Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 101 It's Too Late

Chapter 101 It's Too Late
"Ms. Haruko, hello." Takeshita Maika who was standing aside said to Yamazaki Haruko. Takeshita Maika didn't expect Xu Wenping to be able to speak Japanese, and she spoke it so well. This is a piece of information. You must tell Section Chief Shimizu when you go back.

Xu Wenping didn't hide the fact that he knew Japanese, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to. Could it be that Haruko Yamazaki rushed out to talk to herself and pretended that she didn't understand?
"Hello." Yamazaki Haruko said to Takeshita Maika, but her eyes were still on Xu Wenping, as if she had no interest in Takeshita Maixiang.

She didn't expect Xu Wenping to have such a good relationship with Yamazaki Naoki's sister, and she had to tell Section Chief Shimizu when she went back. Anyway, Shimizu told her that no matter what happened to Xu Wenping, she had to tell him when she went back.

"Men Ping-kun, I won't disturb you, I have to leave first." After saying this, Haruko Yamazaki trotted away again, just like when she came.It's just that she hasn't seen Xu Wenping for a long time, so she wanted to take a look. Now that she saw it, she felt a little embarrassed and ran away without saying a few words.

Originally, she wanted to ask why Su Qiaoniang hadn't gone to school yet, but because she didn't know what she was thinking, she forgot to ask.Seeing Haruko Yamazaki running away, Xu Wenping smiled and shook his head, but Maika Takeshita looked at Xu Wenping with a strange look.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Xu Wenping said while covering his chest with his hands and looking at Wuxiang Takeshita. Seeing Xu Wenping's movements, Wuxiang Takeshita thought to himself, maybe I'm still interested in you.

"You and..." Before Takeshita Wuxiang finished speaking, Xu Wenping ruthlessly interrupted, "Haruko and I have nothing, we are in a pure relationship, don't think about it, I am a pure person, you You should understand." Xu Wenping said righteously.

As long as you are still a pure person, isn't it you that I saw a naked person that night?Return what I understand, what do I understand, I understand, the more you explain, the more problems arise, Takeshita Maika must now believe that Xu Wenping and Haruko Yamazaki have an unusual relationship.

"Really?" Takeshita Maixiang said, it doesn't matter if you are, anyway, you have to tell Section Chief Shimizu when you go back, this should be regarded as a big discovery.

Xu Wenping said: "Of course it is." I just want you to go back and tell Qing Shui to let him play with his reasoning slowly. With so much information, it will be useful to see what he can find.And Xu Wenping will keep providing him with information, as for how much he can use, Xu Wenping is out of control.

Naoki Yamazaki finally gave the order to withdraw the team. After a busy night, he could finally rest. "You all go to rest." Xu Wenping, a member of the security team, said that everyone was tired all night, and they were all tired when they heard that they could go back. very happy.

But Xu Wenping can't leave yet, he still has to go to the Gendarmerie to meet Yamazaki Naoki, and Takeshita Maika is of course together.When he came to the gendarmerie, Xu Wenping saw Qingshui standing at the entrance of the sewer where he was waiting for someone to go in to rescue him. The sewer had already been opened, and there seemed to be people inside.

"Captain, my subordinates are incompetent and did not catch the fugitive." Xu Wenping said to Naoki Yamazaki, and Naoki Yamazaki just patted Xu Wenping on the shoulder without saying a word.

"Section Chief, you can indeed enter the Gendarmerie from below, and one of the exits is on the side of the cell." At this time, a voice came from the sewer, it was the Japanese who attacked Xu Wenping last time, Xu Wenping became furious when he heard this voice .

So at the same time, Takeshita Wuxiang was also beside Qingshui. I don't know what he was talking about, but even if he couldn't hear it, Xu Wenping knew that it was nothing more than some information he got from himself.

"Come on, Kato." Shimizu shouted to the ghost in the sewer, Xu Wenping only now knew that the devil was called Kato.

Shimizu ignored Kato, but walked towards Xu Wenping, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Captain Xu's Japanese to be pretty good." Now Shimizu speaks Japanese, it seems that Takeshita Maika has told him.

Xu Wenping had no choice but to reply in Japanese: "There are still many shortcomings, I hope Section Chief Shimizu will forgive me."

"No, it's already very good." Shimizu said.

"Xu Sang didn't expect you to learn so fast. Haruko said at the time that she would give you books to learn Japanese. It didn't take long, and you can already speak so well." Said Naoki Yamazaki, who had already Knowing that Xu Wenping learned Japanese, Yamazaki Haruko told him, but he only thought that Xu Wenping learned it to better accompany Yamazaki Haruko, so he didn't take it to heart.

Only now did I realize that Xu Wenping could speak so well, and it was the first time Naoki Yamazaki knew about it.

"It's all because of Ms. Haruko's help that I can learn so fast. It's all because of Ms. Haruko's teaching." Xu Wenping said, no one doubts that, Yamazaki Haruko did help Xu Wenping.

Moreover, based on the news from Takeshita Maika just now, based on the relationship between Yamazaki Haruko and him, it is normal for Yamazaki Haruko to teach him Japanese, Shimizu thinks.

Xu Wenping's Japanese was just an episode, and today's focus was still on the fugitive, so everyone didn't say much.

"Section Chief Shimizu, I don't know what you found." Naoki Yamazaki asked Shimizu. Since the person was rescued, Shimizu has been investigating how they did it, and now they finally have some clues.

Qing Shui said, "Let's talk as we walk."

"They came in from the sewer, which is here." Shimizu pointed to the place where Kato came out of course, and then led everyone to continue walking to the cell inside the gendarmerie.

"Then come out from here. There should be quite a few of them. After killing the two guarding soldiers, there are still people pretending to be them standing here, otherwise our people would have found them." Qing Shui said, the patrol team's time is It was tight, and if no one was pretending here, they would have been spotted long ago, and it would be impossible to get into the cell.

That Kato also said at the side: "If we block all the sewers as soon as we find out, none of them will be able to escape." He walked through it and knew how long it would take to get out from here, so he understood If the sewer had been blocked in the first place, all the enemies could have been captured.

Why didn't Yamazaki Naoki and Shimizu know about it? It's just that they had already lost the best time, and now it's too late.

"There is also a distance from here to the cell. How could they enter the cell without alarming us? It is impossible for our guard soldiers at the door of the cell to not see them." Takeshita Maixiang said, where she is standing now, she went to the cell , It is said that it is not close, it is not far, but the distance is here.

Although this is on the side, there is no shelter here. It is impossible for the guarding soldiers not to see the people passing by here, so why didn't they issue a warning.

 Thanks for hindering 001, Qianhuan Scholar, Xingyi-OO, Tianbian Ziyu, Yuda for their recommendation and support

  Thanks for hindering 001 and Yuda for their support
  Ask for tickets, ask for collection, hope everyone supports

(End of this chapter)

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