Chapter 117
Late at night, Lingshan.

Different from the darkness of Mount Shu, Lingshan is still brightly lit even at this hour, like the Sixth Peak, the more lively it is at night.

"Why does it snow?" On the sixth peak, a girl sat on the edge of the cliff, holding a snowflake with her hand, feeling it melt in her palm.

That is pure ice-type spiritual power, which belongs to Lingshan.

"Senior sister, what are you thinking about so much? Didn't the master tell you not to worry about it?" The other girl was not as sentimental as she was, dancing lightly in the heavy snow, step by step.

"Besides, didn't the ice-type spiritual power disappear some time ago? Maybe the big formation is adjusting itself?"

"Probably." The girl jumped up, turned around and said, "You play slowly, I'll go back to sleep first."

"Don't, the weather is so good today, it's so boring to sleep."

Hearing this, the girl pursed her lips: "The snow covered the moon, and besides, I'm not like you with ice-type spiritual power, and it doesn't help much when I cultivate it...bye!"

Ignoring the naughty junior sister's persuasion, the girl turned and went back to her room.

"...Cut, I'll play by myself." As she spoke, the girl raised a large snowflake from the ground and pinched it on her face.

"So comfortable-"

The sultry night in summer was covered with snowflakes because of Lu Ling's return.

In the sky, there was heavy snow, as heavy as catkins. According to this momentum, it is estimated that Lingshan will become similar to Shushan at noon tomorrow at the most.

During the period, Li Zhuzi also came back with Luo Hanyi. She first sent Luo Hanyi back to her seventh peak. Trouble words.

He even forcibly pressed Luo Hanyi's head to apologize to himself.

In the end, he carried the peak master of the seventh peak back to the palace like a chicken.

It is estimated that some critical education will be carried out.

Li Zhuzi was speechless for a while, he really didn't know who the peak owner of the seventh peak was.

Then she turned around and went back to the Lingtai, followed the Nanyuan into the Shuyuan.

Passing through the book garden is an evergreen bamboo forest.

At this moment, there is not a single snowflake in the bamboo forest, and the stream is gurgling, without any change.

All this is because of Li Zhuzi's enchantment, but now... there is no need to maintain the enchantment.

With a wave of his hand, the barrier disappeared out of thin air, and pieces of snowflakes fell on the bamboo leaves, on the stone benches, and in the stream water, gradually infecting the yard.

Shaking his head, Li Zhuzi opened the door and returned to his room.

The room is no different from the past, it is still so simple, but today there is an extra guest in this room.

"Well——" Because of the sound of the door opening, Lu Ling seemed to be disturbed, and after she murmured, she turned to the left.

Then turn right again.

After repeating it a few times, she seemed very irritable, and moaned and chirped vigorously, lying on the bed with her face pressed against the brocade, and stopped moving.

After a while, only the sound of her breathing remained in the room.

[What are you sulking about? 】Looking at Lu Ling's wriggling, Li Zhuzi was curious at first, and then realized that this girl disliked her uncomfortable bed.

You know, her bed is very simple, and the materials used come from the bamboo forest outside the door. The so-called bed is nothing more than horizontal bamboo and a layer of brocade.

It was not the first time that Lu Ling wanted to complain about the hardness of the bed, but before she could say anything, she tried it first.

All in all it was a panic.

"Go to sleep..." Li Zhuzi whispered, and then turned off the light source.

Then she took off her clothes.

Although this is an inner garment, it is also covered with dust, Luo Hanyi's tears, and Lu Ling's saliva, so I can't wear it anymore.

In the darkness, accompanied by the sound of rustling, Li Zhuzi took off completely.

At this time, Li Zhuzi, who was facing Lu Ling with his back, was covered with only his daughter's underwear, which could barely cover his body.

It's a pity that the room was too dark, completely hiding her hot figure, and when it was lit up again, Li Zhuzi was wearing a large Taoist robe.

White, it looks like a bathrobe.

And actually... it was a bathrobe.

Seeing Lu Ling who was still sound asleep, Li Zhuzi left the room with a set of tea sets.

She was going to pour a cup of tea and take a good bath to get rid of today's depression.


At night, many places are not peaceful.

On the first peak, Xu Xu was holding a medical book and looking at it seriously. After practicing during the day, she had recovered from Shen Guigui's injury.

She doesn't plan to sleep today, anyway, sleeping or something is superfluous, if she doesn't want to sleep, naturally she doesn't need to sleep.

After she planned to thoroughly understand this medical book, she would choose some simple ones and give them to Junior Sister Liu.

It can be guessed that she is not the only one who does not sleep.

On the second peak, Shen Canghai retreated, Qin Qin's room was dark, and only Shen Gui's room was still bright.

She was sitting in the middle of the room, with her eyes closed tightly, surrounded by traces of sword intent, and she was practicing sword scriptures.

There was a booklet next to it, which was the exercise "Thousands of Water Congealing Ice" that Shen Gui promised Xu Xu. Since there was no cheat book, she silently wrote it out from memory.


Ninth Peak, in a dilapidated hut on the cliff.

There is one person missing on the bed today, so it is naturally not crowded. It stands to reason that it should sleep comfortably, but the girl on the bed is tossing and turning and cannot sleep...

So she simply sat up, lit a candle and read medical books.

"I don't know if Ah Ling is asleep..." Liu Fufeng looked in the direction of Shuyuan, his eyes full of worry.

It's decided,, go see her early today.


On the same Ninth Peak, another thatched cottage also ushered in its own guest... a drunk man.

Then the two drunken people drank one cup at a time. In the valley, there was only the smell of alcohol.

The Wuling wine that Han Xue blackmailed was probably enough for the two of them to lie down for a few days.

"Jue'er... how about this wine?" Jiu belched.


"By the way, that little girl is..."

In the drunken night conversation, the sound of the two even humming came out at the end.


The nine disciple peaks in Lingshan Mountain are basically not quiet. After seeing the snow scene, few of these little girls can fall asleep. The snow at night is full of laughter.

The quietest place is the Shuyuan.

Hot springs, steaming hot.

Li Zhuzi was soaking in the hot spring, her complexion was reddish.

The bathrobes were neatly folded and placed on the shore, protected with a barrier.

"..." murmured.

After entering the bitter tea, Li Zhuzi showed happiness.

Few people know that Li Zhuzi likes tea, never because of any artistic conception or taste of life... She just likes tea simply.

I like it very much.

"Huh..." After a moment of depression, the woman in the pool assumed a relaxed posture and submerged her whole body in the water.

At this time, Li Zhuzi's short ponytail, which she wore all year round, spread out and fell around her ears, adding a bit of gentleness to her.

The water surface reached the position of Li Zhuzi's collarbone, covering her body.

The spring water in Shuyuan is also a spiritual spring, but it is much worse than other spiritual energy gathering places, because it is man-made.

But it is the most suitable for taking a bath.

As time passed, the woman narrowed her eyes, and her body was very relaxed. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and there was a little desire in them.

"..." the voice coming out of the bath.

The woman stood up and looked in the direction of the room.

"Come." She beckoned.

At this time, as if being pulled by something, the bamboo cabinet in the room opened automatically, a small bag flew out, and then the door closed again.

Take it and open the bag, inside is a plum-sized fruit.

Purple with green, crystal clear, like an agate, very round.

From the outside, you can directly see the core in the middle of the fruit, so transparent that it looks like a work of art.

But in Li Zhuzi's eyes, there is no such thing as good or bad, as long as it tastes good.

He took out one and bit into it.

With one bite, Li Zhuzi left a small tooth mark on the fruit. Immediately, the fruity fragrance overflowed, and a sweet and savory smell permeated the air.

"En..." Li Zhuzi showed a satisfied expression.

Sweet and sour, luscious and juicy plums are the best companions for hot springs.

All the unhappiness of this day, all gone with the wind.

But there are also downsides, because the plums are too sweet, so she can't drink tea now.

Li Zhuzi sat back in the hot spring, enjoying it attentively, eating fruit from time to time.

Because there was no intention to block the snowflakes, heavy snow fell into the spring one after another, with a hint of coldness in the warmth.


Just when Li Zhuzi was relaxing physically and mentally, and the security line was at its lowest level...a voice disturbed her.

Frowning, Li Zhuzi's hand instantly touched the bathrobe on the shore, and after a while, she relaxed.

She has already seen who it is. In this book garden... besides her, there is only Lu Ling.

Isn't this girl sleeping soundly?How did you get up?
Li Zhuzi was puzzled for a while, she didn't get up, she was going to see what Lu Ling was going to do, she didn't have any "toilet" here, if Lu Ling felt sick to her stomach, then she would send her away...

Fortunately, it wasn't. Lu Ling was in a strange state. She walked out the door in a nonchalant manner, wobbled in several directions, and finally walked towards the hot spring.

Li Zhuzi didn't notice it at first, but now he can see it clearly.

Lu Ling is not awake yet, she is almost sleepwalking now, the reason why she walked this way is entirely because of the fruity aroma of plums.

【This girl...】Looking at Lu Ling who was wrinkling her nose from time to time and getting closer to her, Li Zhuzi laughed and cursed, but did nothing. In order to prevent Lu Ling from falling, she raised her hand and beckoned her over.

"Plop." The sound of entering the water.

Seeing Lu Ling who was kicking him and struggling endlessly, Li Zhuzi stroked his forehead helplessly.

Lu Ling came down with her clothes on...

Forget it, it's easy to dry it anyway, so just take it off.

It's definitely not comfortable to be wet.

After entering the water, Lu Ling stopped moving like a dead fish. If Li Zhuzi hadn't picked her up, she would have drowned alive.

"Little pig." Looking at Lu Ling who was still sleeping, Li Zhuzi scratched her nose, then frowned.

Lu Ling would sleep all the time, so naturally it wasn't just sleepiness... It might have something to do with the spiritual power in her body, but she checked it, and it wasn't a serious problem.

Now that we're out, let's soak together for a while.

Thinking about it, Li Zhuzi took off Lu Ling's clothes without hindrance, and stripped the latter into a little white sheep.

"This is..." At this time, Li Zhuzi had a round gemstone in her hand, and then she remembered that this should be the meeting gift that Ye Zi told her and gave to Lu Ling.

Seeing the dancing flames in the beads, Li Zhuzi was amazed.

He is really willing.

Putting down the glazed stone, Li Zhuzi picked up something again, which he also found from Lu Ling's arms.

a cat.

Like Lu Ling, she slept like a dead fish, and Li Zhuzi picked it up without any resistance. If it wasn't for the fact that it was still breathing, Li Zhuzi would have thought it was dead.

"Spiritual Race? What Spiritual Race?" At first he had doubts, but then he was relieved.

"It's pretty cute." With a sigh, Li Zhuzi put down Xuechen and didn't care.

There is no threat if you recognize the master, and the spirit race has always been friendly, so it is lucky for Lu Ling to subdue it.

It's just... it can't be the spirit clan of Shushan...

Forget it, no matter what the origin is, it belongs to her students now.

At this time, Li Zhuzi froze.

A pair of hands climbed onto her body, sliding slightly.

"Boom." Turning around, Li Zhuzi angrily gave Lu Ling a shudder.

This girl can't sleep well.

At this time, Lu Ling in the spring didn't seem to feel any pain, and touched it again. She opened her arms, as if saying [I want to hug].

Li Zhuzi's attitude is obvious.

[Don't hug, get out. 】

He stretched out his hand to push Lu Ling away, but the scalding heat made her stagnate.

At this time, the flush on Lu Ling's face became more and more serious, and her body was like an overripe apple, almost dripping water.

[Pity the East...] Li Zhuzi gritted his teeth.

At this time, she finally realized that Lu Ling was poisoned, and it seemed that it was the poison on Dongfang Lianren.

Lu Ling is still young, if she didn't discover this kind of poison, it would be very harmful to her body.

【never mind. 】Sigh.

It must be too late to find Dongfang Lianren now, Li Zhuzi has to solve it by himself.

She took Lu Ling who opened her arms and held her in her arms.

Feeling the warmth of Li Zhuzi's skin, Lu Ling finally calmed down.

"Junior Sister..." a dreamy voice.

Feeling the coldness on Lu Ling's body, Li Zhuzi raised his brows slightly.

I have to say, this girl is quite comfortable to hold.

She lifted Lu Ling's long hair and wrapped it around her neck, and then the poisonous gas was sucked out of Lu Ling's body.

It was a burst of pink mist, which melted instantly after entering the water, dyeing the spring water a rose color.

Then, like a whale sucking water, Li Zhuzi sucked all the poison into his body, his face turned reddish, and he returned to normal after a while.

never mind.

Seeing the girl's blushing color fade away and she gradually calmed down, Li Zhuzi stopped moving after laughing.

"Let's soak for a while, soak for a while and go back to sleep..."

Holding Lu Ling who was snoring, Li Zhuzi said softly.

The moonlight is warm and moist, sprinkled in the yard.


The next day, with a phoenix cry, Lu Ling opened her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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