Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 150 Why Betray Me

Chapter 150 Why Betray Me
The three of them went back the same way, but Xu Wenping was still thinking about who it would be and who else knew about it.A name popped up suddenly and dangled in Xu Wenping's mind. Xu Wenping tried his best not to think about it, but it became more and more obvious.

Xu Wenping never wanted to believe his inference, so he wanted to find another reasonable explanation, but he couldn't find it.

"Could it be you?" Xu Wenping asked himself in his heart, he didn't understand why this person was the most likely one in the end.I really don't want to admit it, but all the facts point to that. Xu Wenping can't even find a reason to overthrow this idea.

"You guys go back." Xu Wenping said disappointedly, both Chu Fei and Deng Wu thought he was disappointed because he didn't catch that person today.In fact, they didn't know at all that that person was not important to Xu Wenping at all. It was best if he could be caught, but if he couldn't be caught, it was nothing. There was no need to care so much.

But there is another thing in his heart, he wants to prove it, he just hopes everything is false.After Chu Fei and Deng Wu left, Xu Wenping wandered on the street. He didn't seem to be going there, but in the end he unknowingly walked to that place, which was the school run by the Japanese.

There was already a figure standing there under the moonlight. Seeing her, Xu Wenping knew that he had guessed right, but he wished so much that she would not be here anymore.

"Why?" Xu Wenping asked her, is it because Xu Wenping didn't need to ask anymore, since she was here to wait for her, she knew that she would come to her.

"I knew you'd guess it was me."

"tell me why?"

"There is no reason, this is my mission and my responsibility."

"Can't you tell me beforehand?"

"We have discipline."

"Oh, just to use it? You know, even if you tell me, I will help you."

"Sorry, discipline is not allowed, I have my mission, I hope you can understand."

After a conversation without pause, there was a silence between Xu Wenping and that person. Xu Wenping broke the silence and said, "Have they contacted you?"

"Yes, not long ago, I wanted to tell you, but discipline did not allow it."

"That's good. I'm relieved when they find you, so I don't have to worry about your safety. I'm leaving." Xu Wenping was about to leave without stopping, but the man yelled.

"Why, don't you blame me? Don't you care about such important information?"

"Is it important? It's not as important as betrayal, what do you think?"

"Betrayal? Betrayal? No, it's not Wenping. I want to say it, but I really can't."

Xu Wenping laughed at himself, isn't this a betrayal?Maybe, but the fact is that my information told you, you told others, and you didn't know it, Xu Wenping really didn't know what it was.

But one thing is clear, that is, the person in front of her, herself is more important in her heart, perhaps not as important as her in her heart.When she asked herself, she told her without even thinking about it, but this was the result in exchange.Are you stupid?Xu Wenping didn't think so, it was just a kind of trust, but it turned out...

"Qiaoniang, goodbye." Xu Wenping said, but he ignored it, Su Qiaoniang's face was covered with tears, she turned and left.Su Qiaoniang looked at Xu Wenping's leaving back, tears slid down her face and fell to the ground.

Even when she was hunted down by the Japanese devils that time, she never cried, but now she just can't help it.Looking at Xu Wenping's back, she opened her mouth and wanted to shout, but she just couldn't make a sound.Tears flowed to my mouth, bitter and salty, just like my current mood.

Xu Wenping had long thought that it was Su Qiaoniang, because only she had the chance, but he didn't want to believe it.He even hoped that his deduction was wrong, but now everything is clear, he can't deceive himself.

Does he blame Su Qiaoniang?He didn't know, from the conversation just now, he knew that Su Qiaoniang's organization had returned to Beiping City.Moreover, they have already contacted her. They were the ones who robbed that person before their own tonight.

Su Qiaoniang told them their information, and he trusted Su Qiaoniang so much that he knew everything.But Su Qiaoniang lied to herself, can it be said that she was cheating?Xu Wenping thinks it's okay, because he really doesn't know, although he understands that Su Qiaoniang also has difficulties, and the discipline of the organization will be followed from the day she joins, but he still feels uncomfortable.

Couldn't Su Qiaoniang tell her secretly, then pretend she didn't know, and then give her the news.To allow her organization to successfully catch that person, Xu Wenping really doesn't care about the batch of medicine, as long as it doesn't fall into the hands of the Japanese.

He could agree to Su Qiaoniang, but Su Qiaoniang didn't tell him that although the organization was disciplined, if Su Qiaoniang really believed in her as he did, she would definitely tell him.But now she didn't, she only admitted it afterwards, and it can't be said that she was sad, Xu Wenping was just a little disappointed.

He had already seen Su Qiaoniang's tears, so he chose to leave, he was afraid that his heart would soften.You can't make a mistake a second time, the relationship between yourself and Su Qiaoniang has come to an end today.

Haruko Yamazaki saw that Su Qiaoniang was not in the room, so she came out to look for it, but couldn't find it after searching around the school.In the end, I saw it at the school gate, but Su Qiaoniang sat on the ground and cried very sadly. After Xu Wenping left, she fell to the ground crying.

She regretted it, regretted not telling Xu Wenping in advance, regretted that she always remembered those rules.Even if I told Xu Wenping, there wouldn't be any problems now, because I believed in him, just as he believed in myself.But it was too late, and there was no way to go back. Xu Wenping said goodbye when he left, and Su Qiaoniang suddenly understood a lot of things.

It's as if an important thing has gradually moved away from me, and I pushed it away with my own hands.But when I want him to come back, I can't reach out to grab him, because he has gone far away.

"What's wrong with you, it's okay, get up quickly, the ground is cold." Haruko Yamazaki trotted over and helped Su Qiaoniang up, what if the ground is cold.But what she was more curious about was why Su Qiaoniang cried so sadly, and whether someone bullied her.

"Qiaoniang, is someone bullying you? Tell me, and I'll tell Wenping Jun. If Wenping Jun can't control me, I'll tell my brother." Haruko Yamazaki said, she already regarded Su Qiaoniang as a good friend, and good friends were all rejected by others. The bully cried, how could she not care.

Looking for Xu Wenping?I'm afraid he won't see her again, Su Qiaoniang thought to herself when she heard Haruko Yamazaki's words.But she knew that she was to blame for this matter, and Xu Wenping was right to be angry. In the past, she just thought that Xu Wenping would misunderstand, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But after Xu Wenping left, she realized that he was already so important.

 Today is still the third update, the first update is sent
  Thanks for the recommendation and support of book friends for long-term diving


(End of this chapter)

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