Chapter 126
It was completely dawn, and no one came to the book garden, but it was normal. Although Xu Xu's popularity was high, it was well known that she had a strange temper.

Usually a very gentle person, but she is notorious for not being disturbed.

Not to mention people who showed up for no reason, even those junior sisters who approached her under the guise of borrowing books, Xu Xu would not give her a good face.

Over time, although everyone knew that Xu Xu was in the library on the first floor, except for those who sincerely borrowed books, no one did not bother her with eyes.

After a while, Xu Xu closed the Chinese medicine book in her hand. She had read this book before, and this time she took it out to review it, and left her own notes by the way.

"What are you looking at next..." Scanning around, Xu Xu's eyes stopped on Liu Fufeng. She leaned her face to the side, tilted her head to look at Liu Fufeng who was reciting seriously, and blew her bangs.

Liu Fufeng sat there, surrounded by fire lotus flowers exuding warm aura, his brows were sometimes tightened and sometimes relaxed, and he seemed to be very engrossed.

"I didn't find it..." Xu Xu felt a little disappointed.

These fire lotuses were carefully carved by her, because Junior Sister Liu said yesterday that they are beautiful...

"Well, just keep it warm." After rearranging her ball-shaped bun, she slowly took out the medical book and wrote it with a pen.

Time flies, and the two girls are swimming in the sea of ​​books without saying a word.

But the good times didn't last long, and soon, Shuyuan ushered in her first guest.

As the door of Shuyuan opened, a gust of cold air invaded the room, Liu Fufeng couldn't help shivering, she looked up at the door.

A black figure stopped at the foreground.

this person……

Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, then recognized it.

Isn't this the Senior Sister Shen who fought with Senior Sister Xu yesterday!
What is she here for?
Liu Fufeng suddenly became nervous. The fight between the two of them yesterday...that sword energy crossed Senior Sister Xu's body...

Thinking about it now, she was still afraid for a while, if she hadn't been in Xian's house, she would have thought Senior Sister Xu was dead.

Won't fight again...

Although Liu Fufeng was worried, it was obvious that the relationship between the two was not as bad as she imagined.

"Junior Sister, close the door." Xu Xu glanced at Liu Fufeng's direction and said.

When Liu Fufeng was about to get up when he heard the words, Shen Gui let out a cold snort, and closed the gate of the library with his hand.

Obviously, what Xu Xu said about closing the door was not Liu Fufeng, but Shen Gui.

Because of Shen Gui's arrival, the cold air in the book garden rose sharply, and the fire lotus flickered, and it would go out at some point.

Increased the input of spiritual power, the fire lotus started to burn again, and slowly signaled Liu Fufeng not to care, then looked at Shen Gui.

The latter still had short, clean hair and a cold face as if someone owed her money, but today she didn't bring a sword, and seemed to come empty-handed.

"Junior Sister, why are you here?" Xu Xu asked, she didn't believe that Shen Gui came to borrow books, not to mention that she didn't like reading, this was the first floor, and the books that Shen Gui could read were all above the fifth floor.

Although he is not familiar with Shen Gui, Liu Fufeng can be sure that after Xu Xu asked, this Senior Sister Shen's willow eyebrows raised a little bit.

"Crack!" Taking out a book and throwing it on the front desk, Shen Gui turned around and was about to leave.


"Wait!" Seeing this, Xu Xu stood up resolutely, reached out and grabbed the back of Shen Guixiu's neck, and pulled down her black Taoist robe a little, revealing her fair back.

"..." His figure froze, and Shen Gui stopped.

"Chi!" A sword energy flashed, and Xu Xu hurriedly withdrew his hand.

After tidying up his collar, Shen Gui didn't speak, and started walking again.

"Why are you so fierce..." Xu Xu complained.

Shen Gui ignored her, opened the door and was about to go out.

"I'll let you close the door." As Xu Xu said, Huo Lian closed the door that Shen Gui had just opened.

"..." Seeing this, Shen Gui slowly turned his head, his eyes flickering with sword light.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

"..." Liu Fufeng looked terrified, these two people... really won't fight?
Based on what she saw yesterday, the destructive power of these two people, as long as they do something a little bit, this book garden will be gone...

"Junior Sister, what is this?" Xu Xu didn't seem to see Shen Gui's dangerous gaze, picked up the booklet she dropped and asked.

"..." Liu Fufeng was sure, Senior Sister Shen frowned again.

"En?" Seeing that Shen Gui didn't return, he tilted his head slowly, and a few question marks flashed across his bun.

Shen Gui didn't speak, his star eyes met Xu Xu's gaze, and he just stared at her.

During this period, the chill on his body continued to increase, and Liu Fufeng didn't dare to take a breath from the side.

Senior Sister Shen... I remember it was terrible, the last time I drew a sword at Senior Sister Qin at the slightest disagreement... she must be a very violent person.

"What are you looking at me for?" Xu Xu didn't flip through Shen Guizhi's book, she was just thinking to herself, but she couldn't remember anything.

Xu Xu: "Did I forget something?"

Shen Gui didn't want to talk, if she had come back with a sword on her body today, she would definitely slash her senior sister's face without hesitation.

Slowly, the spirit body of innate fire.

It’s just that it may not be very clear to say so, let’s put it this way—in Li Zhuzi’s mind, Xu Xu’s innate fire spirit body is more important to Lingshan than Lu Ling’s ice bloodline, and it’s more than a little bit, it belongs to thousands of people. The top talent of the year, and those who bear this kind of talent are all top powerhouses.

The spirit body of innate fire, top-level inspiration, never forgetting with a photographic memory, and a heaven-defying comprehension, has been nuanced without cultivation.

These are the halos on Xu Xu, even Shen Gui had to call her Senior Sister.

But her senior sister has a problem—bad memory.

That's right, photographic memory and poor memory appeared in Xu Xu at the same time.

This is not a conflict, medical skills, cultivation, important people, as long as Xu Xu reads them once, she will not forget them, but relatively, those less important ones, if you just told her about them, it is not impossible to forget them immediately.

Shen Gui knew that although Xu Xu was prone to forgetting things, at least Xu Xu had never forgotten what he said since he was a child.

What now?I just told her yesterday that I wanted "A Thousand Waters Congeal Ice", so I forgot all about it?
Is she Shen Gui also an unimportant person?

"Junior Sister...don't look at me like that..." Xu Xu shook his green fingers, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll see for myself."

Now that the things she wanted had been delivered by herself, Shen Gui raised his legs and was about to leave, but Xu Xu's next words made her stop again.

"Hey, this little book..." Xu Xu looked at the blue booklet in his hand and said, "Didn't I give it to you?"

"Huh?" Shen Gui turned around and spoke for the first time with a surprised expression.

She wanted to write "Thousands of Water Congealing Ice" yesterday, but she searched the whole house but found no paper, and only later found this unused booklet in a cabinet.

Was it Xu Xu who gave it to him?Why is she not impressed?
"Do you remember this kind of thing again?" Shen Gui glanced at Xu Xu who was looking at the booklet over and over again, and said coldly.

"That's about Afu and the teacher, I know best." Xu Xu said triumphantly.

"..." Shen Gui.

Aff?Liu Fufeng glanced at the capable figure with black body and short hair, and then thought of this cute name.

Is it Senior Sister Shen's name?

 av11713479, Longya's "The King of Comedy", ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is my marriage——

(End of this chapter)

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