Chapter 261

Jin Chengye was about to say something, when there was a sound of deliberately heavy footsteps not far away, mixed with the sound of coughing, he and Shuyuan had no choice but to look back: the girls followed not far behind, if someone came from them, they would have to deal with it .

But looking back at the people who came, Shu Yuan and Jin Chengye both laughed, knowing why the girls were stomping their feet and coughing again.

The person who came was Zhao Siye from the Zhao Mansion.

Fourth Master Zhao also got a big blush from the girls, he met Jin Chengye's eyes as if he had caught a savior, and quickly walked a few steps: "Chengye, this is—" He didn't know about Jin Chengye's injury yet.

It was related to the assassination of the princess, and it was the envoy of the prince of the palace. Not many members of the Jin family knew about it.

Jin Chengye smiled and said: "I can help you out, but it's not good if there is no benefit." He looked at Yunwu: "Why don't you come over and serve your girls?"

Biluo smiled and said: "Master, there are not many people here, there is Yunwu, one person is enough. I'm afraid it will be too crowded if there are too many people, maidservants, let's go back first."

Shuyuan called to stop Biluo: "You silly girl, don't you think it's just your master and me, so you won't be crowded? Two are just right, and if there is one more, it will be too crowded."

Yunwu was like a red cloud, she wanted to be annoyed but didn't know what to say, so she just glanced at Biluo secretly; she knew it was because of Zhao Siye, and she wanted to stare at him, but she couldn't turn her eyes away past.

It's not that she has developed much affection for Zhao Siye, she is too thin-skinned, as a girl, she is too embarrassed to stare at her in full view, if she is teased by Biluo and others again, she is giving a sneak peek, then dance Even if it enters the Yellow River, it will not be washed clean.

As for Mr. Zhao, she couldn't tell what it felt like.Because she had never thought about getting married before, and even if she thought about it occasionally, she never thought about what kind of master she would climb.

Fourth Master Zhao also acted helplessly that night. She knew that it would hurt her reputation, but after Fourth Master Zhao was willing to bear it, she felt a little bit sorry: Fourth Master Zhao is the serious master of the Zhao family. Who is she? She's just a girl.

To get Zhao Siye's words like that, Yun Wu felt that it was enough.She still doesn't have too many delusions, it's just that the sisters often joke around, which makes her a little bit unable to get up and down.

Moreover, Fourth Master Zhao is really not talking about it, but really wants to marry her as his wife: the elders of the Zhao family must not agree, and this matter has been delayed until now.Because of this, Yunwu respected him more and more.

Fourth Master Zhao rubbed his hands: "Just let me go, okay?" He glanced at Yunwu and said, "That's all for me, don't, don't..." He was afraid that Yunwu would be teased and couldn't bear it.

Shu Yuan smiled and said: "If you didn't write a letter saying that the matter is over, how could we talk nonsense?" This matter is serious, if Fourth Master Zhao didn't really want to marry Yun Wu, Shu Yuan and Jin Chengye really wouldn't know how to make fun of them, Because if things don't work out, how will Yun Wu deal with himself in the future, and how will he get married?
Fourth Master Zhao chuckled twice: "It's precisely because of this. I haven't gone to pay my aunt's greetings yet. I didn't want to meet you. I will go to my aunt's place first, and I will return when I am young."

Jin Chengye and Shuyuan thought of how many things happened at home today, so they greeted Fourth Master Zhao: "Okay, your aunt doesn't care about these small things, we will send someone over to say something—it's at the old lady's place, now It’s also inconvenient to see you.”

They walked forward side by side with Mr. Zhao Siye: "Are you really able to get the elders in your family to agree?"

What Shuyuan said at the beginning was not to embarrass Fourth Master Zhao, but she knew Yunwu's temperament, and she would never be a petty person to others; therefore, she only spoke Yunwu's heartfelt feelings after Zhao Fourth Master spoke, if Zhao Fourth Master She is also happy to see it succeed.

Conversely, she didn't want Yun Wu to serve as a concubine for the sake of her so-called fame.As Yunwu said, it is better to be a sister-in-law at worst than to spend a lifetime being low-key and young, and it will also bring the child a dwarf.

Regarding the matter of Zhao Siye marrying Yunwu as his wife, not to mention other people, Jin Chengye and Shuyuan didn't believe it at all: this matter is simply impossible.If it were a member of the Jin family, the elders of the Jin family would not agree.

Fourth Master Zhao rubbed his hands again, and looked at Jin Chengye with a smile on his face: "It can only be regarded as a success, it's just a little short, as long as Chengye is willing to help me."

Jin Chengye raised his eyebrows: "Are you playing tricks on our husband and wife?" Although Yunwu was just a girl, he knew that Shuyuan did not compare her to other people; however, Yunwu was also different from other girls.

"No, no, don't get me wrong." Fourth Master Zhao quickly waved his hand: "Where did you think you were? become."

When he said this, he took a look at Shuyuan, and then looked at Yunwu who was walking with Biluo and others from a distance: "I don't dislike Yunwu, you know what the elders think. What they mean is that as long as Yunwu is not from the Jin family If the girl's identity is carried out in the Jin family, that's it."

"Chengye, I think this matter is nothing, as long as you nod—you can't shake your head, the happiness of the rest of my life, and whether I can have children and carry on the family line all depend on your nod It's time." He looked at Jin Chengye with a pitiful expression: "I think, let Yunwu recognize my aunt as..."

Both Shuyuan and Jin Chengye understood what he meant.

Let the Zhao family recognize Yunwu as their daughter, then Yunwu is the girl of the Jin family, and Zhao Fourth Master's marriage to Yunwu will become a marriage between the Jin and Zhao families. Naturally, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

It's just that Shuyuan and Jin Chengye are very clear about Zhao's personality, and there is still the same in Beifu?Both the first room and the second room have no children. How many people in the entire Jin family want to give them their children?But Zhao and Wang's knees are still empty.

It's not for the sake of purity, they don't want those people to use the name of their children to take away their family wealth.

In this matter, if there is no Jin Chengye's help, it depends on the relationship between Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao: Ms. Zhao will definitely not agree; also, even if Ms. Zhao passes the test, what will the old lady do?
Fourth Master Zhao raised his hand: "I swear to God, I just want a name. I don't think about my aunt's things at all, - when the time comes, Yunwu's dowry will naturally be prepared by me..."

"The dowry matter is not your part." Shu Yuan interrupted him: "This is a way." She also saw that Yun Wu didn't dislike Fourth Master Zhao.

Fourth Master Zhao is really a good person, and it is Yunwu's luck to find such a husband-in-law.

Jin Chengye nodded: "I said, why are we also cousins, right? How could you cheat me like this? You are so embarrassed to leave such a big trouble to me." He complained because he complained , but there is no impatience, nor does it mean to be angry.

He didn't agree directly, just because this matter was not a small matter, and he had to inform the old lady and Mrs. Zhao before he could give Zhao Si an answer.

Although Zhao Si said it was just a title, but as long as he recognized his daughter, how could it be just a title?If this is the case, wouldn't the Jin family be misunderstood by uninformed people: People think that he and Shuyuan are trying to seize Zhao's property, so the Jin family will treat Yunwu like this.

Besides, recognizing a daughter is a matter of your affection and my willingness. How can the Jin family marry a girl at that time, so how can they not pay a penny?Mrs. Zhao must add makeup, even the old lady, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Sun, etc. must add makeup.

Every house near the Jin family needs to add makeup to the clouds.

Fourth Master Zhao quickly bowed to thank him: "I know this is a big trouble, there is really no other way..."

Shu Yuan laughed and said, "Why is there no other way? I have a good idea. Don't look at me. If your brother's plan fails, it will be valuable if I say it again? Cousin Zhao, you still Think about how to thank me then."

The thought in her mind was very simple, the Zhao family just wanted to save face, so it would be good if the princess recognized Yunwu as a righteous daughter: anyway, the family of the royal family is going to go to another country, and it will not be possible to recognize this relative. Trouble, it's really just a title.

Anyway, now the prince and concubine have to take a lot of anger, so Shuyuan plans not to be too polite with them; besides, it is just to use the status of the princess, how many righteous daughters will they recognize after they leave in the future? How can it be?
Compared with letting the Zhao family recognize Yunwu, the trouble is not a little bit less; if you take a step back, you must be on guard against others, in case the members of the Zhao family—the Fourth Master Zhao doesn't have the intention to occupy Zhao However, it is difficult to guarantee that other members of the Zhao family do not have such thoughts; the autumn wind of the palace, let's see who dares to fight in the Zhao family.

It's just that she wanted to discuss this matter with Jin Chengye, so she didn't speak directly to Fourth Master Zhao.

Zhao Siye was overjoyed when he received Jin Chengye and Shuyuan's answer: "We must thank each other well, thank you generously." Although he didn't get a direct promise, because it was not a trivial matter, Jin Chengye's words were already agreed to him.

He was already very grateful for being able to do this, and if he asked Jin Chengye and his wife to promise anything, then he would be in a difficult situation.

"Fuzhong, but what happened?" He saw a lot of people coming and going in the mansion: "If there is anything I can help, don't be polite to me."

Jin Chengye thought for a while and sighed: "There is something wrong at home, and you and my brother are not outsiders, so I won't keep you." After he finished speaking, he cupped his hands, as an apology to Fourth Master Zhao.

Fourth Master Zhao saw that he didn't want to talk, so he wisely didn't ask again; although he really wanted to have a few words with Yunwu, but he was really embarrassed to say that, so he could only take out a hairpin and hand it to Jin Chengye: "Please pass it on to me." that whoever."

"Understood." Shu Yuan didn't tease him anymore, because she could see that Jin Chengye was actually trying to put on a happy face: the death of Master Jin San was nothing to her, but it was very different to Jin Chengye.

Even if Mr. Jin San is very worthless, he is still Jin Chengye's biological father after all, and he used to be a very good father.

(End of this chapter)

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