Chapter 219 Either I was wrong, come back, okay?

Jiang Yan smiled, "Don't worry, the surveillance was ruined by Ling Yang in advance."

Li Li smiled, "Leave the rest to me."

"Well, our little Li Li is really nice." Jiang Yan winked at Li Li.

Li Li: "..."


Ling Yang looked at her manager Lu Yang in despair, "I said I didn't, why don't you believe me."

"You didn't push her, so she fell into the river by herself." Lu Yang roared angrily.

Ling Yang was taken aback for a moment, then recovered, "Yes, it was her, she fell in by herself."

Lu Yang sneered, "Do you think she is you?"

Ling Yang: "..."

"Idiot." Lu Yang cursed angrily.

Ling Yang blushed and looked at her helplessly, "I really don't."

Lu Yang rubbed between his brows, and pinched her chin, "I really don't know what to say to you, I warned you last time, don't provoke her, don't provoke her, what happened! You gave her drink It was changed, but fortunately she survived. If the rescue is not timely, she will die. Be careful that her brother peeled your skin, endure the calm for a while, do you understand these seven words, idiot. "

Lu Yang threw Ling Yang's chin away, and Ling Yang fell to the ground unexpectedly. After a moment of trance, she grabbed Lu Yang's trouser legs, "Help me, Brother Yang, help me, please, please help me!" I."

Ling Yang was crying so hard, Lu Yang sighed lightly, rubbed the center of his brows, squatted down, and kept eye level with Ling Yang, "Go and apologize to her, and tell her everything about last time. Tell her all, and beg her to forgive me now. Before her agent made a move."

Ling Yang's beautiful eyes widened immediately, she looked at him in disbelief, and resisted: "Why, no, I don't want it, I don't want to apologize to her, why. I don't want it, she framed me, why?"

"In that case, then you can do it yourself." Lu Yang turned and left, completely ignoring Ling Yang's cry for help.

three hours later.

Jiang Yan and Ling Yang were on the trending searches at the same time. Because Ling Yang was holding a grudge, the news about pushing her down the river in retaliation for Jiang Yan was on the trending searches. By the way, she also found out that Ling Yang had secretly exchanged Jiang Jian's drink, causing Jiang Yan to drink it. There was a news that there was an allergy to a drink with a dairy mixture and almost died.

Immediately afterwards, another piece of news about Jiang Yan's professionalism climbed into the trending searches.

Two hours later, the news of Professor Ji's conscientiousness also climbed up the trending searches.

Then the news that was finally suppressed, that is, Jiang Yan's underground love affair was picked up on the hot search again, and the popularity continued to skyrocket, and the netizens talked a lot.

Then the relationship history of the two people was also picked up.

Especially Professor Ji's epic love history, seeing Jiang Yan's eyelids twitch, made him even more determined not to pass the futures.

On the other side, the news that Ji Yifan was on the hot search was called by Lu Chuan to inform him.

Ji Yifan watched the hot searches one after another, his temples twitched several times, and the pen in his hand directly poked a hole in the medical record, his face was livid, and he dialed a phone number.

In just 10 minutes, all the hot searches about him and Jiang Jian disappeared.

This made Jiang Yan amazed.

This kid really likes his girlfriend!

Ji Yifan rubbed the center of his brows wearily, then played with the little wooden monkey on his wrist, rubbed any word with his fingertips, paused, picked up the phone, opened the browser, and hung his fingertips on the screen of the phone After a while, drop down and enter any two words.

Immediately afterwards, multiple pages and character introductions popped up from the browser page, including elites from all walks of life and unknown people, with photos and some without photos.

He searched multiple pages and looked at the profiles of multiple people, but none of them was what he wanted. After searching for a while.

Ji Yifan was a little tired, so he simply exited the page, picked up the black windbreaker on the office chair, got up, and when he left, an exam admission ticket fell at his feet unexpectedly.

Ji Yifan paused slightly, stopped, stared at the admission ticket for a moment with downcast eyes, picked it up, took a look, and saw the admission ticket printed with a black and white inch photo, he was slightly taken aback, a familiar smile flashed in his mind Pass.

Ji Yifan was taken aback for a moment, and stared at the photo in a daze.

Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan, I like you.

Ji Yifan, I am No. [-] of Class [-] ([-]st) of Senior Secondary School, and I like you.

Ji Yifan, you smile, you smile, you really look good when you smile.


After Ji Yifan was in a daze for a moment, he lowered his hands weakly and staggered towards the outside.

As night falls, Huaguang begins to shine.

Two or three couples passed by him, Ji Yifan smiled, the corners of his eyes were smudged with moisture.

Really ruthless.

Really tough.


You can leave me alone without mercy.

By the reed lake, the wind blows, and the reed flowers are flying up one after another.

"Ji Yifan, after we get the admission letter from Jinghua University, let's go to Luwei Lake in Liangcheng to play together."

Looking at the calm lake water, Ji Yifan rolled his throat, opened and closed his lips, and finally found his voice after a long time, "Okay."

I'm here, how about you?

where are you?
Ji Yifan rubbed the center of his brows, cold water drops fell on his face.

The wind blew and took away the good words. No one answered him, and no one would be happy like a 250 fool because of the good words he said.

There is no such person in this world, who has been hurt by him again and again, can chase after him, and happily tell him Ji Yifan that I like you, I really like you very much.

Boy, now there are not many good girls who are pure in heart, sincere, kind, dare to love and hate, and always think about you. Cherish them well, don't lose them, you will regret it if you lose them.


He regretted it.


Regret losing any of his.

So is it possible to come back?

"Can you come back?" Ji Yifan shouted helplessly.

Ji Yifan muttered to himself: "Ren Ren, if I say I was wrong, can you come back?"

"Come back, okay?" Ji Yifan begged, over and over again.

As long as you come back, I will give you whatever you want, and I will satisfy you with whatever you want.

Come back, okay?

No echo, no miracle, nothing at all.

Only the rustling sound of the wind blowing the reeds, and the reed flowers floating in the air with the wind.

Ren Ren is really gone. In that car accident 8 years ago, I completely gave up on him and left him.


Wen Jie received the news that Ji Yifan was hospitalized with stomach bleeding due to drinking, and rushed to Liangcheng Union Medical College Hospital overnight. He was shocked when he saw Ji Yifan who was decadent on the hospital bed.

In his memory, the young master was a good young man who never drank alcohol.

What's the situation now, it's okay to drink suddenly, and the stomach bleeds, the eyes are blue, the beard is unshaven, and it is as decadent as it is.

He was completely out of tune with the meticulous and untainted young master Ji who was not a trace of fireworks.

What the hell happened.

(End of this chapter)

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