Just love female men: accidentally sinicized

Chapter 27 Women Chasing Men Across the World

Chapter 27 Women Chasing Men Across the World (1)
I can't sleep all night.After dawn, I went to the TV station with two dark circles under my eyes, thinking all day long that Su Lie’s evening flight will leave China and fly to another corner of the world. We are not only separated by a few kilometers, but hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Two hours before Su Lie's plane took off, I finally couldn't bear it, and asked for half a day off with the leader of the program group, and took a taxi to the airport.Along the way, I urged the driver like I was urging my life, wishing I could step on the gas pedal myself.When I arrived at the airport, I plunged into the crowd, searching like a sea of ​​needles, hoping to see Su Lie. I regretted that I didn't express my heart to him in person last night.

The sea of ​​people is vast, I shuttled among all kinds of faces, desperately devouring the oxygen little by little, the light was disappearing, and I couldn't catch anything.

Fool, it's still too late.Before boarding the plane, Su Lie sent me a text message: "Hey, Lin Qi, I hope you will always be happy. I have caused you a lot of trouble in the past six months, and I hope you can forget all the unhappiness together with me."

I looked at the screen of my mobile phone with red eyes, raised my head, and saw Yang Duowei coming out from the other side of the security check channel. She is so powerful that she can go to the boarding gate to see off people without boarding the plane.She saw me almost at the same time, and we looked at each other. There was no tension, no enmity, only depression and despair.We stood still at two points, surrounded by people walking fast, the sound of the luggage pulleys rolling on the ground, the sounds intertwined into our ears, and we saw the word "lost" in our respective eyes.

Later, Yang Duowei and I stood in front of a large tempered glass where we could see the planes taking off and landing, and looked at the rows of planes waiting to take off on the tarmac. Yang Duowei pointed to the plane that was taking off and choked up: " Su Lie is on top."

When the plane completely disappeared in the distant sky, I was still brewing tears, but Yang Duowei was already crying beside me, and the overwhelming sound of crying shocked me.I turned my head to look at her, she cried so much that her beautiful little face was distorted, her delicate makeup was washed out, her eye shadow and eyeliner were smudged, and two brown tears flowed down, but she didn't care.

My tears were frightened back by her crying, because she was really ugly when she cried, but she was real and kind.

She cried and cried, leaned on my shoulder, hugged me tightly and wiped all the tears and snot on my coat, crying and saying: "I have loved him for four years, I have loved him for four full years, If he doesn't love me, he doesn't love me, why doesn't he love me, why?"

Asking 'why' means that love, if not never there, is driven away one-way fast and irrevocably.I patted Yang Duowei on the back lightly, thinking we were ridiculous and pathetic.

After crying, we went to a Japanese teppanyaki restaurant at the airport to drink together.At this moment, we are both people in the sky.I don't hate Yang Duowei at all, I even feel sorry for her.After drinking, her cheeks were flushed, she was talking nonsense, and she looked a little cute.She said to me: "Lin Qi, don't pity me. After all, I have been with Su Lie for a few months. You are more pitiful than me. You are just in love secretly, and he may no longer be able to know your feelings. You say you are You're not stupider than me, haha."

Although she was laughing, she was laughing sadly.I poured the wine into my stomach one after another with a wry smile, and laughed at myself: "Yeah, I'm stupid and stupid, and my emotional intelligence is ridiculously low. Why is no one asking me to play a fool."

Yang Duowei said sadly: "I'm not stupid. To tell you the truth, in fact, Su Lie has only dated my girlfriend for so many years. There are indeed many girls around him, but he is not as philandering as others say. These rumors about him were all fabricated by me, I spread bad things about him everywhere, and portrayed him as a hateful playboy, because I was afraid that others would know how good he is and how worthy of love he is."

Thinking of my second meeting with Su Lie in the martial arts classroom, it's no wonder he was so angry when I said he was "a big carrot".

After drinking for three rounds, Yang Duowei and I let go of all prejudices. We talked about Su Lie's good and bad. I know that she has met Su Lie these days. It's just that Su Lie is arranging things for the drama club. Now she is the drama director. As the person in charge of the club, Su Lie threw the entire drama club to her.Yang Duowei formally apologized to me for the onion incident with the panda headgear and for leaving me by the side of the road. She said that she was very angry when she learned that Su Lie and I had gone to Thailand.She apologized when she was drunk, but she wondered if she would forget all of this when she was sober.

We also talked about our respective preferences. Since she also liked the movie "Paris, Texas" and had seen it more than three times, I erased all the bad impressions of her in my mind in the past.We almost formed a friendship, which was the greatest miracle of the whole century.

Yang Duowei was quite drunk, but she still knew to call the driver at home and ask him to pick her up at the airport.She offered to give me a ride, which I declined.Before parting, she said to me with piercing eyes: "Lin Qi, do you know? I'm jealous of you." She opened the car door and got in without looking drunk. The car carried her and disappeared across the driveway.

I stood there for a few seconds, dumbfounded, and waved to stop a taxi.I'm going to find Miley and hold her and cry my heart out.The car was on the way, but Miley called first.

"Xu Zheng has an accident." She said on the other end of the phone.

When Xu Zheng came to say goodbye to me, he only said that he was going to climb the mountain. I didn’t expect him to climb Mount Everest. Now, he disappeared for a week without any news. His family has asked the police to find him.

When Miley gets mad at someone, it means she cares about that person.When Xu Zheng's friend called her, she was angry and anxious, wishing that Xu Zheng would appear in front of her right away to reprimand him.The road is far away and the mountains are high, so there is nothing we can do except wait for good news from Nepal.

Two days, three days, still no news, everyone is suffering.Qin Yong specially allowed Miley to take a long vacation to let her rest, and I stayed with her at the school, just for the convenience of contacting Xu Zheng's classmates and meeting to discuss countermeasures.In those few days, she didn't go to the auction house. She searched the Internet for news about various avalanches, and gradually lost patience with the police.Miley was starting to get scared, and it was subtle, but I knew she was scared.It's just that she is too strong, she can't sleep all night and all night, and she stretches in front of me on purpose in the morning, saying that she slept really well.

On the tenth day after Xu Zheng disappeared in Nepal, Miley seemed to be sucked out of her soul.I asked her: "Tell me honestly, do you still love Xu Zheng?"

She curled up on the red IKEA sofa in the dormitory, hugged her knees, shook her head slightly and said, "Do you really think I'm so heartless? After all, I've been with him for two years, but now I feel more guilty." , I am really afraid that he will die, and I will never even think about living a good life after he dies. He must be punishing me."

"Xu Zhengcai won't punish you, he loves you so much."

"You don't know how guilty I am. I didn't tell the truth to him, and I didn't tell the truth to you. Qin Yong and I have known each other for a long time. I have liked him for many years. Too many things happened to make us talk over and over again. Missed it, last time he knew I was going to Lijiang, he chased after me and confessed to me. I was moved, my heart was moved, and I felt that I owed Xu Zheng. Why didn’t I hate myself, and became the kind of half-hearted person I hated the most People, so I can only choose one side. It is impossible for me to marry Xu Zheng within three years, but his parents are pressing hard, and his mother even got my phone and called me, saying that she may not live long, the only wish It's watching Xu Zheng get married and get married. Don't you always ask who is the girl who poured my coffee on the cross street? No one, but I paid to hire her to act, so everyone thinks it's my fault, that's the only way , I'll feel better."

Miley has said so much, and I feel a little nervous when she says something. She always hides herself deeply but pretends to be superficial.I crawled over and hugged her, and we huddled together on the sofa under a woolen blanket, talking head to head until dawn, she had never said so much.

She said: "I hate to owe others. Qin Yong gave me a job, and I worked hard. I paid until I felt that I didn't owe him anything. I was a valuable employee."

She said: "No one forces anyone to live a life of bitterness and hatred, unwilling to discover beauty, worrying about spring and autumn all day long, complaining about the pain caused by the past, and stubbornly treating pain as the only thing that can make people grow. If you like it, that's fine. If you don't like it at all, you still have to pretend to enjoy it. This is no different from enjoying being raped. So, I will never live like this. I don't want to live in yesterday and I don't want to live in Tomorrow, I only live today."

In the future, I may forget the scene when my mother took me to school for the first time, the name and appearance of the boy who wrote me a love letter for the first time, and how the scars on my body came from. A long and endless river washes away my life, washing away the precious images of my growing up, but these words Miley said cannot be washed away, they will merge into the river, become a part of the life of the river, and flow like my blood in the body.

After dawn, Xu Zheng finally got news.He just lost his way in Nepal, ran to the deep mountains and old forests, and stayed in a backward village with no electricity or signal for ten days.A few days later, he returned to Shanghai and was about to start a new teaching career. He called me and said that going to Nepal made him think a lot. He was very happy with Miley and he would not be sad in the future. Live, because that's not what Miley wants to see.

Here I said sternly: "It's so amazing, I'm going to cleanse my soul, maybe I won't like men when I come back."

I was tempted to tell him that Miley was worried that he was terribly worried, but Miley stopped me.

She said calmly: "That's it, I'm done with him, don't bring him unnecessary expectations. This is already the best result for us."

In this way, the two people who care about each other the most in this world are scattered far and wide.

When the weather is colder, the leaves are ruffled by the wind overnight, the greenery seems to fade overnight, and people wearing down jackets begin to appear on the street.Yunzhu invited me to visit the art exhibition she has been preparing for several months. The theme of the exhibition is "Autumn Soul".

Since I went to the TV station as an intern, I haven't contacted Yunzhu.Zhong Siyu would occasionally send a few text messages of greeting, and he treated me as before from beginning to end, nothing changed.We will also chat about new movies on the Internet, and criticize certain follow-up movies with major logical problems.I am very pleased that Zhong Siyu is such a person, he is like a stupid fish with only three seconds of memory, the fish will forget everything, good and bad, while Zhong Siyu will only forget the bad.Since Grandpa Su was hospitalized, he has been by Yunzhu's side, comforting Yunzhu and helping her prepare for the art exhibition.He even told Yunzhu the story of the soldier in "Paradise Cinema".

Even gods cannot interfere with human emotions and wills. If gods cannot do it, I cannot do it.I can't expect them to be as loving as ever after reading the scriptures for a few days.This is a real life, and their own problems can only be solved by them.

There are not many people in the gallery and it is very quiet. Everyone walks lightly, like tiptoeing, and the voice of conversation is very low.A retro gramophone is placed in one corner, vinyl records are spinning on it, and soft piano music is hovering on the roof.I stopped in front of a wall that held the only painting in the entire gallery that wasn't priced or sold, and it was me.

Wearing half of the "Phantom" mask, I dressed up dancing tango with Miley at an open-air dance party. The painting appeared on paper in the form of a sketch when I was in Thailand. At that time, it was just a sketch without coloring. The eyes are more vivid than my reality.

I stood in front of the painting and looked at it for a long time, but I didn't notice when Yunzhu stood on the side.Her smooth black straight long hair was parted behind her ears, and her cotton shirt skirt was tied with a beautifully crafted belt.

"Siyu painted half of this painting. I felt it was a pity and finished it with coloring. You can take it away anytime you want." Yunzhu said.

After returning from Thailand, Yunzhu’s feelings for me dropped from 901 to freezing point. I told Miley a lot of bad things about her, and there were some facts that I couldn’t understand or explain clearly between me and her.After knowing that she painted my portrait, these barriers disappeared.Just remembering what she said to Su Lie on the day of Su Lie's grandfather's birthday party, I am still a little afraid of her.She spoke too harshly.Some girls are like this, they usually look docile like sheep, but never mess with her,
She is like the kind of unpredictable sweeping monk who will kill you with one move at a critical moment.

"You put a price on it and sell it," I said.

"I'm going to Paris after the exhibition." She said lightly.

"Will Zhong Siyu go with you?" I asked.

Yunzhu smiled and shook her head slightly: "He hasn't considered it yet. A gallery in the United States invited him to be the art director. The founder of the gallery is his mentor. He might go to the United States."

We never spoke again.I wanted to do something to help her get back to the glowing inside and out she was when we first met.

When leaving the gallery, Yunzhu chased after her and said, "I forgot to tell you that Su Lie went to Bolivia. This is what my grandfather asked me to tell you." speak out.I know what she's thinking, as smart as she can guess.

Bolivia?The country with beautiful salt lakes in the central and western parts of South America?What's the name of the capital?Sucre or La Paz?My mind is flooded with similar questions.

Back when I mentioned Bolivia to Miley, she thought it was a glass factory in Beijing at first, but then she knew it was a country and asked if it was in Africa.In terms of geography, I couldn't communicate with her, who lost her way outside of Beijing.

Things are unpredictable. Miley thought that she would have a happy ending with Qin Yong after she gave up on Xu Zheng, but at the end of autumn, she broke up with Qin Yong and quit her job at the auction house without any warning.After I heard the news, I wanted to go to Qin Yong's auction house to ask for an explanation, but Miley stopped me.She was calmer than when she broke up with Xu Zheng, and she remained calm for several days without saying a word.

I was worried that she would be so worried all day long, and a few days later, she appeared in front of me, waving a bunch of keys in her hand, and asked me to visit her home, a two-bedroom hardcover apartment, Qin Yong gave her the breakup Gift.In addition to this apartment, Miley also got a Begonia brocade dress from the Qianlong period.Qin Yong spent a lot of manpower and material resources to find this Begonia Brocade Clothes.

Jinyi Miley put it away, but she planned to sell the apartment. She was looking for a buyer she liked, and after several talks, she couldn't get what she wanted.She lived there for a while, and she carefully selected the furniture inside, from sofas to pots and pans. She hoped to find someone who knows how to live or a loving couple.After breaking up with Qin Yong, she was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, and she handled things in an orderly manner. The more she was like this, the more worrying she was.

Half a month later, one morning after the house was sold, I worked overtime for a week and finally stayed at home for a day off. Miley suddenly appeared outside my house, dressed extremely brightly and attractively, and the thick rouge couldn't hide the look in her eyes. helpless.Others may not be able to see it, but I have been by her side for so many years, and I can see through it at a glance.I felt very uncomfortable seeing her like that, because she is a strong planetary person who never shows her vulnerable side easily.

She came to tell me the reason why she broke up with Qin Yong, and she said that if she kept holding back, she would die.

"His daughter is sick, and he wants to remarry his ex-wife for his daughter. I have seen that little girl, she looks as thin as four or five years old at the age of seven, and she talks very little. She has schizophrenia and fantasizes that she has a twin sister , that non-existent sister lives with her mother. What a nonsense, it’s like a Hitchcock movie, but it’s true. Qin Yong also said that if I make a fuss and threaten to die with him for the rest of my life, he Will cruelly abandon everything and take me away. Can I make trouble? He also said, if I really make trouble, he will not like me for so many years. This is my retribution."

In addition to sighing or sighing, in addition to distressed or distressed.

Miley, Xu Zheng, Qin Yong, three people in two relationships, they told me a truth, love is not just a matter of two people, it needs the right time, place and people, and both are indispensable.

Miley loved them, that's a well-documented thing.She loves Xu Zheng, so she will sit behind his e-donkey and laugh unscrupulously, and accompany him to drink a bowl of soybean juice that she hates to death; she loves Qin Yong, so she will go to the vegetable market to pick vegetables as soon as she comes out of the nail salon.To love someone is to do very humble little things for that person.

García Márquez used the smell of bitter almonds to describe a failed love. Miley said she didn't understand it before, but now she understands it. A breath that lingers in the nasal cavity, from the bitter tongue to the heart, is silently suppressed in the In the blood, every inch of skin tells her that love is gone forever.Once she realized this, she cried out, heartbroken.

She hugged me at the door of my house, crying until there was a knife-like sound in her throat, and she twitched her body once and for all, tears that couldn't be stopped drop by drop.

After 5 minutes, Miley stopped crying, turned out the makeup mirror to touch up makeup, and returned to a glamorous and moving state.

She flipped her hair coquettishly and asked me, "Am I beautiful?"

"Beautiful, beautiful to die for." I nodded vigorously with red eyes.

"Lin Qi, please do one thing. You can erase that woman who cried just now from your mind. I'm going to interview for a new job, wish me luck." She put on her red high heels and gave me a brilliant smile. smiling, turned and left, leaving only a back view of me with a fluttering skirt.The wind chime hanging on the porch of my house seemed to be blown by a gust of wind when Miley left, making a crisp and moving sound, like a call from a god.

The early morning fog has not completely dissipated, and there are jogging pedestrians in the community, with sweater hats on their heads and hunched over as if they are running in the apocalypse.The sun climbed up little by little in the mist, and finally dispelled the haze.

(End of this chapter)

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