School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 366 It's Impossible For Me And Him

Chapter 366 It's Impossible For Me And Him

"Bang." The sound was the sound of the strings breaking.

Ji Yiren's footsteps faltered, Wen Ruohan's footsteps paused, and he turned to look at Ji Yiren.

Ji Yiren's long eyelashes trembled slightly, he pursed his lips, and looked up at Wen Ruohan. After a while, he picked up his pace and followed Wen Ruohan to leave the scene.

Zhuo Chenyang withdrew his gaze, looked down at the guitar in his hand, and then smiled, "Hey, the string is broken." Heartbroken.


Ji Yiren was dragged out of the hotel by Wen Ruohan, dragged backwards and forwards, she was so angry that tears rolled out of her eyes, she shouted angrily: "Wen Ruohan."

Wen Ruohan paused, then looked back at Ji Yiren.

Ji Yiyi withdrew his hand, "Slap." A slap fell on Wen Ruohan's fair and handsome face.

Wen Ruohan pressed his tongue against his cheek and looked at her.

Ji Yiren touched his face, "Bastard, do you think I'm the dog behind you? Come when you call, go when you want, touch it when you think of it, don't remember! Lose it if you say it, yes ?"

Wen Ruohan was slightly taken aback, and looked at her in astonishment.

Ji Yiyi pushed him away, "Bastard." He ran to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, got in the car, and left.

Wen Ruohan watched the taxi leave, eyes drooping slightly, looking at the hand that still had her residual warmth, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, lifted her foot and kicked the sycamore tree next to her hard, shaking a few pieces of it. The sycamore leaves are falling slowly.

Wen Ruohan took a deep breath, raised his hand and rubbed the space between his eyebrows, got in the car, drove, and left.


The driver glanced at Ji Yiren whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, his mouth was red and swollen, and his hair was still messy, and asked tentatively, "Madam, do you want to call the police?"

Ji Yiren touched his face and muttered, "It would be great if we could call the police."

"My God! Did he threaten you?"


"This is not possible, you must call the police!"


"Don't be afraid, uncle is protecting you. Let's go to the police station to call the police now. These beasts are so rampant in broad daylight, it's okay, no, we must call the police."

"...Don't, don't call the police."

"Little sister, don't be afraid, uncle will protect you."

"No reporting." Ji Yiren ordered.

The driver shook his hand, looked at Ji Yiren in disbelief, and said sadly: "Little sister."

"Okay, my own business, I know what to do, how much?"

"Twenty dollars."

Ji Yiren went to get his schoolbag, only then remembered that both the schoolbag and the phone were in Jiang Yue's hands, and Wen Ruohan pulled them out too hastily.

Ji Yiren punched his head angrily.

"Lost your wallet?" The driver looked at Ji Yiren and said.

Ji Yiren pursed his lips.The driver nodded and waved his hand, "Forget it, it's not easy to encounter such a thing, I don't want the money." Anyway, it only drove for 1 minute.

Ji Yiren knocked on the car door and got out of the car.

"Whoosh." With a click, the taxi drove away.

Ji Yiren slapped the mosquitoes, turned around and took a step towards the hotel, stopped, forget it, and walked back.

Ji Yiren turned around and walked a few steps towards the school road, the sound of the car horn sounded beside him.

Ji Yiren heard the sound and looked over, it was Wen Ruohan.

"Get in the car." Wen Ruohan looked at her and reminded.

Ji Yiren continued to walk.

Wen Ruohan drove quickly, honked the horn, and reminded wordlessly, "Get in the car."

Ji Yiren ignored it and continued walking forward.

Wen Ruohan accompanied him.

It provoked the people behind to yell: "Does the person in front know how to drive? Didn't you see the traffic jam here?"

Wen Ruohan looked at Ji Yiren leisurely, "Get in the car."

Ji Yiren took a deep breath, opened the car door, rolled into the car, slammed the door shut, and glared at Wen Ruohan.

Wen Ruohan glanced at her through the rearview mirror and drove away.


The car stopped downstairs in the girls' dormitory, and Ji Yiren unbuckled his seat belt. When he was about to get out of the car, he found that the door was locked and could not be opened.

Ji Yiren had a violent temper, "Wen Ruohan."

Wen Ruohan said indifferently, "Yes."

"I want to go out."


"Open the door! Umm what?"

Wen Ruohan didn't answer, but silently looked out the window, and when Ji Yiren calmed down a little, he said, "Ji Yiren."

"What are you doing?" Ji Yiren was very upset now.

Wen Ruohan used the rearview mirror to look at Ji Yiren for a while, then looked out the window, "Forget it."

Ji Yiren was slightly taken aback, glanced at him, then opened the car door, got out of the car, and walked towards the girls' dormitory.

Wen Ruohan watched her leave. After a long time, he looked away and was slightly taken aback when he saw the schoolbag on the co-pilot. After a while, he picked up the schoolbag, opened the car door, and chased after her.


Tang Yao clicked on the QQ group and saw the short video Jiang Yue sent her, her jaw almost fell to the ground in shock, "Oh my God."

Lin Sihan paused while drawing notes, then looked at Tang Yao, "What's wrong?"

Tang Yao picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, stabilized her mind, jumped off the bed, rushed to Lin Sihan's side, clicked on the video, "Look at it."

"What?" Lin Sihan took the phone and looked at it, "Oh my god!"

There was the sound of a keyhole turning at the door, and the door opened.

Ji Yiren walked into the dormitory listlessly, closed the door, turned around, looked at the reactions of the two, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Tang Yao and Lin Sihan winked for a while, rubbed their hands, and walked to Ji Yiren with a smile.

Tang Yao pulled out a chair and put it behind Ji Yiren.

Lin Sihan grabbed Ji Yiren's shoulders, pushed her down and sat down, "Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. Tell us about the matter with Wen Xiaocao."

"What can I do with him?" Ji Yiren got up to take a shower.

Tang Yao grabbed her and pulled her to sit down, "I'm a ghost!" After finishing speaking, he clicked on the video Jiang Yue sent her, and waved in front of Ji Yiren, "The evidence is right in front of you, how do you want to explain it? By the way, tell us what it's like to kiss a school grass."

Ji Yiren: "...", his face turned red all of a sudden, "You must be sick! You guys."

The sick duo: "..."

"Ji Yiren, you're wrong, we won't fight you, you have to keep this matter from us, and even if you are with Wen Xiaocao, we won't say anything!"

Ji Yiren was very upset, and jumped up from the chair, "I have nothing to do with him, it doesn't matter, how many times do I have to say it before you give up, that's it." He went straight to the door of the dormitory, opened the door of the room, and saw The person standing outside the door was taken aback immediately.

Tang Yao: "Senior Wen."

Lin Sihan: "School grass."

Wen Ruohan nodded slightly, "Hello."

After Tang Yao and Lin Sihan looked at each other, they looked at Ji Yiren.

"You." Ji Yiren looked at Wen Ruohan in surprise.

Wen Ruohan looked at her calmly.

Ji Yiren pursed his lips, his hand holding the doorknob was tightened, his knuckles turned white.

(End of this chapter)

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