School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 218 She's Pretty Infatuated

Chapter 218 She's Pretty Infatuated




It's all you, it's all you.


The siren of the police car, the sound of the ambulance, the night, the sound of crying, the yelling, the liquid that was slowly poured into her internal organs as if it was crushed, the cold syringe, the bright red blood, etc., everything In an instant, it turned into a scourge, almost tearing Jiang Yan to pieces.

Jiang Yan was flustered and at a loss, holding her head in a daze and pulling her hair. She wanted to get out, escape, escape from this dark and confined space.

Jiang Yan desperately pressed the elevator button, and with the sound of "Ding Dong", the elevator door opened, and a beam of light shot into the elevator. Hei fell to the ground, startled Li Li who was looking for her everywhere, and shouted to Zhou Yan who was not far away: "Jiang Ji is here."


Jiang Jian woke up a day later, looked around, and saw that it was a hotel.

Jiang Junli and the others took advantage of her coma and moved her back from the hospital.

Jiang Yan lifted the quilt, got out of bed, brushed her hair back, stepped on slippers, walked to the living room, and saw Li Li brushing the tablet, frowning.

Jiang Yan walked to her side, sat cross-legged on the sofa, picked up a pillow and hugged her, "What's wrong?"

"Are you awake?" Li Li turned to look at her.

Jiang Yan picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, "Ang."

"Is there any discomfort there?"

Jiang Jian thought for a while, looked at Li Li, shook her head, "No."

It's just that my mind is blank, and I feel that all the things that came up with great difficulty have all disappeared, and there is nothing left, which is strange.

Jiang Yan frowned slightly, looked at Li Li and asked, "What are you looking at?", then took the tablet from Li Li's hand and swiped it.

Yep, she's on the trending list again.

The hot search is that she seems to have a boyfriend, and he is also the famous Professor Ji. By the way, there are a few photos of him dragging her to run in the hospital. The comment area below exploded.

Jiang Yan was amused, and said softly "tsk", "That's right, you have vision."

Li Li: "..."

Jiang Yan clicked on the photo and handed it to Li Li, "Look, is it a good match?"

Li Li snatched the tablet from Jiang Jian's hand, "I'm so sorry."

Jiang Yan was noncommittal, took out his phone, continued to swipe, and swipe the comments along the way, but he didn't expect to swipe a treasure comment, and a few photos were attached to the comment to prove it.

Jiang Yan hurriedly clicked on a picture and took a closer look. It was a picture of him calmly helping her to heal on the plane, "Damn it."

Li Li hung up the phone after explaining to the publicist about dealing with hot searches, and looked at Jiang Jian, "What's wrong?"

"He was the one who saved me on the plane." Jiang Yan looked at Li Li.

Li Li: "..."

Jiang Ji thought of the windbreaker hanging in the room, and bounced off the sofa.


, Li Li looked at her suspiciously.

"Of course I went to deliver clothes to my little brother!", Jiang Yan looked at Li Li proudly, threw away the phone, stepped on slippers, went back to the room, walked to the windbreaker, looked at the windbreaker, and then took off the windbreaker , shaking a few times, planning to fold it up, pack it up, and send it to him, but unexpectedly, a plastic-sealed examination admission ticket would fall from the windbreaker pocket.

Jiang Yan stared at the admission ticket for a while, then paused, then picked up the admission ticket, which had love written on the back.

"Love.", Jiang Yan's eyelids twitched, she chuckled, turned to the front of the admission ticket, looked at it, saw the black and white printed photo on the admission ticket for a moment, stood up subconsciously, walked to the full-length mirror, and faced the full-length mirror , observing the difference between her and the person in the black and white printed photo, the more I look at it, the more I feel that this person is very similar to me.

"Anyone." Jiang Yan rubbed the name on the admission ticket, then glanced at the windbreaker, and sneered, "Tsk, I never imagined that there are people who look so similar to her in this world."

Jiang Yan raised her eyelids, stuffed the admission ticket into the windbreaker pocket, folded the windbreaker, found a bag to pack it, walked out of the room, walked to the living room, "No.", and handed the bag to Li Li.

"What?" Li Li took it in a daze, glanced at the contents inside, and looked up at Jiang Jian in doubt, "What are you doing for me?"

Jiang Yan limply lay down on the sofa, propped his head lazily on his hands, and replied with a disinterested expression: "Go back."

"Go back?"

"Ang!", Jiang Yan nodded, picked up a glass of water and drank it slowly, "There is someone's treasure inside."


"Yeah." Jiang Yan raised his eyelids, continued to drink water lazily, and continued slowly: "I didn't expect to be an innocent little brother. It's a pity that being too innocent is not my style, let alone I still have It won’t be reduced to the point where it’s used as a stand-in for others. If you put it here and block my eyes, you can return it for me, or you can throw it away if you don’t.”

Li Li: "..."

Jiang Yan put down the water glass, sat up from the sofa, got up, combed her long hair, walked towards the room, walked to the door, stopped, looked back at Li Li and said, "By the way, when will the zero advertisement be shot?" ?”


"Yeah." Jiang Yan snorted and slammed the door.

Li Li: "..."


After Ji Yifan's shift was over, he changed his clothes, took the car keys, walked to the hospital door, paused slightly, looked for the sound, and saw Jiang Jian's manager, who was calling him just now.

"Is something wrong?"

, Ji Yifan asked suspiciously.

Li Li handed Jiang Jian the wrapped clothes to him, "This is your clothes, thank you for your help."

Ji Yifan glanced down at the pocket in her hand, then took it, "It's okay.

If there is nothing else, I will go first. "

, After Li Li answered, he picked up his clothes, staggered away from Li Li, went to the underground to park, and drove.

Ji Yifan opened the car door, put his pocket on the passenger seat, got in the car, closed the door, fastened his seat belt, raised his head, glanced at the pocket of the passenger seat again, then slowly looked away, and drove away.


After delivering the clothes, Li Li rushed to the commercial shooting site non-stop, when he received the news that Jiang Yan and Ling Yang were pushed into the river by Ling Yang and sent to the hospital when they were filming the commercial.

Li Li's temples twitched several times, took a deep breath, turned around and rushed back to the hospital non-stop, seeing Jiang Jian lying leisurely on the hospital bed, his eyebrows twitched, and he walked over, "You really are."

Jiang Jian smiled, "She wants to play, so naturally I have to play with her."

If she didn't jump into the river, it would be Ling Yang who jumped into the river, who wouldn't do this trick.

"How is it? Where is the injury?" Li Li asked concerned.

"No." Jiang Yan casually picked up the cigarette and lighter on the bedside table, took out a cigarette, lit it, smoked it, smoked for a while, looked at Li Li and said: "The clothes have been delivered."

Sitting on the edge of Jiang Yan's bed, Li Li hummed softly, Jiang Yan nodded slightly, and saw Li Li staring at her.

(End of this chapter)

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