Chapter 16
The guide girl and the driver brother could see that we were arguing, but they didn't know why, so they watched helplessly.They sat in the car, secretly thinking in their hearts whether it was possible to continue this trip.

I dragged my luggage and walked to the side of the road. Now I have less than 1 baht left on me, and my passport is being held by Su Lie. He said before he came to prevent me from escaping, and he will only give it to me after returning to the country.I don't want to stay with him for another minute, not even for a second, my heart is sore, and tears fall from behind the sunglasses while walking.

Lin Qi, oh Lin Qi, why did you become so sick.I scolded myself for not living up to expectations.I was walking on the road and wanted to stop the car, but the road in Korat was too open, and there were no birds.Su Lie followed from behind and grabbed my suitcase.Anger was written all over his face.

"What's the matter with you? I don't remember that I offended you these two days."

Fortunately, there were sunglasses to block him, so he couldn't see me crying, so I wiped away my tears calmly, almost without using my hands. The dry climate in Korat soon made my eyes dry and astringent.Su Lie and I stood on the side of the road in a stalemate, I was like a wayward child refusing to get in the car, he waited patiently for my answer like an angry elder.

"If you are dissatisfied with me, just say it directly. There is no need to lose your temper. This doesn't work for me." He was extremely impatient.

I didn't think there was anything to be wronged at first. I cried because I was alone in a foreign country and was placed in a lonely and helpless situation. The only person I could rely on found out that he was a big liar. In front of him, he shows his deep affection for Yunzhu, but behind his back, he hooks up with beautiful girls everywhere.OK, since he's going to tear his face off, I'm not welcome either.

"I lost my temper? You first ask yourself what dirty thing you did." I walked to the car while talking, walked to the side of the car and opened the back seat door, pointed at the guide girl in the car who looked blank and absent, Continue to say to Su Lie, "How many girls' hearts have you hurt in China, and you still have to provoke her when you come here? I doubt your sincerity towards Sister Yunzhu. You will have nothing to eat when you go to act as an Oscar winner. No wonder Yunzhu doesn't like it." Will like you, compared with Zhong Siyu, he is Pluto in the sky, you are a stinky stone in a cesspit, Yunzhu doesn't like you, you deserve it."

Maybe thanks to Miley, after getting along with her for a long time, my level of swearing has skyrocketed.Su Lie's face smelled worse than the stones in the cesspit, his eyes widened, wishing his eyes could burst into flames, he was so angry that he couldn't speak fluently.

"You said, me and the guide? Me and her?" He also pointed to the guide girl.The girl was pointed by our two fingers, her face turned pale, and she was so panicked that she didn't know what mistake she had made.

"Don't quibble, when I went to find her last night, weren't you in her room?"

"What?" Su Lie shouted, taking a deep breath.

I was waiting for what else he could say when someone behind me tapped me on the shoulder.When I turned around, I saw that it was the driver brother who had been listening to our quarrel but was completely ignored by me and could understand Chinese.He didn't know when he was standing behind me. He coughed twice and whispered to me: "Miss Lin, you are wrong."

"Where did I go wrong?" I glared at him angrily.He didn't take it seriously, and said slowly: "Last night, you may have found the wrong room. Mr. Su and Ms. Guide changed rooms last night..." As he said, my brow frowned once, and my right eyelid began to frown. Twitching, he turned around slowly, lowered his head and turned his back to Su Lie, not daring to look at him.I just felt the heat behind me like it was on fire.

I opened the co-pilot's door, jumped on it quickly, took out the gauze I bought in Chiang Mai for sun protection, wrapped my whole head and face tightly, and lay my corpse on the co-pilot's seat like a mummy.

I sincerely hope they act like nothing happened.Amen.

Starting from Nam Ratchasima to the area of ​​Wat Phra Nong Lam in Nam Long, I automatically ordered Ya points for myself on the way.At noon, the car stopped at a local restaurant on the side of the road. I didn't move when everyone got out of the car until the driver brother stabbed me. I saw that Su Lie and the guide girl got out of the car and disappeared. I told the driver brother that he was not feeling well and asked him to Just pack me something to eat.The big brother driver looked at me with an uncontrollable expression on his face, he didn't expose me, and nodded in agreement.

They went there for half an hour, and my stomach was so hungry that it rang throughout the car, so I had to dig out the snacks I bought at the gas station yesterday, eat potato chips and drink mineral water to satisfy my hunger.I wondered why they hadn't come back, grabbing potato chips and gobbling them.Su Lie came over from the back of the car like a ghost, and a face appeared out of the car window. He saw me grabbing potato chips and eating them. Give me.After staring wide-eyed, I hurriedly looked for water to drink, trying to swallow the potato chips as soon as possible, but I didn't want a mouthful of water to get stuck in my throat, and I sprayed a mouthful of potato chips on the front windshield.

Su Lie took a deep breath, his face was pale and pale.

The guide girl and the driver brother came back later, and when they saw my condition, their faces were also pale.

I simply took off the gauze towel and used it as a rag to wipe the windshield clean, then stuffed the dirty gauze towel into a plastic bag and ate the fried rice.The three of them were like orangutans watching the zoo, each of them looked like they were choking on an egg, and returned to their respective positions in silence.

The road from Korat to Nam Long is not easy. We took a lot of detours. The distance on the map is very short. It took us several hours to reach Nam Long.We drove all the way to find a hotel booked through a travel agency.Passing by several villages on the road, the scenery is charming, the trapezoidal rice fields on both sides of the road, the rice is almost fully mature, green and yellow, looking from a distance, it looks like a lot of gold has been sprinkled on the green silk land, the air is full of It has the fragrance of earth and rice.I opened the car window, put my sunglasses on my head, and stuck my head out, letting the warm and dry wind blow on my cheeks.Su Lie fell asleep leaning against the car window, he frowned slightly, he didn't know what kind of daydream he was having, sleeping like an angel in an oil painting.

It was only when I went to the hotel that I realized that I was cheated by the travel agency. The hotel was too small. It was built on the hillside, and there were only a few private houses nearby. There were a dozen or so rooms on the third floor. We were the only four guests who registered that day.I thought Su Lie would complain, but I didn't expect that he only asked if there was any hot water for the shower, and after getting an affirmative answer, he held his mobile phone and turned around like a compass.I helped the driver brother move the luggage into the room, and the guide girl went to the front desk to ask about the route to Phanom Lan Temple.

I suspect that Su Lie's mobile phone is equipped with a tracking and positioning system, otherwise why would he take me to this remote Khmer area to find Yunzhu and Zhong Siyu.However, my suspicions were quickly dismissed.After turning around twice, Su Lie held up his mobile phone and went to the front desk to ask why his mobile phone had no signal.

The waiter at the front desk can't speak English, so he can only rely on the guide girl to translate. After communicating, I learned that the signal nearby is really not good. If I want to make a call, I need to go out of the hotel.Su Lie's mood suddenly changed, he became unhappy, and cursed in a low voice, the bumps along the way in the past few days have almost reached the limit for him, a rich man.Seeing him go crazy makes me gloat.

The place is that big. A road extends from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain and winds away. Standing in front of the hotel, you can see the landscape of half of the area. The houses with triangular roofs are built high and low along the road and under the hillside. In a small area, the commercial area is at the foot of the mountain, and it takes about ten minutes to walk there.After packing up my luggage, I had nothing to do, so I simply wandered around the hotel by myself, walking along the road outside the hotel.

There is a temple near the hotel, and local residents are holding worship activities. A dozen or so people kneel devoutly in front of the Buddha statue, and the leading monk is chanting some scriptures.I stood not far away to watch the worship activities. A passing local lady enthusiastically dragged me to kneel in front of the Buddhist temple, and I didn’t know what to say.Seeing the simple and devout smiles on everyone's faces, I followed them earnestly and bowed again and again.

After returning to the hotel, I told the guide girl about the worship at the temple. She laughed and asked me if all the worshipers were women and no men.When I think back, I find that this is true except for monks.

The guide girl smiled and said in English: "11131; '3:? 01~"

I didn't know what to say anymore, and I had an embarrassed smile on my face.That is a praying child temple, I seem to have prayed a little earlier.

I want to say sorry to the guide girl, I misunderstood her for nothing all night, described her as an unsightly person in my heart, and secretly blamed her such a good girl for why she had to seduce Su Lie.But she didn't seem to know the reason for my quarrel with Su Lie. The driver brother is worthy of being a member of the army. He kept his mouth shut and didn't mention anything. I thanked him in my heart.

Just when he was about to speak, Su Lie walked out of the hotel with a stern face, walked to the small garden where we were sitting, made a phone call and walked in again, like a violent animal.

The guide girl looked at the direction Su Lie was walking, and asked Su Lie why he always seemed to be closed. She even said that Su Lie and I were a natural match. If she knew the reason why Su Lie and I quarreled, she probably wouldn't Thinking about it this way, I guess my face will turn blue and I don't want to talk to me.I decided not to apologize. If I apologize, I have to explain. After explaining, it will destroy our current harmonious relationship.I took this opportunity to propose to sleep in a room with her to chat at night, and she happily agreed.

The hotel does not have catering services. After we settled down, we drove to the business district to find a place to eat.The commercial street is not big, and you can see it from the beginning to the end. There are mostly local people, and a few backpackers are asking for directions with maps.There are very few restaurants, so I finally found a seafood restaurant. One soup was so sour that I rolled my eyes. Except for the soup, the rest tasted very authentic. Stewed seafood in lemongrass curry, fried fish cakes, and purple glutinous rice looked amazing. The appetite is good, but it tastes sour.I was so hungry that I didn't care about eating.Seeing that I was having a good time eating, the driver brother said to me: "The Chinese people I have met can't eat sour food. If you marry and come to Thailand, you will be able to adapt."

Su Lie interjected and said, "She can get used to it when she gets married in Ethiopia." He didn't seem to have much appetite, and he ate very little.

"You do understand me." In front of the food, I couldn't separate my mouth to quarrel with Su Lie, so I glared at him in protest.

Anyway, in his eyes, I’m just a joke. He’s the kind of person who can’t see other people being happy. Even on the way back to the hotel, I had a great chat with the driver and the guide girl. Make a bible.The good chat atmosphere was disturbed by him like this, a very disappointing person.

(End of this chapter)

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