Chapter 169

Xu Wenping didn't know that Shimizu and Yamazaki Naoki had already gone to the blockhouse he had been to at night, and he was still chatting with Li Chunsheng at the banquet.As for Su Qiaoniang, although she would look at Xu Wenping from time to time, she did not dare to come over, which made Haruko Yamazaki, who had always wanted to come over, very innocent.

Since it has been determined that the anti-Japanese elements outside the city attacked this blockhouse for the sake of guns and ammunition, then there is nothing to see here.Shimizu and Yamazaki Naoki were about to leave. As for who did it, they already had a guess in their hearts.

"Tell all the gun towers that no one will be allowed to enter without a warrant in the future, it is anyone." Naoki Yamazaki shouted to the people below, asking them to pass this order on. The enemy has already succeeded once, who knows what will happen again Won't take advantage of it a second time.

In the future, you will not be able to enter the blockhouse with your own certificate, but you must have a special warrant, so that things like today can be avoided.

"Could it be the anti-traitor society? After all, they have been active outside the city, and the guns and ammunition here are also very attractive to them." Naoki Yamazaki said on the way back with Shimizu. It was obviously not done by himself. Yes, it must be organized, so the first thing that Naoki Yamazaki thought of was the anti-rape society.

"You know them better than I do. Do you think they will cut off the heads of the people inside?" Qing Shui asked.

Indeed, Shimizu was right, if it was the anti-traitor society, they probably wouldn't do this, Yamazaki Naoki frowned again.

Among the known forces outside the city, only the Anti-Crap Society and Wanlong Mountain are not controlled by the Japanese, so since it is not the Anti-Crap Society, it is likely to be Wanlong Mountain.And this behavior is indeed like a bandit, Wan Longshan did not fight against the Japanese before, but last time the Japanese wanted to use Li Sixing to arrest them in Beiping City, they must have a grudge, so they did it.

"Wanlong Mountain." Qing Shui said, he had the same opinion as Naoki Yamazaki, which is the most likely.

Suddenly, as the car was moving forward, Qing Shui saw a piece of ashes, which were obviously traces left by the fire.

"Stop the car, Muto go and see what's going on here." Shimizu shouted, asking Muto to ask what happened here.After a while, Muto came back and told Shimizu and Yamazaki Naoki what he asked. Hearing the news, the two looked at each other. Is it a coincidence?

"Check for me, is there anyone alive in this village? If so, find him." Naoki Yamazaki shouted, Wanlong Mountain?It's just possible. The people in this village are more likely. After all, in the words of the Chinese people, hatred is as deep as the sea.

The banquet lasted very late, but Xu Wenping left early, and when he returned to the security team, Deng Wu and the three of them had already returned.The clothes have also been changed. As for the changed clothes, it goes without saying that Xu Wenping also knows that they have already dealt with them.

"How is it going well?" Xu Wenping asked.

Wang Da said: "It has already been given to them, and thanks to Chu Fei, we gave it to them without even showing our faces."

It turned out that when Chu Fei was outside the city before, he knew which village the people from the anti-rape society had the best mass base, so they found that village.Throwing the carriage there, the three of them hid. After seeing the carriage for a while, someone found the carriage, looked at the things on the carriage, and quickly pulled it away.

In this way, Xu Wenping can rest assured that it must have been sent to the anti-rape club, otherwise the person who found it would not have pulled the carriage away.If ordinary people saw that, they would definitely avoid it and would not take it home, so it must be a member of the anti-rape society.

Xu Wenping didn't know if the stronghold of the anti-rape society was in that village, but there must be people from the anti-rape society in that village, so he couldn't be wrong.

"Just deliver the items," Xu Wenping said.

"Those are all good things, machine guns, ammunition, and the people from the anti-rape society took advantage of it this time." Chu Fei said with a smile.

People were killed by them, but the benefit was from the anti-rape society. There was no way, who told Xu Wenping that they dared not bring things to the security team.If you get it, you are looking for death, and the Japanese guarantee that they will come to your door the next day.

What Xu Wenping and the others don't know is that basically everyone in Beiping City knows their deeds.The news came from a puppet soldier who followed Yamazaki Naoki and the others out of the city, but the more it spread, the more evil it became. It was okay at first, 32 heads, what is the bloody thing.

Later, it became four or fifty, seven or eighty, and now it has become several hundred.The heads of the devils and puppet soldiers are piled up into a tower as high as two people, and each of them has wide-eyed eyes, which is terrifying to death.

In short, everyone knows about this matter, and no one knows who did it, but everyone thinks that death is coming.Some people are happy because the god of death kills devils, but some people are not happy. You can believe this. With hundreds of heads, do you think it is killing chickens?

Some people don't believe this at all, and think it's all fake, but the puppet army saw it with their own eyes, and the news was spread especially among the puppet army.Even Xue Changgui asked them in person, it seems that there is a ruthless person, of course he knows that there are thirty people, but thirty-two is already a lot.

Moreover, it was inside the devil's gun tower, which Xue Changgui had to admire. At the same time, he also ordered the puppet troops to strengthen their guards, so as not to give the enemy any chance.Anyway, the people in the puppet army these days are extraordinarily serious about standing guard, for fear that the god of death will take them away. Who told them that they spread the fastest and most internally, and they talk like Shura hell, which is scary.

Xu Wenping also knew about this, but just smiled and didn't take it to heart, let them pass it on as they like.But Chu Fei and the others are different. They are frightened every day. If they have no reason to tell them not to die, they can't wait to run to the streets of Beiping City and shout that we killed those people.

Xu Wenping did this matter very carefully, no one knew that Xu Wenping and the others did it, even Bai Fengya and Xu Wenping didn't tell her the truth.If you can hide yourself a little deeper, you can hide yourself a little deeper. This is Xu Wenping's current opinion.

So when Bai Fengya called to ask about this matter, Xu Wenping also pretended not to know anything. It wasn't that Xu Wenping didn't trust Bai Fengya, but that there was no need to tell her.

Knowing this matter, Bai Fengya did not do her any good, it just eased her curiosity.But if others found out about this matter, Xu Wenping and the others would be finished. Although it was impossible for Bai Fengya to tell others, she would lose her words if she spoke too much. What if others overheard them while they were on the phone.

Therefore, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. Wang Da and the others, Xu Wenping also gave a gag order not to tell anyone.

 Thanks to Slimming Rat, last night’s recommendation and support

  There is a third change, ask for tickets, ask for collection

(End of this chapter)

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