School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 278: Movie Emperor Jiang Zi 1

Chapter 278: Movie Emperor Jiang Zi 1
Ji Yifan frowned slightly and avoided, the woman was slightly taken aback.

"Get lost." Ji Yifan said coldly.

The woman's complexion changed.

"You really don't understand human language?" Ji Yifan's tone became even colder, and several people could be frozen to death.

The woman trembled, and looked at Xue Xiyang begging for help, Xue Xiyang smiled, "You go!"

The woman fled without delay.

Seeing this, Xue Xiyang sighed regretfully, and looked at Ji Yifan, "You say you don't know how to pity and cherish jade at all."

Ji Yifan gave him a cool look, then looked away and continued drinking.

Xue Xiyang chuckled, and after a while, looked at Ji Yifan and said, "Do you know why Ren Ren left you?"

Ji Yifan paused while drinking, and then looked at Xue Xiyang.

Xue Xiyang raised his eyebrows, playing with the wine glass, "Women are for pampering, like you, even Ren Ren can't stand it, understand?"

Ji Yifan squinted slightly at Xue Xiyang, Xue Xiyang shrugged indifferently, and suddenly heard Ji Yifan say: "Then what should I do?"

Xue Xiyang froze for a moment, suspecting that he had a hearing problem, and asked incredulously, "What?"

Ji Yifan gave him a cool look, looked away, stared at the phone for a while, and asked again: "Then what should I do?", looking at Xue Xiyang.

Xue Xiyang: Damn it.


Jiang Yan opened the window, bent her legs, sat by the window, put her hands on her knees, put her head on her knees, and looked out of the window. Snowflakes fell from the sky, fell on the branches, and spread on the road.

The scene in the supermarket played over and over again in my mind.

Jiang Yan sighed softly, and a thin layer of mist fell on the window.

Jiang Yan probed her fingertips, sketched on the glass, and finally stopped, and the three characters Qin Yang were engraved on the glass, and then turned into water droplets, obliterated, disappeared, and was swallowed by darkness.

That night, Jiang Ji had a dream. In the dream, a woman led a little girl into a villa, and there was a man and a little boy in the villa.

"Here comes the little girl." The man looked at her with a smile and said.

"Godfather." The little girl called out sweetly.

"So cute." The man smiled, and waved to the little boy sitting on the sofa, "Yiyang, hurry up and take Yiyi to play."

The little boy obediently said "Oh." He walked up to her obediently, and stretched out his hand to her, holding an orange-flavored lollipop in his hand, "Yi Yi, here you go."

The little girl happily took the candy, opened it and stuffed it into her mouth, looked at him with a smile, "Yiyang, you are so kind." Then she swore domineeringly, "From now on, you can only treat me well."

The little boy smiled, showing two naughty little canine teeth, raised his hand and rubbed her little head, "Okay, I will only treat you well in the future."

You said that I can only treat you well in the future.

But my goodness, do you really need it?

Qin Yiyang caressed the photo on the tombstone, and the person on the tombstone smiled flamboyantly, like a little sun.

Qin Yiyang put the white rose in his hand in front of the tombstone, took the sacrifice Fang Kehan ​​handed him, and solemnly placed it in front of the tombstone to pay homage to her.

Fang Kehan ​​put any of his favorite lilies and sunflowers in front of the tombstone, widened his eyes, forced the tears back into his eyes, and said with a smile: "Yi Yi, you are really heartless, so let's leave it alone." , and left Auntie behind, what should we do with you!"

Snowflakes fell from the sky one by one, covering up the dead grass.

Fang Kehan ​​continued to chat with her with a smile, "Forget it, we forgive you, you have to be happy over there, Auntie, Yiyang and I will take good care of you, don't worry, Auntie is fine now."


Qin Yiyang and Fang Kehan ​​waited until dusk, and then left. Fang Kehan ​​walked a few steps, paused slightly, and stared blankly at the person standing not far away.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yiyang asked suspiciously, looking in the direction Fang Kehan ​​was looking at, he was surprised to see someone standing not far away, "Jiang Zi."

Jiang Zi was wearing a long black down jacket, her pretty face had faded away from her youthful immaturity, leaving only a cool, elegant and indifferent face.

"Acquaintance." Manager Yu He looked at Jiang Zi and asked.

Jiang Zi's eyes darkened, and she curled up her hands holding Lily. It took only a moment for her to return to normal, her expression calm, "I don't know."

, The tone is light and indifferent.

Yu He took a look at Fang Kehan, raised his eyebrows slightly, and was sure, no matter how you look at it, this woman looks exactly like the woman in the photo he put in his wallet.

Surely he didn't know each other, Yu He looked at Jiang Zi again.

Jiang Zi watched everything indifferently, and said lightly: "Let's go.", staggered Fang Kehan, and walked towards the cemetery.

Yu He closely followed Jiang Zi's pace, walked to Fang Kehan's side, paused slightly, looked at Fang Kehan, nodded slightly at her, and left.

Fang Kehan ​​stared blankly at him as he walked past her, and then disappeared indifferently. The bitter cold wind pierced her eyes and pierced her heart. Qin Yiyang, who was about to rush over to teach Jiang Zi a lesson, "Forget it, let's go!"

"What happened to you all these years?" Qin Yiyang looked at Fang Kehan.

Fang Kehan ​​smiled and walked away.

What happened.

What should I say!

Jiang Zi dumped her.

Right after she gave him her heart completely.

He dumped her and completely disappeared in her world.

When he loved her, she was blinded by Xue Xiyang's sweet words and hurt him again and again

When she came to her senses and looked back again, she realized that Jiang Zi would leave and leave her too.

It's her retribution!

Who is to blame.


Jiang Zi stopped by the tombstone, and looked back in the direction Fang Kehan ​​left.

After a long time, he blinked his eyes, looked back, his long eyelashes drooped slightly, and put his hand into his pocket, and his fingertips touched the bookmark pendant in his pocket.

Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly, and opened his eyes again, the tenderness in his eyes had dissipated, leaving only ice.

Jiang Zi leaned over and put the lily in front of the tombstone, stood up, looked at the photo on the tombstone, and smiled slightly, "Boss, happy birthday."

I'm sorry, the original promise can't be fulfilled, and Ke Han doesn't need his care at all.

All she needed from the beginning to the end was Xue Xiyang.


Jiang Yan sat cross-legged on the sofa, flipping through the script, Li Li walked up to her with the phone, stopped, and handed the phone to her, "Call."

Jiang Yan casually took the phone, "Whose?", looking at Li Li.

Why did the call come from Li Li's cell phone?

Li Li glanced at her, sat down, took the script, flipped through it, and calmly replied: "Who else is there, your fiancé Ji Yifan."


(End of this chapter)

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