Chapter 116

The girl who had been calm all this time changed her expression slightly when she saw the shining silver needle.

Luo Hanyi raised his hand and inserted the needle into the girl's collarbone. The speed of his hand did not give her time to react.

"Hey!" The girl frowned, and then wanted to push Luo Hanyi away.

It's just that after the needle was inserted into her body, she couldn't control herself anymore.

Only the five sense organs can move all over the body.

The girl's eyes widened, first in surprise, then in a threat.

"...Don't look at me like's scary." Luo Hanyi shrank his neck.

"What did you do to me! Let me go." The girl struggled.

It's a pity that all her struggles were in vain. Before Luo Hanyi took out the silver needle, she was now a little white sheep at the mercy of others.

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to heal your injuries." Luo Hanyi said as a matter of course.

As for why she was pinned down, that's even simpler. With this young girl's personality, she would never let her be given an injection. Luo Hanyi still has some brains about this.

"**!!" The girl's complexion changed drastically when she heard the words. There was remorse and anger, and she cursed loudly.

I didn't expect that the person I rescued in a moment of soft-heartedness would actually do the thing of "repaying kindness with revenge".

healing?This is not healing, it is insulting her IQ!
No matter how poor the girl is, no matter how unskilled she is in medicine, she understands that if the wound festers, acupuncture will be useless, so she must take medicine anyway.

In Luo Hanyi's hand, there was only a gleaming silver needle, and there was no trace of medicinal powder.

Thinking of Luo Hanyi's way of restraining her, the girl's face gradually turned cold, and she stopped yelling.

Looking at that cold look, Luo Hanyi murmured in his heart.

It was a murderous aura, the girl had a murderous aura at this time, although it was only faint, it was a real murderous aura.

This girl has killed someone before.

It's just that Luo Hanyi wasn't afraid right now, she was giving needles while thinking.

Finely twisting it into the body, a few needles stuck on the deteriorating wound on the girl's shoulder.

"..." Seeing Luo Hanyi's cautious movements, the girl looked at her calmly without making a sound.

She had thought about whether Luo Hanyi was from her [enemy] side, but she immediately denied it. If she was, she would be dead now.

Really just want to heal yourself?

The girl didn't quite believe it, because Luo Hanyi had changed a lot before and after. When she was crying, she and the person with compassion at this time——

It's a big difference.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm a little awkward." Luo Hanyi swallowed, then said.

"If you're awkward, let me go, ****!" the girl snorted coldly and said.

At this time, she put away her killing intent. After she first found out that she was controlled by others, the girl was naturally panicked and thought of the worst in everything. Now that time has passed, most of the suspicion in her heart has disappeared.

Although I don't know how the silver needle should treat trauma, but at this time Luo Hanyi is indeed serious about the treatment, and the posture of injecting the needle is also decent.

But even so, there was not a single word of scolding that should be scolded.

"So I'm going too far." Luo Hanyi was dissatisfied. It wasn't the first time that the girl called her a prostitute.

Very aggrieved.

"Grass." Seeing Luo Hanyi who was still sticking needles into his body without oil and salt, the girl swears again.

But she also found something wrong, that is, the silver needle seemed to be pierced deeply, but she couldn't feel any pain.

This idiot woman has two tricks.

The girl raised her head and looked at Luo Hanyi.

"Let me think about it..." Luo Hanyi closed his eyes as he stroked the wound with both hands.

Then a faint fluorescent light rose from her hand...

That was all the spiritual power she had recovered so far.

There was indeed a serious problem with her body. Such a little spiritual power might be less than one ten-thousandth of the usual, but now it has recovered for so long.

Then, Luo Hanyi manipulated the spiritual energy to attach to the silver needle, brushing the surface of the needle with one hand, where the spiritual power passed, the silver needle trembled at a strange frequency.

This is Luo Hanyi's method. If the spiritual power is not enough, he can only use silver needles to decompose and repair the wound with the force of encirclement.

No matter how little power there is, it is still the power of the spiritual soul of Lingshan. It is no problem to heal such a small wound. Even if the girl breaks an arm at this time, Luo Hanyi has a way to bring it back.

"...This..." The girl was stunned when the self-fluorescence appeared.

This is medicine?

I've never heard of anyone who glows with needles...

Of course, the girl didn't associate Luo Hanyi with Fairy Lingshan.

After all, the gap is too big, the latter has always been from the legend, at least it is also a figure of peerless beauty, Luo Hanyi's stupid appearance, let alone Lingshan, it is a bit far-fetched to say that he is the daughter of a certain important person.

"Om..." With the slight movement of the silver needle, the wound on the girl's shoulder, which had been unconscious for several days, suddenly felt.

Pain, crisp, numb...

It's like thousands of ants crawling on the wound.

But she didn't look happy.

For the time being, this stupid woman is healing herself, but how does the girl know how effective it is?

Originally, the wound was serious, but because of the loss of pain, at least it would not affect her actions today. If her feeling recovered after her treatment, it would definitely hinder her.

You must know that after today, that scumbag will move to a big town. According to her news, if these people move to Luoyan City... then she basically has no chance.

Given the security of Luoyan City, it would be very difficult for him to kill this group of people.

But at this time there is no other way, she can only pray that Luo Hanyi's secret technique is reliable enough.

The secret method is the secret method. The girl explained that this is the secret method learned by Luo Hanyi. After all, there are still alchemists in the world. Since it is guessed that Luo Hanyi is a down-and-out "eldest lady", then it is okay to know something that poor people like them do not know. It's normal.

After all, the enemy she wanted to kill with all her heart was surrounded by strange people.


"Hey, he's recovering pretty well." Just when the girl was worried about what to do tonight, Luo Hanyi spoke.

She stared at the girl's wound that exuded a strange smell, without taking her eyes off it.

"Really?" The girl didn't feel anything, she just felt a numbness, and the fluorescent light covered her shoulder completely, so she couldn't see the appearance of the wound at all.

She couldn't see it, but Luo Hanyi could naturally see it. Under the infection of spiritual power, the girl's wound gradually grew a layer of granulation, and then grew rapidly.

The blood clots and festering parts are eliminated, and the new skin grows quickly.

"Of course." Luo Hanyi nodded, then withdrew the silver needle and wiped it on the waist, and inserted the silver needle back into the skirt.

It's not that she doesn't have space props... It's just that she gave them all to her apprentice...

"It should be almost recovered." Withdrawing the needle, Luo Hanyi sat down and said, with a slight complacency in his tone.

This matter was really too small for her, but she was still very satisfied.

She has not helped people heal for a long time, so now she is a little "hungry" when she sees a little girl.

"Really?" After pulling the silver needle, the girl's body regained her intuition. At this time, the green fluorescence on her shoulders was still dazzling, so she walked in front of Luo Hanyi, and stretched out a hand to pick her chin.

Looking at each other, Luo Hanyi naturally didn't resist at all, he raised his head 45 degrees, his eyes were full of innocence.

"Forget it." The girl gave up her movements, and most of the vigilance in her eyes disappeared.

After Luo Hanyi made such a fuss, she basically cleared her identity, and the girl could trust her a little bit.

She's just a naive young lady who is a little silly and loves to cry.

Compared to Luo Hanyi, she cared more about how her injury was. She hadn't felt it at all since just now. The girl stroked the top of her left chest with her right hand, and it was smooth.


Can't believe it.

The horrible wound that was caused by improper dressing before has disappeared at this moment?

"How is it? I'll say that he's recovering pretty well." Luo Hanyi snorted triumphantly.

Then, the fluorescence dissipated, revealing the original appearance of the wound.

Perhaps it shouldn't be called an injury. At this time, the girl's shoulders are smooth and white, without even a trace of scratches, and even the color of the newly grown skin is the same as before.

"... Awesome." The girl tilted her head and stared at her shoulder for a while, then said truthfully.

And this kind of medical treatment?A few silver needles healed her wound that could not heal.

Could it be that I have been out of touch with normal life for too long, or is this woman... really powerful in the family?

It is rumored that many big families are connected with the legendary fairy family and have the means to communicate with gods.

It can't be said that this idiot woman is.

The girl thought about it, and rearranged her corset, which was a little loose because of Luo Hanyi's movements.

After tying it, she put on her clothes and looked out the door.

The dark clouds covered the crescent moon, and the wilderness was pitch black, so it was the best time to act.

If it was before, she would have left immediately, but now...

"Idiot woman, where is your home?" The girl raised the spear and asked back.

"Who is an idiot woman!" Luo Hanyi said dissatisfied, as if she couldn't tell the point.

"I asked where your home is, and whether there are any characteristics of the place where you live." The girl was impatient.

"Home..." Hearing this, Luo Hanyi froze for a moment, then his nose sore, and his voice choked up again.

That's right, she still doesn't know how to go home, she doesn't have the strength to ask for it, she doesn't know the way, and she can't contact her apprentice.

Why is it so miserable...

"I...I don't know...I can't find...the go home..."

"..." Looking at Luo Hanyi who was sobbing again, the girl felt a headache.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry." With a swipe of the spear, the door of the wooden house was pushed open, and the girl said, "You can cry here alone."

"..." Luo Hanyi was still sobbing.

"Still crying!"

Nothing works.

"Listen, if you can't find a home, just stay here honestly and don't go out, it's very dangerous outside." Helplessly, the girl reminded directly, with Luo Hanyi's appearance and character, if he meets a bad person, he will probably be eaten There is no dross left.

"Yeah." Luo Hanyi nodded, of course she knew that it was very dangerous outside, especially men, they were scary.

"If I can come back, I will take you with me... If not, you can find a way by yourself." The girl said.

After much deliberation, she still couldn't let go of this idiot young lady, so she made a decision.

If she can come back, she should be able to protect her... It's not impossible to take her around the world...

If not...let her fend for herself.

How to take care of others when you can't protect yourself.

It's getting late, that's all I can say.

The girl walked out of the room and looked back at the woman in green under the faint candlelight.

"Idiot woman!"

"Ah?" Luo Hanyi looked up, only to find a small bag smashed towards him.

"Save and eat."

"???" Luo Hanyi was puzzled, opened the bag, and inside lay a few shortbread quietly, which was the girl's last ration.

Think of it as her reward for healing herself.

"This is..." Luo Hanyi raised his head to ask, but found that he was alone in the whole room.

The girl has left.

"Where is the person?" Putting away his tears, Luo Hanyi ran to the door and looked out.

There was a terrifying darkness, and there was nothing else, and the silence was terrifying.

Apparently, the girl has left...

At this time, Luo Hanyi remembered what the girl said before...that was saying goodbye to herself...

Sudden heart palpitations, Luo Hanyi closed the door in a panic, sat back on the chair, and curled up.

I am left alone again...

so afraid……

An inexplicable aura gradually appeared on her body, which was murderous.

It's much thicker than the girl's body, and it's about to bleed.

As a soul, she is unwilling to kill, but there are always ugly faces who want to bully her...

Then kill.

Was Luo Hanyi left with all the scum left after being eaten?

There are really people who turn into scum...but it's not her.

The current situation reminded her of some bad things.

Opening the bag given by the girl, Luo Hanyi took out a piece of shortbread and carefully took a bite.

It's already a little soft, and the taste is not good, there is even a strange smell, but Luo Hanyi is very happy to eat... his mouth is stuffed...

It took a lot of effort to swallow it.

After that... there was a deathly silence...

The candle was flickering, she didn't know what to do... It was someone from Yihua Palace who sent her home...

Are you going to start a "wandering" life again...

"Dong dong dong..." At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Clear and eerie in the silence of the night.

Luo Hanyi hugged his head and curled up, blocking his ears.

"Can't hear you can't hear..."

The girl just left, so naturally she won't come back... Then who will come...

"Crackling..." With the procrastinating sound of the door opening, a person walked in.

The surrounding environment is a bit strange.

Then she saw Luo Hanyi who was hugging his knees and trembling.

Although the latter looked pitiful, his murderous aura was already spreading.


Walking over, Li Zhuzi rubbed Luo Hanyi's head.

"It's me." She whispered.

"..." Looking up, with tears in his eyes, Luo Hanyi saw a familiar figure.

Li Zhuzi.

With a scream, she threw herself directly on Li Zhuzi.

In terms of height, Luo Hanyi is not much worse than Li Zhuzi, so it looks a bit nondescript.

"Sister Zhuzi..." Luo Hanyi wiped Li Zhuzi's underwear with tears, like a kitten.

She was a little afraid of Li Zhuzi at first, but now... she is not afraid at all.

"Why are you crying..." Li Zhuzi shook his head helplessly, then looked around.

"What's going on here?"

"Ah? Oh, I met a girl just now, she's all right..." Luo Hanyi continued to speak, but Li Zhuzi interrupted her.

"On the way, let's go back to the mountain first." After speaking, Li Zhuzi went out first.

"Wait..." Luo Hanyi followed halfway, turned around and picked up the small bag of shortbread before leaving contentedly.

"Go home." Luo Hanyi wiped away her tears, and said bouncingly, but when she left, she thought of the girl from before.

Should be a nice guy...

Can we see you again in the future?
Thinking about it, she held Li Zhuzi's hand and left with Huahong.

After leaving, there is no one in this wilderness.

The moon is dark and the wind kills the night.

It is not known who will be killed.

 Lu Ling: There are a lot of hou marks (gong)~~~~~~~ ps: Today is number one, I feel like I missed something...

(End of this chapter)

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