Chapter 291

In an instant, the remorse in Mr. Zhao's heart welled up, along with timidity and fear.

Shu Yuan's gaze had already been withdrawn, and she saluted everyone again: "The fourth master of the Zhao family wants to harm our Jin family, and the young masters have heard and seen it with their own eyes."

When she said this, she looked up at the crowd and found that the expressions of the sons and brothers were a little strange. Obviously, none of them wanted to stand up for the Jin family, let alone go to court to testify for the Jin family.

However, what she wants is not the promise of these people, and she doesn't need to ask everyone to agree to her as a witness at this time: If the government summons, do these young masters dare to shake their heads and refuse?

"Justice is in the hearts of the people. I believe that the young masters have already reached a conclusion. However, now that the family has undergone tremendous changes, the young masters are also trapped here because of the burden of the fourth master of the Zhao family." She changed the subject and asked the young masters to carry the Heart dropped back.

"The young masters want to leave the Jin Mansion, so I should let someone send them off. It's just that I'm worried. If the young masters go out like this, the officials don't know that you have nothing to do with today's affairs and will stop them. If there is any misunderstanding, then—"

She didn't say any more, but the young master and his buddies all understood.They knew that there was a three-point threat in Shuyuan's words, but that was also the truth.

Shu Yuan let out a long sigh when she said this: "As the head of the family, we should clarify the misunderstandings between the Jin family and the officials, so as not to burden you young masters."

"But we have the heart but not the strength." This sentence is the real meaning. Everyone's ears are pricked up, wondering what Shu Yuan asked them to do; Shu Yuan raised her eyes and glanced at Zhao Si. The queen continued: "Because we still don't know why the official sent here."

"When the young masters left, the officials must have interrogated them." Shu Yuan's words made the young masters even more uneasy, but they also knew that what they said was true-the government had made such a big battle, and of course they would not let suspicious people go.

Shuyuan sighed again, as if she were in as much embarrassment as possible: "Now our mansion has become a place of right and wrong, and I don't want to and dare not stay with you for a long time, but I am worried that you will cause misunderstandings by officials when you go out."

"One sentence is wrong, and it may cause you..." She raised her head and looked at the young masters: "If you can know why the officials are besieging the mansion, you will also know how to answer the officials' questions, and there will be no misunderstandings." .”

Shu Yuan bowed and bowed at this point: "It's a pity that I'm just a woman and I'm pregnant. I really don't know how to find out why the official is here. I can only ask you gentlemen with the audacity to do so. "

The old man of the Qian family raised his eyebrows, coughed dryly and looked at the head of the Jin family, without saying a word, then looked at his daughter, and sighed in his heart: To be an enemy of such a woman, the daughter is really looking for death .

The head of the Jin family put his hands behind his back and looked aside, as if he didn't hear what happened around him; he thought it would be better to leave the current matter to Shuyuan, if he intervened, he might be trapped too deeply. If anything, the entire Jin family would be involved.

Compared with the Jin family's North Mansion, the latter is of course more important.

Of course, he still admires Shuyuan very much, and at the same time, he also has a little hope in his heart: maybe this niece and daughter-in-law can turn the tide?
You guys understand, Shuyuan has gone around a lot, just want them to ask why the official sent: just ask Zhao Siye, and the blind can see that he knows the inside story.

At the same time, they also knew that Shuyuan was using their hands to act. What they didn't understand was why: the young mistress of the Jin family could ask herself.

However, Shuyuan's words also have part of their approval, because if they don't know the inside story, if they are really misunderstood by the officials when they go out, then they will be really wronged.

Who are the officials? They are all masters who find trouble for nothing: everyone caught is like shining silver in their eyes, will they be willing to let them go?

So even if they knew that Shuyuan wanted to use them to ask Siye Zhao, they really had to ask for their own sake.Everyone looked at each other, and finally pushed out two people to ask questions.

The fourth master of the Zhao family is already an enemy in the eyes of these young masters.I have been beaten, I have been tied, and the hatred has been forged, so I still care about asking a few more words.

"Brother Zhao, I hope you will do me the favor." This Young Master Chu is also a prominent family in the city, and his words are quite polite, but the look he gave to the long follower is not polite at all.

When Mr. Chu followed suit, he was naturally even less polite.

Shuyuan didn't pay any attention to the young masters and Fourth Master Zhao, anyway, these people couldn't fly out of Jin's house.Now, she is waiting for someone, someone from the palace.

Even if the officials surrounded the Beifu completely, they did not act according to the imperial order, so no matter who they stopped from going out, they would not, let alone stop Nuan Nuan from leaving.

Nuan Nuan is the princess's man, a man in the palace.

Shu Yuan stroked her waist, she felt that the soreness was not so severe, but the pain became more severe; her mind was not on her body, and there was only one thought in her mind: Your lord, you should be here soon, right?

She didn't care what the fourth master of the Zhao family would say, because she could guess very well: it was nothing more than a few things.

It would be good to know something earlier, but she didn't think Fourth Master Zhao would say something that would surprise her.

Fang's heart was in her throat, and now she was crying with all the makeup on, and it looked like a ghostly face: "I have persuaded you several times, what should I do now?"

"You don't care, but what about me, where about my child?" She regretted it, really regretted it, but her crying did not attract the attention of Mrs. Qian and the fourth master of the Zhao family.

Qian Shi really doesn't care, all she wants is revenge; and the fourth master of the Zhao family is in danger now, how can he care about others?
Young masters and buddies are all dandies, and they can't do something serious if they are asked to do something serious, but if they are allowed to torture a person, there are really masters among them.

The fourth master of the Zhao family really can't live or die now, so where does he have any backbone?But after a few moments, he recruited honestly, and under the questioning of the young master, he said in great detail.

Mrs. Qian scolded Mr. Zhao's family angrily - she never heard Mrs. Fang's scolding at all.

The Fang family couldn't find half of the backbone in the chaos, and seeing the tragic situation of the fourth master of the Zhao family, she turned to look at Shuyuan: "Let me go, let me go with them, and I will tell you everything You, you can also go to the government to testify for your Jin family."

Now, of course, self-help is the most important thing.The Qian family, the fourth master of the Zhao family, she just wanted to go back to the Zhao family, and she didn't want to be involved in what happened today.

Shu Yuan looked at her: "What do you know, and what evidence do you have to convince the government to believe what you said?"

She didn't look in any hurry.

It's not that she's really not in a hurry, she doesn't care about things when she is in a hurry, and Fang is even more anxious because she is not in a hurry.

Shuyuan will not leave the people in the Jin family's North Mansion alone, but Fang does not want to accompany Qian and Zhao Siye to the quarrel: she is a mother, she is fine with herself, but with her children she is a millionaire. Never.

Fang now only wants to leave the Jin family: "I know everything, everything. Evidence, evidence..." She muttered to herself, but she was actually thinking desperately, thinking about what could persuade Shuyuan to let her go now .

She can't go to court with the Jin family, and can't let the Zhao family know what she has done: she will be divorced!
Shuyuan nodded slowly: "Yes, proof."

She heard what Mr. Zhao said, and as she expected, it was the matter of the third master that attracted officials to surround the mansion.

Fang stared at Shu Yuan's face for a while, then suddenly shouted: "I know a secret, and you don't know a secret, you can prove it..."

Qian Shi suddenly turned her head and shouted at Fang Shi: "Shut up! Otherwise, I will definitely make your life worse than death." After threatening Fang Shi, she looked at Shu Yuan: "You think I don't know that you sent someone to invite you?" Is the prince already?"

"I think the lord and princess should be here too. Do you think you have the bottom line and think they can save your Beifu?" She smiled when she said this, but suddenly changed her face again: "Zhao Si, you trash , Is it possible to have a man like that, no matter how loud it is, let someone cut your tongue."

After she scolded Fourth Master Zhao, she smiled at Shu Yuan again: "Do you think that I know so many secrets of the Beifu, so I don't count on you to ask for help from the Wangfu and the princess?"

"If you don't invite the prince to come, you can live for a few more days, and you will die when the prince arrives." She laughed wildly when she said this.

Even though she is already in a mess now, her smile is still unscrupulous, still full of incomparable arrogance.

She knew that she would be the one who won in the end.

Shu Yuan glanced at Fang Shi, and it was undeniable that she was very interested in the secrets that Fang Shi said; right now, she wanted to ask Qian Shi even more: "Really? Are you really smart enough to plan everything?"

"What do you mean, the prince will help you when he comes?" She smiled a little: "Hiding in the dark has its disadvantages. You think you know everything, but you only know a little bit."

This is cheating Qian's words.

Qian Shi curled her lips: "Do you think I can't hear your scheming? I just want to know what my plan is. Let me tell you, you take your time to guess."

Having said that, she turned her head: "My lord, here you come. Mu Shuyuan, your death date is really coming."

A group of people really came from a distance, and the person walking in front was the old prince, the old concubine and Eleven.

These people were invited by Shu Yuan, and they were also the ones she had been waiting for just now; but Qian's words made Shu Yuan's mind flashed many thoughts, and the moment she saw the old prince, Shu Yuan's face turned pale .

"Think about it now?" Qian's eyes had already fallen on Shu Yuan, and at this moment he sneered: "Unfortunately, it's too late."

(End of this chapter)

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