Chapter 17
After dark, I took two cans of beer to chat with the driver brother. In the small courtyard in front of the hotel, he told me about his life in Yunnan, tracking leopards and so on.I didn't want to listen to stories in vain, so I told him anecdotes about our school, although many of them were processed with oil and vinegar, such as the sensational story of a pair of corpses once salvaged from the school lake, which were actually the corpses of two small animals , Later, it became a couple who committed suicide for love.The driver brother listened with gusto, and would stop and ask me for words he didn’t understand. He said he heard a funny joke before and would laugh every time he thought about it.I asked him what the joke was, and he said it was a joke about going to a restaurant to order dumplings and asking for mustard to tease the waitress.

When it came to jokes, I happily said to the driver brother: "Let me tell you a bad joke. Let me ask you, why do pangolins keep digging?"

The driver's eyes widened and he was puzzled: "Isn't pangolin digging instinctive?"

I shook my head, laughed and said: "Because it is looking for Chuan Shan B, Chuan Shan C, Chuan Shan Ding.

"Hahaha..." The driver brother laughed when he realized it.

"There is a little bird, it takes two hours to fly from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, and it takes four hours to return. Why?"

The big brother driver shook his head, the joke just now hadn't completely calmed him down.

I jumped off the stool, imitated the posture of a bird, opened my hands and flew, and told him the answer: "Because it was raining when I came back, the bird needs to use one wing to cover the rain and the other to fly." Covering his head with a hand fanning, he ran around him.

The brother driver covered his belly and laughed.A joker meets a low joker like a salesman meets a simple-minded buyer.The half-bright and half-dark moon in the sky, and the shallow lights outside the house, illuminate the night in a foreign land as warm as home.I saw him laughing so happily, so I told him jokes with enthusiasm.

"A rabbit raced with a fast tortoise, guess who won?" I asked, "I know this, it's the tortoise, because it runs fast." The driver brother finally got the hang of it.

I laughed: "That's right, then a hare and a tortoise wearing sunglasses, who will win?"

"Is it a rabbit?" He hesitated a little, with a happy smile on his face all the time.

"Wrong, it's the tortoise, because the tortoise took off his sunglasses, it's the tortoise that runs very fast."

"Hahaha..." The driver brother patted his thigh and laughed.

"Come again, the rabbit without sunglasses and the rabbit with sunglasses race, who will win?" I asked again.

"Lin Qi, that's enough, you can tell such old-fashioned jokes."

Su Lie came out from the dark, which startled me, with dissatisfaction in his voice.He had stood behind and listened for a long time, and finally stood up impatiently.He sat on another chair beside the round table, as if everything was his territory.

"You are very strange. People tell other people's jokes. If you don't like listening to them, don't listen to them. Why are you spoiling the fun?" I was very upset.

The driver brother was still thinking about the question just now, and replied: "It's a rabbit wearing sunglasses." He was expecting my answer.

I glanced at Su Lie, who was also waiting for my answer, with an expression of "see how you make it up".

I ignored his masked face and smiled at the driver brother: "Wrong, it is the rabbit without sunglasses. Because, it is a tortoise named rabbit, and it is also the tortoise that runs very fast." "I ran in place, imitating the appearance of a tortoise, spreading my limbs and paddling.

The driver brother smiled heartily, his eyes were red from laughing.

Su Lie held back his laughter and coughed twice to cover himself.Satisfied, I sat next to him, took a sip of beer, turned my head and didn't look at Su Lie, but said to him: "Laugh if you want to, it hurts you to hold back your laughter."

"It's not funny at all." He pretended to be dead.

The place with Su Lie was really disappointing, I was a little sleepy, I stood up and said to the driver brother: "Let's go to bed." After speaking, I felt something was wrong, so I quickly changed my words, "I mean, I will sleep in mine, You sleep with you." In the driver's brother's somewhat dumbfounding expression, I knew that the more I said, the more I made a mistake.

Su Lie laughed out loud by himself, he only found it funny when he saw my jokes.Angry and ashamed, I cast a hateful look at Su Lie, left them and ran into the house.

I went to sleep in the room of the agreed guide girl. The guide girl was watching a TV show, but she didn't notice my hot face.It was late at night, and we were so tired after a bumpy day that our bones fell apart. Coupled with the language problem, we couldn't talk about a few in-depth topics. We all fell asleep on our own. Not long after, we heard an urgent knock on the door in a daze, I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I guided the girl to get up and open the door.I heard the voice of the driver's elder brother outside the door, in Thai, with a little anxiety in his tone.

I struggled to get up and asked what happened.The guide girl came and said that Su Lie didn't feel well, and now he was going to be sent to the hospital.Hearing her say that, I seemed to be awakened by a nightmare, and suddenly I was fully awake.I immediately got up and put on my shoes and said that I would also like to go.

Su Lie has a fragile stomach, the four of us came back from dinner together, the other three felt nothing unusual, only he felt uncomfortable, at first he didn't pay attention to it, and he completely ignored it when he listened to my jokes in the yard.He suddenly vomited and vomited in the middle of the night, and started to have a fever. Later, the pain was so bad that he knocked on the door of the driver next door.

The driver brother saw that Su Lie was in serious condition, and it was not appropriate to take him to the hospital alone, so he came over to tell us.

It was around three o'clock at night, and the whole city was in darkness. The flickering moon in the sky was completely hidden in the clouds. There was only a small dim light at the front desk of the hotel, and the person on duty was nowhere to be seen.Su Lie was sweating profusely from the pain, and I was worried for him by the side, he is my guarantee of survival here, and I will not feel better if anything happens to him.He treated me so much, but seeing his face turn blue and his lips pale from pain, I really didn't feel like taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

I searched all over the hotel and finally found a man in charge in the small room behind the hotel. At that time, the guy was snoring loudly in the dark house, otherwise I would not have found him.After I woke him up, he screamed loudly in the dark like he was being molested. I couldn't communicate with a duck, so I had to forcefully pull him in front of the guide girl and the driver brother.After communication, I learned that the little brother said that the nearby hospitals are closed now, and it takes about an hour to drive to the larger hospitals.The weather was hot, and the little brother on duty only wore a pair of boxer briefs, covering his important parts, looking very funny.

The driver brother told me that he was very sick and had to go to a big hospital. "

"Let's go then." I said hastily.While talking, he helped Su Lie out of the hotel. The outside of the hotel was dark, except for one or two sparse stars, and there was no other light source. I stumbled over a stone at the door and almost fell, but it was Su Lie who helped me in time.

Su Lie twisted his face in pain and said to me, "I think you'll kill me before I get to the hospital."

People who are sweating and convulsing with pain are still in the mood to make fun of themselves.

As the car drove out of the hotel, my heart beat faster and my palms were sweating. I thought about a lot of messy results. The most serious thing was that if Su Lie got lost here, I would have a psychological shadow for the rest of my life.I began to ask myself, was it because I was too unlucky to infect Su Lie with bad luck, if he died like this, it would be so unworthy.

An hour later we arrived at the largest local hospital for emergency treatment.I am very fortunate to have the driver brother and the guide girl by my side. I can't imagine facing this situation alone.The two of them were also sweating profusely, and went to the emergency room to find a doctor, their faces full of worry.

After the doctor's examination, he came to explain the situation. I couldn't speak the language, so the driver brother could only translate by the side.When the driver brother turned around and said the word surgery to me, I was paralyzed with fright.

"Will he die? Will he die?" I grabbed the doctor and almost cried, regardless of whether the doctor could understand Chinese or not.

Then the calm doctor suddenly laughed and said something in Thai, I really want a Doraemon translation bread to eat, and listen to what he said.The driver brother said: "He won't die, the doctor said no surgery is needed, no need." After confirming that Su Lie had acute gastroenteritis caused by diet, I breathed a sigh of relief.

After a series of examinations, the doctor prescribed some medicine and injections, arranged a bed for Su Lie, and sent him to the hospital for observation for a day.In order not to disturb his rest, we waited outside the ward.After tossing and tossing for several hours, the guide girl kept holding my hand, comforting me that Su Lie would be fine, and I finally felt relieved.

I said to the guide girl and the driver brother.

"Jiehua Day" she patted my hand to comfort me.

Su Lie and I are so lucky to meet people who treat each other sincerely in a foreign country.After Su Lie recovered from his illness, I had to tell him that his life was saved by a friend in Thailand, and he should be rewarded generously.

"Mr. Su asked me to give you this." The driver brother handed me a small bag.I opened it to check, and there were our passports, a few thick stacks of Thai baht, credit cards, mobile phones, etc., all important items.I have to admire Su Lie for being able to pack these things rationally under such circumstances. When I went out, I was so panicked that I didn’t bring my mobile phone, money or anything. The hospitalization fee was all helped by two Thai friends.

I took Su Lie's cell phone and thought about it, would Su Lie have Yun Zhu's phone number in Thailand?Do you want to call Yunzhu, she is in Buriram now, we are so close.

Think about it or forget it, use Su Lie’s mobile phone to call Yun Zhu on his own initiative, Su Lie knows he won’t kill me, no wonder he is such a face-saving person, he doesn’t want Yun Zhu to see him so embarrassed and vulnerable .

Throw the phone back in the bag.

It is almost dawn, and through the glass window of the hospital, a bluish-white tail hangs horizontally in the foreign dawn, like the first brush strokes left by a painter on a black canvas, and the brush strokes gradually fade away, like an opened treasure box. A poetic Khmer scene is painted out without the eyes noticing it.From nowhere came the bells of the temple, making the world milder God lay in the hospital until noon, Su Lie was fine, except that his face was still a little pale, but he had regained the strength to curse people.After waking up, he felt all right, got out of the hospital bed, went out and saw the three of us sleeping on the chairs in the hallway, and called us, "Wipe your saliva, it's dirty." He looked at us dissatisfied. I.Obviously aimed at me, the driver brother is also drooling, how can I be the only one.

"Are you okay? Is it still hurting?" I wiped the saliva from the corner of my mouth, rubbed my eyes and asked him. "Okay, let's go back to the hotel." He said to the driver brother and the guide girl, "I have troubled you yesterday, thank you for taking care of me, I will settle the hospitalization expenses together with my salary."

"Why don't you thank me..." I murmured and followed them out of the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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