Just love female men: accidentally sinicized

Chapter 18 The bad days will continue

Chapter 18 The bad days will continue (1)
Back at the hotel, Su Lie saw that the weather was fine and said that he would go to Wat Phanom Ram in the afternoon.We couldn't persuade him.I guess he was probably worried that Yunzhu's schedule would change, so he left here early.But is he sure he can find Yunzhu when he goes there?Will it be such a coincidence?It's impossible for Yunzhu to be waiting for him in the temple like a statue or a stone, let alone Zhong Siyu beside him.

After several risks, I almost forgot that I was going to meet Zhong Siyu in a foreign country. I didn't even prepare my speech. When I met him, I didn't know how to explain the situation that Su Lie and I came to Thailand together.Big head every time I think about it.

When I was going out, the boy who was only wearing boxer briefs, who I picked up from the bed last night, suddenly opened his arms and waved his arms, and ran towards me with a swaying expression.Although I was very surprised, I thought he was reluctant to part with me and wanted a parting hug. Thinking of being dragged to the Qiuzi Temple by a local aunt on the road yesterday, I can especially understand the enthusiasm of the people here.I was so moved that I didn't know what to do. After hesitating for two seconds, I simply opened my hands on the spot, and gave the hotel boy a big hug while the other three were stunned.

The little brother was obviously shocked by my actions. After I let go of my hand, he chattered a lot of Thai excitedly.

"We haven't checked out yet, we will come back here at night, we can still meet at night, don't be so reluctant." I felt embarrassed, patted him on the shoulder, comforted him in Chinese, and motioned to the driver to translate.

The driver brother helped his forehead and said sweatingly, "He didn't...he didn't want to hug you, he wanted to show you something."

I moved my eyes to the little brother's raised hand, and seeing him holding a piece of paper, I was immediately ashamed and flushed.

Su Lie beside him shook his head helplessly, with an expression that he could no longer bear my neurotic behavior.

"What is it?" Su Lie took the paper from his brother with one long hand.I don't know what's on the paper, Su Lie read it and asked my brother, we didn't pay attention to a jeep driving up from the road in front of the hotel, the car drove all the way to the yard where it was parked.Then the hotel boy happily left us, waved to the people in the car, and ran over with a swaying expression.

The ones who got out of the car were Yun Zhu and Zhong Siyu whom Su Lie and I had been looking for all the way. They were wearing couple outfits of the same color, standing together like gods descending to earth.From the reaction of the hotel boy, I know that they may have stayed in this hotel for a long time.

The moment the eight eyes met, the air froze.There is only one thought in my mind, if only I were a gopher who can only burrow, I will definitely bury myself tightly, together with this summer, without mercy.

Sometimes what we look for deliberately will come to our door automatically, and we are good at turning expectations into disappointments in a way that catches people off guard.This is my psychological portrayal when I saw Zhong Siyu.He looked at me with surprise, doubt, and disappointment in his eyes, and more emotions that I couldn't understand pierced into my heart like fluffy thorns.Everyone froze for 1 minute, and I took a deep breath, as if my throat was blocked by something.

"Lin Qi, why are you here? You and Su Lie..."

Zhong Siyu walked towards me, grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Su Lie.I wish he could happily say to me "It's such a coincidence to meet here" or "Did you have a good time in Thailand?"But he asked me and Su Lie... This is something I never thought of.Although I am a bit thick-handed, I am not stupid, and I can understand the rest of his hesitating words.What is the relationship between you and Su Lie to come to Thailand?Why do you want to travel to Thailand together?Are you such a casual girl?

"Does Uncle Lin know that you are coming to Thailand? Does he let you come here at ease?" He kept asking, "I... I didn't say anything." I answered honestly.

He sighed deeply, looked at me disappointedly and said, "Lin Qi? What's the matter with you?" It seemed that in his eyes, I suddenly became a terrible bad girl.I lowered my whole head, like a child who did something wrong, my nose was itchy and sore.

Things are going out of control.

Yunzhu came up, pulled Zhong Siyu and said, "I don't think it's her fault, but..." She walked towards Su Lie, and asked as calmly as possible, "A Lie, you brought Lin Qi here? Why? Didn't you tell us?"

Su Lie turned his head to the side and remained silent.

A faint smile appeared on Yunzhu's face: "You are not just ordinary friends, are you? Are you dating?" She paused for a long time, "Are you serious about Lin Qi?"

Her question sounded very strange to me. It was the same as what Zhong Siyu asked me. I don't understand their logic. Are people traveling together must be couples?Are they thinking complicated, or am I thinking simple?I am uneasy.What's more, she clearly knew that Su Lie liked her, so why did she ask such a question?At that moment, I felt that there was a watershed between Yunzhu and her past.

Su Lie slowly set his gaze on Yunzhu's face, sneered, and there was something hopeless in his eyes: "In your eyes, I'm not serious? I'm just someone who doesn't deserve to associate with her, right? "Su Lie pointed at me.

I really want to scold the Three Character Classic.Anger is anger, why does it have to be on me?I glared at Su Lie fiercely, I didn't want to admit it, his words pierced me like a sharp sword that couldn't be defended, and I almost vomited blood.I think we are too embarrassed. The three irrelevant Thai friends standing next to us, the driver brother, the guide girl and the hotel boy, are completely frightened by our formation and look at each other in blank dismay.

Zhong Siyu let go of me and walked forward, stood in front of Yunzhu, and said to Su Lie: "You should respect your sister. I don't know why Lin Qi came with you, but you should at least inform us before coming, in case you What's the matter, how will Yunzhu explain to your grandfather and your mother?" She said and glanced at me.

"Recognize it clearly, Zhong Siyu, Zhou Yunzhu is not my sister, we have no blood relationship." Su Lie interrupted Zhong Siyu like an angry little beast, "Yes, I am dating Lin Qi, how about it? ’ he said as he walked towards me.

"What?" I yelled, feeling something bad, very bad, but before I could escape, Su Lie had already grabbed me, hugged my waist tightly, and pressed down his face.Yes, he wants to kiss me, what's the matter?This matter was so complicated that my head was so clogged with paste that I simply closed my eyes.

Huh?Why did you stop?Why do I still have time to think about this stopped question?Opening my eyes, 0.01 seconds before Su Lie successfully kissed me, Zhong Siyu had already grabbed him and punched him.The piece of paper in his hand fell to the ground, and I finally saw the content on it, the pencil sketch of the character.That gray pencil sketch turned the whole world into black and white, and it turned out to be me, wearing half of the Phantom mask.

When Su Lie fell to the ground, I realized from the eyes of the other three Thai friends that this performance was really wonderful, this state 0!Especially the hotel boy, with the shock of "I want to change my career to be a screenwriter" on his face.

Here is a famous quote from Miley: I can stop myself from developing on the path of bloody life, but I can't stop others.

Miley's father committed an affair, and her mother cried, made trouble, and hanged herself at home, but every time she always told me like she was gossip about someone else's family: "You know what? Every time they tortured each other until their heads broke Bleeding, unrecognizable, I am like an audience watching a movie, separated into two worlds, as an audience, I cannot prevent their lives from becoming so bloody, they are the screenwriters and directors, and I am just an audience."

Su Lie got up from the ground, pointed at Zhong Siyu and said to Yunzhu: "Look, look carefully, am I right? I bet you, I bet he has someone else in his heart, and he doesn't love you wholeheartedly." , do you believe it now?"

Then he turned his head and said to me: "Lin Qi, now you know why I must bring you in front of them, do you see it now? Do you understand? Zhong Siyu, you are a hypocrite!"

Zhong Siyu turned his head to one side, looked at the small town half hidden in the green under the hillside of the hotel, and said nothing more.

"Enough!" Yunzhu shouted, "Enough is enough, Su Lie, you are always so selfish, you do whatever you want, you say whatever you want, and you never think about others. You are too selfish." Yunzhu, who was always gentle and quiet in my impression, became another person when she said these words.

Su Lie drove away angrily, leaving behind Yunzhu's beautiful sad face and Zhong Siyu's sad face.I really want to laugh at myself: you are just a spectator.What happens, what you can only watch' You are not even allowed to ask for a happy ending.

I suddenly remembered what Su Lie said to me in the hotel suite in Chiang Mai: "When we get to Korat, we will know why I must come with you. We don't need to do anything special at all. I said, this is an event. The test trip is like a horse race, we all hold a number in our hands, we don’t know which one we win, maybe I lost, who knows.”

In fact, all lose.This is bound to be a bad trip.

I want to go back to China with Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu, do I have a choice?No.The next day we drove from Nakhon Ratchasima to Bangkok and took the same day's flight back home.At the airport, Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu took my passport to go through the departure procedures.

In the boarding hall, I said goodbye to the guide girl. After a few days together, I was very reluctant to part with her. She hugged me and said in English, next time I come to Thailand, she will be my guide for free and take me all over Thailand. The place.What a girl.

I was also very reluctant to part with the driver brother. I entrusted Su Lie's luggage to the driver brother, including Su Lie's passport and money.I said to the kind driver brother: "Thank you for your care along the way. Su Lie will drive your car away, and he will contact you. Also, please return this to him for me." The girl's stone painting was handed over to him.

Su Lie and I don't need to leave any souvenirs with each other.

The driver brother gave me a butterfly he made out of straw in Nanlong, and said that I brought him a lot of happiness. He remembered the jokes I told and would tell his family and friends. He said that I was the one he met. Funniest girl ever and told me to always be happy.

I lamented what a wonderful person, and thought to myself: He thinks I'm "interesting" because he saw a lot of my jokes.The ugliness I made along the way shamed the motherland.

The meaning of travel is not necessarily brought by the scenery, it may be the people you meet inadvertently, from whom you gain more beautiful and heart-warming friendship than the scenery.

The guide girl left and came back again, saying that she wanted to tell me a few small things, but she decided to say it after thinking about it all the way.I translated it in Chinese here, and she said: "You know what? Mr. Su actually cares about you very much. Before going to Nakhon Ratchasima, he found me, please find a driver who can speak Chinese anyway, and his friend speaks English. The level is very bad. He knows that you can’t eat potatoes. He will ask the kitchen in advance of meal time, and specifically asks you not to have any potatoes in your food, nor potato powder. Also, in Korat Hotel, you are in the pool Swimming, he ordered the waiter to bring you a towel. I don't know what the relationship between you is, but I can feel that he cares about you."

I didn't notice how the beautiful guide girl disappeared into the crowd, and her words completely disrupted my thoughts, like a bomb, blasting a huge gap between the past and the present.

Will I hate Su Lie?Do you hate him for using me and then throwing me away like trash?Hate him for doing these trivial things and yet impress me?
There are people coming and going in the airport hall, different faces with different expressions, walking around me, I have nothing to do with them, like countless planets in the universe, you orbit your star, I orbit staring at me.Soon, Su Lie and I will return to our original running tracks.

Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu walked out of the crowd after completing the check-in procedures. It seemed that nothing had happened to them, but there was no smile on their faces.Yunzhu took my arm intimately, and I quietly broke free. I walked in front and walked towards the security checkpoint. I didn't look back at her, I don't know what her expression is.

I didn't ask Zhong Siyu what happened to that painting, why it appeared in the hands of the hotel brother inexplicably, and I didn't ask about the bet between Yunzhu and Su Lie, so I took it as Su Lie who had disappeared, including My sorrow, let them digest by themselves.

Comrade Lin Zhancheng used to quote a passage from the "Gospel of Matthew" in the "Bible" to educate me: If you have anything, you will give him more to make him redundant; if you don't have anything, you will take everything from him.At that time, I thought it was too cruel. My dad said that you will know when you lose something.Now I understand, this is the reason why I don't hate Su Lie, we agreed at the beginning that we will have nothing to do when we return from Thailand.Everything I have here was taken away by him, and all my carefreeness in the past 21 years was taken away by him. Thanks to him, I was also able to know a brand new self.

Zhou Xingchi used "Journey to the West' Conquering the Demons" to tell us that if you are sad to a certain level, you can become a Buddha on the spot.

I couldn't help crying as the plane took off from the land of smiles in Thailand, leaving it and its beauty and enthusiasm behind.Yunzhu was sitting next to me, and she was crying too. We both knew that the other was crying, but pretended not to know.I know why I was crying, and I also know why Yunzhu arrived at the Capital Airport five hours later.

Before boarding the plane, I called Miley to tell Miley the arrival time. After returning to Beijing, she drove an old man's Land Rover to pick me up.Before that, Zhong Siyu suggested that he could take me back along the way.I said coldly: "If you drop by me, you can't drop Yunzhu. If someone comes to pick me up, you should send Yunzhu back."

He was probably very surprised by my attitude towards him. He looked at me with gentle and somewhat melancholy eyes, and wanted to reach out to touch my head, but I dodged it skillfully.His hand stayed in the air for a few seconds, then retracted awkwardly, and said awkwardly, "Go back and have a good rest."

Yunzhu also said the same thing, with her usual charming smile on her face again.In fact, we didn't speak a word during the 5 hours of the plane back home. Whenever she tried to speak, I would pretend to be tired to avoid it.

To a certain extent, I think Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu are indeed a match made in heaven. After such a thing happened, they could still face me as if nothing had happened. How did they do it?
Seeing Miley at the exit, I rushed to hug her.She pinched my face until it was distorted and said, "Be good, don't cry for me here." She pulled my suitcase as she spoke.

As Miley drove me home, she said that seeing me come back intact meant Su Lie wasn't that bad.She witnessed my attitude towards Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu at the exit of the airport, she was as smart as her, she refused to ask me any questions, she just waited for me to speak.I spoke slowly, mentioning the sketch drawn by Zhong Siyu, the conflict between the four of us, and the disappearance of Su Lie.

Miley interrupted me and said, "The more I listen to it, the weirder it gets. It's not right."

"What's wrong? Is it really my fault? There is indeed a problem between Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu. Su Lie is right, it is my fault. I am indifferent to Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu. I am a little disappointed in them. I don’t have the face to see them. After all, this matter is related to me. No matter how stupid I am, I know that Su Lie said that Zhong Siyu has someone else in his heart, and he refers to me. That’s why he kidnapped me and went to Thailand. Can a picture really explain it? ?”

"Whether to paint or not, the problem between them has nothing to do with you. I said it was strange, because I was surprised how you kept mentioning Su Lie. Don't you like your Zhong Siyu? Didn't you miss him for many years? Why are you here?" It sounds to me that your concern for him is not as good as for Su Lie? Also, love is indeed ever-changing. I agree with Su Lie very much on this point. You think you can't face your Zhong Siyu and Zhou Yunzhu, in fact Well, you think that their love that is high in your heart is not indestructible." Miley turned to look at me while driving the car, saw me lowered her head, and continued, "Let me analyze it in depth, you just put yourself Your unrequited love for Zhong Siyu has sublimated and been entrusted to the love between him and Zhou Yunzhu. You think they are the best spokespersons of love, sacred and without impurities, just like your love for Zhong Siyu is also unchangeable. But now unrequited love has changed It’s a Korean drama with four corners, it’s bloody and exciting, just don’t give me cancer and amnesia.”

As expected of Miley, I have no room to refute. I have to be convinced even if I am not convinced. I turned my face to the car window and looked at the gray sky in Beijing with a touch of blue. Also rare.

"I see." Miley's eyes flashed. If it weren't for the fact that parking was not allowed on the elevated road, she would definitely stop and talk, "007, let me tell you, you have changed from quantitative to qualitative. You don't like Zhong Siyu anymore. You fall in love with Zhong Siyu." Su Lie. You also have the answer in your heart, even if you understand that Zhong Siyu has thoughts about you, you have changed, and your disappointment with Zhong Siyu and Zhou Yunzhu is actually a disappointment with yourself."

I thought I had a chance to defend myself, but when Miley said the word "love", I couldn't defend myself anymore. My heart was pounding and my face was flushed.I asked myself, do I really like Su Lie?Why do I like him?Since when did I fall in love with him?I am good at catching myself off guard.

The only thing that is certain is that Su Lie has occupied most of the space in my mind since I don't know when.God, this result terrified me.There was only one sentence in his head, and he blurted out to Miley: "Crazy!"

"You are the one who is sick, and you need to be cured." Miley said calmly, driving the car fast, like a detective who solved the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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