Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 102 Under Personal Protection

Chapter 102 Under Personal Protection
Takeshita Maika's words also attracted everyone's attention, why?Why didn't anyone give a warning, neither the soldiers on patrol nor the soldiers guarding the cell, why didn't they shoot or notify others?

Qing Shui came inside and looked at the two corpses, and said, "Because they didn't have time, they were killed before they could react. They wanted to notify other people, but there was no way."

"What kind of wound is this? Why is it so strange?" Muto said, looking at the dead Japanese soldier at the place. His mouth was full of blood, his tongue was almost cut off, and the back of his head was pierced. Muto couldn't see the wound. How did it come about and why is it so weird.

Takeshita Maixiang also leaned forward to take a look, but she frowned and couldn't tell.

Qing Shui had already carefully inspected those corpses, and there was no major problem, but the two corpses at the door were a bit strange.Qing Shui observed here for about a night, and finally got a clue, but the more he did this, the more uneasy he felt.

"It was caused by being pierced through the mouth by a sharp object. Because the force was too great, the sharp object was taken away from the back of the head." Qing Shui said, of course, what are you doing here if you don't take the thing away? Xu Wenping Thought.

"It should be a flying knife." Qing Shui finally said, although this kind of wound has been destroyed, but Qing Shui can still see it.

Takeshita Maika and Muto looked at each other, this is a master, he must have thrown the throwing knife from the sewer, and it was able to hit accurately after flying so far, and it was so powerful that it directly penetrated the back of the head.

Both of them are conceited that they are also masters, but now they are also asking themselves in their hearts if they can do it, but they definitely can't, because they are not good at throwing knives.But this doesn't mean they are afraid, instead they still want to fight that person to see who is the best.

However, Qing Shui looked at another corpse. This was a normal corpse, but someone had broken its neck.But Qing Shui was very concerned, because the one who was killed by the flying knife could be explained, so this one, could it be that he ran over to kill him, and he ran as fast as the flying knife.

Qing Shui didn't say what he thought, because he also felt a little unrealistic, but what he didn't know was that the person he thought was unrealistic was standing by his side now.

Shimizu can speak enthusiastically by himself, and Yamazaki Naoki and the others are also eager to listen, but Xu Wenping is really not interested.

The security team had all left, but Xu Wenping was asked to return to the gendarmerie, and followed them here to listen to Qingshui's storytelling. Xu Wenping really didn't know what they wanted to do.

Now Xu Wenping still wants to know about Song Xiaoxian's situation, but he really can't get away here. Qiuming's injury is not serious, but Bai Fengya should see a doctor, so it's not a big problem.

"Section Chief Shimizu, it is possible that there are other anti-Japanese organizations in Beiping City besides the Anti-Rape Club." Naoki Yamazaki said, he has dealt with many anti-rape clubs, and he knows what kind of strength it is, but the current He thinks that the anti-rape society cannot be completed.

Qing Shui also thinks so, but they are here to save the people who were arrested a few days ago from the anti-rape society, who is not the anti-rape society, who will come to the gendarmerie to save people for irrelevant people.

"Maybe they didn't come here for the people from the Anti-Craft Society." Naoki Yamazaki said again.

"What does the captain mean?" Qing Shui asked, he also felt that the matter was a bit confusing, and wanted to see what Yamazaki Naoki thought.

Naoki Yamazaki said: "Last night, there were two people missing in the cell of our gendarmerie, not just one. What do you think, Section Chief Shimizu?"

"Could it be because of that person." Qing Shui said, that person was caught by him, but there was no time for too much interrogation, so he was ordered to come to Beiping City.Then someone escorted him over. Could it be that he was the one who really wanted to save yesterday, and saving the people from the Anti-Craft Society was just a matter of effort.

If that's the case, Beiping City will really be a pool of muddy water. The matter of the anti-traitor society has not been resolved, and now another force has emerged.And it seems to be much more dangerous than the anti-traitor society. The first time they took action was to rescue people from the gendarmerie, and they didn't even know that there was such an organization in Beiping city.

"Xu Sang, you are often in Beiping City. Have you heard of any other anti-Japanese organizations in the city?" Naoki Yamazaki asked Xu Wenping.

"Captain, I don't know about this, but the rumors in the market are not credible." Xu Wenping said.

"Can this matter be handed over to the Special High School now? Due to its current nature, I think our Special High School should be responsible. Captain Yamazaki can rest assured that our Special High School will definitely wipe out all the anti-Japanese elements in Beiping City." At this time, Shimizu said that he was confident, and he also had confidence in his extra-high school.

Although Naoki Yamazaki is reluctant, this matter can only be handed over to the Special High School, and even if it is handed over to the Gendarmerie, Naoki Yamazaki has no way to investigate and deal with it.

Naoki Yamazaki said: "I hope Section Chief Shimizu won't let me down." Naoki Yamazaki said this, which is equivalent to agreeing to Shimizu's request. This matter has been handed over to Shimizu's special high-level class, and he will not ask again up.

Hearing his satisfactory answer, Qing Shui smiled silently, looked at Xu Wenping and said: "I personally admire Commander Xu very much, and think that Commander Xu is a talent that the empire needs, and now Commander Xu also knows that there are many people in Beiping City. It's not peaceful, so I decided to let Takeshita Maixiang protect you personally, I hope that Captain Xu will not refuse, this is for the good of the empire."

Xu Wenping knew that it would be impossible to leave today if he wanted to leave properly. He said that protection was so nice, but the people present didn't know that it was surveillance.But what Xu Wenping could say, he could only say with a smile: "Thank you, Section Chief Shimizu, for your concern. With Ms. Takeshita Maixiang protecting me, I can serve the Empire better. I wish for it."

"As long as Head Xu is satisfied, let's start today and take personal protection." Qing Shui said, mother, Xu Wenping is going to visit Song Xiaoxian today, but it seems that Qing Shui will not give him a chance.

Qing Shui said the word close to the body with extra emphasis, and it seemed that he didn't intend to give Xu Wenping a little freedom.

Naoki Yamazaki has no objection to Shimizu's behavior. If Xu Wenping really has a problem, Shimizu's arrangement is correct.But if Xu Wenping has no problems, it's good to protect him.

"You will follow Commander Xu from now on, and you are only responsible for protecting Commander Xu, you cannot restrict the personal freedom of Commander Xu, you can't control what Commander Xu wants to do, you are only responsible for protecting, understand?" Shimizu said to Wuxiang Takeshita.

"Yes, Section Chief." Takeshita Maixiang said, and after speaking, she walked behind Xu Wenping, starting to protect Chief Xu.

 Thanks for the recommended votes of Obstruction 001, Rain Da, Flying Tiger 1974

(End of this chapter)

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