Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 115 Returning to the Mountain Road

Chapter 115 Returning to the Mountain Road

In the air, Li Zhuzi covered the wind and snow, turning into a rainbow and galloping.

At this moment, Lu Ling was in her arms, with her thighs tightly clamping her waist, her chin resting on Li Zhuzi's neck, grinding her teeth from time to time.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Hearing some harsh voices in his ears, Li Zhuzi remained expressionless.

She probably didn't have the intention of throwing the little girl down.

should not.


At this time, a red figure chased after him.

It's a charming woman.

"Huh? You are..." Li Zhuzi was stunned for a moment, and after searching for a while, he didn't find any trace of Luo Hanyi.

Why did you come back alone.

Li Zhuzi also thought that with Dongfang's pitiful nature, he would bring Luo Hanyi back with him.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Dongfang Lianren licked his red lips, his face full of innocence.

"You can't spoil her too much..."

she said so.

"It's not a question of favoring or not..." Li Zhuzi frowned, trying to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Dongfang Lianren.

"Oh, Zhuzi, please understand me. I have been out for a day and I haven't done anything yet... I'm a little annoying. I want to go home quickly... I have something to do tomorrow morning." Dongfang Lian shook his head.

"That's right." Li Zhuzi nodded, taking the initiative to slow down his speed.

After a while, a few Taoist nuns behind greeted the two of them and overtook them. The charming woman also meant to speed up.

But Li Zhuzi stopped.

She remembered something.


"Huh?" Seeing Li Zhuzi's serious face, Dongfang Lianren was confused, but she also stopped.

In the night sky at this time, the two looked at each other.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back and take a look?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"I don't want to go back." Dongfang Lianren's attitude was very firm: "That little idiot, why does he always need someone to accompany him?"

"Besides, some people said some time ago that I look very [soft], and I am the type to be bullied. On the contrary, I am Xiao Hanyi, who has a cold temperament after my face is cold, and it is suitable for both men and women. Since she is so good, it is not possible to I have to wait for this little thing..."

Some people say that Luo Hanyi looks like an attacker, but a charming woman is like a victim.

This incident also reached the ears of Lian Dongfang.

How does this work.

Broken thoughts.

Li Zhuzi: "..."

Dongfang Lianren...however, she is just like a child.

But no matter how she looked at it, she felt that this guy was just playing.

Poor Luo Hanyi is basically the lowest in the Lingshan crowd, and has been raised by his apprentice.

Even so, Li Zhuzi still has to remind her.

"Dongfang, if I remember correctly, this girl doesn't know the way..."

"Huh? Why don't you know the way?" Dongfang Lianren didn't realize it at first, and fiddled with his slender fingers without paying attention.

"When she went out to get rid of demons, it took her three years to return to the mountain, don't you remember?" Li Zhuzi said.

Luo Hanyi once went out routinely to remove demons before, and the small fifth-level demons should be easy for her to catch.

It's just that people never came back...

It is said to be lost.

The key is that she has the coordinates of Lingshan, and she can't find her home with the coordinates of the Sea of ​​Consciousness... It's not a little bit stupid.

In the end, this girl ran all the way to Yihua Palace...and was "sent" back to Lingshan by others, which is not an ordinary shame.

Dongfang Lianren will not forget this matter.

"..." Dongfang Lianren fell silent, and his fingers were completely stiff.

She really forgot about it just now.

After all, there are very few people so stupid who don't know the way with such a high level of cultivation...

I'm afraid it's not a fake immortal cultivator.

"So are you sure you don't go back to pick her up?" Li Zhuzi said, "Otherwise it will be another trouble."

"Hehe..." Dongfang Lianren laughed a few times, as if to comfort herself.

"Don't worry too much about Bamboo. Didn't Xiao Hanyi practice hard after he came back last time? He should be able to find his way..."

"I don't believe it." Li Zhuzi shook his head directly.

This girl Luo Hanyi must not be able to distinguish north from south, east from west, so she might be lying on her back crying.

"..." Dongfang Lianren was silent for a while, then bit her lower lip.

"I do not want to go."

She also wants to be willful once.

After a tiring day, she wanted to go home, not knowing how her little cutie was doing.

You must know that they are all highly poisonous things, and if something goes wrong without her care, no one can afford it.

The most important thing is that she misses her own bed. Although it is okay not to sleep, but for them, it will be very boring if they do not sleep, and they will gradually develop a habit.

"Don't go, just don't go." Dongfang Lianren said flatly: "The big deal is to let other people send her back. Isn't this place very close to Shushan?"

"..." Li Zhuzi sighed helplessly.

It is not good to cause trouble to others, and it is also embarrassing to Lingshan. It is enough for the dignified peak master to cry and be sent home by others.

"Forget it, I'll go pick her up." Li Zhuzi shook his head and was about to leave.

"Okay." Dongfang Lianren was naturally happy, and then she took the initiative to say: "Zhuzi, you go, I will take the little girl back first."

"Yeah." Li Zhuzi thought for a while and nodded.

Luo Hanyi doesn't know how long it will take, so it's better to send Lu Ling back first.

It took her a lot of effort to get Lu Ling off her body, and the latter slept like a dead pig.

"Ninth Peak or Nanyuan?" After taking Lu Ling, Dongfang Lian easily hugged her in his arms.

"Nanyuan, send it to my room." After Li Zhuzi explained in detail, he turned and went to look for Luo Hanyi.

Li Zhuzi was willing to take the trouble of Luo Hanyi, Dongfang Lianren was naturally happy, she shook Lu Ling.

"Little girl, go back to Lingshan."

Then, she picked up Lu Ling and adjusted her position.

The current Lu Ling... with her head nestled against Dongfang Lianren's chest, pressed against her softness, her whole body became a "ball".


As if feeling a new person, Lu Ling's little nose moved and smelled a different smell.

If it was said that Li Zhuzi had a faint fresh smell, what Lu Ling smelled at this moment was a musk, which was very charming.

They all smell good.

So Lu Ling sniffed a few more times in her sleep.

Then, an unnatural blush appeared on her little face, and she twisted her body slightly, as if her bones had melted away.

The hot air exhaled is clearly visible in the snow, which is very attractive.

Let me mention that this charming and coquettish woman is poisonous.

And it's not a serious poison... Luo Hanyi knows this best.

Of course Dongfang Lianren didn't notice, Hua Hong left directly.

In the dream, the little girl transformed into Xuechen looked at Lu Ling at this time.

"Master... what's wrong with you?"

"Me? I'm fine..." Lu Ling licked the corner of her mouth, her beauty mark rose, and she walked towards Xuechen.

"Master..." Xuechen took a few steps back, pinching her little skirt, with shyness in her big eyes.

"Master...Master, don't make...itches..."

"Can't bite! I don't eat!"

Xuechen panicked.

Although Lu Ling was poisoned, she was still thinking about eating...


Where Lu Ling passed by, the snow fell more and more heavily. Obviously, the aura in her body was not used up, and she was about to follow her back to Lingshan.


Here, Li Zhuzi returned to where Luo Hanyi stopped before, but he didn't see anyone.

She frowned.

It should be fine...

Opening the sea of ​​consciousness, her divine sense spread out in the wilderness, looking for Luo Hanyi's trace.

(End of this chapter)

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