School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 369 The Confessions of the School Grass That Shocked the Whole School

Chapter 369 The Confessions of the School Grass That Shocked the Whole School

"Don't mention it." Jiang Yue's stomach was filled with anger, "Today I really saw what it means to be a pig-like teammate."

Zhuo Chenyang is a weakling, it's okay to chase after his girlfriend, and he can't even play games.

She can't bear it when she can't play games, and she can't even fight.

What the best in the world.

The more Jiang Yue thought about it, the more angry she became. Finally, Chao Ji Yiren gave a thumbs up, "You did a good job today."

Ji Yiren: "..."

"They're all there!" Lin Sihan walked into the dormitory carrying a few cups of yogurt.

"Where did you go?" Tang Yao looked at Lin Sihan, "I woke up and was alone in the dormitory. I was so shocked, I thought I was going to class!"

"I called you when I went out, but you ignored me. There was no way I could go out alone."

"By the way." Lin Sihan thought of the yogurt that Wen Ruohan had bought in his hand, "One cup for each."

"Did you buy it?" Tang Yao took a bottle of strawberry-flavored yogurt, unscrewed the bottle cap and looked at Lin Sihan.

"You yellow peach." Lin Sihan stuffed a cup of yellow peach-flavored yogurt to Ji Yiren, and looked at Tang Yao, "Do you think it's possible?"

Tang Yao took a sip of yogurt and shook her head, "Impossible."

"I seem to be picky when you say that." Lin Sihan gave Tang Yao a white look.

Tang Yao: "..."

Lin Sihan put his arm around Ji Yiren's shoulders, "Thanks to Yiren, Senior Wen Ruohan bought this."

"Wen Ruohan." Ji Yiren gave a slight pause to unscrew the yogurt cover, and looked at Lin Sihan.

"Hmm." Lin Sihan pulled a chair and sat down, took a sip of yogurt, looked at Ji Yiren with a smile and said, "To be honest, I really think Senior Wen is very suitable for you, or you can agree!"

"That's right." Jiang Yue on the side nodded, "Senior Wen is simply much better than Zhuo Chenyang."

"Do you know how boring that scumbag Zhuo Chenyang is?" Jiang Yue looked at Ji Yiren with a broken heart.

"Last night, I went to the Internet cafe to play games with that scumbag, do you know what happened?"

"What happened?", the three looked at her curiously.

Jiang Yue took a sip of yogurt to suppress her anger, "When the fight was in the middle of the night, I met a few gangsters who came to smash the scene."

"I asked him if you could do it, and he said that the world can't do it without him. I was amused at the time, I thought he was a king, but this thing is worse than a piece of scrap metal, Wori... ", Jiang Yue's chest heaved up and down, and he took another sip of yogurt to suppress his anger.

"Also, let's not talk about it. I didn't expect him to fight very hard. The key is that this guy doesn't even have a shitty sentiment. In the middle of the night, he took me to sleep on the chair outside the public toilet. Please, I am a girl no matter what."

"Okay! It's okay, the most important thing is, this guy actually wants me to guard him, it's too bad, I can't bear it."

The yogurt cup in Jiang Yue's hand was deformed by her pinching, her chest heaved up and down, "What the hell, this guy still wants a girlfriend. That woman only fell in love with him when she was blind, and I was so mad."

Jiang Yue bounced up angrily, and looked at Ji Yiren, "Daughter-in-law, I solemnly advise you, Zhuo Chenyang is really not human, trust me, I will use my experience with him for more than ten years as a guarantee .”

Ji Yiren: "..."

Jiang Yue was dizzy with anger, shook her head, "It's so annoying.", walking back and forth in the dormitory with her hips akimbo, strolling.



Ji Yiren took a shower and walked out of the bathroom. Jiang Yue walked up to Ji Yiren in a dazed manner, and said with a smile, "Yiren, shall we go out and buy something to eat?" "I have snacks, do you want some?", Ji Yiren left Go to the desk, open the drawer, take out a bunch of snacks, look at Jiang Yue, "Whatever you want to eat, take it!"

Jiang Yue took a pack of beef jerky and looked at Lin Sihan.

Lin Sihan touched his forehead, thought for a while, looked at Ji Yiren and said, "Yiren, the four of us seem to have never really got together since the beginning of school, so let's just tonight! Let's go out late, anyway, it's still early."

"But me."

"Clothes! Just change it." Tang Yao pushed Ji Yiren to the wardrobe and urged her.

Ji Yiyi looked at the three people in bewilderment, then took out a set of clothes from the closet, changed into them, and was pushed out of the dormitory by the three of them, and dragged to the main square of the school. The square was overcrowded, brightly lit and bustling. "Here we come, we come, people come." Jiang Yue roared.

"What's coming?" Ji Yiren looked at Jiang Yue.

"You'll know soon.", dragging Ji Yiren into the crowd, looking at Wen Ruohan who was standing not far away holding a bouquet of flowers, Ji Yiren shook his head.

The candlelight placed on the ground forms three big characters.

I am sorry.

"Tonight's heroine is finally here."

Chengyang walked up to Ji Yiren with a smile and stopped her by the shoulder.

Ji Yiren looked at Chengyang, "The heroine."

"Isn't it you?" Chengyang smiled, and looked at Wen Ruohan, "Boss Wen, all of us are helping you, you have to fight for it."

Yan Yi smiled and patted Wen Ruohan's shoulder, "This is the last chance, cherish it." After finishing speaking, he retreated.

There are only her and him in the crowd, the wind is moving, the heart is moving, and the surrounding is silent, as if there is only each other.

"Ji Yiren." Wen Ruohan called her.

Ji Yiren looked at him.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me?"

Tears rolled out of his eyes, Ji Yiren covered his mouth and looked at him.

"Be my girlfriend." Wen Ruohan hugged the flowers, walked up to Ji Yiren, knelt down on one knee, and handed the bouquet to her.


There was excitement all around, one after another flashing lights.

"Promise him."

"Promise him."


"Promise him."

"Is it okay?" Wen Ruohan stared at Ji Yiren with dark pupils.

Ji Yiren took the bouquet and nodded repeatedly, "Yes."


"My God! I promised, I really promised."

The people gathered around suddenly became excited.

Wen Ruohan hugged Ji Yiren tightly, "I will never leave you again."

"Hmm." Ji Yiren snorted, buried his head in Wen Ruohan's arms and wept with joy, the candle flickered and was wrapped in the scent of flowers.

Like a dream, like a dream, like a dream is not a dream.

"School leader." came, and instantly pulled back to reality.

Ji Yiren reacted instinctively, dragging Wen Ruohan away without thinking.

A group of people were left to stamp out the candles in a hurry, and fled around with a bunch of candles in their arms.


Ji Yiren was out of breath and his legs were weak, so he stopped, "I'm exhausted." Just as he was about to squat on the ground, Wen Ruohan lifted him up, "Don't squat."

"Oh." Ji Yiren looked at Wen Ruohan, "But your legs are weak!"

Wen Ruohan looked at her amusedly, and stretched out his hand towards her.

Ji Yiren jumped into Wen Ruohan's arms, and Wen Ruohan hugged him.

(End of this chapter)

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