Chapter 260
Shu Yuan was not in a hurry to urge, as she said, the matter should be decided by the prince: the matter is that matter, she talks too much and the prince thinks through it himself, it seems to be the same, but the result will be much worse.

What kind of person is the prince, how could he be willing to be threatened nakedly?Shuyuan was indeed threatening him, but what she said and how much face she gave him would determine the final answer.

If it is the prince who has thought it through himself, no matter how reluctant he is, he has no choice but to know how to do it sensibly; on the contrary, if it is Shuyuan who is pressing every step of the way, even if the prince knows that this is the only way out, he will probably not He and Shuyuan come to a dead end.

Eleven lowered his head to play with the jade pendant on his skirt, rolled his eyes a few times, and resisted holding Shu Yuan's hand.Of course she was annoyed by the assassination, but the old prince is her elder, and she can't let her temper go in many cases.

But she really didn't want to let the prince go like this.Who would take a liking to a man who might kill himself?Even if the son really didn't want to kill her, but the sword has no eyes, what if she was injured or killed——the son had never thought about it.

So after hearing Shuyuan's words, Eleven really wanted to shout "Yes".From now on, let the prince go to that island country to dominate.Well, if their father and son can win that island country.

Even if the island country is taken down, I believe that the soldiers they brought will inevitably suffer losses, and it will take a lot of energy and a long time to turn the island country into their father and son. Reach out to heaven.

She also doesn't have to worry about the old prince's family getting into trouble with Shuyuan after she marries far away.

The concubine hissed: "No, no! Mu Shuyuan, don't be too mean. Look at how old the prince and I are. The sea is windy and rough..."

Shu Yuan raised her head: "Chen, it's all up to the prince and princess."

The princess snorted and looked at the prince: "Concubine..."

"Shut up." The prince's voice was not kind.How can I say that Shuyuan was also provoked by the princess. How can he have no complaints against the princess when he is forced to such a point?
After he finished drinking, he looked back at Shizi.At this moment, many people surrounded the prince: several concubines of the prince also passed by, and they didn't know what they were talking to the prince.

The prince finally sighed in his heart. Although the eldest son is unworthy, he is the flesh and blood of his own direct relative; the most important thing is that he is his only direct son.

Although the bastards are not stupid, they each have their own shortcomings, and none of them can be regarded as a perfect weapon, otherwise, how could they do something like release the prince privately?
Thinking of this, he looked at his wife and sighed again in his heart. Of course, he understood that the concubine's success today was inseparable from his wife's indulgence; but at this moment, thinking of what he said when he quarreled with his wife, he had to admit what his wife said. There is also some truth.

The concubine indulged the concubines, but the concubines still grew up with their own aunts. Those problems were taught by themselves or their aunts. At most, the concubine just brought up the shortcomings.

Seeing his sons now, the old prince's only comfort is that his son has some prestige among his brothers.It can be said that except for the eldest son, the other sons do not obey anyone.

If he really gave up his son, whoever he chooses to be his son may make other people dissatisfied; for the next thing, unless he can be ruthless and kill the other bastards, the palace will definitely be defeated by these bastards.

After much deliberation, the old prince sighed in his heart when he thought of Shuyuan going to sue the imperial court: Forget it, anyway, I never thought about the dragon chair above the court, even though I was no better than my brother back then. Difference.

It’s not bad to go to an island country to be a local emperor, at least you don’t have to worry about making mistakes, and you don’t have to worry about what the people in the south of the court will think about him and his family.

"My lord, I promise you." He raised his eyes to look at Shuyuan: "Forget about the prince." After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without looking back, even the princess did not say hello.

He was really breathless, but he knew that there was only one way to go; otherwise, he would have to abandon his son.

The concubine hurried to catch up: "My lord, you..."

"This king is going to write the notebook." The old prince turned his head and looked at Shuyuan: "I believe that General Mu's notebook will be written soon, right?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Shu Yuan and smiled: "General Mu, this king has lived a long life to understand a lot of truths, one of which is, never think that this is the final result."

The old prince did not explain after finishing speaking, this time he really had to leave; he took his wife, his sons and his guards, and left the Jin mansion in a mighty way, without the Jin family to see them off.

Eleven watched the old prince walk away and stuck out his tongue at Shu Yuan: "I was so scared that I couldn't breathe just now, I'm really afraid that the emperor's uncle will turn his face at once."

Shu Yuan shook her head, and stroked her stomach subconsciously: "My lord won't, because he is a father." The first important thing on parents' mind is of course their children.

After she finished speaking, she beckoned Biluo to come: "Go to the second madam and tell the prince and princess already know about our second master's return."

Biluo blinked her eyes when she heard it: "That's all?" A good girl knows what to ask and what not to ask; therefore, she just asks and only passes on this sentence, as for the matter of the second master, she doesn't say a word. Not much to say.

"Just this one sentence is enough. What kind of person is the second wife? If we really need to say a few more words, she will know the importance of the matter. I'm afraid she will not be our second wife." Shu Yuan said here She wanted to sigh again, thinking of Wang Shi, she really wanted to let out a long sigh.

Sad people.

Watching Biluo leave, Shuyuan asked Nuan Nuan and others to take Eleven back to her room, and she herself had to go back to her room to take a look: since Jin Chengye woke up, she didn't have time to go back and take a look.

After detoxification, you have to see it yourself to be [-]% at ease.It's better when there is something to do, but now there is nothing important, Shuyuan can't wait for a moment, wishing to see Jin Chengye right away.

She just wanted to see Jin Chengye still smile at him as usual, and say "you're here" - that's good.

Before she returned to the room, she saw Jin Chengye: being supported by someone, he was slowly walking over; Shuyuan was so surprised that she hurried forward to meet him, instead of scolding the girls, she angered Jin Chenglai: "Why can't you stay in the room?" waiting for me?"

"I'm afraid you'll do something stupid." Jin Chengye, sweating all over his face, looked Shu Yuan up and down and then smiled: "Are you okay?"

When Shuyuan heard him speak, she asked herself that she was still sweet in her heart, but she said: "What can I do, what stupid things can I do? As long as you don't make trouble for me, I have nothing to do. "

The words in her mouth didn't seem too soft, but her heart was softer than the handkerchief in her hand. She gently wiped Jin Chengye's sweat, as softly as if Jin Chengye was a paper man who could be pierced with a little force. .

Jin Chengye let Shuyuan be busy, took a deep breath, and leaned his head slightly on Shuyuan's shoulder; he raised his head after leaning on it, not because he was afraid of the girls' jokes, but because he was too heavy and tired To Shuyuan.

But after turning a circle between life and death, when he saw Shuyuan again, his heart burst with joy, and he wanted to get close to Shuyuan, to hear Shuyuan's voice, to see Shuyuan Looking at Yuan's appearance, he wanted to smell Shu Yuan's scent.

"You, you have such a nice voice." He raised his head and whispered in her ear.At this time, even if Shu Yuan opened his eyes angrily and scolded him a few words, he would be happy with it.

Since he woke up, he was only full of worries, until he saw Shu Yuan again, he suddenly realized that it was good to be alive.

Without waiting for Shuyuan to anger him again, he held Shuyuan's little hand—it's good to enjoy Shuyuan's gentleness, but isn't it that he loves Shuyuan when she's tired?He looked into Shuyuan's eyes: "I'm going to burn incense, thank God for allowing me to live."

"I can be with you only if I live." He looked at Shuyuan: "I don't know if other people are better than me, but I can't let others treat you well all my life, but I can make myself treat you well all my life. So, I really have to thank God for being able to wake up."

Shu Yuan wanted to spit on him, but her heart softened to water when she saw his pale face: "Only when you are healthy can you go out to burn incense."

It was a rare time when Shuyuan was almost obedient to him, Jin Chengye's heart was soaked in honey: "I am suddenly hungry and want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

"Okay, let's eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake when we go back." Shu Yuan helped Jin Chengye to walk back.Seeing that Jin Chengye can talk, laugh and walk, she finally knows what happiness is.

Don't say it's just sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, even if Jin Chengye wants to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cakes on the moon, she still has to find a way.

Jin Chengye's heart became more and more sweet, so sweet that he felt two catties of strength growing on his legs: "Shuyuan."

"Huh?" Shu Yuan looked at him, looked into his eyes and waited for his next words, but he called Shu Yuan again, and then called her name again, and it was only in Shu Yuan's ear after calling many times Said: "As long as I call you, I can get a response, and I feel very at ease."

Shu Yuan blinked her eyes: "Yeah, as long as I can hear you answering me, I feel at ease, especially at ease." In fact, happiness is so simple, and it may have nothing to do with eternity.

Hearing the words, Jin Chengye looked at Shuyuan, something flickered in his eyes, but he turned his face away so that Shuyuan could not see clearly: "Shuyuan, you have to know that if you do something stupid, even if I die, I won't be able to feel at ease." You remember one thing for me, whether it is now or in the future, if the Jin family is in trouble, what you have to do is not to do anything for me, but to protect yourself. "

Shu Yuan rolled his eyes at him: "What nonsense are you talking about?" She understood, but she didn't want to respond, so she answered with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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