Just love female men: accidentally sinicized

Chapter 6 My Goddess and His Goddess

Chapter 6 My Goddess and His Goddess (3)
You have a rock in your head!I have seen a lot of people who make trouble, but I have never seen him so cheap. I wanted to yell at him, but just as I opened my mouth, I sneezed into the phone twice in a row. When I sneezed and touched the screen, the phone hung up.

Is there anything more unlucky than a cold?God knows why God has broken my body and mind so hard.

People who have never had a cold since entering junior high school, this time the illness came like a mountain.

Miley came back from climbing the mountain and learned about everything. The gossip around her is always heard. Even if she goes missing for a month and returns to school, she can still receive first-hand gossip from the school.For my embarrassment, she was no stranger to it, and even rolled her eyes and said the same line as Su Lie: "How short of that 100 yuan you are."

This time my sequelae were a bit serious. Miley saw that I was lying in the dormitory for two days and didn’t get better. Instead, it became more and more serious. She called my dad to explain the condition. At that time, I had a high fever of nearly 401 and was lying in bed unconscious. slang, which freaked out Miley.How my dad and Miley got me out of the dorm and got me to the hospital, I have no idea.

It was already the third morning when I fully woke up in the hospital.During the period, I woke up intermittently many times, several times at night, with a splitting headache, and my body was hot and cold. When I was cold, it was like something was squeezing my body, trying to shrink into a ball. Gas, like an explosion.

I was drowsy from the fever and noticed the people around me, doctors, nurses, dad, Miley, and Zhong Siyu.Zhong Siyu appeared twice, the first time was at night, he sat quietly by the bed and said something to me, I knew it was not a dream, but the consciousness could not break free from the sick body.The second time he appeared was in the morning when I was awake, he was the first person I saw after I was fully awake. At that time, I felt instantly cured, and I felt that this disease was worth living.It was only later that I realized that it was the idea of ​​Dad and Miley.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Zhong Siyu looked at me tenderly, gave me water to drink, and asked me if I felt better.He was wearing a light blue shirt, his hair had been re-cut, and he had a little stubble on his chin. He looked very mature.Several young nurses came in to check on me in turn, frequently took my temperature and made the bed, just to stay in the ward and watch Zhong Siyu a few more times. I knew their little thoughts, and I didn't intend to expose them.

"People in their twenties should take good care of their bodies. They can get such a serious illness in summer." Zhong Siyu said.

Of course I couldn't tell him the reason for my illness, and he hesitated to answer that I would take good care of my body in the future.

Miley appeared from nowhere, poked her head from outside the ward, winked at me, coughed deliberately, put the fruit bag in her hand on the medicine shelf by the door, blinked her eyes, turned her head and left .

Lying on the hospital bed, I chatted with Zhong Siyu from our respective lives to the past, until I was always in embarrassment.For example, when I was young, I got into fights with his dog for snacks; I swam in a 1.50-deep swimming pool and learned how to dive into the sky with one foot, knocking my head out of the sky like diving queen Guo Jingjing; I cut my own bangs, and the bangs got shorter and shorter, and I ended up wearing a hat for more than a month to go to school... As long as I talk about my embarrassing things, it's always endless.

Zhong Siyu smiled unreservedly, the sunlight outside the window slanted little by little, hitting his shoulders obliquely, covering him with a gold silk coat, shining brightly.After that, Zhong Siyu answered the phone, how should I put it, the moment he answered the phone, it seemed that he was not the one I was familiar with.The way he spoke calmly and naturally to the other end of the phone, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, is another brand new him.I was a little dazed and uneasy, until Zhong Siyu hung up the phone and said to me: "There is someone nearby, she wants to see you, I often mention you to her, she has been concerned about your condition for the past two days."

I'm curious, who cares about me so much, I wait expectantly.

Half an hour later, when the beautiful sister Zhou Yunzhu appeared outside the ward with a muse-like smile, I was dumbfounded.

This world is too small, too crowded, too small to be scary.

Zhong Siyu stood up, walked over to hold her hand, and introduced to me: "Lin Qi, this is my girlfriend Zhou Yunzhu. I have been looking for a chance to introduce her to you."

With a bang, my whole world turned gray, and my blood seemed to freeze in my body, an unprecedented spin.This is something worse than a cold.

Zhou Yunzhu walked to the bedside: "We have met." She said, smiling like a fairy.

"When did I meet you? Why don't I know?" Zhong Siyu was slightly surprised.

"I just don't want you to know." She sat by my bed, held my hand lightly, and asked again, "How about it, can you be alive and kicking? It turns out that the very interesting girl Si Yu kept talking about is you, We are meant to be." Her long, straight hair fell to her shoulders, and she was hopelessly beautiful.

I tried to force a smile, and I almost stopped breathing.I looked at the two of them, they are really a match made in heaven, they really should be together, as long as they stand together, the world will become brighter, and many people can be healed, but why am I so sad, my heart is so sad Bleeding.

My mom called me from Los Angeles after I got out of the hospital, and my sister called me shortly after.Dad’s mouth, he will report everything to them, and he can’t be blamed. My mother threatened him during the divorce. If she couldn’t take care of me well, she would fly back and kill him if I lost a hair, and said Tell her anything.

My dad is very timid, and also afraid of women. He divorced my mom mainly because my mom is a workaholic and needs to stay in the United States for a long time because of work, and my dad loves the motherland and is determined not to immigrate. They quarreled several times and the two agreed. divorce.When I got divorced, I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, and my sister was in high school. My mother asked me if I wanted to live in the United States and live there for the rest of my life.I said no with almost no hesitation. On the one hand, my English is very bad, and on the other hand, I feel that my father is a poor person.I discussed it with my sister secretly, and she also supported my decision.

My sister is a cool sister.She is the person I admire more than Miley.She has inherited all the advantages of my mother. She is beautiful and strong, and her grades are always so good. She can enter the top three in any competition, go, chess, speech, writing... Not only that, but she is also very good at fighting. She has been popular in the whole community since childhood里打遍天下无敌手,在学校揍趴一百几十斤的男生,老师们对她是又爱又恨。

My mother often stared at me for a long time, and sighed: "You two were born by me, why are you so stupid?"

It is said that I did not cry or make trouble when I was born, I learned to walk at the age of two, and I did not speak until the age of three. The most patient teacher in the kindergarten was crushed by me.My mother was busy with work when she was pregnant with me, and had a heated discussion on the script with the director on the set one week before she gave birth.She thought I was stimulated by something in her stomach, and took me to the neurologist, and everything appeared to be normal.The doctor advised her: "Some children develop slowly, take your time." She blamed my father for the reason, and then she taught me to read and write by herself until I entered elementary school.

Still, she doted on me, giving me more than my sister, saying:
"Your sister can completely rely on her own ability to get more, but you idiot, you need someone to help you."

When I refused to go to the United States with her, she was a little hurt, and I still did not change the answer after asking several times.We sat in the living room and had a long face-to-face conversation for the first time.She said worriedly: "You know that your father is careless and can't take good care of you."

At the age of nine, I held her hand, with a pure face, and comforted her: "I didn't stay here to be taken care of by my father, but to take care of him."

At that moment, I saw the light in my beautiful mother's eyes. She hugged me tightly and said, "My little fool has grown up."

I don't understand the emotional world of adults. As a nine-year-old, I only hope to part ways with the least harm. No harm is the best. After all, I haven't lost them. They are still by my side. Distance has never been my problem.

When I was young, I also asked my mother why I separated from my father. Is it because I don’t love him?She said: "I don't doubt at all that you will meet a love worth staying with for life in the future. In this world, some people value friendship, some value love, and some people value family affection. heavy, but more people who take themselves seriously. You don’t have to be any kind of person, you just need to be yourself, whether it’s chasing love or chasing dreams, you have to live with flesh and blood.”

Back then, I only half-understood what I heard, and I knew there was a deep meaning in it, but I still can't fully comprehend it now.

My mother set up an account for me when I went to the United States, and remitted a sum of money to it on time every year. I never checked that account, but I asked my dad. From his embarrassed face, I knew the amount was not enough. Little, my mother said it was my dowry.

Due to my dad's material brainwashing, I don't have much concept of money. Anyway, I am a material blind. Famous brands in the eyes of others come to me. In my dad's words,
It's almost like a stone.I can buy a 20-yuan T-shirt at a street stall, or I can follow Miley to a department store and buy a thousand-dollar shirt for Comrade Lin Zancheng on Father’s Day.

Comrade Lin Zancheng, it’s really powerless to say it. As I grow older, I don’t understand why my mother fell in love with him back then. I liked this shirt that can be worn for five years, and I have been working for more than ten years. The Deputy Director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, a man who drives a second-hand Toyota.

Under the brainwashing of Comrade Lin Zancheng, whenever Miley ordered the Italian version from overseas and wanted to find someone to discuss the latest spring/summer or autumn/winter beauty clothes, she could only see me squatting on the IKEA sofa while eating in the dormitory The takeaway from Pizza Hut was flipping through "Legend of Shui Fat", the sauce and rice stained on the cheap T-shirt, sucking his fingers and asking her what she did with the recklessness of a flower monk Lu Zhishen.Often at that moment, I see death in Miley's eyes. "Don't you yourself not love these fancy dresses? Why do you order such an expensive magazine to study?" I asked Miley.

"I don't love, but I have to understand, do you understand? You don't need to love this world, but you have to understand." Mai Lizhe continued to flip through her magazines like a jerk.

My handsome mother has changed many boyfriends in Los Angeles in the years since the divorce, from screenwriters, directors, actors to dentists.But my dad is still single, my sister and I persuaded him to look for him again, he was worried about finding a stepmother who would treat me badly, so he had no idea.I told him that there are no vicious stepmothers in this era when the law is sound and the people are the masters of the country. Now is the age of children’s counterattacks. The story of Cinderella and the stepmother can only happen to aliens. He has read too much "Friends".Comrade Lin Chansong is very stubborn, he always laments that he is getting old.

After recovering from the illness, I went back to school alive and well, regained my old appetite, and felt hungry even after walking two steps.

On the day I returned to school, Miley and Xu Zheng welcomed me, but after being away for three days, the two of them made it seem like I had been away for three years, and they almost pulled up a banner at the school gate to welcome me.

Miley said that Su Lie came to her and asked about my whereabouts.I turned off my mobile phone during the illness, he didn't find me, and I forgot the second thing I promised to go home with him for dinner.

"What did you tell him? Was he angry?" I asked Miley, frowning.

"I said you were dying of illness, and told him to spare you. I didn't get angry when I was angry. I just said that you would call him after you recovered."

I don't know whether to call Su Lie, there are two unfinished things, the longer it takes, the worse it will be for me.In the end, I still dialed his number, thinking that he would scold me on the other end of the phone, but I didn't expect that he just asked me if I was well, so I didn't know how to answer for a while.It's a bit like the feeling of a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken.Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that I'm a chicken, I mean I don't know what Su Lian's heart is.

"I was about to die, but when I thought of the two things I promised you, I came back to life." I said deliberately.

"Assuming you are self-aware, you should rest for a few more days. It's boring to be sick. Let's talk about going home for dinner with me after this month." He said calmly at the other end.

Eh, the wolf-hearted man actually knows how to care about people?Suddenly I didn't hate him very much, especially when I thought of Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu, and when I thought of Su Lie looking at Yunzhu in the same way I looked at Zhong Siyu, I realized that the two of us have one thing in common, both A loser caught in unrequited love.

(End of this chapter)

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