Just love female men: accidentally sinicized

Chapter 26 Love is still too far away from me

Chapter 26 Love is still too far away from me (3)
Uncle Zhong and Aunt Zhong also came to see me, which made me feel like I had an incurable disease.When everyone cares about me, I think of Su Lie, how luckier he is than me, there are so many people who care about me and love me, but what about him, hey, I forgot, and Yang Duowei cares about him .When I heard Miley talking about them going out and going to the hotel together, I didn't feel that I hated Yang Duowei so much. Instead, I felt a little defeated. Yang Duowei was by his side during his most difficult moments, and I was so far away from him.

I asked Yunzhu if Grandpa Su was okay, and she said he was fine, so don't worry, she and Zhong Siyu stood side by side, both of them couldn't hide more or less sadness on their faces.I smiled and told them that life is lived through sweat and blood, and life becomes cooler with scars.


Xu Zheng also came to see me, carrying a huge backpack, dressed as a donkey friend ready to travel, very suitable for him who is dull.He said he came to bid farewell to me. He has completed the school leaving procedures and will not teach at the school next semester. He will go back to Shanghai. Before returning to Shanghai, he plans to use half a year to travel all over Southwest China and Southeast Asia on foot. , Climb a few mountains.

There is no redemption in his relationship with Miley, and I really think Miley has done a great job, no one jumps from one relationship to another like her.For her, the fact that they were deeply in love was like a ditch that was easily crossed without looking back; for him, how many mountains had to be climbed to completely put her in it. behind.When meeting this kind of girl, being too affectionate is equivalent to throwing oneself on an isolated island, but there is no way not to fall in love with her.

When I watched Xu Zheng leave, I was as sad as I was when I was far away from Su Lie. This sense of loss that spread from the soles of my feet to the top of my head was stronger than the pain caused by a freshly scabbed wound, and I still had to do it in front of everyone. Forced to smile, because I am Lin Qi who is omnipotent and brings happiness to others.

The omnipotent Lin Qi suffered a deep scar on his arm from then on.

Summer is like a child scared away by firecrackers, disappearing in a flash, and autumn drives like a tank vigorously, crushing broken leaves along the way.One day I overheard my dad in the living room asking the cleaning lady where she got his leather jacket.He used to be a soldier in the Northeast, and he was afraid of the cold. When he was old, he rummaged for thick clothes when the weather was a little turbulent.

It is a blessing among misfortunes that the program group did not kick me out.Before the wound healed, I returned to work, serving tea and water and carrying props.It’s just that my dad drove to the TV station to wait for me after work every day. He waited for several hours. One day when work was over at 10 o’clock in the evening, a group of people yelled and went to have a midnight snack. I saw my dad’s car when I got out of the TV station. Sleeping soundly in the car.

A week later, I couldn't bear it any longer, and I waved my arms vigorously and said to Comrade Lin Zancheng: "Look, I'm fine. Do you need to go to the TV station to wait for me every day? You scare away anyone who wants to pursue me." gone."

Comrade Lin Zancheng really never came to pick me up again.He always wanted to know who was the guy who made me "like the new and dislike the old", and I refused to tell him what I said by making insinuations. He called Miley and asked Miley, but Miley didn't betray me.

I thought that if things went on like this and I lived peacefully for a few months, I might forget about Su Lie, or if there was someone pursuing me on the TV station, I would just let it go.But the weather is not good. One is that the young men on the TV station have blind eyes. My dad's appearance in those few days directly led them to think that I have already been rich and wealthy.Hey, have you ever seen a big money driving a second-hand Toyota?BMW must be the minimum standard equipment for big money, right?Can you have a better look?The second is that the TV station made a treasure appraisal program and invited a Hong Kong treasure appraisal expert.This expert has a lot of things to do, and one day after the recording ended, important documents were left in the program group.At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the program team was done. I thought I could go home and go to bed early. Unexpectedly, a producer waved his hand and said to me: "Who is that, send this file to the Dongfang Hotel for today's treasure appraisal expert , he is in a hurry."

Coincidentally, it turns out that he is the treasure appraisal expert that Miley and Qin Yong met at the Oriental Hotel.Oriental Hotel.While looking for excuses in my heart, I turned my head to look for someone who could replace me. Who knew that everyone ran away in an instant and disappeared, and I was the only handyman left in the entire recording studio!

It might not be such a coincidence to meet Su Lie, I consoled myself.On the way to take a taxi to the Oriental Hotel, my heart felt like being dehydrated by a washing machine, and I made a sound of criticizing and criticizing.

When I went to the hotel, I met the experts and handed over the things. When I left the hotel, I was already relaxed. I didn't expect that when I took the elevator down to the hotel lobby, as soon as the elevator door opened, I saw Su Lie and Yang Duowei walking in.Damn it, I was so excited that a carp came and stood up, and the whole person rolled down at the elevator entrance and hid by the fountain next to it.Next to the fountain is a western restaurant. During dinner time, it is full of guests, and a whole glass wall separates the people inside from the hall outside.

Su Lie and Yang Duowei went in and out of the hotel at night, my heart was burning like sulfuric acid, I hoped that they would get into the elevator quickly so that I could escape quickly.I will pretend that I didn't see anything, and return to my life without any surprise.

They walked towards the fountain.My sneakiness has already attracted the attention of the security guards, and the security guards also came towards me, flanking me from both sides. I was so flustered that I was at a loss for what to do. I wanted to run desperately to the side door of the restaurant on the back right. Hit the waist from behind, one of them lost his footing, and the whole person fell into the fountain.

The whole world turned the spotlight on me, just like the live broadcast of Truman's life in "The Truman Show", I felt like a clown, stood up from the pool wet all over, and saw Su Lie's astonished expression The face, as well as Yang Duowei's undisguised gloating in the astonishment, suddenly felt like wanting the universe to explode.

The security guard came and pulled me out of the pool, and the person who bumped into me kept apologizing, and I covered my face and dared not look at anyone.

When on earth can I not panic, not embarrass myself in front of Su Lie, but when can I appear in front of him confidently, noble and cold and not caring about him?I can't even pretend.

The people on the other side of the restaurant were also alarmed, stretching their necks to this side, and several hotel staff gathered around at the same time.

Su Lie quickly regained his composure, I didn't dare to look him in the eyes, I only saw him walking towards the elevator entrance, Yang Duowei shrugged slightly at me, turned her face and followed Su Lie.

I sneezed a lot, and the staff wanted to take me to change clothes. I said in frustration that no, I broke free from the crowd and walked towards the gate in a low mood.The hotel lobby is so magnificent and noisy, but what greets me outside the door is a thick night.I will suffocate.

Drenched all over, I walked towards the door step by step. As soon as I stepped out of the hotel door, someone grabbed my hand from behind and quickly and forcefully pulled me back from the shadows.The strength of holding me made me turn my whole body around, and when I saw Su Lie's face close at hand, my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

I was dumbfounded and stood stiffly.Su Lie pulled me back, and said to Yang Duowei who was stunned beside him, "You go back first, I will arrange the rest."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yang Duowei biting her lip and stamping her feet, wishing she could cast her eyes on me like an atomic bomb.

Su Lie's posture holding me was so handsome, the hotel was brightly lit, warm and moving, and the light blurred and surrounded me one by one.I feel like a fat horse galloping on the endless green grassland, everything is slow and beautiful, even if there is a flash in the pan in front of me, and there is a sea of ​​​​blazes ahead, I will not look back.

When I changed into a dry bathrobe and sat on the sofa in Su Lie's suite, drinking the hot water that Su Lie poured for me, I felt relieved, but everything was still as unreal as a dream.The pictures of us getting along in Thailand automatically played in my mind, which actually brought me a lot of happiness, and I will never forget that journey no matter what.

I sat on the sofa without daring to move, I just turned my eyes to look at the room, when I saw Su Lie put half of the suitcase on the bed and the air tickets and passports on the table, with a bang, the dream finally woke up .

Su Lie made a phone call from the balcony, and when he walked in, his tone was unexpectedly good: "I asked someone to find some clothes for you, and they will be delivered later, so you can change before you go back. By the way, have you had dinner yet?" ?” He looked up at his watch, it was just after 09:30.

I suddenly couldn't get used to his nice-talking attitude, and it made me feel strange like a different person. I pointed to the suitcase on his bed and asked, "Are you going abroad?"

He didn't look at me. He went to the bed and continued to fold the shirts. He folded the clothes very lightly. The suitcase was twice as big as the one when he went to Thailand. It was a long time before he spoke: "The flight tomorrow afternoon .” Did not say where to go.

"When are you coming back?"

"I don't know, maybe I won't return to China for a long time."

I looked at him quietly, his seemingly calm face was filled with sorrow emanating from his body, he was completely different from that arrogant guy, like a vegetable beaten by frost.How he got here these days, I can't imagine, he was tortured to pieces, as if he was pieced together, and would be shattered at the touch of a touch.

I have lived for 21 years, and I have never felt so sad like this moment. Seeing Su Lie's sad face and body like a walking corpse, it was like a poisonous insect gnawed at my body and soul.I really wanted to hug him and ask him if he was okay, but I couldn't speak or move.I've always been stupid to comfort people.I might say that mourning goes hand in hand, and the living should not live with the grief left by the dead.

The hotel staff delivered the clothes, and when I walked into the bathroom, tears almost fell down. In the bathroom, I tried my best to face the mirror and said don’t cry, don’t cry, be good.I changed my clothes, washed my face, and walked out. The glass door of the balcony was open, and the wind blew in. The white curtains fluttered like a girl's skirt.Su Lie stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the long river of lights connected by cars and street lights outside the window, his back was alone.

"Going to the top floor?" He suddenly turned to me.

A few minutes later, we were already standing on the rooftop of the Oriental Hotel where we met for the first time.The wind is strong, the night is as gentle as water, and there is a bit of undefended coolness.Wrapped in a large coat that was not my size, I stood beside Su Lie and watched the brightly lit night scene with him. There were no stars, no moon, nothing in the sky, but I felt bright and warm in my heart.

I recalled the days when we met. The appearance of Su Lie broke my peaceful life for so many years. I almost got naked in front of him when we met for the first time, and I almost crippled him when we met the second time. None of the things could be done to his satisfaction, but instead made him repeatedly embarrassing.When he met me, he probably felt very annoying and unlucky.

We stood in the wind for an hour without saying a word.After a long time, I plucked up the courage to say to him: "You are right about one thing. Love is ever-changing. If I say that I don't like Zhong Siyu that much now, would you believe me?" I let out a breath pretending to be relaxed, " I feel less pain now, and I hope you do too."

He looked at me meaningfully, turned his face to the side of the dark night, and couldn't see his expression.I expected him to say something, but he didn't say anything. It was late at night, and he waved to me and said:
"It's late, you go home, you can still get a taxi now."

Really, am I a puppy?Come and go when you call.

"Let's go down together." I said.

He smiled helplessly: "Are you afraid that I will jump off the building?"

"Very likely, seeing that you are in a trance and still treat me so well, it's like being possessed by an evil spirit." I said honestly.

"Did I treat you well?" He denied, pointing to the clothes on my body, with an evil smile on his face, "I only helped out of humanitarianism, at most as a friend."

Listen, he's starting to come back to himself.I am very grateful that he treats me as a friend, so I couldn't help laughing: "Look at you, you always refute me a few words when I say something, and never let me take advantage of you."

Su Lie approached me: "Aren't you taking advantage of me a lot? You have already kissed me." My face was burning hot, I didn't dare to look at him anymore, and I tried my best to blow my face against the direction of the wind to dissipate heat. gas.

"Go back, or do you want to kiss goodbye?" He said deliberately, and took a few steps closer to me.When he was about to catch me, I jumped out of the way in time and fled like the first time we met. At 36, I prayed that we would never see each other again, but at this moment I was reluctant to let go, panting behind the wall of the roof, and left before the tears fell.

The taxi drove me away from the Oriental Hotel, and I looked back at the brightly lit building, regretting that I didn't have time to ask him where he was going and when we could see each other again.

In the vast night, what the wind brings will also take away.

(End of this chapter)

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