Chapter 213
Eleven did not let go of Shuyuan's words after hearing Shuyuan's words, she still had no idea; she knew very well what kind of person the old prince was, and she knew even more what it meant to the old prince that she left the Jin Mansion to live in the Wang Mansion.

She has experienced more darkness than Shuyuan, and has seen more conspiracies than Shuyuan, so she is so nervous: she is out to play, and she doesn't want to be a pawn in anyone's hands.

Concern is one of them, and another is that the place where Eleven grew up decided that she thought things differently from Shuyuan: this is the Jin family, not the palace.

Shu Yuan is not too nervous, the old lady will not be too hard on her now: the relationship between her and the elders of the Jin family is a bit tense, not only she does not want to continue to be like this, but the old lady and others do not want to continue like this.

So even if something happened, the old lady wanted to make the big thing smaller.

Of course, she didn't forget what the old prince said, but she didn't think about getting involved in the palace. As for the eldest son of the Mi family - he sent it to his door, and he wanted to make trouble for him. The prince's concubine, she will let him bully her, right?
It's not for the matter of Her Royal Highness, could it be that the old concubine is back?Turning her mind around, Shu Yuan took Shi Yi to the gate of the old lady's courtyard.

It's not that she doesn't want to let go of Eleven, but that Eleven refuses to let go of her hand, so she can only let Eleven go.

Shuyuan thought of the old princess frowning, will the old prince come to trouble herself again because of the princess?One must know that Wang Hao didn't send anyone over, but the matter probably has something to do with the Lu family, right?

Seeing Shuyuan coming, someone had already come to help her, and said to Shuyuan in a low voice: "Young lady, the old lady told you not to get angry, the old lady is there for everything; time is long, don't always worry about it." at the moment."

Hearing the girl's words, Shu Yuan stopped in her tracks.If the old lady hadn't asked the girl to pass on the message, she wouldn't have thought too much about it, and she didn't think she couldn't handle it.

But the old lady specially sent someone to pass on the message, but it made Shu Yuan's heart lift up, knowing that things must not be simple.

Just as she was about to ask the girl, someone came out from the corridor through the curtain, and saw Shuyuan squatting down and saying Wanfu: "Young Mistress, be careful where you step." Lu's unexpectedly arrived at the old lady's room one step earlier than Shuyuan.

It was inconvenient for Shu Yuan to ask any more questions, so she held the girl's hand and went up the steps, walked up to Lu Shi and raised her hand: "You came early."

Mrs. Lu quickly stretched out her hand to help Shu Yuan: "It was the old lady who sent someone to summon her, and the concubine came here. At that time, the concubine was nearby, so she was a few steps ahead of the young mistress." After she finished speaking, she bent down to attract Shu Yuan. into the house.

Hearing that Jin Chengye had also come, Shuyuan's heart tightened even more, knowing that things should be very troublesome.However, she didn't show anything in front of Mrs. Lu, and stepped into the room without further words.

There are quite a lot of people in the room, but the person sitting at the top is not the prince but the old lady: the person from the palace is not of high status, so naturally the old lady can't let the old lady give up the seat.

Shu Yuan glanced at the room, said hello to the old lady, and saw Mrs. Zhao giving her a wink, she went and sat next to Mrs. Zhao.

Both Wang and Sun were absent, and I don't know why: Sun is lucky to say that Wang protects Lu Fuhui like an eyeball, so he can rest assured?
Shu Yuan thought about sitting down, and frowned when she saw that Mrs. Lu was still standing beside her: "Rule."

Lu lowered her head: "Yes, young mistress." She was too honest today, without any dissatisfaction, she obediently stood behind Shu Yuan, and did not forget to take the tea from the girl's hand and put it in front of Shu Yuan.

Lu Fuhui's abnormality didn't make Shuyuan think too much, because she didn't have the time to deal with her now.Shuyuan's eyes turned around the people in the palace, and raised her brows when she saw Mrs. Mi: Unexpectedly, she is quite capable, and today the palace is dominated by her.

The old lady coughed a few times: "Shuyuan, the prince sent someone to send some things to the princess, and at the same time rewarded us with some." She paused at this point: "You don't get rewarded for nothing, we shouldn't accept it." A generous gift from my lord."

She doesn't need to say it, but Shuyuan also knows that the Jin family can refuse to accept the things the prince wants to send; Shuyuan just wonders what the palace sent that would make the old lady so disturbed—the old lady spoke, and Zhao's hand He stretched out his hand to hold Shuyuan.

"Old lady, are you dissatisfied with the prince's generous reward?" Aunt Mi said, but her eyes fell on Shuyuan: "Our prince is so thoughtful, knowing that Mrs. Jin has a lot of inconveniences in pregnancy, so I gave you an abortion." Not to mention the medicinal materials, I even sent a young mistress to serve the seventh master of the Jin family."

"You don't say thank you, but you still want to shirk it. I really have to ask what dissatisfaction you have with the prince!" Her voice was not harsh.

She knew that there was no need to be loud or harsh at all. Whether she said it with a smile or softly, it would be a slap in the face to Mu Shuyuan: Don't you want another woman to step into the gate of your Jin family's North Mansion? ?

Our lord not only forced the Lu family to stay in Beifu, but also sent another beautiful maid to the seventh master of the Jin family as his concubine!Mu Shuyuan, I'm so mad at you.

Aunt Mi's eyes fluttered, and she felt indescribably happy: This is what she got in exchange for a hard work early this morning - seeing the change in Shu Yuan's face, she felt that the hard work this morning was really worth it .

Dare to deal with her Mi family, dare to harm her elder brother, Mu Shuyuan should know that there will be today.Of course, it's not that she's settling accounts with Mu Shuyuan right now, it's just collecting some interest.

The fun is still to come, she must let Mu Shuyuan know how powerful she is, and regret how she was treated in the Zhao Mansion that day.

Only then did Shuyuan understand why the old lady asked the girl to pass on the message to her. The "gift" from Aunt Mi was really too generous.

"Liu Xu, why don't you kowtow to the young mistress? You heard what the prince said. From now on, you will be a member of the Jin family and the seventh master of the Jin family. You must take good care of the young mistress Jin." Aunt Mi's eyes fluttered, with three points She glanced at Shuyuan again with her charm.

The palace maid named Liu Xu stepped forward and knelt down: "Wanfu, young mistress." She didn't say much, and she didn't kneel on the ground—she was very reluctant.It should be said that she was very unhappy to be sent to the Jin Mansion. You must know that she is not an anonymous person in the Wang Mansion, so what if she is in the Jin Family?
Give her some more time and the prince will agree to promote her as his concubine. Will it be the same if he becomes his concubine at the Jin family? !
She knew that everything was done by Aunt Mi, but now that she is under the roof, so what if she has a lot of resentment?Who made her still a servant while Aunt Mi has already flown to the branches.

Jin Chengye was always behind the old lady, and he raised his head when Shu Yuan came in, but Shu Yuan didn't seem to see him, her eyes didn't stay on him from the beginning to the end.

"My wife can't bear such a big gift." He took two steps forward: "The prince rewards the boy with gratitude, but the boy has no blessing to accept it. He will definitely come to the mansion tomorrow to plead guilty."

Aunt Mi smiled: "The seventh master of the Jin family said——, I dare not pass it on to the prince. Old lady, look?" She didn't care what Jin Chengye said at all, because she knew that the old lady would not and would not dare to take catkins. Get out.

"It's useless to anyone. If I say no, it won't work, unless the young mistress of Beifu changes." Shufa's voice is not too loud: "Otherwise, Aunt Mi, please go back and say, please come to the king's order to let the Jin family Divorce me?"

Aunt Mi put away the smile on her face: "This is the prince's reward, do you really not take the prince seriously?"

Jin Chengye took over the words: "You are the one who doesn't take the lord seriously, right? Aunt Mi, we all know what you're thinking, I advise you to stop, otherwise—" He snorted slightly.

Aunt Mi looked at the old lady when she heard the words: "Did you hear that the seventh master of the Jin family threatened me? I'm really scared. You all heard it—tell me, why didn't the seventh master say anything? Keep talking, otherwise, so what Woolen cloth?"

Jin Chengye looked at her: "Otherwise, I can only go to the palace to discuss it, and let the prince think about it carefully, why Aunt Mi just refuses to let us husband and wife go."

Aunt Mi's face turned pale, she looked away and stopped looking at Jin Chengye: "I can't be the prince's master, I have already delivered the gift, it's up to you whether you accept it or not."

"Well, you can get out." Shuyuan still didn't look at Jin Chengye: "As for the person, I think about whether to send them back to the Wangfu, or directly to the Mi's house—anyway, your Mi's family has already sent the Wangfu to you." Treat it as your own, and it should be the same in your Aunt Mi's eyes when sending it to the Mi Mansion and to the Wang Mansion."

Who wouldn't provoke and alienate?It's just that Shuyuan doesn't want to use it, and she always feels that it is not so aboveboard.

Aunt Mi's small face tightened: "Don't talk nonsense, don't think that people will misjudge me by saying this. I am sitting upright, and I am not afraid of your groundless rumors."

It's useless to say it harshly, in fact, she did give her natal family a lot of benefits, and this matter is not a secret in the palace.

Liu Xu frowned: "You guys keep arguing, no one asks me, I'm a big living person! You guys keep arguing, I'm going back to the palace first, and I'll come back when there is a result."

She patted her dress: "Well, who will send me back?" As she spoke, she took a bracelet from her wrist: "My lord rewarded it, the real good thing, whoever sends me back will belong to it. "

After she finished speaking, she yawned, looked around and saw that no one paid attention to her. She shrugged her shoulders: "I didn't give it to me? I don't want any good things, really." She took back the bracelet and looked around: "Who is the wing room over there? Get some sleep."

After she finished speaking, she really had to step out of the room to go to the wing.

"Wait a minute." Shu Yuan stretched out her hand: "Bring me the bracelet, I'll have someone take you back."

Liu Xu turned around happily: "Okay." He took off the bracelet and threw it to Shuyuan: "Find someone safe, otherwise if I lose it, you will not be able to explain to the palace."

"Stop!" Aunt Mi said with frost on her face, "Liu Xu, stop for me."

But Shuyuan said: "Yunwu, Yinzhen, you send Liuxu back; tell the prince, Miss Liuxu is my gift in return."

(End of this chapter)

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