School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 322 I Don't Sit With Girls

Chapter 322 I Don't Sit With Girls
Wen Ruohan was taken aback for a moment, and then he returned to his natural state, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his obsession with cleanliness was quite serious.

Wen Ruohan suddenly remembered how she was jumping angrily in the office, curled the corners of her lips, and calmly replied: "Otherwise!"

Leng Shuyao was noncommittal, and looked at Class Two ([-]) in the teaching building directly opposite Class One ([-]), not knowing what he was doing, then lowered her eyes and looked at Wen Ruohan, "It's Yang Shen and Ai Xiao Tong is spreading rumors."

Who is Ai Xiaotong, the person who has been in love with Wen Ruohan for 2 years,
He was beautiful, soft and weak, and what he did made him lose his appetite.

"I know." Wen Ruohan replied calmly, paused, and looked at Leng Shuyao, "She will sit with you then."

Leng Shuyao was a little surprised, and smiled after a while, "Okay."

"En." Wen Ruohan snorted, turned and left.


Wen Ruohan went to the bathroom to wash his hands, paused, raised his eyes and stared at the mirror for a while, then drooped his eyelashes.

Suddenly want to laugh.

He has the face of a dead star, and some people say he is good-looking, aren't he afraid of being dragged to death by him?

Wen Ruohan got up, turned around and left. When he passed the women's bathroom, he stopped and went to the school's supermarket. He picked out a few packs of wet tissues, paid for them, and left.

Passing through the infirmary, turned around, entered the infirmary, bought a box of ointment for reducing swelling, packed it together, returned to the classroom, glanced at the people on the seat, and was still rubbing their faces vigorously, it was really rough The meat is thick and not bad when rubbed.

Wen Ruohan strolled up to her, stopped, and with a "bang.", the thing in his hand was thrown on her desk, which shocked Ji Yiren, and looked at Wen Ruohan in a daze.

Wen Ruohan felt a little uncomfortable being watched by her, turned away his face, and replied calmly: "Ms. Guo asked me to give it to you."

"What?" Ji Yiren asked curiously.

"How do I know?" Wen Ruohan frowned at her.

Ji Yiren pouted.

"I'm going in."

, Wen Ruohan reminded.

"Oh!" Ji Yiren got up and stepped aside.

Wen Ruohan walked in, sat down, took out the earphones from the hole in the table, fiddled with the earphone cable with his slender fingers, and after straightening it out, put the earphones into his ears, looked out the window, and left Ji Yiren with a delicate and clean profile.

Ji Yiren bulged his cheeks, sat down sullenly, stared at the pocket for a while, "What!", opened it curiously, and was surprised to see the contents inside, "Cleansing wipes, ointment for reducing swelling. "

Teacher Guo would actually give her such a thing, Ji Yiren looked at Wen Ruohan in disbelief.

Wen Ruohan looked away calmly, took out the book from the hole in the table, opened it, took off the earphones, glanced at her, his gaze fell into his pocket, "I guess it's because you're afraid that you'll rub your face and disfigure it, and he will be responsible. "

"Oh!" Ji Yiren nodded, "Looking at it this way, it seems to be true!" He looked at Wen Ruohan.

Wen Ruohan turned his face away and ignored her.

Ji Yiren rummaged through his pockets, noticed the printed strip of ointment in his pocket, and took it out curiously, "Let me see, how much is this ointment?"

There have been several problems in selling medicine in the clinic, and no one can be found. This problem will have to be resolved sooner or later.

Later, the meeting unanimously decided to use the medical insurance card specially purchased by the school for the students. Every transaction will be stored in the computer to ensure the transparency of the drug transaction channel.

Wen Ruohan froze, looked back mechanically at Ji Yiren, took the printout from her hand almost without thinking, startled Ji Yiren, "Wen Ruohan, what are you doing?"

"Hit you." Wen Ruohan replied icily.

Ji Yiren: "..." Looking innocently at Wen Ruohan with big peach eyes, Wen Ruohan looked away uncomfortably, clasped her head with five fingers, and turned her to face the blackboard, "Don't look at me like that. ", stopped, and wiped Ji Yiren's clothes, "Otherwise I will really beat you."

Ji Yiren: Violent maniac.


In the second class, the class bell just rang.

Teacher Guo strode into the classroom, looked around, coughed lightly, and patted the podium, "Before class, let's adjust the seats."

There was a commotion in the classroom. Teacher Guo yelled a few times, and after suppressing it, he adjusted his glasses with the back of his hand, "Okay, it's decided like this. After adjusting the position, let's come down to talk with those who have opinions. I'll see who Who to sit with."

"Chenghe, you and Zhou Sicheng exchange."

"Yang Fan, you trade with Xie Qiao."


"Ji Yiren sits with Leng Shuyao."

Ji Yiren turned his head and glanced at the empty seat beside Leng Shuyao, then looked at Wen Ruohan.

Wen Ruohan answered the question quietly without saying a word.

Ji Yiren was a little defeated. He lowered his head, sighed softly, took out the bicycle key from the hole in the desk, and put it on Wen Ruohan's desk.

Wen Ruohan stared at the silver car key in surprise, then turned to look at Ji Yiren.

"I'm sorry, don't just throw it away!" After speaking, she walked towards Leng Shuyao with the book in her arms.

Wen Ruohan stared at the drooping back for a while, then looked away lightly, picked up the car keys, and held them tightly in the palm of his hand.

Teacher Guo was still pointing Jiangshan on the stage, and after a while, he pointed to Ai Xiaotong who was sitting not far away and said, "Ai Xiaotong, sit with Wen Ruohan."

Ai Xiaotong, who was accused, looked at Wen Ruohan who was sitting not far away, pursed his lips, his face turned red, and walked towards Wen Ruohan carrying a book.

Wen Ruohan raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ai Xiaotong.

Ai Xiaotong bit her lip lightly, and looked at Wen Ruohan shyly.

But anyone who is not blind knows how little Ai Xiaotong thinks about Wen Ruohan.

From junior high school to high school, I have played all kinds of tricks.

It's just that the concubine is affectionate, but Lang has no intention.

Rejected again and again.

Now they are having this trouble with Yang Shen again.

It's okay to be thick-skinned.

Wen Ruohan said "Oh." He glanced at Yang Shen who was sitting at the third-to-last table in the second row, who was gloating at him.

Wen Ruohan curled his lips, paused, picked up the desk and books, turned around and walked towards Yang Shen, walked to Yang Shen's side, kicked the empty desk beside Yang Shen, put his own desk there, and then went back to Next to the seat, he carried the chair to the desk, put the chair down, sat down, looked at Teacher Guo and said, "Isn't this better?", then looked at Yang Shen with raised eyebrows.

Yang Shen: "...", a trace of timidity slipped from the bottom of his heart, and he looked at Ai Xiaotong who was standing not far away as if asking for help.

Ai Xiaotong's hand holding the book tightened, his expression changed, he gritted his teeth and looked at Wen Ruohan.

Wen Ruohan didn't care, and looked at Yang Shen coldly.

Yang Shen silently withdrew his gaze, turned away, not daring to look at him.

Wen Ruohan indifferently withdrew his gaze and looked at the podium.

Teacher Guo pressed his fist to his lips and coughed dryly, "That student Wen."

Wen Ruohan glanced at Ai Xiaotong lightly, retracted, and looked at Teacher Guo, "I don't sit with girls."

(End of this chapter)

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