This villain is so cute

Chapter 184 I Like You, Together 1 [Changed Guests] 3

Chapter 184 Like You, Together [Changed Guest] 3
Before entering the entertainment industry, Xiao Xianyi was a pampered son who wanted everything from the wind to the rain.

When you are in a bad mood and want to lose your temper, never hold back.

For example, his face was blackened because of the hot search, and he didn't rearrange his expression when he entered the shooting scene. He just appeared in the camera with extremely low pressure, and he didn't mind being photographed and released for the audience and fans to see.

But, no matter what others can do, first of all, you must do your part. The guests present stood up and greeted Xiao Xianyi as usual.

After all, Xiao Xianyi is top-notch, and there is a large group of fans behind him who support him wholeheartedly, so he is completely free to be his true self.

And they are very concerned about their own image, for fear that if they accidentally fart, fans will find out that they will lose their fans.

Xiao Xianyi did not appear to be in a happier mood because of the friendliness shown to him by others.

With a dark face, he looked at "Wu Shi" who had a calm expression and didn't look at him more. Seeing that the other party looked unfamiliar with him, he thought of his manager telling him to keep a distance from Wu Shi. Xian Yi sat next to another male guest, and did not approach "Wu Shi".

After Xiao Xian arrived, everyone started to feel inexplicably embarrassed, and everyone just smiled dryly and stopped talking.

The two hosts hurried out to warm up the scene.

Only then did Shi Qing realize that Feng Ying, the female guest who was her partner, had not come for a long time.

Shi Qing couldn't help wondering, could it be that Feng Ying didn't want to partner with her because she saw the hot search about her coming out?
While thinking this way, a man suddenly pushed the door open.

In the entertainment industry, all kinds of handsome men and women can be seen everywhere, so when a handsome guy they don't know comes in, everyone doesn't have much trouble in their hearts, they just think: Did this guy go to the wrong set?
They still need a female guest, not a male guest.

However, facing the guests with strange faces, the man began to introduce himself: "Hi everyone, I am the substitute guest Feng Zhishang! Feng Ying, the female singer of our company, has withdrawn from our variety show due to schedule reasons. Next I will take her place in the entire recording of "Like You, Together", please take care of me!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Zhishang smiled intriguingly, and glanced at Xiao Xianyi.

Xiao Xian's face turned darker, thinking that this guy must be coming for him, so he quickly turned his eyes away from him, so he didn't notice that after Feng Zhishang quickly looked away, he quietly looked at "Wu Shi" more A few glances.

But Shi Qing found out.

This kind of thing that didn't match the original plot naturally caught Shi Qing's attention immediately.

In the original plot, Feng Zhishang has been his business boss from the beginning to the end, has never set foot in the entertainment circle, and has never opened any entertainment company under his name. There is no such thing as Feng Ying being the female singer of his company.

At this moment, Feng Zhishang suddenly had a dinner with Xiao Xian and was on the hot search, came out of the closet scandal, and suddenly squeezed out the female singer Feng Ying. The overbearing president should not come to participate in the recording of a TV variety show. His motives are very impressive. people doubt.

Shi Qing kept her eyes on Feng Zhishang, so she naturally noticed Feng Zhishang's eyes.

Shi Qing had a strange illusion in her heart, she always felt that Feng Zhishang's participation in the variety show this time was aimed at her, not Xiao Xianyi!

Temporary replacement, and a female guest was replaced by a male guest. The director of the program felt very embarrassed, but he didn't say anything. After all, the investors are all fathers.

But the investor's father usually puts his own daughter or the company's artistes out to show his face. This kind of investor's father personally appeared on the stage. They have been working in the program group for more than 20 and [-] years, and this is the first time they have seen each other.

Seeing these three words in a long time, the truth is undoubtedly true!

So, three female guests and five male guests moved the venue and started recording the love variety show together.

At the beginning of the show, in order not to let the audience suspect that there is a script, the eight guests need to show their charm and talent first, sell themselves to others to choose, and choose their favorite partners.

Everyone is very good at acting, and they all acted like "'falling in love' with me is the sweetest and happiest, and they will definitely get the highest number of votes from the audience!
Male guests and female guests randomly performed one-on-one in front of the camera, performing a touching performance. Of course, in the end, they all had to choose the partner in their own script.

There were only three male guests present who did not come out to interact with the female guests, Xiao Xianyi, Shi Qing, and Feng Zhishang.

The three people seemed to be watching the fun, sitting there motionless watching other people's performances.

Xiao Xianyi seemed to be far away from the virus, and sat far away from the two of them, his face still not calmed down, Chen Wenfei felt very melancholy, and did not want to choose such a bad-tempered male guest as his partner at all.

If possible, Chen Wenfei would like to choose Wu Shi, who was very caring when she first appeared, and she will be happy only if she falls in love with such a boy.

How could it be like Xiao Xianyi, who would show his dark face to anyone, as if he were a real version of a domineering president?
Maybe because of Chen Wenfei's gaze or the obviousness, Shi Qing felt that she got the meaning of the other party.

But, the heroine belongs to the hero, Shi Qing really doesn't want to get involved!

But she couldn't bear to be disappointed by the beauty, so she stood up after the others had finished performing, and then turned her back and waited for the female guest to come out and perform the feeling of being in love with her.

During the waiting process, Shi Qing was unavoidably a little apprehensive. If the female guest minded the news of her coming out and didn't want to perform in the same frame as her, it would be embarrassing.

Fortunately, such embarrassing things did not happen to her.

Because a warm hand stretched out from behind her and gently held her palm.

Before she turned around, Shi Qing heard an uproar behind her, and the other guests seemed to have seen something terrible, and they all screamed in surprise.

Shi Qing turned around in bewilderment, and found that the one who came out to hold her hand was actually Feng Zhishang?

Shi Qing was so shocked that her eyelids twitched, and subconsciously wanted to retract her hand, but she couldn't retract it all at once, and she couldn't be too obvious in front of the camera.

"Uh, you... your hands are so warm."

At first, Shi Qing wanted to say "what are you doing", but after thinking about it, I still think it's not good to say it like this.

In Feng Zhishang's eyes, the affectionate nostalgia came from somewhere. He looked at Shiqing without blinking, and held Shiqing's hands with both hands. He confessed affectionately in a gentle and loving voice:

"Then, can you let me warm you for the rest of your life?"

Shi Qing: "..."

Shi Qing was stunned, and couldn't tell whether the other party was sincere or acting.

The same goes for the other guests, their jaws almost dropped to the ground in surprise.

Why is this man obviously not a celebrity entertainer, but his acting skills are at the textbook level?

That look, that movement, it's too easy to put people into emotions!

 Note: This chapter is not finished and is being revised, please do not subscribe to the next chapter.

  Babies, you have to be good, I told you not to subscribe but I still saw you subscribed, I feel so guilty.

  But I can’t help it. I’ve been out of shape for the past few days, and I can’t find the feeling of writing this article. It should be a period of fatigue.

  You can keep the article, and you can read it again after a while, I don’t know when I can update it properly.

(End of this chapter)

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