Chapter 277
Ji Yifan was pushing the shopping cart, Jiang Yan walked beside him, took a few packs of potato chips from the shopping shelf and threw them in, looked at Ji Yifan, and asked suspiciously: "Aren't you shopping? Why didn't I see you?" take it?"

Ji Yifan glanced at the shopping cart, which was full of Jiang Yan's snacks, and took a few packs of her favorite food from the shopping shelf and threw them in. Looking at Jiang Yan, "I bought it."

Jiang Jian glanced at the shopping cart, then glanced at Ji Yifan amusedly, patted the shopping cart, and reminded Ji Yifan to go to the fruit area.

Ji Yifan followed, saw the orange-flavored candies, took a few packs and threw them in the car, walked towards Jiang Jian, saw her staring at something in a daze, Ji Yifan walked over, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Jian didn't say anything, Ji Yifan looked in the direction Jiang Jian was looking at, and saw Qin Yiyang standing not far away.

Ji Yifan paused slightly while pushing the cart, his eyes darkened, and just as Qin Yiyang walked towards Jiang Jian, he took Jiang Jian into his arms.

The waist was tied so hard that she couldn't breathe, Jiang Yan frowned and pushed Ji Yifan, Ji Yifan tied it even tighter, looked at her with a sullen face, "Do you still want to rekindle your old relationship with him?"

Jiang Jian was taken aback for a moment, and Ji Yifan looked at her calmly.

"Yiyang." A female voice sounded not far away.

Jiang Yan looked over and saw the woman she met at Shenghua Media Company last time, walking to Qin Yiyang with milk in her hand and stopping.

"What's the matter, what are you looking at?" Fang Kehan ​​suspiciously followed the direction Qin Yiyang saw, and saw Jiang Yan and Ji Yifan who were standing not far away were slightly taken aback, and their eyes fell on Ji Yi Fan put his arms around Jiang Yan's waist, his eyes darkened, his hand holding the milk bottle strengthened, and the veins on the back of his hand swelled up. It took only a moment for him to return to his natural state. He looked at Qin Yiyang and said with a smile, "Let's go."

, dragging Qin Yiyang away.

Watching them leave, Jiang Yan looked away, broke free from Ji Yifan's hand that was holding her waist, and replied coldly: "Let go."

Ji Yifan looked at her with narrowed eyes, a surge of anger burned in his heart, "Let go?"

Ji Yifan laughed back angrily, "Do you think it's possible?"

Jiang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled sarcastically, "Why, you still want to continue to watch my good shows and laugh at me. It's a pity what to do, the person has already left, you can't see the good shows."

Ji Yifan was slightly taken aback, and his grip on her decreased.

Jiang Yan's complexion turned cold, she broke free, snorted lightly, "What's wrong," and turned to leave.


Fang Kehan ​​took several deep breaths, trying to suppress the urge to kill Ji Yifan, looked at Qin Yiyang, smiled, and changed the subject: "Are you still used to the work intensity during this time?"

Qin Yiyang came back to his senses, lowered his eyes, "En.", looked at Fang Kehan ​​and smiled.

The two fell into silence again. After a while, Fang Kehan ​​recovered his voice and looked at Qin Yiyang, "Tomorrow is Yiyi's birthday."

Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Fang Kehan ​​in a daze.

Fang Kehan's eyes were red, he turned away, and looked elsewhere, "That girl likes to eat cucumber-flavored potato chips and orange-flavored lollipops." He casually took several packets of potato chips from the shelf and threw them away. As he entered the shopping cart, tears rolled out of his eyes uncontrollably again.

She really hates, hates so much, she can't wait to cut Ji Yifan into pieces.

If it wasn't for him, Yiyi would still be as enthusiastic and unrestrained as the sun, living freely, with great taste, and with splendor.

She hated herself even more, why didn't she stop Yiyi and stop this fate, in the final analysis, she was too cowardly, relying on Yiyi and Jiang Zi all the time.

Without them, she is a wretch.

Now one by one is dead, Jiang Zi is gone, they all left her.

All this is what she asked for. Her cowardice, selfishness, timidity, and indecision hurt the person who loves her the most.

What should she do to make it up, what should she do.


Jiang Yan walked out of the supermarket, stopped a taxi, called Li Li, confirmed that she was at home, immediately reported her address, turned off her mobile phone, and went to Li Li's apartment.

Li Li looked at the dark-faced Jiang Jian, a little surprised, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Jiang Yan casually opened the shoe cabinet, took out a pair of home shoes and put them on, looked at Li Li and said, "I'm homeless, I'll stay here for a few days, you won't drive me away!"

"I'm chasing you, will you leave?" Li Li yelled at her.

"No." Jiang Yan walked to the living room, crossed her legs and sat on the sofa, resting.

Li Li put on the mask, walked up to Jiang Jian, raised his foot and kicked, "Come over."

Jiang Yan glanced at her, moved to the side, Li Li sat down, Jiang Yan's head rested on her lap, Li Li leaned on the sofa, pressed the mask, and asked, "I had a fight with him."

Jiang Yan turned over and replied disgustedly: "No."

Li Li raised his eyebrows, noncommittal, and continued to ask after a while: "What are you going to do now?"

One has no car, two has no house, and three has no money, and he is still living with Ji Yifan, so sooner or later there will be trouble.

Jiang Yan sighed softly, thought for a while, and patted Li Li's knee.

"Well, what happened?"

Jiang Ji turned over again, lay on her back and looked at Li Li and asked, "Is the acting you said last time okay?"

Li Li was a little surprised, raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "I figured it out."

Jiang Ji sat up and looked at Li Li, "Otherwise! I have to earn money to buy a house, you know?"

"Yeah." Li Li understood.

Jiang Yan Ruzi Kejiao also nodded.


Xue Xiyang was surprised when he received Ji Yifan's call, and even more surprised when he walked to the bar and looked at the scattered wine bottles around him.


Tomorrow is Ren Ren's birthday, and it's normal for Si Lian to have a dead girlfriend.

Xue Xiyang walked up to Ji Yifan and sat down, ordered a whiskey from the bartender, looked at Ji Yifan, and said with a smile, "I miss her again."

Ji Yifan paused for a while while drinking, and then drank the wine in the glass, "Bang." The glass hit the bar counter, making a violent impact, knocking the girl who was about to come over to have a chat with him Frightened back.

Ji Yifan rubbed the center of his brows wearily, glanced at the mobile phone thrown on the bar, sneered in his heart, looked away, and continued to drink.

Xue Xiyang gave a soft "tsk", took a sip from the wine glass, played with the wine glass, looked at Ji Yifan, and asked incomprehensibly, "Are you interested? Come here."

Xue Xiyang casually beckoned a woman with a sultry figure, and the woman walked gracefully to Xue Xiyang with a wine glass and stopped.

Xue Xiyang stopped her waist, toasted her, drank it, clamped the woman's jaw, and kissed her. After a while, it was over, and he looked at Ji Yifan, "There are so many women, why bother!"

Ji Yifan looked at him, Xue Xiyang smiled, and waved to another woman. The woman walked up to Ji Yifan with a wine glass and stopped, "Hi, handsome guy." She reached out to hook Ji Yifan's neck .

(End of this chapter)

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