Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 170 Out of the City to Suppress Bandits

Chapter 170 Out of the City to Suppress Bandits
"The head of the section has made a clear investigation. There was indeed someone who asked about the village, but I haven't found out who that person is." After several days of investigation, Muto finally found out that after the village was destroyed by fire, there was a person. Asked about things there, except they couldn't find out who that person was.

Shimizu didn't speak, and Wu Teng continued to ask: "Chairman, is there someone from Wanlongshan in that village, and that's why they retaliated afterwards."

"No, they won't be bandits when they have a family." Qing Shui said, it was clear that Wanlong Mountain was responsible for the blockhouse incident, but now it doesn't feel right.

The ghosts and puppet soldiers in the gun tower destroyed a village and killed all the people in the village. Qing Shui also knew about this.That's why we had to investigate, and it was true that the people in this village were not dead, but there was no one who survived.

Whether it is Wanlong Mountain or the one who survived in the village, they will not be alone, because no one will be a bandit properly.When being a bandit, most of them take this step when they have nowhere to go.

"Then what should we do as the head of the class?" Muto asked, and now he doesn't even know who did it, so he is too passive.

"What should we do? Go out of the city to suppress the bandits." Qing Shui said.

Mu Teng was taken aback, looking at Qing Shui, it didn't look like he was joking, "But Wanlong Mountain doesn't seem to have anything to do with this matter." Mu Teng didn't understand what Qing Shui meant.

"It doesn't matter, but it can make them relax their vigilance." Qing Shui said, all he has to do now is to continue looking for the survivor in that village, as long as he finds him, everything will be easy.

Another thing is to attack Wanlong Mountain and put on a show to make them think that they have made a mistake in their judgment.So that they are paralyzed, as long as they act more, the more things they will master.If you have a lot of things, you can find them naturally. This is Qing Shui's idea.

"Suppress the bandits! Shall I go?" Xu Wenping shouted involuntarily. He didn't expect Naoki Yamazaki to ask him to come out of the city to suppress the bandits.

Naoki Yamazaki was a little displeased when he saw Xu Wenping's appearance. Didn't he just send you to suppress the bandits? As for that?

"Xu Sang, you are the only one who has seen people from Wanlong Mountain, so it is most suitable for you to go." Naoki Yamazaki said, anyway, this means that you must be there, and others are not suitable.

What kind of bandit is being suppressed so well, besides, is Wanlong Mountain easy to destroy?If Hao Mie had been extinct long ago, why wait until today?

"Captain, the terrain of Wanlong Mountain is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It's not worth losing brothers for a group of mobs." Xu Wenping said. Shot against Wanlong Mountain.

Although Xu Wenping didn't show it directly, everyone present could see that he was afraid of death. In fact, Qing Shui had chosen him.Because Qingshui also knew that Wanlong Mountain was not easy to attack, and there was no need to attack, so it was fine to let Xu Wenping go, as long as he showed his appearance.

Although it was just for show, they couldn't tell Xu Wenping clearly that if Xu Wenping was real, he would just show it all the way.There is no sense of tension at all, what's the use of eating instead of drinking.

"Xu Sang, this is an order, don't say too much, go back and prepare, and leave at any time." Yamazaki Naoki said.

"Yes, Captain." Xu Wenping could only answer this way, and then left the gendarmerie. This gendarmerie is really not a good place, and it's bad luck every time you come here.

"Can this really attract those people?" Naoki Yamazaki asked uncertainly.

"Of course it can't be lured, but we can't do nothing, no, it's good to give Wanlongshan a little warning." Qing Shui stood up and said with a smile, and then left.

Anyway, no matter what Shimizu thinks, Yamazaki Naoki thinks that Xu Wenping will definitely not be able to deal with Wanlongshan.But Qing Shui was different from what he thought. The last time the people from Wanlong Mountain ran away, although it was because they captured Li Sixing, why was it that Xu Wenping was in charge of this matter.

"Captain, what are they looking for from you?" Back at the security team, Wang Da came up and asked, he was the one who answered Naoki Yamazaki's call.

"Notify the brothers that they are all ready and waiting for orders at any time to go out of the city to suppress the bandits." Xu Wenping said.

"What, go out of the city to suppress the bandits?" Wang Da looked in disbelief, when will it be the security team's turn to suppress the bandits, is there no other soldiers in Beiping City?
Is Xu Wenping more depressed than him?What do you mean you just met the head of Wanlong Mountain? Is this an excuse?This is too fake, but what can Xu Wenping do, since Naoki Yamazaki said so, he can only admit it.

"What are you in a daze for? Go and notify." Xu Wenping yelled at Wang Da.The security team didn't stay in the city of Beiping well, and they were going out of the city to suppress the bandits. Who would believe it?

"Captain, what do you think Yamazaki Naoki and the others want to do? They don't really want us to destroy Wanlong Mountain." Deng Wu, who rushed over after hearing the news, asked Xu Wenping.

Chu Fei patted the back of Deng Wu's head and said: "You are stupid, can you destroy Wanlong Mountain with just a few people from the security team?"

"Then why did they let us go?" Deng Wu scratched the back of his head and said.

"Captain, do you think they blamed Wanlongshan for the incident of the gun tower last time?" Chu Fei said, but Deng Wu pulled him aside and looked at Wang Da.

Seeing this, Wang Da knew that Deng Wu and the others were doing it for his own good, and said: "It's okay, the revenge has been avenged, I'm fine."

Deng Wu was afraid that Wang Da would be hurt when he saw Chu Fei mentioning the gun tower, but Wang Da didn't mind them mentioning it.After Wang Da came back from that incident, there was indeed a change. He had to practice the gun every day. Before, he didn't practice for ten days and a half months.

"Captain, what Chu Fei said is very likely. Is it because of this that we are sent to suppress the bandits?" Wang Da also agrees with Chu Fei. After all, he will not send people to suppress the bandits suddenly , there must be an explanation.

"No." Xu Wenping said, if this is the case, how could they send people from the security team?Everyone knows that sending the security team there will definitely not help the matter. There will be Wanlongshan's opponents there, and the security team can't be dispatched in full force, and some people must be kept in Beiping City.

That being the case, why call yourself to go?Xu Wenping couldn't figure it out.Suddenly Xu Wenping heard someone coming from outside the door, and Chu Fei and the others heard it too, so everyone stopped talking.

These people are all members of the security team. It sounds like two people chatting outside.They probably didn't know that Xu Wenping and the others were in the office, otherwise they would definitely not have chosen to chat here. Isn't this courting death?If they are lazy, they dare to be in front of Xu Wenping, but Xu Wenping is often not in the security team, so this has become the best place for them to be lazy.

Originally, Wang Da was about to go out and let them go, but their conversation made Wang Da stop.

 Thanks to Feihu 1974, 0o drizzle and oblique wind o0, obstructing 001 for the recommendation and support

  The third update is over, ask for tickets, ask for collection


(End of this chapter)

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