Chapter 370

Ji Yiren rubbed his forehead against Wen Ruohan's, "Our baby Wen is amazing."

Wen Ruohan was noncommittal and looked at her with a smile.


Wen Ruohan sent Ji Yiren to the door of the dormitory, took Ji Yiren's hand, "Okay, let's go back!"

"Don't you have anything you want to tell me?" Ji Yiren looked at him expectantly.

Wen Ruohan thought for a while, "Don't kick the quilt at night, don't play with your phone, go to bed early..."

After babbling a lot, like an old lady, Ji Yiren was speechless immediately, "Okay, stop, stop."

Ji Yiren glanced at him speechlessly, "No interest."

Wen Ruohan: "..."

Ji Yiren curled his lips, "Then I'll go back first!"

"En." Wen Ruohan snorted, and Ji Yiren walked towards the dormitory step by step, turning his head three times. When he reached the door of the dormitory, Wen Ruohan called her to stop, "Ji Yiren."

Ji Yiren grinned, ran towards him, wrapped his arms around his neck, and put his toes on his toes, "Hey." He kissed Wen Ruohan, "I'll get it after stamping it, no one is allowed to touch it."

Wen Ruohan was immediately amused by her childishness, and scratched her delicate and upright nose with his fingers.

Ji Yiren smiled and rolled his eyes, and just as Wen Ruohan bent down towards her, he let go of his arms around his neck, hid, ran towards the dormitory, ran to the door, and waved at him, " went in."

"Yeah." Wen Ruohan snorted, Ji Yiren ran back to the dormitory like a child who got candy, and opened his arms towards his roommate, "My dears, I'm back."

The three people in the dormitory gave her a blank stare in unison.

Ji Yiren: "?"

"The guy who is obsessed with sex is back." Jiang Yue ate the beef jerky he took from Ji Yiren and watched TV.

Ji Yiren closed the dormitory door smoothly, and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yue ate another piece of beef jerky, sniffed her nose, and blinked at Ji Yiren, "My daughter-in-law now has Wen Xiaocao, so she doesn't want me?"

"Who said that, I want it." Ji Yiren walked up to Jiang Yue, took her into his arms and comforted her.

Jiang Yue rolled her eyes at her, "Ghost letter, do you know that the two of you escaped freely, we are like mentally retarded, blowing candles, picking up candles, and almost being taken to the office by the school leaders to chat Take a look at your life."

"That's why Wen Xiaocao can't be so cheap." Tang Yao on the side painted Lin Sihan's nail polish.

"This proposal is very good." Lin Sihan nodded and looked at Ji Yiren, "School Grass Wen poached our house flower baby away, so it would be inappropriate not to give us some compensation! Right? Yiren."

Ji Yiren made an OK gesture, looked at the three of them and said, "I'll treat you to whatever you want to eat."

"This is impossible." Jiang Yue leisurely shook her feet, "Daughter-in-law, don't interfere! Otherwise, I won't let him see you for four years, right! Sisters."

Lin Sihan + Tang Yao: "Yes."



Ji Yiren was lying on the bed, hugging the air-conditioning quilt, and grinning, picked up his phone, opened WeChat, looked for a contact, and the smile froze on his face instantly.

She doesn't seem to have Wen Ruohan's contact information.

Ji Yiren suddenly felt a little depressed, and when he was about to throw away his phone, a notification message popped up on WeChat to apply for adding a new contact.

Ji Yiren quickly clicked on it, and when he saw the familiar profile picture, he was slightly taken aback. Hasn't Wen Ruohan changed his contact information for so long?

Thinking about it, Ji Yiren agreed to his contact application, and soon popped into the message box.

Ji Yiren stared at the message box, thought about it, deleted it, wrote it and changed it, and finally sent a sentence dillydally, haven't you slept yet?
【Um. 】

Ji Yiren stared at the word "um" for a while, and then sent a sentence.

[I haven't slept yet! 】

[I know, you really didn't listen. 】

Ji Yiren stared at the message for a while, and was immediately choked up. He didn't know how to answer for a while, and after she thought about it for a long time, Wen Ruohan sent her a message.

[It's getting late, you should go to bed. 】

【Aren't you still asleep? 】

[I wait for you to sleep, and I will sleep. 】

Ji Yiren stared at the news sent by Wen Ruohan for a moment, smiled a little embarrassedly, and teased him.

[Then I won't sleep. 】

Wen Ruohan sent a bunch of ellipsis back, and added a sentence after a while.

【You can try. 】

Ji Yiren was immediately discouraged, and quickly sent a message back.

[Just kidding, I'll sleep right away. 】

[Well, go to sleep! 】

【OK. 】

【why are not you sleeping. 】

Ji Yiren silently took back his phone, lay down, tossed a few times on the bed, couldn't help picking up his phone, clicked on WeChat, and read the message of chatting with Wen Ruohan just now several times, smiling so much that his brows and eyes were crooked until late at night. Still can't sleep.


The next day.

Ji Yiren was woken up by Wen Ruohan's phone call, he opened his eyes sleepily, grabbed his phone and connected the call, "Hello."

"Aren't you awake yet?"

Ji Yiren's sleepiness was instantly chased away, and he immediately jumped up from the bed, "Wake up."

"Yeah." Wen Ruohan snorted.

Ji Yiren laughed happily, looked around the dormitory, and found that there was no one, and then remembered that she had the first class this morning.


"what happened?"

"I have class this morning, is this the end?"

, Ji Yiren looked at the time, half of the first class was over, "What should I do now?"

Ji Yiren wailed.

"So why sleep late?"

"I don't want to either!" Ji Yi rolled his eyes angrily, "You're still laughing."

Ji Yiren was speechless towards Wen Ruohan.

"I've asked them to call in sick for you."

"Are you on sick leave?" Ji Yiren was a little surprised.


Ji Yiren breathed a sigh of relief, and rolled on the bed, "That's great, that's great."

Wen Ruohan snorted, "Okay, pack up, I'll wait for you outside."

"Hmm." Ji Yiren snorted, hung up the phone, stared at the caller number, and gulped happily.

Her Wen Ruohan is really nice.

Ji Yiren got out of bed, ran to the mirror, and looked in the mirror. She was startled by the two huge dark circles under her eyes. She hurried back to the room, took out the cosmetics, and planned to paint herself a beautiful makeup look.


Wen Ruohan stood at the door of the dormitory and waited for nearly 30 minutes, but didn't see Ji Yiren come out, so he took out his mobile phone and sent her a message.

[Have you gotten up yet? 】

[Get up, get up, immediately, there are still 10 minutes at most. 】

Wen Ruohan waited for 10 minutes, but still did not see Ji Yiren, so she sent another message.

[There are still 5 minutes left. 】

Wen Ruohan waited for another 5 minutes, but still did not see Ji Yiren, took a deep breath, and sent her a message again.

[Immediately, I will come out. 】

(End of this chapter)

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