School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 249 Someone Will Handle It

Chapter 249 Someone Will Handle It

Ling Yang was slightly taken aback, then cast a glance at Lu Yang, Lu Yang looked away, looked at Jiang Yan with a smile and said, "Then I will thank Miss Jiang for Mingyao."

Jiang Yan glanced at Lu Yang and Ling Yang indifferently, with his eyes slightly lowered, he stroked Fat Bai, and saw that Fat Bai was staring at the black dress.

Jiang Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, walked over at leisure, bent over to pick up the dress, brushed the corner of the dress, raised her eyebrows slightly, the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened a lot, dropped the dress, rubbed her fat white head lightly, turned and walked to In front of the cart, he glanced at the mobile phone in the cart, paused, put Pang Bai into the cart, and pushed Pang Bai away.

Li Li followed closely behind, and the two walked out of the dressing room. Li Li glanced behind him, seeing that no one was following, then looked at Jiang Jian and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, is there a problem?"

Jiang Yan smiled, glanced at Fat Bai who was lying in the cart in disgust, paused and stretched out her palm, a needle lay in her palm.

Seeing this, Li Li was slightly taken aback, and looked at Fat Bai who was lying in the cart in surprise.

"The clothes were scratched by Fat Bai." Jiang Yan pushed Fat Bai into the elevator, smiled at Li Li and said.

Li Li turned away and looked at Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan played with the needle in his hand in leisure, chuckled, "Phenobarbital."

"Phenobarbital." Li Li was a little surprised.

Once the injection is overdose, it can range from mania, to severe neurasthenia and death

"Yeah." Jiang Yan snorted, "Otherwise, why would such a fat, white and good-looking person scratch at those clothes?"

Li Li looked at Fat Bai lying in the cart with distress, and then looked at Jiang Jian, "Are you going to investigate and monitor?"

"Doesn't that seem like we've made a fuss!" Jiang Yan looked at Li Li with a smile.

The more she laughed, the more relieved Li Li felt, "Is there a way?"

"Ding dong." With a sound, the elevator door opened, Jiang Yan put on her sunglasses, pushed the cart out of the elevator, and replied calmly: "No."

Li Li: "..."

, a big white eye rolled out of the sky, and followed Jiang Jian.

Jiang Jian paused slightly, looked back at Li Li, and said with a smile: "There are always people who won't sit still."

"Who?", Li Li turned away and looked at Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan looked back at Fat Bai in the cart, Li Li saw this, and asked tentatively: "The person who brought you the clothes."

Jiang Jian was noncommittal.


Tongcheng, hotel.

As the video kept rewinding, Ji Yifan frowned slightly, and then the phone rang. Ji Yifan picked up the phone and connected it, "How?"

"The clothes have been sent to Miss Jiang on time."

"Yeah." Ji Yifan snorted, and after a while, "I'll tell you what to do."

"Take care of it right away."


A few days later.

While Jiang Yan was sitting on the couch on the viewing platform basking in the sun, reading a book, and drinking tea, Li Li hurried to the apartment and lifted the English book that Jiang Yan covered his face.

This English book is a bit outdated. After careful calculation, Jiang Jian has read it for at least eight or nine years. She can memorize the book from the beginning to the end. She is still reading it, and she doesn't know what is so good about it.

Li Li casually threw the book on the tea table next to the couch, a maple leaf and paper inside the book suddenly ran out of a corner, immersed in the sunlight.

Nuan Yang directly climbed onto Jiang Yan's fair and delicate cheeks, Jiang Yan subconsciously covered her eyes with the back of her hand, and asked lazily, "What's wrong?"

"Ling Yang attempted suicide, she is crazy."

Jiang Yan was taken aback for a moment, slowly pulled away the hand that was blocking her eyes, and looked at Li Li, "Attempt to commit suicide, are you crazy?"

"Yeah." Li Li snorted, "Crazy."

"Are you sure?" Jiang Yan felt a little incredulous.

"I can't believe it either." Li Li sat on the sofa with a serious face, pursed his lips, and looked at Jiang Jian, "I heard it was caused by depression."

Jiang Yan took a sip of water from the water cup on the coffee table, tapped the wall of the cup with his fingers, looked at Fat Bai resting in the sun, and was in a daze, until Li Li called her for a long time, then blinked and turned around God, looked at Li Li, "What's wrong?"

"What do you think!" Li Li looked at Jiang Jian and said.

Jiang Yan chuckled, put down the water glass, bent his legs, crossed his knees, and sat on the couch, "Isn't it?" She tilted her head and looked at Li Li.

Li Li: "..."

Jiang Yan raised her eyelids, jumped off the couch, bathed in the sun, stretched her waist, leaned on the fence with her arms crossed, her slender and straight legs folded casually, and looked at Li Li, "Hidden in the snow twice, Can Ling Yang really bear this kind of thing?"

"You mean?" Li Li's heart sank.

Jiang Yan smiled, poised her waist slightly, picked up the cigarette and the gray machine on the coffee table, lit a stick, took a few puffs, and looked at Li Li.

"I'm just curious why the opponents of JY Media Company seized such a good opportunity and didn't use it. It stands to reason that they should use this opportunity to stir up trouble and continue to blackmail me. Instead, they blocked Lingyang. There are so many things I really want to know, and is the owner of this company really just the surname Xue?"

Jiang Yan slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Li, who turned his face away, noncommittal.

Jiang Ji dusted off the cigarette ash, and replied casually: "That's great."

Whoever he is, at least he helped her solve a big problem without her doing anything.


Shenghua Media Company, General Manager Office.

Lu Yang looked solemnly at Mr. Xue who was sitting not far away from the backlight, and after struggling a lot, "Mr. Xue, can you please?"

Before Lu Yang finished speaking, Xue Xiyang suddenly turned around while sitting, with his long legs resting casually on the desk, loosened his tie, and looked at Lu Yang who was standing not far away, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth He asked, "What can you do?"

Lu Yang's scalp was numb, and his blood was as cold as ice slag, so he replied bravely, "Give Mingyao another chance."

"Opportunity?" Xue Xiyang looked at Lu Yang with raised eyebrows as if he had heard the best joke in the world, and Lu Yang buried his head even deeper.

Xue Xiyang retracted his long legs, stood up, put his hands in his trouser pockets, walked past Lu Yang, walked to the sofa, and sat down with his legs crossed, "What do you think?", raising his eyebrows slightly.

Lu Yang: "..., yes."

"But what?" Xue Xiyang poured a glass of red wine and looked at the blood-red wine in the glass.

Lu Yang's scalp was numb and he stuttered.

"Bang." There was a crisp sound of the wine glass falling on the tea table, and Lu Yang shivered.

Xue Xiyang chuckled, "I still want this opportunity, huh?"

Lu Yang shook his head like a rattle, "Mingyao asked for this. The decision of the board of directors is very correct. Mr. Xue, please do your work first. If there is nothing else, I will go to work first."

"En." Xue Xiyang snorted softly, and Lu Yang hurriedly left.

Xue Xiyang drank the red wine in the glass, played with the wine glass, glanced at the mobile phone on the coffee table, and smiled, "Jiang Yan."

(End of this chapter)

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