Dong Qing: Be a talented woman

Chapter 3 Beauty has quality, only talent can defeat the years

Chapter 3 Beauty has quality, only talent can defeat the years
Talent is a woman's clothes that never go out of style

A woman may not be beautiful, but she cannot be without talent, because talent can reshape beauty, make beauty last forever, and make beauty have the connotation of temperament.

A talented woman always has a unique charm, extraordinary spirituality and a kind of ultimate beauty.For such a woman, there is a little charm in the book, the spark of wisdom shines in the purity, and the unyielding soul is dotted in the gentleness.

Margaret Thatcher once said: "A good woman often does not limit herself to a certain field, they are always equally brilliant in all fields."

Dong Qing has been versatile since she was a child, and she is proficient in speech, singing, dancing and writing.After becoming the host, Dong Qing is not only good at hosting various variety shows, but also sang songs and performed sketches in the shows, showing her various artistic talents.Since serving as the host of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Dong Qing has also often participated in program performances.Back then, he acted as an assistant to the magician Liu Qian, which added a lot of highlights to the Spring Festival Gala.

Dong Qing, who loves piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, often exhibits his calligraphy on the show and shines brilliantly.Her words are like her person, calm and unassuming.In addition to calligraphy and painting, Dong Qing also has his own unique insights into music.She hosted the "Happy China Tour" program, and she acted as the lead singer to sing the theme song of the program.At a certain event in Shanghai, the protagonist was delayed due to something, making the audience wait for more than 20 minutes.In order to smooth things over, Dong Qing, who was the host of the scene, made a temporary rescue and sang "I hope people will last forever" for the audience.Although not a professional singer, Dong Qing's beautiful singing made the audience cheer.

All the books we have read, the poems we have read, and the words we have read will be written into our temperament, hidden in our soul, and become the breeze and bright moon in our eyes, and the sea of ​​stars in our heart.It's great to be someone like Dong Qing.

"Talent is unbreakable clothes." The "clothes" here are not only closely related to the beauty of demeanor, but also inseparable from the connotation of knowledge. The most beautiful "clothes" of a woman is the "coat" of talent with beautiful appearance and high quality.

An eye-catching face and a pleasing figure are just the capital when you are young; a clever and witty mind and a tireless enthusiasm for learning are the real priceless treasures of a woman.Beauty will gradually fade with the passage of time, but a woman's inner talent can keep pace with the times and last forever.Love of reading, love of thinking, love of art, optimistic life, kind-hearted, and open-mindedness are indispensable basic qualities for talented women.

Hu Shi once said: "Lu Xiaoman is a must-see scenery." Liu Haisu said that she was "extremely beautiful and radiant".Even the women in the company were full of praise, and Xu Zhimo's ex-wife Zhang Youyi had to admit that Lu Xiaoman was a natural beauty.

Apart from good looks, Lu Xiaoman's talent should not be underestimated.She is proficient in English and French, and can write good articles.In foreign affairs, Lu Xiaoman is very capable. During her three years of diplomatic translation career, she has repeatedly shown her alert and patriotic side.She can also write teeny lowercase script, sing and act, and can be described as a truly versatile, good-looking lady.

In terms of painting, Lu Xiaoman has profound attainments.In the early 20s, she took Liu Haisu as her teacher and began to study painting.After earnestly studying for a while, due to her high comprehension, she quickly mastered the painting method of neat and dense objects with fine brushwork.She also copied the courtyard paintings of the Song Dynasty, the figure paintings of Qiuying of the Ming Dynasty, and the paintings of flowers, birds and animals of Qing Shenquan, etc., which are quite charming.

At the end of 1931, after Xu Zhimo's plane crashed, Lu Xiaoman learned from the pain, and asked He Tianjian to learn landscapes, and Chen Banding to learn flowers and birds, and changed his old lazy habits.She worked hard and devoted herself to painting. After 10 years, she finally held a solo exhibition.More than 100 works were exhibited and received rave reviews.

Talented women are elegant, wise, open-minded, and generous in dealing with others; talented women are fashionable and beautiful, pleasing to the eye, and are a beautiful scenery in the workplace; talented women are smart, capable, and unpretentious. She also cherishes herself; a talented woman is proactive, optimistic, and behaves softly on the outside but strong on the inside.

A truly talented woman is a combination of spirituality and flexibility. They have the atmosphere of "intellectual women" and the gentleness of ordinary women; they have the ability of professional women and the delicacy of ordinary women.They can not only conquer men, but also attract women.

To be a talented woman should have several qualities.

Outstanding personality: The beauty of women often has the most direct attraction, but what really attracts others for a long time is the character traits of talented women. Even if they are not beautiful, they can become cute because of their vivacity, and become beautiful because of their cuteness.

Rich heart: Rich knowledge and a broad mind make the charm of talented women shine. Because they are well-informed and broad-minded, they have their own hobbies and pursuits, and they will not follow the crowd and follow what others say.

Elegant taste: elegant taste allows talented women to show their talents in life. Reading, listening to music, exercising, eating, traveling, and even communicating with others can make the boring life after marriage full of charming colors.

Noble morality: Respect for elders, modesty for peers, love for children, these are the traditional virtues that an intellectual woman should possess, and talented women not only keep them in their hearts, but also keep them forever.

Be a talented woman, like reading and writing, like listening to music and enjoying the beautiful scenery, quick thinking, decent manners, elegant and generous.This kind of beauty is like a faint fragrance, but it makes people intoxicated.

A woman who loves poetry, with classical beauty

Classical poetry in Chinese culture is the essence of ancient Chinese literature and art, and it outlines a breathtakingly beautiful picture with just a few words.The beauty of poetry will also smudge women who like poetry into a unique charm and style. "There is a poetic spirit in China, the most beautiful is Dong Qing", this is the evaluation of Dong Qing by the audience who have watched "Chinese Poetry Conference".Even the contestants in the show praised Dong Qing by quoting poems, "A beauty should have jade as her bones, snow as her skin, hibiscus as her face, and willows as her posture."

Dong Qing in the show is generous, with a smile on the corners of her eyes and brows, all kinds of poems are at her fingertips, and she is especially suitable for the occasion.She turned into a classical beauty, leading us to wander in the vast ocean of poetry and smell the faint fragrance.

Nostalgia was mentioned in a program of "Chinese Poetry Conference", and Dong Qing remembered a poem by Du Fu, "There are two lines in it like this, 'Lu Cong is white tonight, and the moon is the light of my hometown'. Each of us has our own My hometown has my own nostalgia, and there are also places worthy of my remembrance and nostalgia."Maybe most people can memorize the first half of the poem, but the next performance will test the skill of the host.

In another episode, a child sang "Happy Rain on a Spring Night" crisply, and his father sang softly. Dong Qing was moved by this scene, with tears in his eyes, and casually read Yesenin's "I Remember", "The How gentle I am, I scatter the petals in your hair, when you leave, my heart will not cool down, thinking of you is like reading the most beloved text, so happy." From this we understand that Dong Qing's powerful poetry library storage capacity.

The culture of Chinese poetry is extensive and profound, the words are concise but the artistic conception is profound, which makes people

"It used to be difficult for the sea to be water, but Wushan is not a cloud." - Yuan Zhen's "Five Poems of Lisi"

"If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening." -Qin Guan's "Magpie Bridge Immortal"

"If life is only as it was first seen, why is the autumn wind sadly painting a fan." -Nalan Rongruo's "Mulan Ci"

The words used in the poems are very precise and elegant, and events, objects or people are described in a few dozen words.It is easier and more willing for people to remember when they are reading, and after slowly reminiscing about this short paragraph of text, they can't help but let themselves blend into the beautiful and intoxicating artistic conception, feel the wind gently blowing in Tang Dynasty, and listen to the words of Song Dynasty. The rain fell slowly.

Beauty is dynamic and contagious, and beautiful poems subtly affect women's spiritual world.When a girl reads some poetry, her temperament will change over time.A woman who has been under the influence of poetry for a long time will become more fond of thinking, so as to "perfect" herself from here to there. Over time, her breath and speech and behavior will change, exuding a bookish beauty from the inside out.

Someone described Dong Qing at the "Chinese Poetry Conference": "Every frown, smile, and every word exudes charm." Although there are not many beauties with the same beautiful character as her, they also illuminate China's thousands of years of history. The night sky of culture has become shining bright stars.The talented Lin Huiyin is one of them.

When Lin Huiyin’s father talked about his daughter, he said that Lin Huiyin’s extensive knowledge and strong memory are amazing, whether it is Keats, Shelley, Browning, Yesenin, Pei Duofei, Whitman... in the Lin family-centered In the small literary world, if anyone can't remember or recite verses, Lin Huiyin can recite them accurately.When she read the poem "When You Are Old" by the Nobel Prize winner and Irish poet Yeats in English, Chen Daisun and Jin Yuelin present were moved to tears. It shows his talent.

In daily life, Lin Huiyin likes quiet very much, because often only at this time, she feels that she is really immersed in the sea of ​​books, and can calm down and read the graceful life around her.In her spare time, she once wrote in the book: "When I look at the sun shining cleanly on the desk, I feel a kind of tranquility, a kind of spiritual exhilaration, and a leisurely taste; The so-called 'windows are bright and clean', where mysterious expectations are silently guarded, and the atmosphere of poetry is opened."

Just imagine, a graceful woman in a sarong, holding a book of poems in her hands, letting the fragrance of Tang poems color the clear sky above her head, and the sea of ​​flowers of Song poems intoxicating and disturbing her heart.A graceful and elegant atmosphere of "weeping willow silk, flowers and branches full of butterflies" rushes towards us.She is in the early spring, holding the fragrance, the fragrance, and the warmth and beauty of spring.Her beauty is soft, like water, like flowers, delicate and delicate, and it is a coolness in the tired world.

Not reading is like not having enough food, mentally hungry

Dong Qing once said that the host is a literati, not an actor. If you don’t study, it’s like not having enough food. You are mentally hungry. "I always believe that all the books I have read will not be read in vain. It will always help me perform better on a certain occasion in the future. Reading can give people strength, and it can give people happiness."

After the "Chinese Poetry Conference", many people praised: "So you are such Dong Qing." Such Dong Qing is intellectual, elegant, rich in connotation and noble temperament.

Dong Qing's manners and conversations on the stage are inseparable from her habit of loving reading. Dong Qing once said: "If I don't read for a few days, I will feel as uncomfortable as a person who doesn't take a bath for a few days." No matter how busy she is at work, Dong Qing will Guaranteed an hour of reading time, and it still holds true today.

Someone asked Dong Qing, if you were asked to bring only 3 things to survive on a desert island, what would you bring?Dong Qing replied: "One is a book; the second is a seed, 'take root and sprout on it, let me see the existence of hope'; the third is a man, 'bring a lover to the past, you can't live without these'." She put the book on In the first place, it can be seen that the weight of the book in Dong Qing's bones.

As early as in middle school, Dong Qing began to read a famous book in three to five days.Every winter and summer vacation, Dong Qing’s mother will make a list of books for her, basically all of which are domestic and foreign masterpieces such as "A Dream of Red Mansions", "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Jane Eyre" and "La Traviata".

Sometimes Dong Qing reads too fast, and her doubtful mother will do random checks to find a certain chapter in the famous book and ask Dong Qing to list the relationship between the characters in it.

In Dong Qing's view, it is this kind of education method that allows her to learn to use books to enrich herself. Dong Qing said that her parents have paid great attention to the cultivation of her personal connotation and knowledge since she was a child, so that she has developed a good habit of reading.

Even though the current work is very busy, Dong Qing does not forget to take time to read.She said: "Reading is a compulsory course for me before going to bed. I must have my own space. I have developed my own routine. I finish work and go home at [-] or [-] o'clock every day, and then browse the news online, big and small anecdotes Interesting talk. When one or two o’clock comes, when I calm down, it’s my reading time, there is always one or two hours, and the time to sleep is until three or four o’clock in the morning, this is my biological clock.”

Dong Qing not only likes to read, but also has the habit of extracting.In Dong Qing's fan forum, she recorded her excerpt sharing:

There are so many cities in the world, and there are so many pubs in the cities, but she just walked into mine. —From the movie "Casablanca"

You had me at "hello".Own me from the moment you say "hello". —From the movie "Mr. Sweetheart"

Looking back at the place that has always been bleak, when I go back, there is neither wind nor rain nor sunshine. —Excerpt from Su Shi's "Standing the Storm March [-]th"

In a woman's temperament, there are hidden books she has read and the road she has traveled.A woman who loves to read is a beautiful landscape no matter where she goes.She may not look amazing, but she has an inner temperament: her elegant speech is extraordinary and refined, her elegant demeanor needs no embellishment, it is quiet and dignified, and her movement is elegant; Rustic and subtle mixed together, as soft as water, as charming as wind, as gorgeous as flowers...

Talking to her always makes one feel refreshed and free from vulgarity; communicating with her often makes one feel hopeless and sunny.Indeed, a woman will become excellent after reading enough good books, because the books have given her confidence, nurtured her true, beautiful, and pure emotions, and made her gentle, gentle, and understanding , full of book breath.

Sanmao, a famous female writer, said: "When you read a lot, your appearance will naturally change. Many times, you may think that many books you have read have become a passing cloud and will no longer be remembered. In fact, they are still hidden in your temperament, in your conversation, and in your mind. Of course, it may also be revealed in life and writing.”

The "talented woman of the Republic of China" Zhang Ailing is not only "addicted to books like her life", but it is said that she started reading "Dream of Red Mansions" at the age of 5 and never stopped until she was old.In his later years, he spent 10 years extensively reading various editions of "Dream of Red Mansions" and related works, and finally compiled the book "A Nightmare in Red Mansions".This is also the only academic work written by Zhang Ailing in her life.Because she liked "A Dream of Red Mansions", she even lamented that she could not be born in the same era as Cao Xueqin, so she could not see his demeanor or listen to his high-level theories.

Although Zhang Ailing is "addicted to books like her life", she does not have a wide range of reading. In terms of reading, she is "easy-going and picky", so she is not familiar with many famous books.According to Zhuang Xin in his correspondence with Zhang Ailing said: "In [-], Zhang Ailing adapted "Wuthering Heights" for Hong Kong MP & GI into the screenplay "Soul Returns to the Heavens", but Zhang Ailing admitted that she had never read the script. This masterpiece, but only read the movie and the stage script. Eileen Chang’s American husband, Lai Ya, is a good friend with Joyce. He strongly recommended Joyce’s works to Eileen Eileen Chang, but she never read them. Even Eileen Eileen Chang was in The letter to Zhu Xining stated that she did not even read the works of her husband Lai Ya."

It is this "special" reading habit that makes Zhang Ailing a legendary woman with proud talents.Books make women smart, tough, and mature, and make women understand that the appearance of packaging is important, but the more important thing is the nourishment of the soul. "Living with books, you will never sigh." Romain Rolland persuaded women.

The famous female writer Bi Shumin said: "As the days go by, the book has to be read page by page. The breeze is bright and the moon is dripping and the water is dripping through the stone. Read it for a lifetime. Books are like microwaves, shaking our hearts from the inside out. When the heart is warmed up slowly, the structure of the spiritual molecules will change and mature, and the effectiveness of the book will be highlighted."

Read more books, read some good books, knowledge is the only beauty product, books are the fashion of femininity, books will keep women eternally beautiful.

Both internally and externally, you in the future must like yourself who is studying now
Women should not only learn to show themselves with fresh and elegant makeup and elegant and decent clothing, but also learn to dress themselves up with knowledge.Knowledge is a special and noble beauty product for women.Knowledgeable women are accessible, erudite, independent, thoughtful and intelligent, and they are radiant and radiant.

If the host's quality structure is compared to a pyramid, then the "perfect knowledge structure" is its base.If the base of the tower is not strong, there is a danger of collapse.If the host does not have a profound knowledge background, it is easy to become superficial, and his host will become a river without a source and a tree without roots; otherwise, he will be like a fish in water and a tiger with wings added.In the show, Dong Qing's rich knowledge and cultivation have added a lot to her host and the whole show.

Dong Qing often said to herself: "One cannot just focus on the present. As a competent program host, the external things will soon become a thing of the past; the audience now prefers more and more intelligent and knowledge-based program hosts." People, and all of this is not something that can be obtained innately.”

Although she has achieved remarkable results, Dong Qing was not dazzled by the sudden honor. She was very clear-headed and did not forget how hard she had achieved today's achievements, nor did she forget to keep charging and reading.

From April 2014 to July 4, Dong Qing temporarily left CCTV. She went to the United States to study as a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California.Regarding Dong Qing's decision to temporarily put down the microphone and go overseas for further study, Ni Ping said: "This is indeed what she did. In the past ten years, she has devoted all her energy, wisdom and time to this job. From her performance on stage It can be seen that it is impossible to do that without effort. It is not easy to convince and like so many people on such a big stage. The audience already thinks that she is very good, but she has a higher goal in her heart and hopes to be better. The Dong Qing who came back may be the 'Dong Qing' of 'Dong Qing'."

As the saying goes: Sitting in the city of books, casting inner beauty.Women who love to study and can read are truly attractive women.A woman's beauty will be a shortcut to do things, but knowledge will lay the foundation for the realization of your longing goals.

If God has given you a beautiful face, it is equivalent to putting on a beautiful coat for you.Although it can help you pass many hurdles in life, it doesn't mean you can rely on it for the rest of your life.No matter how beautiful the face is, it will gradually age with the passage of time, but the soul full of connotations will never fade, exuding fragrance all the time.

Be a wise woman, enrich your mind and literacy by reading books, observe the world, understand human feelings, you will gain the inner power to change your destiny, and you will be beautiful forever with the beauty of wisdom.

When Soong Ching Ling was studying in the United States, once, when the class was discussing historical issues, an American student stood up to speak.He said: "I think that the development of history is difficult to estimate. You see, those so-called ancient civilizations, such as China in Asia, have been eliminated by history. The hope of the people lies in Europe and America. It is here." At this time , Soong Ching Ling, who was sitting in the front row, frowned, and after the classmate finished speaking, Soong Ching Ling stood up excitedly.

She said firmly: "History is indeed constantly changing, but it will always belong to hundreds of millions of people. China, with a history of 5000 years of civilization, has not been eliminated, and it is impossible to be eliminated. Some people say that China is like a sleeping lion. But it will never sleep forever. One day, the roar of the sleeping lion in East Asia will shake the whole world! Because it has a vast land, hardworking people, a long history, rich products, and countless revolutionaries. Its revitalization is undergoing an arduous struggle!" After speaking, there was warm applause in the classroom.

Being able to utter such powerful rebuttals is the result of Soong Ching Ling's diligent study, cultivating good moral cultivation and always caring about the motherland.

Only learning can change temperament.Learning is a woman's life.Use knowledge to promote inner maturity, use knowledge to cut attractive clothes, and use knowledge to pave the way to happiness.Being able to wait for a unique sincerity with the book is the character of a good woman and her blessing.

If we don't have the appearance of "one look at the city, and then look at the country", and we don't have the appearance of "look back and smile, and the six palaces have no color", we can also make up for the lack of appearance by practicing inner self-cultivation. .After all, the coexistence of internal and external beauty is not innate, but can only be achieved through hard work and cultivation.

Women who are good at self-cultivation not only make progress through reading, they will keep up with the progress of the times, learn computer knowledge, and always pay attention to the birth and development of new things; More harmonious interpersonal relationships; they will also watch the news every day to grasp the pulse of the times.

The beauty of a woman requires a slow process of cultivation.A woman with connotation, of course, needs years of honing, in the various situations of life, she will continue to mature, perfect and shine.

Only a woman with a noble heart is truly noble
If a beautiful woman is a landscape, then a noble woman is a little red in the green bushes, she is like agarwood wine, not only can be shared, but also worth tasting.Nobility is a kind of inner sublimation of the spirit. Beauty can be brought by hand, but a noble character can only be displayed after being cultivated from the outside to the inside.Nobility is not born with us, we can sublimate our souls with what we have acquired.

For us Chinese, the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 can be described as "a great tragedy for the country".Dong Qing was invited to host the disaster relief party.At the party, she had a solemn expression throughout and shed tears of sadness many times.Someone asked her how she felt after the whole party?She said: "Did you know? One classroom can be built with 12500 yuan, and 50 classrooms can be built with 40 yuan. I hope to raise money to build two schools in Wenchuan, so that children who have lost their education due to the earthquake We can return to the classroom as soon as possible. The school is completed, and I will go there in person to teach the children, tell them stories, and let them forget the pain. The earthquake is terrible, and their psychological adjustment period may be very long. Now and in the future, We still have a lot to do for them. Hope they come out of the shadow of disaster soon."

A woman with a truly noble heart is full of love in her heart. They not only learn to love themselves well, but also love her parents, her children, people around her and strangers. Their love is selfless, It is not asking for anything in return.Because of love, their hearts are full, so they are also happy and happy.

Dong Qing said that from the earthquake, she also learned to cherish life, love life, and at the same time pay for others and share the joy in your life with everyone.In the process, you can make others feel happy, and you can experience joy yourself.

A truly noble woman is one who loves life.They are cheerful, optimistic, sunny, and uplifting, just like sunflowers, they always turn their most beautiful side to the sun, interact with them, and you will become sunny and happy too!
A woman with a noble heart is also a person who knows how to live.They can not only work, earn money, but also live.If you want to live a rich and colorful life, you must learn to enjoy life, dress yourself up beautifully before going out every day, show the most beautiful face to everyone, and occasionally go to beauty parlors and coffee houses, Eat western food, listen to light music, practice yoga, go on a trip...enjoy the beauty of life to the fullest!
A woman with a noble heart must be a woman with temperament. Their beauty is not a pile of famous brand clothes, nor is it drawn out by heavy makeup. Their beauty will not fade with the passage of time, on the contrary, they will become more and more themselves. They are cultured, knowledgeable, connotative, and qualified, and their temperament is expressed in every gesture of their hands and feet.

Audrey Hepburn has influenced and changed human aesthetics and fashion trends for more than half a century: the fashion magazine "VOGUE" known as the "Fashion Bible" once rated her as "World Fashion Celebrity" with 29% of the votes "No. 1.Its spokesperson said that everyone thinks that Audrey Hepburn is noble and elegant, and her beauty is eternal; when it comes to fashion, everyone will immediately think of her.

She is considered to be the embodiment of nature and beauty, her gentle temperament, and her smile exudes a unique charm.Therefore, the fashion magazine "ELLE" also selected Hepburn as No.1 of "the most beautiful woman ever".

In addition to her beauty, Hepburn is low-key and friendly, and her dedication and diligence in her work is also unforgettable.Billy Wilder, who won the Oscar for Best Director twice, once said: "Audrey Hepburn presents some long-lost qualities. Such as nobility, elegance and etiquette...God is willing to kiss her on the cheek .”

The love and touch she brings to the world is not limited to her own character.In his later years, Hepburn was invited to serve as a UNICEF charity ambassador to fight for the rights of women and children in the third world.Therefore, as a non-U.S. citizen, she received the highest honor of U.S. citizens, the "Presidential Medal of Freedom"; the United Nations also erected a statue for her at the headquarters, and named it "Audrey Spirit". She is the only one to receive this honor people.Upon hearing of her death, Elizabeth Taylor said sadly that the angel had returned to heaven.Therefore, she is known as "an angel in the world".

Nobility is a kind of spiritual belief, even if a woman with a noble heart is in danger, she can bloom from the dust.She will never wither under the trampling of fate.They are calm and confident, dignified and elegant, and have a noble heart. They live themselves as seeds buried deep in the dust, and slowly let themselves germinate, bloom, and bear fruit, beautiful themselves, and serve others.

A woman with a noble heart must be a romantic woman. She understands the mood of life, is good at adjusting life, makes ordinary life interesting, and makes daily life full of new ideas. She often creates small surprises for her lover and family .

She may prepare red wine and light candles on her wedding anniversary, and have dinner with her partner in a romantic atmosphere flickering by candlelight; she may buy some colorful balloons to decorate her little home during festivals, making the home Full of a strong festive atmosphere; you may buy a birthday cake, cook a table of delicious dishes, turn off all the lights, and wait until the moment when the "birthday star" steps into the house, accompanied by "I wish you Happy Birthday" singing, turning on all the light switches...

Nobility is a kind of internal cultivation of women, which will make women's lives more exciting.If you want to be beautiful to the extreme, let your heart be noble first.

Music is a clear stream that washes away the dirt in the soul

Music is the soulmate of women, the most fashionable and romantic expression of women's thoughts, and the warm spring breeze that soothes women's hearts.The relationship between women and music is like that fish cannot live without water, and flowers cannot live without sunshine.Music is a woman's public lover. Life without music is dull. With music, cloudy days will become sunny; with music, depression will become happy; with music, poverty will become rich.Music is everywhere in a woman's life.

Dong Qing likes listening to music, especially classical music. "It was classical music that made me feel my inner growth for the first time. It seemed to be able to accommodate and digest all my emotions.

Regarding her musical accomplishments, Dong Qing thought very seriously: "I can sing well, but I don't know anything about musical instruments. My parents have never trained me in music. If I have time, I hope to learn the violin. Its sound quality makes me Intoxicated."

Music gives women the best way of life. When you play soft music in the tea room, the tea fragrance will last longer and be more fragrant; when you play a piece of lingering music while reading, you will wander around and resonate with your soul.

Music gives women longing, fantasies and memories.Women find themselves in music, a song full of affection, poignancy and euphemism, and every kind of tenderness, which touches women's heartstrings all the time.

The life of a woman who loves to listen to music is very romantic, very elegant, very peaceful, and very happy... Wonderful music uses notes without words, ethereal, long, and elegant to tell the voice of the soul , or distant, or joy, or traces of sadness.Savor the murmur of the moving and distant notes carefully, quietly listen to the natural collision between the soul and the music, and give yourself and your mood a blue sky.

In addition to relaxing in nature, Yang Lan also likes to listen to music. As long as she has time, even if she is doing housework at home, she will play a song she likes.Yang Lan said that music, an ancient and modern art form, has indescribable benefits for people's spiritual relaxation and temperament cultivation.Music can be heard everywhere. It does not require gorgeous appearance and extravagant consumption. It can be regarded as the simplest spiritual enjoyment and the best nourishment for the soul.

We can feel the spiritual "pulse" of music, whether it is in traditional Chinese music or Western classical music and romantic music.The imaginings about the sky, the earth, and people, the sighs about fate, and the prospects for the future that the masters of music uttered between the staves have shocked the hearts of women who know how to appreciate them.

Music is a beautiful landscape, but this landscape is not seen with the eyes, but experienced with the heart.The story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi "looking for a friend in high mountains and flowing waters" has been passed down through the ages, which is admirable.Music has an inexhaustible charm that cannot be described in words.In the world of music, women can indulge their laughter and tears, find traces of past life in the flowing notes, weave colorful dreams, and gain the freedom of the soul.

Modern life is becoming more and more busy, music is more important to women, it is the voice given to them by God.The nerves that have been tense for a day will be relaxed in the music, the depression that has been suppressed for several days will be vented in the music, and the joy from the heart can also fly freely in the music.Music can also take away their thoughts in the strong aroma of coffee and milk, and inspire creators.

Women who enjoy music are happy. Listen to Chopin's etudes, feel his spiritual monologues full of beauty, delicacy, magnificence and power, and pour out patriotic tenderness; listen to Beethoven's pastoral songs written by his magical hands, Hitting fate, feeling a tenacious life struggling unremittingly; listening to Tchaikovsky's ballet trilogy, feeling the elegance of driving a Russian carriage, stopping by a quiet lake to watch swans dancing...

A woman who loves music is beautiful, and a woman who understands music has connotations. When she closes her eyes and listens to the beautiful melody, her emotions dance with the rhythm, and her soul meets the singer in the dancing notes.A woman wandering in the melody, she is not only listening, she is also singing softly.

A woman who understands music has an elegant temperament and a fragrant soul.Music is the endless dream and emotion, perseverance and persistence in a woman's life!

The beauties are lost to the years, but the wisdom remains
Beauty will disappear with the passing of time, but wisdom is just the opposite, it will become fuller with the passing of time.Although the years have given you wrinkles on your face, they can't take away the wisdom and kindness in your eyes. Although the years have given you gray hair, they can't stop you from extending your warm hands to those in need.Time can take away everything from you, but it cannot take away your generosity, wisdom, innocence, and kind heart, which will make you more elegant every day.When elegance becomes a habit, women will walk more calmly and more beautifully on the way of getting old.

Mai Jia is a famous writer and screenwriter in my country. His novels such as "The Wind" and "Decryption" have been adapted into movies and TV series, and are widely loved by the audience.Before participating in "Long Reader", the Mai family's impression of Dong Qing was only "this is a beauty, she looks like a Jiangnan girl at first glance", but the Mai family never agreed that "the host can support a show with only his appearance." ", he thinks wisdom is very important for the host, otherwise the host is just a vase on the stage.

After getting in touch with Dong Qing, Mai Jia discovered that she has a very large reserve of knowledge.Mai Jia repeatedly praised Dong Qing: "She is very adaptable on the spot, and often quotes classic sentences and other people's opinions, which is the kind of wisdom given to her by knowledge reserves." Mai Jia also revealed that many people who work in TV stations usually almost I don't read books, and I rarely take time to read to improve myself.But Dong Qing is different. She often spends her spare time reading and recharging, constantly expanding her knowledge.

A woman may not be beautiful, but if she can add charm to herself with wisdom, then not only can she reshape her temperament, but also inject more smart and charming things, and a woman's soul will also be enriched.

Smart women know exactly what they need and what they don't need; they are confident but not arrogant, humble but not inferior, independent but not overbearing.A wise woman, although time can take away her youthful appearance, it cannot wash away her crystallization of wisdom.In the long river of time, her demeanor became more and more crystal clear like pearls.

She dropped out of school at the age of 16, returned to school at the age of 20, and became Deng Xiaoping's personal interpreter at the age of 35. When she reached her sixtieth year, she lived more and more with temperament!
She reassures the Chinese and causes headaches for foreigners.She has created three firsts in Chinese history: China's first female ambassador of an ethnic minority, China's first female ambassador to a major foreign country, and the first female spokesperson of the National People's Congress.

She was praised by foreign heads of state as "one of the messengers who can convey the voice of China most clearly". She is the intellectual iron lady of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the most beautiful and elegant spokesperson in China!She is Fu Ying.

In 2016, she spoke out on behalf of China at the Munich Security Conference in Germany.At the meeting, she was asked a very tricky question, "Has China lost control over North Korea?" Answering "yes" or "no" is tantamount to indirectly admitting that China is trying to control the sovereignty of other countries.

So she responded gently with a smile on her face: "This kind of terminology is very Western. It loses control over a country, and it is still a sovereign country. China doesn't think so. We don't control any country, and we have never controlled any country. Don't want to be controlled."

When the American reporter said that China "steals" the United States, she was gentle, her smiling face immediately became serious, and she responded: "This word is very disrespectful. If there are technical problems between our two countries, we can talk about it, but you need to tell us about it." We provide evidence."

Faced with difficulties from the foreign media, she is smart and can defuse crises sharply and wittily, and safeguard China's interests and image, making all Chinese people want to call her a real goddess!From black hair to silver hair, she is more and more lively!Although the youth is gone, the beauty is still there!
Audrey Hepburn said that smart women charm men effortlessly, but they don't give their all to him.The face will age with the years, but the wisdom will increase with each passing day.To be an eternal youth, one must always have a smart heart.A woman who is as smart as a stream of water, men will never get tired of her.

Although Dong Qing has gained both fame and fortune, she still studies tirelessly and constantly enriches herself, which is why the programs she hosts are full of charm.When following "Happy China Tour", listening to her program is like listening to a wise man spreading culture, listening to the persuasive teaching of parents, and listening to the trickling conversation of a close sister...

A wise woman is a woman who understands the joys of life.They know how to create romance, let themselves experience life like a poet, think like a philosopher, and live like a mortal. They are good at expressing their thoughts and emotions, know how to play different roles on different occasions, and know how to concentrate on work. Be gentle and considerate when you get home.

Be a wise woman, complain less, be more peaceful, use wise eyes to discover the beauty of life and the beauty of the world, and life will be wonderful!
To be a wise woman, calm and calm, with an elegant demeanor, neither humble nor overbearing, enjoy the lotus, drink tea, the fragrance is timeless, and the aftertaste is endless.

Spend time on beautiful things, people will become beautiful

Heimaya, the author of "My dear, you want to be better", is the inheritor of the school of aesthetics.Once, Heimaya had a meal with a friend at the same table. After carefully picking out a thorn from the fish, Heimaya said that the thorn was so beautiful and crystal clear.As long as women can remain sensitive to beautiful things and are willing to spend time on beautiful things, they will become more and more beautiful.

Dong Qing is a person who is good at discovering beauty.She loves life and appreciates every delicate beauty.She likes to listen to songs, and she will always be moved by the good lyrics in the songs.Like the old song I heard on TV recently, "Do you know what it feels like to miss someone? It's like drinking a glass of cold water, and then it takes a long, long time to shed tears one by one. You Do you know what it's like to be lonely? Loneliness is because you miss someone? Do you know the taste of pain? Pain is because you want to forget someone..." Such extremely beautiful lyrics always make her very grateful, and she will never forget it for a long time.

For most women, life is like a monotonous straight line, walking from the same starting point to the end point at the same speed every day, but some women can often find beauty in ordinary life because they have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty eyes and a grateful heart.Even in busy days, they will freeze time into beautiful moments.

Staying sensitive to beautiful things and looking at the world with appreciation, we will feel that everything is beautiful, and the accompanying mood will also be beautiful, and it will appear that the whole person will be full of vitality, and the world will be full of sunshine.Everyone likes a beautiful woman, and a beautiful woman does not only refer to a beautiful appearance, a woman who does not have an outstanding appearance but has wisdom is also beautiful, because they will look at the world with appreciation.

Lin Huiyin has a delicate mind, is very sensitive to "beauty", and is also very "expert".She has eyes for discovering beautiful things, and she can find the fun in even ordinary days.

Once Lin Huiyin was recuperating at home, and it was boring to lie on the bed, so he got down and walked around gently.Outside the window lattice, the sun is quiet, the white walls are sparse, and the dark fragrance is floating. "It's so beautiful!" Lin Huiyin felt poetic for the first time.

Lin Huiyin often writes poems at night.When recuperating in the quiet Xishan, she lit a stick of incense, placed a vase of flowers, faced a pool of lotus leaves, and brewed poetry in the gentle breeze.Sensitive and delicate, she can see the beauty and hope in life.She wrote to Fei Weimei about the feeling of living in Tang Jiyao's "dream villa": all the best things come to watch around the garden, the bright blue sky, everything under the cliff and beyond the hill... The room is so spacious, the windows So large, it has the effect of Gordon Clegg's early prom designs.Even the afternoon sun seemed to stream into the window in a dreamlike manner at his command, and the swaying eucalyptus branches outside cast slow-moving shadows on the ceiling.

The beauty and emotion around us abound, so don't ignore the plants and trees around you because you are busy.In fact, every bit has aura, the key is to have a sensitive heart, so that we can always maintain a curiosity about new things and never miss the good time.

Discover the beautiful things around you with a sensitive heart, and look at these beautiful things with a grateful attitude. The beautiful things will be more beautiful, and the troubles and setbacks may not be so bad.

As Taiwanese prose master Lin Qingxuan said, if the mind is clear, any landscape, flowers and trees will be beautiful on it, but if the mind is dirty, no matter how beautiful the flowers shine on it, it will be just dirty.

Most women's hearts are delicate and sensitive. You can record your daily happy mood, happy people you meet, and happy things you experience, and all the good things in life will accumulate and become yours. spiritual wealth.Take it out and look it up on a whim, and you will find that those people and things may have been forgotten, but the happiness begins to spread in your heart.

The purer a woman is, the more beautiful she is. We must learn to live and discover the beauty in life.Beautiful environment, beautiful scenery, all beautiful things bring us happy feelings through our senses.A peaceful state of mind and an optimistic spirit will help us overcome psychological pressure, make up for the trauma of the soul, and resolve the troubles in our hearts.

Beauty is everywhere, and our eyes lack discovery.If you can take the time to sit in a coffee shop for half an hour, ask a few close friends to have a few heart-to-heart conversations.Have a cup of coffee, read your favorite books, or pick a window seat, watch the traffic outside, and think about your own thoughts.You will find that life is beautiful.

Some women often blame others in their lives, or complain about themselves.Don't always remind yourself that you have encountered misfortune. You must know that there are many people in this world who are more unfortunate than you. As long as you can look up and see the sun, you are lucky.Those setbacks in life are just a small episode in a person's life.Just smile more if you have nothing to do!
The faces of the intimate couples on the bus are full of intoxicating smiles, the young mother is holding the toddler who is babbling by the road, and the silver-haired couple is walking hand in hand in the sunset... These are the life Beauty, slow down your pace, observe carefully, and feel quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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