Chapter 292

Shuyuan didn't care about answering the Qian family, and didn't have time to think about it, so she had to go up with the old lady of the Qian family and the patriarch.

When the king arrived here, if they didn't go to greet him, it would be a big deal: it can be a big or small thing.If the old prince is in a good mood or wants to be courteous to the corporal, he will pass it with a smile; if the old prince is in a bad mood or something, then it is a serious crime for the person who does not greet him.

Qian and the fourth master of the Zhao family don't need to worry, because they are tied up, even if they have the heart to welcome them, they don't have the strength.

But Fourth Master Zhao stared at Qian Shi: "Didn't I say, don't..."

"Is it okay if I don't want to? I didn't invite Wang Jia, and Wang Jia is here. If I don't have any plans, can I wait to die?" Qian interrupted Fourth Master Zhao disapprovingly: " You are sometimes too timid."

If Master Zhao hadn't seen that Wang Jia was coming, he really wanted to yell a few times to see if he could wake up Qian Shi: "That's the prince, that's the royal family, how can you and I take advantage of it? !"

He gritted his teeth, but Qian Shi still didn't listen to his words: "I said earlier that she, Mu Shuyuan, would definitely alarm the prince, and we are not sorry for God for not taking advantage of such a good opportunity." Chance?"

"So what about the lord, the lord is also a human being, as long as we do it cleverly, then the Jin family will naturally be unlucky." When Qian said this, she curled her lips: "You can just watch."

Seeing that Shuyuan and the others had met with the prince, Fourth Master Zhao knew that time was running out and it was impossible to persuade Qian, so he could only hurriedly said: "Okay, we can't just stand still, then do as I say... ..."

"What are you talking about?" Qian's eyes also widened: "Up to now, it's according to your arrangement, and you and I have ended up in this situation."

"I told you a long time ago, but you didn't listen to it. If I followed my idea, the members of the Jin family would have died long ago. Alright, then listen to me. I will let Mu Shuyuan Know what to shoot a stone on your own foot."

She turned her head to look at Shuyuan, and the voice in her mouth was so small that only she could hear it: "I have long disliked her, and she looks confident in everything all day long, as if nothing in this world can hinder her. "

"Hmph, I want her to know that as long as she meets me, her little thoughts are not enough to watch." Seeing the old prince and his party approaching, she slightly amplified her voice and scolded Fourth Master Zhao to shut up, and then stopped. Take a look at Fourth Master Zhao.

She believes that now is the time for a showdown, and the one who wins is only her, only her.

Behind the old prince are the three wives of the Jin family, as well as Jin Chengye.

Shuyuan's mood happened to be the mood of the third wife of the Jin family and Jin Chengye. They both wanted to say something to each other, even if it was to comfort each other, just say "it's okay, everything will be fine".

But the old prince and concubine were there, and there were a few officials behind them, so there was no chance for them to say a few words of their own.

Even if it was Jin Chengye, no matter how worried Shuyuan was, he could only step forward to hold Shuyuan's hand and give Shuyuan a reassuring look.

But for Shu Yuan and Jin Chengye, the moment they hold hands and look at each other, it is enough to understand what the other party has to say.

Everything is unspoken, and they believe that no matter how difficult they are, they will pass.

The old prince glanced and saw Zhao Siye and others on the ground, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he walked straight forward without stopping.

Zhao Siye and others are not in the eyes of the old prince at all, and the prince is lazy to pay attention to their death and life.All he cared about was Shuyuan's purpose for inviting him over.

In fact, both the prince and the princess had guessed that purpose, and they had to come because they guessed it, and because they guessed it, they were in a bad mood.

No one will feel better if there is a handle in someone's hand and being threatened.

Eleven actually wanted to take two steps back and talk to Shu Yuan, but every time she turned her head, she would be pulled by the old concubine or stared at by the old prince, so she couldn't speak at all.

Anxious in her heart, she could only wink at Shu Yuan, but she couldn't express the worry in her heart: the prince is really not that easy to threaten, she was sweating hard for Shu Yuan.

Naturally, Shuyuan couldn't talk to Eleven, at most she could only give Eleven a few glances, but even she herself didn't know what was in those eyes: her heart was a little messed up now.

"This is not a place to entertain guests. You don't want me to sit here and have tea, do you?" The old prince looked back at Jin Chengye and Shuyuan: "I think it's better to go to the main hall."

"The government still has business with you, so I will leave after a few words with you. Otherwise, if the censor finds out, I will say that I interfered in local political affairs."

When he said this, he looked at the officials not far away who were following suit: "Do you think so?"

The officials plopped and knelt on the ground: "The lord has never been interested in political affairs, not to mention us adults, even the villains know it well."

The old prince snorted and didn't speak, but when he glanced at Shuyuan and Jin Chengye again, he was clearly dissatisfied: How much trouble you have caused this king!
At the same time, he was also reminding Shuyuan and Jin Chengye that he would definitely help the Jin family if he came, it depends on what happened.

The concubine sighed softly: "My lord..." She had just opened her mouth when she was interrupted by Qian's words.

Seeing the old prince walking by her side, Qian could only see the back of the prince, and felt anxious: If the prince walks past without even looking at her, she will be the only one who will be unlucky next. up.

If you want the prince to make a decision for her, you have to keep him, and you have to let him listen to her words.

For this, she had to take some risks.Although it was disrespectful to interrupt the princess, this crime was nothing compared to her own life.

Also, she is confident that as long as the princess and the princess are willing to stop and listen to her, then she will not be held accountable for interrupting the princess.

Eleven turned her head, a pair of eyes fell on Qian's body, but she opened her mouth before anyone could see clearly: "Slap me! There are no rules at all, and the princess dares to interrupt her when she speaks?!"

She didn't know who Qian Shi was, but seeing that she was tied up, she knew that this person was not a good person to Shu Yuan.If he is not a good person, why not hit him?
Both the lord and the concubine knew about Eleven's careful thoughts, but none of them spoke to stop her. They allowed Qian to be pulled up and slapped several times: "Who is the concubine? How can a servant interrupt her?"

Of course, there is no need for rules. Even if they want to hear a few words from Mrs. Qian, they might as well teach Mrs. Qian a lesson first.

When Fang saw this, she kept her mouth shut even more tightly: she knew that the person in front of her could kill her with just one word - people from the Jin family couldn't, they would be held accountable by the government if they killed someone.

But the royal people want her life, it's really a matter of upper lip touching lower lip, which is easier than pinching an ant with their own hands.

Mr. Zhao closed his eyes and didn't see Qian being beaten. He only sighed in his heart: He had told Qian a long time ago, but Qian couldn't listen. He only hoped that she would wake up now after being beaten. Don't make any more troubles.

The people in the Wangfu will not be light-hearted, a few slaps will make Qian feel as if his face has grown a lot.

After the beating, Qian saw that the prince and concubine were about to take more than a dozen steps, so he could only shout anxiously: "My lord, do you want to be threatened and stand up for others for the rest of your life?! "

One sentence made the prince stop in his tracks, and joy flashed in Qian's eyes.

She knew that the prince would definitely stand up for her, because she believed that being a prince would be willing to be threatened by the Jin family?The Jin family pinched the prince's shortcomings - that's courting death.

As long as the Jin family dies, the prince has nothing to fear, right?Now is the time for the prince to take the opportunity to get rid of the Jin family.

Fourth Master Zhao really wanted to kick him over, but unfortunately he was tied up and could only hit his head on the ground: he knew that now his life was really half lost.

Why didn't Mrs. Qian understand: the prince is indeed unwilling to be threatened by the Jin family, but do you want people to know about his being threatened?
Moreover, the moment Qian opened his mouth, he did not tell the prince—hey, I also know your secret, the secret that you were threatened by the Jin family, I know it very clearly.

If the old prince borrowed a knife to kill people and wanted to get rid of the Jin family to prevent future troubles, how could he let other insiders go?Could it be that the prince is just bored and wants to use someone else to threaten him!

I've seen stupid people, but I've never seen someone as stupid as Qian's.He once told Qian's benefits and disadvantages in great detail, but he still didn't expect that Qian's still wanted to go his own way.

Yes, Mrs. Qian, you can say that you don't know the reason why the prince was caught, but does the prince believe it?The most important thing is that Qian and his life are no different from a worm in the eyes of the prince.

Killing a worm can ensure that no one will know the secret anymore. Compared with constantly guessing whether they know the secret, what will the prince do?That's something you don't even have to think about.

The prince doesn't care whether you really know or not, anyway, as long as you kill him, no one will really know.

Zhao Siye listened for a long while and didn't hear the prince or anyone speak, the silence around was a bit scary, he slowly opened his eyes and found that there were quite a few people around.

The servants of the Jin family had disappeared, and none remained, including the maids around Shuyuan.

And the sons and brothers who followed him to the Jin family also backed away silently, and they didn't need to guess to know that they wanted to hide a little farther away: they stood far enough away that they couldn't hear what was being said here, but still Let Wang Ye and others see that they are still there.

Now, my son and I really want to kill Fourth Master Zhao!Is this for fun?Come to hear the prince's secret, or be used to threaten the prince's secret, even if they don't know what it is, just listen to Qian's words, and they will know that they are in big trouble.

The prince will definitely not like the fact that he was threatened by others to know.He was going to be killed by Fourth Master Zhao and Shi Qian—if he didn't die, they must let Fourth Master Zhao and Qian Shi know what life is better than death.

Qian knew that she couldn't keep the servants of the Jin family, but she didn't want to let go of those young masters: she had to let them stay, and she had to let them listen.

Only in this way can the prince have to stand on her side, and also can prevent the prince from touching a single hair of her - she is not the only one who knows, and killing her is nothing, but if the prince wants to kill those sons and brothers, the matter It's a big mess.

I believe that even the prince would not want to be hostile to all the wealthy families in the city; moreover, if the sons and brothers died, the matter would definitely be thoroughly investigated, how could the prince do such stupid things?
"My lord, isn't Mu Shuyuan threatening the lord to help them get out of Beifu by using the fact that the prince sent people to assassinate Her Highness the princess?" Qian yelled out the secret at the top of her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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