Raising a Wise Husband: A Lovely Wife and a Husband

Chapter 212: Spring Night 1st Moment

Chapter 212

Aunt Mi's heart sank, so she knew she was hungry, so she ordered someone to make food for her, while she sat at the table and began to think.

She has already gained benefits for the Mi family by coming to the palace. Even if something happened to her elder brother, the current Mi family is still thriving, and it is not comparable to the original.

I believe that as long as there are another 30 to [-] years, their Mi family will overwhelm the Jin family and become the largest family in the city.

However, what she thinks is not just the prosperity of the family: of course, that is what she needs, because it is one of the capitals for her to gain a foothold in the palace; what makes her even more reluctant to let go is that Mu Shuyuan is still in good health.

Her failures again and again are not without benefits. Now she knows Mu Shuyuan better, and Mu Shuyuan's cards are all turned up: now she is sure to be sure if she wants to make trouble.

Thinking of Mu Shuyuan crying bitterly, thinking that Mu Shuyuan would kneel at her feet and admit that she was wrong at the beginning: Miss Mi should be allowed to become a member of the Jin family——that was a beauty in her heart.

A big hand lightly landed on her shoulder: "What are you thinking about so preoccupied, don't you think about me?" The voice was so slippery.

Aunt Mi was startled, she stroked her chest and turned her head to scold the visitor: "You're scaring me to death, and you're walking without making any noise—why are you here at such a time, it's really hard for people to see."

"What are you afraid of? Do you really think those two girls of yours don't know?" The man was wearing ordinary clothes, and his hair was tied up casually with a cloth belt—but being able to freely enter and leave the palace at night is really impressive. Can't see his identity.

"You don't have to worry about them. I put them on the bed a long time ago. Now they are determined, and they will never dare to spoil your good deeds. Come on, a moment of spring night is worth a thousand dollars. Today I will beg my aunt well." your favor."

Aunt Mi spat at him, but no matter her expression or her behavior, there was no trace of annoyance, but rather flattery: "Say nonsense!"

Her eyes rolled: "You, really have to put those two girls..." She never thought that the two people she trusted the most had betrayed her, and if this person hadn't said it out today, she would still be kept in the dark.

"Are you jealous?" The man smiled and pulled Aunt Mi up: "It's because you can't get away, and I miss you so much, so I just use them to calm my anger-how can they compare with you, Auntie? I'm also thinking about my aunt, so that they won't have other thoughts, you know that old woman."

When the man said this, hatred flashed in his eyes: "There are her people in the whole house, so we have to guard against it."

Aunt Mi gave him a white look: "You really don't care? I'll sell the two foxes tomorrow, so don't feel bad about it then." She really had such a heart, of course not right now.

Originally, those two girls knew a lot, she was already uneasy, and now she couldn't tolerate them even more: they dared to touch the food in her bowl!

The man giggled and said, "Whatever you want."

Aunt Mi's dinner has become a supper, and she is very sleepy. If she is not so hungry, she really doesn't want to eat any more and goes to bed: it's all because of that damned hungry ghost, who finally sent him away.

After taking a few mouthfuls of nonsense, she fell asleep, because she had to get up early tomorrow: the lord can't see that she's not in good spirits, let alone that the lord can't find that her face is not good--sleep, she can't sleep less.

Fortunately, the prince's early waking up refers to the sun rising three poles. Aunt Mi woke up earlier and the sun climbed into the sky. She looked in the mirror and felt okay, and she dressed up carefully before going to the kitchen.

When the prince came, breakfast was ready, and he sat Aunt Lami on his lap: "It smells so good. You have worked hard again today. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Aunt Mi lowered her head: "As long as the lord doesn't get angry with the concubine, that's fine. If you don't get angry, that's the greatest reward for the concubine. The concubine already knew that she had done something wrong in the Jin Mansion—at that time, she just wanted to let people know The majesty of the prince is actually due to his long hair and short knowledge."

The prince let her go with a smile, and pointed to the chair beside him: "Whatever you are angry with, I will forget about it. Well, your idea is good. The Jin family really needs to give it a good beating, but you The approach was wrong.”

While talking, he took the wet cotton towel handed by Aunt Mi to wipe his hands: "Okay, don't be like an angry little daughter-in-law. You will have a chance to recover your lost dignity in front of the Jin family."

Aunt Mi laughed: "There is nothing wrong with being a concubine, as long as everyone respects the prince." She served the prince with fragrant porridge: "My lord, please eat first, and the concubine is going to greet the princess, and I will be back in a while." .”

"Princess? You don't need to go." The prince asked someone to serve a bowl of porridge for Aunt Mi: "You did something wrong in the Jin Mansion, but your heart knows it. The princess, she also needs to know who is the master of the palace. Now, you don’t have to go to pay your respects in the future, just say it’s my king’s words.”

Aunt Mi laughed so hard she couldn't see her eyes, because no matter how much you are favored in the palace, the princess can't be wrong: it's not what the princess will do, the prince will be the first to let you go.

This is the first time the prince has said such a thing, why is Aunt Mi unhappy?She is different in Wang Ye's heart.

"The prince doesn't have to get angry with the princess. In fact, everything is not the princess' fault. You and the princess have been husband and wife for decades. You still don't know the temperament of the princess? If it weren't for the Mu family in the Jin Mansion who stirred up the wind and rain, how could the princess be like this?" What are you doing behind your lord's back?" Aunt Mi didn't miss such a good opportunity, she opened her mouth and directed the words to Shu Yuan.

The prince narrowed his eyes: "That Mu family really owes a lesson. But with the princess there, it's not good for me to go to the Jin mansion to question her—that would be too honorable for the Jin family and the Mu family."

Aunt Mi was heartbroken when she heard it: "My lord, of course you can't go to the Jin family again. Who are they who are worthy of your passing over several times? It's not impossible for the Mu family to teach her a lesson. In fact, as long as the lord In a word, can she have a good life?"

"Knowing how powerful the lord is, she will know that there are some things that she can't get involved in." Aunt Mi looked at the expression on the lord's face, and she was very careful in her words, almost every word was thought and thought before she said it. : "For example..."

Today's sunshine is not good, it has been sunny or cloudy since getting up in the morning, which makes Shu Yuan not very energetic after waking up, as if she didn't get enough sleep: in fact, she slept well.

She cheered up and went to see her parents. Seeing that her younger brother's injury had stabilized, she felt relieved.After talking with her mother for a while, mainly to persuade her again and again, when she looked back at her father, she still felt a little awkward in her heart.

After this incident, she lost three points of affection for her father.Blood is thicker than water, even if she complained in her heart, she didn't want her parents to have trouble again, so she could only suppress everything.

On the other hand, Eleven scolded Master Mu very unceremoniously, and dug a hole to bury herself in what Master Mu said, so she let Master Mu go: She doesn't like Master Mu very much.

"Sister, why don't you have a good father? Look, your father-in-law is that virtuous, your own father, eh." She glanced at Shuyuan and stopped talking: "Sister, when are we going back to the capital? It's no fun here."

"I thought the people outside the palace would be very nice, very nice, just like what is written in the book: fathers are kind, sons are filial, brothers and brothers are respectful; but I didn't expect that compared with those in the palace, they are not much better." She sighed. : "It would be great if our women could become officials like men. At least the smart women in the world don't have to marry."

Shu Yuan patted the princess on the head: "What are you thinking about again? You..."

"Sister, those are the carriages and horses of the Wangfu." Eleven suddenly interrupted Shu Yuan, poking his head out to look at the carriage passing by: "It is the carriages and horses of the Wangfu, wouldn't they come back from Jin's house? "

After she finished speaking, she slapped herself on the mouth lightly: "Crow's mouth, anyone can walk this road, why must they come from the Jin Palace." She didn't go to the palace because she didn't like the old prince.

Eleven wants to wait for the old concubine to come back before going to the palace. At least the old concubine is there, so she won’t be scolded by the old prince all the time—won’t it be the old prince who sent someone to pick her up?
Shuyuan also saw the carriage of the Wangfu after being reminded on the [-]th, and said after pulling Her Royal Highness to sit, "It's just a normal carriage in the Wangfu, and it's definitely not going to Jinfu to invite you—how could there be such a thing as inviting our Highness the Princess?" Waiting for the carriage?"

Eleven was also concerned about the chaos, and when she heard the words, she knew that what Shu Yuan said was reasonable, so she felt at ease.At the gate of the Jin Mansion, the concierge didn't stop Shuyuan's carriage to reply, so Shi Shi knew that the carriage of the Wang Mansion had nothing to do with him.

She was only worried about herself, but she forgot that the prince came to the Jin Mansion last time not because of herself, but to trouble Shu Yuan.The carriage of the Wangfu didn't come to seek her bad luck today, so it doesn't necessarily mean that it has nothing to do with the Jinfu.

As soon as she got out of the car at the second gate, the silver needle left in the mansion grabbed Shuyuan's arm, but she didn't say anything: there were many daughters-in-law at the second gate.

Seeing Yinzhen's appearance, Shuyuan knew that something was wrong, and she stood still and looked at Yinzhen after walking away from the second door. Although she didn't speak, Yinzhen understood what she meant.

Before Yinzhen could speak, two girls turned around at the corner not far away, saw Shuyuan and Qi Qi saluted: "Young Mistress, the old lady invites you to go over to discuss matters."

Shuyuan nodded and then looked at Yinzhen, thinking of the carriage of the palace for some reason—could it be that the prince is really bored and looking for trouble?
Eleven's hands tightened, but she still held Shuyuan's hand with a lot of peace of mind: "Sister, I don't want to live in the palace." She came out to play, if she was locked in the palace, she might as well stay in the capital.

Shu Yuan nodded: "It's okay, don't worry, it's okay." She could see clearly in Yin Zhen's eyes that what the old lady wanted to discuss had nothing to do with Her Royal Highness.

(End of this chapter)

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