Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 151 Good or Evil

Chapter 151 Good or Evil
Su Qiaoniang had no way to answer Yamazaki Haruko's question, she just felt that she had missed a lot.Is there any way I can save myself?She asked herself in her heart, and suddenly she secretly told herself that it was okay, because although the organization found her at that time, they didn't know her relationship with Xu Wenping, because the organization had just returned to Beiping City, so they didn't know what happened before, Finding her was also a mistake.

When they found her, she was already in the Japanese school, so the organization just let her stay here.Then I also asked about the medicines, telling her that she must report the news, and told her that many soldiers on the front line died because they did not have these antibiotics.

This made her feel unbearable, so she wanted to find some news about this, but the only way she could find news was through Xu Wenping.She wanted to tell Xu Wenping this, but the discipline made it difficult for her to speak. Now the only thing she is lucky about is that she didn't tell Xu Wenping.At that time, she didn't know what she was thinking. When asked by the organization, she actually lied, saying that she was rescued by a kind-hearted outsider.

He didn't say anything about Xu Wenping, maybe it was to protect Xu Wenping. In short, the people in the organization didn't know the relationship between Xu Wenping and himself.In this case, I might be able to get his forgiveness, and Su Qiaoniang seemed very happy thinking of this.

"I'm fine, everything will be fine, everything will be fine." Su Qiaoniang said to Haruko Yamazaki, who was pushed out by me, I must chase it back Su Qiaoniang thought in her heart.

Haruko Yamazaki was baffled when she saw Su Qiaoniang laughing and crying at other times.But as long as it's okay, Xu Wenping entrusted him to take care of him, if something happened, how could he explain to Mr. Wenping.

Xu Wenping left a bit bleakly, which also fits the current season, and went home to chat with Song Xiaoxian for a few words.Song Xiaoxian didn't see his abnormality, Xu Wenping didn't want others to notice his abnormality, so they wouldn't be able to see it, otherwise how could he be under the devil's hands.

Originally, he had been worried about Su Qiaoniang's safety in the Japanese military school, but now that he has found an organization, it has nothing to do with him.When I came to the security team, everything was the same as usual, and Xu Wenping also behaved as usual, doing what I should do.

"Captain, it's really unlucky for this duck to fly for nothing." Seeing Xu Wenping approaching, Chu Fei said, it was only one step too late.If I had waited for someone to go a little earlier, I might have caught up with him, which is really unlucky.

"Because our news leaked." Xu Wenping said.

"Who?" Chu Fei asked nervously, needless to say Xu Wenping, it must be impossible.He didn't say anything himself, he knew best in his heart that only Deng Wu was left, but Chu Fei believed that it was definitely not Deng Wu.Who would it be?Could it be Li Chunsheng? He guessed the plan from the conversation between himself and others?
Seeing Chu Fei's sad face, Xu Wenping said, "Don't guess, it's Su Qiaoniang."

"Ah?" Chu Fei shouted with his mouth wide open, how could it be her, it was too unexpected.

Others don't need to tell this news, but Chu Fei and Deng Wu have to tell them, and mistakes cannot be made twice in the same place.Xu Wenping believed that Su Qiaoniang would not come to ask them for information again, but who knew whether the people in their organization would persecute her, so he told Chu Fei and them to let them know what to say and what not to say.

Chu Fei didn't know how to persuade him at this time, but he saw that Xu Wenping didn't act strange at all, as if he wasn't angry because of Su Qiaoniang's betrayal.

Isn't the captain disappointed?He believed in Su Qiaoniang very much, but the captain had better not guess what he was thinking, so Chu Fei said, "I'll tell Deng Wu." Then he ran away, as if he was afraid that Xu Wenping would suddenly turn his anger on him, It's better to go first.

Xu Wenping originally thought that today was just an ordinary day, but he was wrong. There was a news that swept the entire city of Beiping today.Compared with the penicillin incident, it is only a little bit smaller, but in the hearts of ordinary people, the discussion is even more serious.

"It can't be true. It's too unimaginable to talk about it in such detail." Xu Wenping heard Wang Da's news, and couldn't believe it. Li Sixing is actually such a person.

"Isn't it? Captain, people in Beiping are now discussing whether Li Sixing killed his own brother or not." Wang Da said, today he heard the news that Li Sixing's two younger brothers were both He killed it himself.

What is Li Sixing in the eyes of the common people in Beiping City? He is a great kind person, everyone loves him.Many people don't believe this news, but the news is spread in a logical manner, from beginning to end, which makes some people have to think about it.

Xu Wenping also heard the news from Wang Da, saying that Li Sixing killed his second brother a few years ago in order to become the president of the chamber of commerce.But he was discovered by his third brother and bought another murderer to kill him, but he was ordered by his third brother to escape.And now his third brother came back to look for him again, that is Mr. Li with a large amount of penicillin, so now everyone thinks that the penicillin is in Li Sixing's hands.

Only Xu Wenping knew that Nayao was no longer there and had been found by someone, but it was not him.But when the news came out, Xu Wenping knew that Li Sixing was doomed, and there was no chance for him to stand up again.

He has pretended to be a good person all his life, and his reputation as a good person is not guaranteed. His life is probably coming to an end, and the Japanese will not let him go.But fortunately, the four thousand oceans that Li Sixing had promised him had already been delivered, otherwise I really don't know where to get them.

Li Sixing also heard the news, he didn't curse or make a scene, but just sat in his own home blankly.He knew that he was doomed, and now he was waiting to die. When the person who delivered food to Mr. Li told him that Mr. Li was missing, he knew it would be the result.

Since Mr. Li dared to come to him, he must have thought that he would kill him, so he must have told someone outside that if he couldn't be contacted for a day or two, he would release the news and let Li Sixing be buried with him.Although I don't know who Li Sanye explained to and how he was confirmed to be missing, but the fact is that the news has already spread.

It has been so many years since he killed his younger brother, the big deal is to lose the image of a good man, and become a traitor with the Japanese, so his reputation doesn't matter.However, there was another piece of news that came out, that is, the batch of medicine was in his hands. This was a big problem, and the Japanese would definitely not just surpass him.

If he could take out the medicine now, he might be able to escape the catastrophe, but he has already gone to see it, and all the medicines are gone, and they have been taken away.When he knew all this, he was already disheartened, sitting at home and waiting for the Japanese to come and catch him.

The gendarmerie came quickly, ahead of everyone else, and he followed them without any struggle, because he knew in his heart that struggle was futile.

(End of this chapter)

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