying, a girl, matched her image, and the two of them formed a team, and she would definitely take care of this girl.

The other group is Xu Yuanxin, a variety show star who has been very popular in the past two years, and Yang Yuanfa, a high-pitched little prince in the music industry.

There is another group, one is this year's newly released young actor He Yaoyan, and the other is last year's actress Xie Xiaomei.

There were eight people in total, all the women were young and beautiful, and all the men were well-groomed.

It is very realistic, because choosing ugly guests will seriously affect the ratings.

This variety show is going to shoot ten episodes, one episode a week, and one episode will be filmed for three days.

When the last episode is filmed, the audience can select a pair of guests with the sweetest interaction, and the winning pair with the highest number of votes can receive a special gift package from the program group, as well as the film and television resources of this TV station.

Early in the morning, after Shi Qing arrived at the program group, he ate another melon before seeing Xiao Xianyi.

#Xiao Xianyi and outside the circle boyfriend candlelight dinner#
#Xiao Xianyi came out of the closet#
#Detail Xiao Xianyi's Boyfriends#
Only two days have passed, and Xiao Xianyi has been on the trending searches with another man again.

Now, no one scolded "Wu Shi" any more, they only thought it was Xiao Xianyi's fault.

On the way to the program group, Xiao Xianyi ate his own melon with a black face and a resentful expression on his face.

I endured it and endured it, and finally couldn't help but make a phone call.

"Hey, Yiyi, miss me so soon?"

On the other end of the phone, a man's pretentious voice came, making Xiao Xian's goosebumps fall all over the floor with disgust.

"Feng Zhishang, you posted the hot search on Weibo?"

Xiao Xianyi almost gritted his teeth, and spoke in a very sure tone.

"What hot search, I don't know anything."

As soon as Xiao Xian heard it, Feng Zhishang was obviously pretending to be confused.

Xiao Xian became even more angry: "It's just the trending search that we had dinner together last night!"

Feng Zhishang laughed and admitted: "Oh, yes, I played that one. I didn't do it to create heat for the variety show we're going to shoot next."

"Us?" Xiao Xian caught the word and became puzzled.

Feng Zhishang didn't answer him, but happily said two words: "Wait for me."

Xiao Xianyi looked at the phone that was hung up, and cursed in a low voice with a depressed expression.

wait for him?

It sounds as if they really have something, the devil is waiting for him!

While sitting on the sofa prepared by the program group and waiting for other guests to appear, Shi Qing discovered that because Xiao Xianyi appeared in today's hot search, other guests looked at her with sympathy.

It doesn't matter when it is light, anyway, everyone just gets together temporarily, and there is no intersection at ordinary times.

After filming this variety show, no one will know anyone outside, so there is no need to take other people's eyes to heart.

Shi Qing was the first guest to come to the program group. After asking the audience well in front of the camera, she sat at the end of the corner of the couch in the room.

She is dressed in black casual clothes, her skin is fair and tender, her short hair is cool and handsome, and her delicate and charming facial features are 360 ​​degrees in front of the camera without any dead ends.

After sitting down, Shi Qing leisurely looked out the door, waiting for the next person to come in, without any restraint.

After waiting for about 3 minutes, a female guest wearing a fashionable short skirt and small suit came in, and greeted Shi Qing with a confident and friendly smile on her face:
"Hi, my name is Chen Wenfei, nice to meet you!"

When a female guest arrives, Shi Qing, as a male guest, naturally has to stand up to greet him to show his gentlemanly demeanor.

"Hello, my name is Wu Shi."

Shi Qing introduced herself very into the drama, and invited Chen Wenfei to take a seat, and thoughtfully found a clean blanket for Chen Wenfei to cover her legs that the short skirt could not cover.

Then, in order not to stand in the cold, Shi Qing was very good at finding topics to talk about, and specifically picked out Chen Wenfei's strengths to talk about, so moved that Chen Wenfei's eyes sparkled.

Chen Wenfei is different from "Wu Shi". She debuted as a star for the sake of fame and fortune, and to reach the pinnacle of her life. Love is just incidental.

The task that the system required Chen Wenfei to complete was to successfully counterattack from an [-]th-line starlet to obtain the title of actress in a short period of time.

To participate in this variety show, Chen Wenfei largely wanted to get close to the new actor He Yaoyan, and to increase her popularity by the way.

But looking at it now, Chen Wenfei feels that Wu Shi, who came out of the closet a few days ago, makes people feel really good, knowing etiquette and caring.

Before coming here, she thought Wu Shi was that kind of sissy and pretentious man, but when she saw him, the real person was handsome, cool, gentle and caring, which made her feel so good!
While the two were chatting happily, two female guests came in at the same time.

Shi Qing and Chen Wenfei smiled and stood up at the same time.

The meeting etiquette of the three female guests is to hug each other in a friendly way, and ask each other how they are.

This section will be edited for the audience to see, so everyone behaved very enthusiastically, like a friendly friend.

When the time came, he just shook hands with the two female guests who had just arrived.

After watching, Xie Xiaomei and variety show star Xu Yuanxin were surprised at the same time, why boys' hands can also be slender and more beautiful than girls' hands, and they can also be as weak and boneless as girls' hands...

But the two didn't show it, they had perfect smiles on their faces at the same time, but when they sat down, they pretended to glance at "Wu Shi"'s chest inadvertently.

Yimapingchuan, there is no doubt that it is a man.

The two found the opportunity to glance at "Wu Shi"'s neck again.

The Adam's apple is not obvious, and the ability in that area is definitely not good, so it is suitable to be a subject.

Everyone who works hard in the entertainment industry is a genius, no one knows that Xie Xiaomei and Xu Yuanxin, two female guests with perfect smiles and dignified sitting postures, are thinking about some messy things in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, the new film star He Yaoyan and the high-pitched little prince Yang Yuanfa appeared one after another.

After everyone greeted each other, they sat back on the sofa and continued to wait.

There are two long soft sofas in the large room at the scene, one male guest sits together, and the other female guest sits together.

Sitting between the two beautiful men, Shi Qing didn't panic at all, she was even thinking about what to eat after the recording of the show.

In front of the camera, everyone gets along like half-brothers and sisters, talking happily.

Until, a handsome man came in with a dark face, and the air pressure on the scene suddenly dropped.

(End of this chapter)

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