Just love female men: accidentally sinicized

Chapter 25 Love is still too far away from me

Chapter 25 Love is still too far away from me (2)
In the single ward of a well-known private hospital in China, I met Grandpa Su.I thought this kind of thing like white hair overnight was only found in film and television dramas, but it still shocked me when I saw it in real life.It's not that Grandpa Su didn't have gray hair before, it's just that his white hair wasn't so noticeable before, and it even made people suspect that what they saw was two people, like a lot of years passed between fingers overnight. slipped away.

The three generations of Su Lie's family are single-handed, and it is an unbearable burden in life for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.When I went to the hospital, Yunzhu was giving Grandpa Su a massage to soothe his body. I looked outside the door for a while, and I felt from the bottom of my heart that Yunzhu was a good girl, and whoever married her was really a blessing for generations.Zhong Siyu stood behind me and asked me why I didn't go in, he knocked on the door, Yunzhu raised her head and saw me, showing a comforting smile.

The old man's spirit was hit, and he was sitting in a wheelchair looking at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. Yunzhu made a shh gesture with her index finger.Because I know that I can't help much, and my mouth is too stupid to say a word of comfort. At this time, what old man Su needs most is to be alone quietly.

Yunzhu asked Zhong Siyu to look after her grandfather, she had something to tell me.Seeing my injured dark circles, she was suspicious, so I took the initiative to explain that I was walking without looking at the road and bumped into a telephone pole.She probably has to believe it if she doesn't believe it.

The environment of the private hospital is a few blocks away from the public hospital. There are world-class doctors here, and the patients are almost all from upper-class families. In short, this is a hospital for the rich, and the poor have no way to get in.The hospital has an antique design. There is a small pond in the atrium, in which fat and big koi are raised, and every plant and tree is cared for carefully.Yunzhu and I sat on the bench by the pool, she talked about what happened last night, about her attitude towards Su Lie, saying she was too bad.

"Su Lie's father divorced his mother ten years ago and took his beloved woman to South America. Grandpa has been secretly sending people to check on Uncle Su's news, but he seems to have made up his mind that he will never return to this home and cut off his relationship with Su Lie." He put down all the great Su family property, and followed his beloved woman with all his heart, just for freedom. Mother Su is a strong woman. Su Lie grew up in an environment lacking parental care, with a stubborn personality. Very, it’s not easy to let go of what you believe, he and I are too similar, so we are like two hedgehogs, we will only stab each other.”

"It's true that Su Lie is a hedgehog, but you are very gentle, you don't look like a hedgehog at all." I smiled and Yunzhu also smiled, and touched the direction of my heart: "Here, it's a hedgehog."

"Where did Su Lie go?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I disappeared after leaving the hospital this morning. Uncle Ming said he didn't come home, so I hope you can help me find him. Maybe he went back to school. If you find him, send me a text message." Is it? The child has a deep affection for his father, and his father abroad has only been in contact with him for so many years."

"Where's Su Lie's mother? How is she?"

Yunzhu sighed, and said after a long time that Su Lie's mother had sworn that even if Su Lie's father died, she would not even look at him, and the two of them hurt each other too deeply.

People who once loved each other became sworn enemies. This is the magic of love.

I am quite sure that Yunzhu's only affection for Su Lie is family affection, and only family affection can make the two people who made a big fight last night care about each other the next day and let go of their resentment completely.I'm sure Su Lie will never be like this.But where is he?Where are you hiding?With his personality, he must have gone racing somewhere.

Saying goodbye to Grandpa Su and Yunzhu, Zhong Siyu drove me back to school. The corner of his mouth that was beaten by Su Lie last night had not completely subsided, and there were still a little red and swollen traces, while my face was covered with nail scratches and bruises If others see it, they will think that the two of us just had sex. I asked Zhong Siyu to park the car on the street some distance from the school gate. The car stopped under a tree on the side of the road. ?Give it back to him.

"You keep it, it was originally your thing." He said.

"Have you seen Cinema Paradiso?" I asked him.

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" When he looked at me, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a shallow signature smile.

"The part that impressed me the most in "Paradise Cinema" is actually a short story told by the old projectionist Evert to the young man: A humble soldier fell in love with a beautiful princess and fell in love deeply. Finally, he confessed his love to the princess. The princess was deeply moved and told the soldier that if he could stay under her balcony for a hundred consecutive nights, she would agree with him. The soldier left, and he stayed under the princess's balcony every night. Even in the wind and rain, one night, two nights, No. 20 night... At the No. 90 night, the soldier became pale and haggard, with tears streaming down his face, but the princess saw everything in his eyes. No. 90 Nine Nights, The soldier left and he never appeared again, this is the end of the story. He has been waiting for 99 nights, why didn't he appear on the last night?"

Zhong Siyu thought for a few seconds and answered my question seriously.He said: "99 nights, maybe it was the bottom line of the soldier, his last bit of patience was exhausted, he was desperate, sure the princess could not accept him, he convinced himself. Maybe, it happened during the daytime of No.90 nine nights What is it, something that makes the soldiers unable to wait, maybe he will go to the front line on the [-]th day."

"Any other answers?" I asked quietly.He blinked his long eyelashes slowly, as if he had an answer in his heart but wasn't sure whether to say it or not.

"You mean, he's not persistent enough? Yeah, he just needs to persist one more step, and his dream can come true, right?" He laughed self-deprecatingly.

"No, it doesn't have to be like this. Life is full of variables, and you can't get there with persistence. In the process of persistence, you will experience a kind of self-transformation and find that what you insisted on at first is not what you want most." I looked at He, trying to focus his eyes on his face, allowed himself to really face the moment.

Zhong Siyu looked at me fixedly, and we looked at each other in silence for a long time.Then he lowered his eyes and smiled wryly: "I understand, it's my fault, I didn't make up my mind earlier."

I think he still doesn't quite understand what I mean by telling this story.

"Are you 90.00% sure of your mind right now? Even if it's 90.00%, are you sure? I also want to tell you that I'm [-]% sure that I like Su Lie, and my liking for him is increasing. "

"You like him? What do you like about him?" He was a little surprised.

"I don't know, I just like him, like everything about him." I said what was in my heart without reservation, and my mood became smoother.

"I see." He spoke calmly, turned his eyes to other places, and never saw me open the car door and get out of the car. He drove away and watched the car drive away. I felt like a big stone in my heart fell to the ground , but hit his own foot again, it hurts no matter what.Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. I can’t always hold a big rock in my heart. Time will make me unable to bear it. I would rather drop a rock and hit my foot. Wait for the wound to heal slowly, empty the place in my heart, and pretend that I have nothing to do. Hesitating about what to put on.

Zhong Siyu and I did nothing wrong with each other, the fault lies in the timing, and the fault lies in the fact that miracles happen every minute and every second.

I didn't see Su Lie until after autumn.

After Grandpa Su came home from the hospital, I visited his old man's house several times, and I returned the Bruce Lee sportswear by the way.Later, when I heard Uncle Ming say that the tracksuit was really worn by Bruce Lee, I was really shocked.I held hope as fragile as a spider's silk, looking forward to seeing Su Lie, but I still didn't see him.The old man seemed to see my thoughts, and when I visited him for the third time, he told me that Su Lie had moved out.

"It takes time for the wound to heal. Let's give him some time, and he will come back." Grandpa Su said.He said that after Yunzhu and Su Lie moved out, he was very lonely by himself, and he hoped that I could visit him often, play chess and chat with him.

After all, I am not from the Su family, so there is really not much I can do.

At the end of October, the professor of foreign news history who was close to my dad recommended me to do an internship in a program group of a TV station. The opportunity was rare, and I did not refuse. Two days later, I entered the program group with a mess of thoughts.I told myself not to think about Su Lie any more, and thought to myself: What are you to him, Lin Qi, is it worth thinking about him like this?
Even the colder weather didn't cool my manic mood.The interns do hard work, no matter men or women, they work as livestock, carrying lamps and props, setting up game tables, running errands for seniors, serving tea and water, and tirelessly explaining various program rules to guests. Also serve as cannon fodder for game shows.For example, some guests didn't want to get wet, so I put on a raincoat as a stand-in, and the camera took a supplementary shot from above. No one ever suspected that this was a death.

On the fifth day, I was so tired that I forgot who I was, and when I was about to forget Su Lie, Miley called me: "Yesterday, Qin Yong and I met a Hong Kong treasure appraisal expert at the Oriental Hotel. You know that I am in the hotel Did you meet anyone there?"

"Su Lie?" I blurted out, I finally got some news about him these days, and my restless heart was immediately nourished, like a downpour after a long-lasting sandstorm.

"And Yang Duowei." Miley added, and waited for my response, I was silent here for a long time, then hung up the phone.Why did I hang up in such a hurry, because I know I can't afford to lose.

I was in a state of distraction all day, absent-minded, and the direct result was that I tripped over a power line during the recording of the program, a lighting fixture exploded, and the scene was chaotic.As I was lying on the ground, I thought, I am so sorry to the professor of journalism history, my internship is going to fail, and I can only pray that no one gets hurt.I got up from the ground, and a program worker next to me looked at me and suddenly fainted to the ground.I ran over to help her, only to find that my hand holding the back of her head was covered with blood, and a strong smell of blood immediately permeated the air.I hurriedly yelled: "Someone is injured here, call 120 quickly."

A staff member with knowledge of first aid came first to give first aid at the scene. He checked the fainted girl's head twice but still could not find a wound. He said, "It's strange, why only see blood but not the wound."

A guest from behind came to take pictures of me, and said palely: "The back of your arm is covered with blood, are you injured too?"

I twisted my right arm and found blood dripping down my arm and onto the floor.I was the one who was injured, with a small piece of tempered glass stuck in my arm, and the girl who fainted was just dizzy from seeing me hurt.My entire right arm was somewhat numb due to excessive blood loss. The pain spread throughout my body when the glass slice was taken out. The depth of the wound was beyond my imagination.

In the movie "V for Vendetta", the enemy failed to kill him with all the bullets.Ya said: "Under the mask is not the body but the mind, and the mind will not die." Perhaps because my body is occupied by too many messy thoughts, no matter how serious the physical injury is, I can ignore it, even after the glass is removed in the hospital. I was in so much pain.

In short, everyone present was refreshed by my injury, and some even suspected that my right hand was a prosthesis.I really have no common sense, will the prosthesis bleed so much blood?
Later, Miley and Qin Yong went to see me in the hospital. They laughed and shook their heads helplessly when they heard my story, saying that I was hopeless, and that one day I would be drained of blood and unconscious, and would turn into a mummy. Only in the museum can I live up to my 1000-year-old wonderful work.Just as they left, Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu came in behind.My father Lin Zhan agreed to quit and call my mother overseas to report my injury. He said on the phone: "It's not a serious problem, but it will leave a scar."

"How can a girl have scars? Tell her to come to me during the winter vacation, and I will take her to my plastic surgeon to remove the scars." My mother spoke forcefully on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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