Chapter 250
"Knock, knock." Several knocks came from outside the office door.

"Come in."

"Mr. Xue, this is the new secretary who came to report."

, the personnel department reminded.

"Mr. Xue, hello, I'm the new secretary..."

A familiar and gentle voice came from behind.

Xue Xiyang paused for a while while playing with the wine glass, and slowly turned his head to look behind him. He saw a person standing not far away, wearing a well-tailored lady's small suit, with neat short hair, more outstanding facial features, and a person with a strong personality in his bones. gentle and capable.

Xue Xiyang loosened his hand, and the wine glass fell to the floor with a crisp sound, waking up Fang Kehan ​​who was standing not far away.

Fang Kehan's hand holding the resume tightened subconsciously, his eyes were red, and he stared blankly at the man sitting not far away.

Nine years, long time no see.


Jiang Yan has been so busy lately, Ji Yifan’s seminar has lasted for nearly a month and she has to help him look after his dog, Jiang Yan is really bored, and always feels that he needs to find some fun, as for what to play, Jiang Ji was still thinking.

Jiang Jian took Fat Bai for a walk in the community as usual, slipped around, found a cool shade, rested, took a nap, and took a nap for nearly half an hour. When Jiang Jian woke up again, Fat Bai was beside him. gone.

This frightened Jiang Jian a lot. When he was looking for a dog everywhere, he happened to run into Ji Yifan who was rushing home after the seminar.

Ji Yifan looked at Jiang Jian's serious face, and asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yan: "...", coughed lightly, scratched the back of his head, looked around, swayed, "That!"

Ji Yifan looked at her amusedly, "Then what?"

After Jiang Yan struggled a few times, she bit the bullet and looked at Ji Yifan, "That."

If she lost the dog.

Will she be stabbed to death by him!

After all, it was left to him by his girlfriend.

Jiang Yan was thinking a thousand times, Ji Yifan glanced at her side, there was nothing there, feeling vaguely uneasy, and subconsciously asked, "Where's Fat Bai?"

Jiang Jian felt guilty for being a thief, with a dazed look on his face, "Huh?"

Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, and every word was chilling, "It's Fat White!"

Jiang Yan faltered, shuddered, and touched his forehead, "Me."

Ji Yifan took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong with it?"

Jiang Yan smiled awkwardly, struggled a few times, and explained: "I fell asleep for a while, and then woke up, and it was gone."

"What's wrong with it?" Ji Yifan's tone was a little serious, which made Jiang Yan jump, and looked at Ji Yifan in astonishment.

"Lost it?" Ji Yifan's face was so dark that he was about to drip homemade ink.

Jiang Yan sighed softly, "I didn't find it."

"I didn't find it!" Ji Yifan laughed back angrily, and Jiang Yan said guiltily, "Yeah." After a pause, he comforted him, "Don't worry, it must be in this community, and it can't be lost."

"I can't lose it." Ji Yifan chuckled, and said coldly: "Do you know how unfamiliar and frightened this place is to it. Lost, two words can be said so easily Is it light? Do you have a heart? "

Jiang Yan took a deep breath, she couldn't do it, she couldn't take it anymore, she didn't insist on keeping this dog, so why is it all her fault.

"No heart, it's okay! You are a heartless person, don't you know? So it's lost, it's none of my business, shouldn't it be your responsibility? Since you know you're going to hold a seminar, don't you?" I know how to send the dog to the pet store or take it away by myself! What the hell, it's all my fault..."

Jiang Yan crackled a lot, Ji Yifan was dumb, looked at Jiang Jian in a daze, then rolled his throat, opened and closed his lips, "I..."

"What are you?" Jiang Yan was so angry that she snapped back again.

Ji Yifan: "..."

Jiang Yan snorted lightly, turned and left, and continued to look for Pang Bai.

Jiang Yan searched around, and finally walked downstairs to the apartment building B and heard a few dogs barking. Jiang Yan walked over quickly and saw Fat Bai, refreshed.

It stood opposite a man, holding a dog in his arms, curled up and shivering.

The man was staring at Fat Bai intently, as if he wanted to chop him into pieces.

Jiang Jian was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and shouted in doubt: "Fat Bai."

Fat Bai "Wow." He yelled, ran towards Jiang Yan, rushed to Jiang Yan's ankle excitedly, and rubbed his head against Jiang Yan's ankle.

Jiang Yan was overflowing with maternal love, so she held Fat Bai tightly in her arms and stroked it.

"You are its master." The man's voice came out of nowhere.

Jiang Yan heard the sound, looked at the man, and smiled faintly, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Seeing Jiang Jian's appearance clearly, the man's face turned cloudy and sunny, and he didn't know how to explain to her that the fat dog fucked his girl.

"Fat white." Ji Yifan's voice suddenly interjected, disturbing the brief peace. Ji Yifan rushed to Jiang Yan's side and asked Jiang Yan, "Are you hurt?"

Jiang Ji glanced at the puppy in the man's arms, looked down at the blood stains on the ground, curled her lips, and threw Fat Bai to Ji Yifan in disgust, "Take it."

Ji Yifan took it in a hurry, and looked at Jiang Jian cautiously.

Jiang Yan raised his chin towards the man opposite, "It is the owner of this dog, if you need anything, please contact him."

Ji Yifan: "...", looking at Jiang Jian suspiciously.

Jiang Yan clapped her hands, pointed to the dog in the man's hand, looked at Ji Yifan and said, "Your dog has fucked someone else's treasure."

Ji Yifan: "...cough!", choking on Jiang Yan's words.

Jiang Yan pursed her lips, gave Ji Yifan a contemptuous look, snorted lightly, looked at the man and said, "Whether you want compensation or responsibility, you two can discuss together and see what to do."

"Okay." The man responded, looking at Ji Yifan with a dark face, "Your dog slept with my girl, what are you going to do?"

Ji Yifan: "..." He glanced at the dying puppy on the opposite side, and then at the fat and white dog in his arms, refreshed and refreshed.

Ji Yifan's temples twitched several times. Seeing Ji Yifan's deflated appearance, Jiang Yan covered her lips and shrugged her shoulders. She couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed and coughed.

Ji Yifan looked at Jiang Jian coolly.

Jiang Yan just laughed openly in front of Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan: "...", took a deep breath, "How much?"

"Is my niuniu the first time to be measured by money?"

Ji Yifan had a headache and asked gloomily: "..., I don't want money, what do you want?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ji gave a soft "tsk," and said, "Scumbag."

Ji Yifan: "..."

"This lady is very right, scumbag." The man was about to applaud Jiang Yan.

"Right!" Jiang Yan nodded, then turned to look at Ji Yifan, "A scumbag who doesn't recognize anyone when he lifts his pants."

Ji Yifan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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