Chapter 367
Wen Ruohan stared at her fluffy and smooth hair for a while, her curled eyelashes trembled slightly, her throat rolled, and she handed the schoolbag in her hand to Ji Yiren, "The schoolbag was left on the car."

Ji Yiren took over, "Thank you."

"It's okay." Wen Ruohan looked at Tang Yao and Lin Sihan, "Sorry to bother you."

"No." The two waved their hands in unison.

"Yeah." Wen Ruohan smiled politely, stared at Ji Yiren for a while, then looked at Tang Yao and Lin Sihan, "I'll trouble you to take care of me for the first time."

"Hey, yes, don't worry, don't worry."

Wen Ruohan said, "Yeah." "When the time comes, I'll be the host, and everyone will enjoy the face and eat, how about it?"

"The senior is really too polite."

Wen Ruohan was noncommittal, turned his gaze away, looked at Ji Yiren, raised his hand and rubbed her head lightly, "Take a good rest, I'm leaving first."

Ji Yiren's hand holding the schoolbag strengthened, lowered his eyes, and remained silent.

Seeing this, Wen Ruohan stopped talking, left, and walked away.

Ji Yiren slowly raised his eyes, staring at the direction he left, then retracted his gaze, and closed the door smoothly.

The two people in the dormitory suddenly exploded.

"Oh my god! You're so gentle and a gentleman."

"That's right! I didn't expect that! The senior looks cold and cold. I didn't expect to be so kind to people."

"This is simply the model of the perfect boyfriend."

"In the first term, you don't want to lose your temper with Senior Wen. Senior Wen treats you so well. If you continue to fight like this, you will lose out if the trouble is gone." Tang Yao kindly advised.

Ji Yiren sneered in his heart, and only you believe in his sheepskin, a group of people blinded, threw their schoolbags on the desk, walked to the closet, took out their pajamas, went to the bathroom, and took a shower.


Jiang Yue patted Zhuo Chenyang's shoulder sympathetically, unscrewed the beer, and handed it to him.

Zhuo Chenyang took it, "Thank you."

"It's okay." Jiang Yue bent her legs and looked at the distant skyline with her chin resting. She wore a red bracelet on her white wrist with a small silver lock on it.

There was a wind blowing, making his cheeks itchy, he turned his head to look at Zhuo Chenyang, "Actually, you are not bad, I can only say that things like feelings can't be forced."

Zhuo Chenyang stopped drinking, rubbed the can with his fingertips, his long eyelashes drooped slightly, thoughtful, and the small silver key on his wrist fluttered with the wind.

Jiang Yue glanced at him, looked away, stood up, lined up her hands, and walked to the fence, the wind blew her short hair and the corners of her clothes.The whole person is full of sunny sports girly breath.

Zhuo Chenyang squeezed the can in his hand, looked at Jiang Yue, "Hey, man."

Jiang Yue: "...", took a deep breath, "Call me Jiang Yue."

Zhuo Chenyang looked at her with a funny face, "Okay, Jiang Yue."

Jiang Yue rolled her eyes, "Weak chicken."

Zhuo Chenyang: "..., Jiang Yue."

"Yes, yes." Jiang Yue nodded, "Zhuo Chenyang, Zhuo weak chicken, I know, you said that chasing a girlfriend is like playing a game, why are you so good, you are simply a weak chicken."

Zhuo Chenyang: It seems to strangle her to death.


Ji Yiren was woken up by Jiang Yue's call, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Yue said anxiously: "Daughter-in-law, help my brother take a class."

"I'm not going." Ji Yiren was so sleepy that he died.

Jiang Yue cried and begged: "Please, daughter-in-law. Next time you ask me to do something, I will definitely go through fire and water."

"Get out." Ji Yiren rolled his eyes, sat up from the bed, and glanced at Jiang Yue's bed.

This guy went to the Internet cafe to fight in the snow last night and hasn't come back yet.

Ji Yiren scratched the back of his head depressedly, "What time is it, where is the classroom, what is the student number, what's the name, what's the teacher's name?"


Ji Yiren walked into the classroom through the back door, found a corner to sit down, and glanced at the teacher on the podium. He was a little dizzy, and he dared to believe that she came to help Zhuo Chenyang to substitute for the class.

"Knock knock." Several times, the desk was knocked several times, Ji Yiren turned his head to look, saw the person standing in front of her, and was stunned for a moment.

Chengyang swallowed the words "You are not from our class", smiled and looked at Ji Yiren and said, "Did the elementary school girl come to find Wen Ruohan?"

Ji Yiren smiled awkwardly.

Chengyang laughed, "He won't come today."

"Oh." Ji Yiren nodded.

Chengyang stood in front of Ji Yiren, counted the number of people, then sat next to Ji Yiren, looking at Ji Yiren with crooked eyes.

Ji Yiren: "..."

"Do you know about Wen Ruohan's little baby?"

"Little baby." Ji Yiren looked at Chengyang.

Chengyang nodded and sighed softly, "He took it for an abortion today."

"Abortion?" Ji Yiren looked at Chengyang in disbelief.

"Cough cough." Professor Li, who was copying the courseware on the podium, pressed his fist to his lips and coughed lightly.

Everyone in the classroom looked at the two of them in unison, with indescribable expressions.

"This classmate, although you are an adult now, you are still a student after all. I'm afraid it's not good to talk about this in the classroom!" Professor Li smiled at Ji Yiren and said.

Ji Yiren silently buried his head in the table hole, throwing himself to death.

Chengyang laughed.

Yan Yi walked up to Chengyang, glanced at Ji Yiyi who buried his head in the table hole, patted Chengyang on the shoulder, and pointed his chin at the window.

Chengyang looked over, saw Wen Ruohan walking towards the classroom, walked up to Wen Ruohan with a suppressed smile, and reminded with a smile: "Your little girlfriend is waiting for you."

, looking in the direction of Ji Yiren.

Wen Ruohan looked in the direction Chengyang pointed, saw Ji Yiren buried his head in the table hole, his eyes softened, and he walked towards her side.

Seeing this, Yan Yi looked at Chengyang amusedly and said, "It's such a big game, be careful that he deducts all your salary."

"It's all deducted, isn't there still you?" Chengyang looked at him with a smile and said.

"Really? But my salary is only for my people."

"Stingy." Chengyang gave him a disgusted look and walked towards his seat.

Yan Yi smiled helplessly.



Is it so scumbag?

The more Ji Yiren thought about it, the more angry he took a deep breath, "You are sure you are not mistaken."

"Brush." ​​She turned her head to look at Chengyang, and when she saw the person sitting in front of her, she froze immediately, her eyes widened, "You, you, didn't you go for an abortion?"

Wen Ruohan flicked through the book for a moment, then looked at Ji Yiren, "Who did you listen to?"

"You don't care who I listen to, so it's true or not."

"Yeah." Wen Ruohan snorted, "It's not in good health, it's not suitable for conception, so."

With the wind blowing around, Wen Ruohan shut up and looked at Ji Yiren.

Ji Yiren looked at him sadly.

Wen Ruohan: "?"


Wen Ruohan: "..."

Ji Yiren took a deep breath, looked at him and said, "Since I know she is not in good health, why didn't I know how to take measures before doing it?"

Wen Ruohan: "..., this was just an accident."

"Accident." Ji Yiren narrowed his eyes and looked at him, "Heh." With a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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