Chapter 125
After breakfast, Li Zhuzi and Liu Fufeng were chatting outside the house, while Lu Ling was inside the house clutching her stomach, her face full of satisfaction.

It's good to be alive... she thought so.

Outside the house, the sky was completely bright, and the sun came out, illuminating the entire Lingtai, covered with snow, reflecting silver light.

"Mr. Li, Senior Sister will trouble you." Liu Fufeng said after saluting.

Li Zhuzi waved his hand to show that he was not troublesome, or that Lu Ling was troublesome enough, it was all trivial matters.

"Then I'll leave first." Liu Fufeng said.

Now it's the time she agreed with Senior Sister Xu, it's time to go to Shuyuan to meet her.

"This is senior sister's token. If she wants to go back to the mountain at noon, give it to her." Passing Lu Ling's token over, Liu Fufeng said.

"Okay." Li Zhuzi said after receiving the token.

She understood what Liu Fufeng meant, if Lu Ling didn't want to go back to the Ninth Peak for lunch, then she didn't have to leave it to her. In her mind, Lu Ling would definitely not be able to walk after seeing her lunch.

But will this really happen?Li Zhuzi shook her head, with her understanding of Lu Ling, it was hard to say.

Then Liu Fufeng left.

Putting away the token, watching the girl leave on the snow, Li Zhuzi showed a little pity.

Liu Fufeng's cultivation still hadn't made any progress. In just a few days, Lu Ling had successfully condensed Qi, but Liu Fufeng didn't even have a layer of spiritual energy left.

This progress is unusually slow. If she is of the ice type, it would be fine. Lu Ling has a special physique. Maybe it can help her, but unfortunately not.

Treasures of heaven, material and earth can be stuffed by force... The longevity fruit in her room has the power to soar into the sky.

It's just that Li Zhuzi doesn't like that.

Just like the aura of Lingshan in Lu Ling's body, what is not her is always not.

In a few days at most, the remaining ice-type aura in Lu Ling's meridians would be wasted.

This snow fell all the way from Shushan Mountain to Lingshan Mountain, and those who are interested will definitely guess what it is...

But that has nothing to do with myself.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, she carried Lu Ling out.

"Go to school and prepare for morning class."

"Yes!" At this time, Lu Ling was full of energy, and felt that she had endless energy all over her body.

Today, be sure to make your husband look at you with admiration!


In front of the Shuyuan gate, Liu Fufeng exhaled hot air to warm her hands. She turned around and glanced at the snow-white world, and the conversations of several senior sisters on the road flashed in her mind.

"The snow this so strange, it piled up overnight."

"It's not surprising that it's snowing. What's strange is that we are not allowed to clean it up... Master said it was the order of the master. Let the snowflakes disappear naturally. I don't know how long it will take."

"I don't care. I like snow."

"I don't like it at all."

Reminiscent of what Li Zhuzi said to her, Liu Fufeng felt that there should be something strange about this snowflake, but it was true in the first place, and it was wrong to suddenly turn from midsummer to severe winter.

It's this's getting cold, she's going to get some thicker clothes.

Shivering, Liu Fufeng pushed the door and walked into the book garden, only to see a fire.

"This is..." Looking at the bright red first floor of Shuyuan, Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

"Junior Sister Liu, you're here." At this time, the girl in yellow at the front desk raised her head and gave Liu Fufeng a smile.

It was earlier, and she was the only one in the book garden at this time.

"Senior Sister Xu? What is this..." Liu Fufeng's eyes were reddened by the slowly twirling fire lotuses in the book garden.

After pushing the door open, the warm breath that rushed to her face instantly dispelled the chill on her body, and her whole body became warmer in an instant.

All this is because of these few fire lotuses.

"What is it?" The pair of slanted buns on Xu Xu's head swayed slightly, she tilted her head to look at Liu Fufeng, and said, "Junior Sister, aren't you cold?"

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng was startled, and then said truthfully: "It's quite cold outside, but it's not cold after coming in."

"That's it." Xu Xu spread his hands.

"On the first floor of the Lingtai, there are some young junior sisters who are not high or have no cultivation at all. The heavy snow suddenly fell yesterday, and the cold air is extremely heavy. If you don't do it, the library is too cold, and it is not good to affect everyone's reading. gone."

"I see." Liu Fufeng nodded upon hearing this.

Senior Sister Xu is really a gentle person, completely different from the somewhat violent Fire Fairy yesterday.

"It's you, junior sister, why are you so embarrassed while holding an umbrella." Looking at the folded umbrella in Liu Fufeng's hand, and then at the water stains left by snowflakes on Liu Fufeng's body, he was gradually puzzled.

"This..." Liu Fufeng smiled wryly, and she didn't understand why Teacher Li didn't let her open an umbrella.

To be honest, she didn't think it was too cold at first, but since the snowflakes turned into water vapor and fell on her body...

It was really uncomfortable, and she couldn't speak well at first.

"Really, I'm not afraid of getting sick." Without giving Liu Fufeng a chance to explain, Xu Xu stood up complaining, with traces of concern and anger in his eyes.

Different from Liu Fufeng, Xu Xu could naturally see the extreme cold of Xuehua. Junior sister Liu had not practiced, and if the cold air entered her body, she would definitely get sick.

From this stand, it can be seen that she is much taller than Liu Fufeng, and she is a full-fledged big sister.

Liu Fufeng stared blankly at Xu Xu's movements. The latter leaned forward a little because there was a front desk, and stretched out his hand to pat her on the shoulder.


She felt as if she was on fire.

No, it's true, looking at the flames burning around him, Liu Fufeng's eyes were full of astonishment, under the high temperature burning, the heat distorted the space, and a little bit of cold air was drawn from Liu Fufeng's black and white Taoist robe.

So hot but not hot at all...

As expected of Senior Sister Xu...

After a while, the flames burned out, Liu Fufeng only felt that the cold was gone, the clothes on his body were dry again, and even the drowsiness in the morning disappeared.

"It's amazing..." Liu Fufeng looked at his undamaged sleeves and said in surprise.

"What's so magical." Xu Xu didn't care: "It's just a little purification trick."

Although she cultivated martial soul, her attainments in literary soul were no worse than others.

Of course, she can only use some small means, the choice of path still affects many things, and her only spiritual power is not enough to complete a high degree of purification.

"Junior Sister, you will learn such tricks soon." Xu Xu got up as she said, and handed the booklet in her hand to Liu Fufeng: "Liu Junior Sister, I read some of this book yesterday, and some of the ones that are suitable for you are marked. "

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng took the medical book with a little joy in his eyes.

"As long as you like it." Xu Xu smiled playfully, lifted her bangs, and sat down again.

"It's a pity that I haven't finished reading yesterday's book...and there are many things I don't understand. This new book should be put away." Liu Fufeng put the book down and shook his head disappointedly.

"Don't worry, ask me if you don't understand." Xu Xu expressed his understanding. Liu Fufeng is currently in the introductory stage, and he still needs to learn theoretical knowledge slowly.

Following Liu Fufeng's seat, after he became obsessed with medicine, the entire Shuyuan fell silent.

 Posted first... Still writing ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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