School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 321 Take it easy, or I'll make you a star

Chapter 321 Take it easy, or I'll make you a star

"I know." Ji Yiren nodded.

"Then you still chase."

"I like you!"

Wen Ruohan was speechless, rolled his eyes, "It's up to you."

"Then you allow me to chase you." Ji Yiren said excitedly.

Wen Ruohan: "..."


After returning home to recuperate for two weeks, Ji Yiren returned to school and ran towards her deskmate Wen Ruohan. As soon as she sat down, she had all kinds of eyes in her eyes, and soon the bell rang for the first class. Geography class, talking about the earth's linear velocity and angular velocity, halfway through.

The geography teacher suddenly said: "Let's do an experiment! Now I ask everyone to cooperate with me to complete the earth's revolution. I'll see who I can find."

The geography teacher looked at the name of the seating table, and finally noticed the name Ji Yiren, which she had heard of before.

After all, her parents are the pride of Sioux City No. [-] Middle School, and they can be regarded as the legend of Sioux City No. [-] Middle School. The teachers at the school have heard of this beautiful couple more or less, but they don't know how their daughter is. It should be good, after all Parents are so good.

Thinking of this, the geography teacher looked at Ji Yiren expectantly, and said with a smile: "Ji Yiren, you will be the earth, now find someone to be the sun, and cooperate with you to complete the earth's revolution."

Who knows who in the classroom booed "Wow."

"Wen Ruohan."

"Wen Ruohan."


"Quiet, give me all quiet, what are you arguing about?", the geography teacher hurriedly greeted, after finally suppressing,

Following Ji Yiren's voice, "Wen Ruohan."

The classroom was boiling again, whistling, teasing, crazily boiling.

With his hands behind his back, Ji Yiren looked at Wen Ruohan with a smile, "Wen Ruohan, did you make my sun good?"


Wen Ruohan's temples twitched several times, and he looked up at Ji Yiren.

Ji Yiren rolled his eyes, and Liwo smiled slightly.

Wen Ruohan rolled his eyes, glanced at Yang Shen who was looking at him gloatingly, looked away lightly, put on the cap of his pen, stood up, looked down at her, and warned sinisterly: "Turn me around, or else I made you a star."

Ji Yiren: "..."

"Idiot." After finishing speaking, Wen Ruohan carried her out of the seat.


As soon as the get out of class bell rang, the geography teacher packed up his things and left, and the classroom suddenly boiled.

"Earth, sun."


"I said they had an affair, believe it now!"


Facing the roar of laughter in the classroom, Wen Ruohan turned a blind eye, sat down, and flipped through the book.

Ji Yiren couldn't sit still. After hesitating for a moment, he stood up and yelled at Yang Shen, "What's wrong with the sun? What's there to make a fuss about? It's none of your business."

Wen Ruohan flicked through the book for a moment, and looked at Ji Yiren in surprise, the little thing's fangs and claws were quite pleasing to the eye, at least he wouldn't recognize anyone as a bully.

Wen Ruohan raised his eyebrows slightly, paused to look away, and continued to read, when suddenly there was a greasy and soft touch around his ears, Wen Ruohan was slightly taken aback, subconsciously tilted his head, avoided, looked at her, and saw the noise-cancelling earphones in her hand , some surprises.

"The sound-cancelling effect is not bad, try it." After Ji Yiren finished speaking, he wanted to help him wear it. Wen Ruohan grabbed Ji Yiren's wrist and refused, "No need."

"What are you two doing?" Teacher Guo's voice from the window floated faintly into the classroom.

Ji Yiren's hands froze, and he looked out of the window in a daze. Mr. Guo was holding a thermos cup, with a dark face, and looked at the two blatant people in front of him. , "Come to the office for me."

, with a roar, he walked towards the office with his beard trembling.

Ji Yiren reacted for a few seconds, looked at Wen Ruohan, Wen Ruohan raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, then slapped her paw away, "Get lost."

Ji Yiren: "..., you don't know how to get out, you teach me how to get out."

Wen Ruohan: "..., please, let me go."

"It's more or less the same." Ji Yiren stepped aside and looked at him with a smile on his face.

Wen Ruohan gave her a disgusted look, walked a few steps, saw that she didn't keep up, paused, and looked back at her, Ji Yiren coughed lightly, followed silently, Wen Ruohan looked back indifferently, and walked towards the office go.



Teacher Guo took a few deep breaths, suppressed his anger, and looked at the two people who came in one behind the other. After a while, he smiled and said, "Student Wen, you two, classmate Ji?" He hesitated to speak, and looked at Wen Ruohan.

"I said that the two of us are married, do you believe me?"


, Teacher Guo sprayed out red dates and wolfberry water, spraying it on Ji Yiren's face.

Ji Yiren touched his face unrequitedly, "Teacher Guo."

Teacher Guo quickly took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Ji Yiren, looked at Wen Ruohan with a dark face, "Wen Ruohan!"

Wen Ruohan snorted softly, "Since it's all nonsense, are you sure you want to believe Yang Shen's nonsense?"

Mr. Guo:"……"

Wen Ruohan glanced at Ji Yiyi, then looked away lightly, "And this is my own business, I know how to deal with it myself, so there's no need to bother you."

, paused, and continued: "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first. If you insist on believing that I have a puppy love with her, it seems that I don't need to explain. After all, rumors only stop at wise men, don't they?"

Teacher Guo: "...", looking at Ji Yiren, "Student Ji."

Ji Yiren was almost disgusted by the sprayed water. He rubbed his face angrily. He hadn't bothered to care about these messes for a long time. He rubbed his face hard, wishing to rub off a layer of skin, and his eye sockets were red, "Hey, It’s disgusting, it’s disgusting.” The more he rubbed, the more angry he was, he jumped his feet in anger, tears were about to roll out of his eyes, he couldn’t bear it anymore and rushed out of the office and ran to the bathroom.

Mr. Guo:"……"

, looked at Wen Ruohan again, Wen Ruohan looked out of the window with a calm expression, the sun fell on his long eyelashes, and a cast of shadows fell on the eyelids, forget it.

This child doesn't understand 10 points, but also understands 6 points. He has a poisonous tongue, doesn't like to communicate with others, and is indifferent.

It seems that the possibility of their puppy love is not great.

But they can no longer be tablemates, otherwise something might happen.

Teacher Guo took a deep breath and waved his hands, "Forget it, you can go back!"

"Yeah." Wen Ruohan snorted, turned and walked out of the office.


Wen Ruohan walked out of the office, turned his head and took a look at the place where Ji Yiren ran just now, then looked away lightly, walked to the fence, squinted slightly to look at the blue sky, and was tapped on the shoulder, it was Leng Shuyao.

Wen Ruohan glanced at her indifferently, then drooped his long eyelashes slightly, which cast a shadow on the eyelids, opened his mouth, "What?", and looked at Leng Shuyao.

Leng Shuyao smiled faintly, and after a while, she looked at Wen Ruohan, "I met Ren in the bathroom, and the little girl cried in anger. You bullied her, and her little face was still flushed."

(End of this chapter)

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