Chapter 137
Seeing his younger sister's nympho look, Tang Zheng cut and turned to lean against the door, his eyes were on his companions playing in the snow in front of the door, but his ears were pricked up to listen to the sounds in the school.

"Sister Lu." Tang Sheng raised his head and said.

"En." Lu Ling responded.

"Sister Lu."


Seeing the girl who didn't do anything but kept calling her, Lu Ling felt helpless for a while.

Tang Sheng's big watery eyes kept staring at her, what exactly was he going to do.

Speaking of it, the two don't know each other, in fact, she didn't know any of the girls in Li Zhuzi's school, and Tang Zheng was the only one who could name her at first.

There's no way, that little girl with short hair always looks at her like an enemy, it's weird.

It was very baffling at first, but Lu Ling is used to it now, and she is not used to not seeing Tang Zheng for a day.

As for being angry...

Being thought of by a cute loli every day, Lu Ling didn't think it was something that made her angry.

Tang Zheng with short hair, small, is very cute in Lu Ling's eyes, including when she provokes her, she looks angry or unwilling.

Emotions are written on the face, very cute.

This is Lu Ling's impression of Tang Zheng, and it is also the person she has the deepest impression on, and the little girl in front of her is Tang Zheng's younger sister, so Lu Ling also remembers her.

Twins, they will attract attention everywhere, as for why Lu Ling knows that these two are twins...

There is no way, it is too obvious, the two sisters are exactly the same except for the length of their hair.

The eyes, nose, mouth, and even the little canine teeth are all in one place.


Lu Ling was very envious.

very nice.

In this world, it must be a wonderful thing to have your own relatives.

Words such as relatives are a little strange to her. No matter in the previous life or this life, Lu Ling doesn't have the slightest impression of relatives.

In the previous life, the memory was blocked, but in this life...

I am probably a wandering orphan, or the kind of freak that the Lonely Garden is unwilling to take in.

If you want to come to your parents and the like, it should be that you have nothing to do with yourself.

She is very satisfied with her current situation.

Learn, grow, and travel the world to fill the void inside of me.

Of course, the so-called traveling around the world will not be by myself alone, she must take her junior sister with her, and she will also be kidnapped.

It's not fun without the happiness shared by junior sisters. Even if you encounter delicious food, you won't have an appetite.

"Junior Sister..." Thinking of Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling's expression softened.

She no longer needs relatives or anything.

It is enough to have junior sisters.


At the same time, in Shuyuan, Liu Fufeng looked at the Chinese medicine book in his hand, and a trace of inexplicable flashed in his half-closed eyes.

The book was about needlework, something very similar to the needlework she had learned from her father, only more subtle.

No, maybe not learning, but stealing.

Steal it from her father.

Well, steal a lesson.

Liu Fufeng wanted to laugh now.

"Girls, you just need to learn how to care for your husband and children, and practice it after you "return home"."

Like a fertility machine.

Who stipulated?

She has never been a rebellious character, even a weak woman who is submissive in nature.

So what the father said was correct.

It is his right, not his own.

Even though she knew it clearly in her heart, she didn't resist, but stayed in her boudoir, waiting to be traded out.

Don't worry about eating and drinking, and marry a good family.

The corner of Liu Fufeng's mouth twitched into a mocking smile.

Her mother probably thought she was really stupid, and kept saying that it was for her own good, but in fact she just regarded her as a commodity.

A bargaining chip that can be exchanged for a bride price from the man's side and used to bring a better life to his younger brother.

There's nothing wrong with that, but she doesn't like it.

In the end, she did not "go home" as her mother said, but really went home.

Her home is on this Lingshan Mountain, on the dilapidated and barren hilltop of the ninth peak of Lingshan Mountain, in a thatched hut and thatched bed on the mountain.

Now...where there is Ah Ling, it will bring her warmth.

A warm place is her home.

Husband and child...

The sarcasm intensified.

Having seen such outstanding existences as Senior Sister Xu and Senior Sister Shen, Liu Fufeng would have changed a long time ago.

She learned to resist and abandoned the past.

The medical skills that her father has been hiding because of her fear of her, in the eyes of her current self, are nothing more than children's tricks.

It's ridiculous, really ridiculous.

Liu Fufeng couldn't laugh.

"Junior Sister Liu?" Seeing that something was wrong with Liu Fufeng, she walked over slowly and asked with concern.

"It's okay." Liu Fufeng gave Xu Xu a reassuring expression.

She still has to thank her parents.

But relatives and so on are no longer needed.

It is enough to have Aya.

"Senior Sister Xu, can you cook?" Liu Fufeng asked suddenly.

"Ah?" Xu Xu was taken aback, Liu Fufeng held the medical book and asked if he knew how to cook...

"A little bit, but it's not very tasty..."


In Nanyuan, Lu Ling walked barefoot on the snow, with Tang Sheng supporting her by her side.

At her request, Lu Ling went out together.

Although he said that he was fine by himself, but Tang Sheng insisted on helping her to walk, Lu Ling had no choice but to see the bruises on his legs.

To be reasonable, if she really falls, with a young girl, the best result is to give her a back.

"Sister Lu, is it really not cold?" At this moment, Tang Sheng asked worriedly.

She was shivering in the snow in a cotton padded jacket, and she exhaled a lot of rising heat.

On the other hand, Lu Ling only had a thin Taoist gown like a cheongsam, and her upper body only covered the part below the collarbone, revealing a large area of ​​skin, and the back and sides were still covered with hollow patterns.

The thighs are all exposed to the air, and the small and exquisite feet are half covered in the snow, leaving only the ankles.

The degree of exposure is extremely high.

Although he stared at Lu Ling intently, Tang Sheng was still very worried.

It's definitely going to be cold.

"Otherwise, let's go back and sit down..." Although he really wanted to play with Sister Lu, but looking at Sister Lu's clothes, Tang Sheng gave up.

If elder sister Lu was ill, she would never forgive herself.

"It's okay." Lu Ling shook her head.

Seeing Tang Sheng's nose turned red from the cold, Lu Ling was very surprised.

She's really not cold at all.

"Ha—" He tried to let out a breath.

There was no movement.

Not to mention the white clouds and mist, there was not even a single ripple.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with my body.

Does this mean that her internal organs are all at low temperature?

Can this still be considered human?

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it a cold-blooded animal.

But Lu Ling didn't struggle, and she didn't feel uncomfortable, so let's be cold-blooded.

"It's really all right?" Tang Sheng held Lu Ling's hand tightly with both hands, feeling the cold fingertips, and couldn't believe it.


Seeing Lu Ling withdraw her hand calmly, Tang Sheng blushed suddenly.

Sister Lu's temperature——

Don't wash your hands today.


Tang Zheng: "..."

She finally couldn't bear it anymore, walked up to Lu Ling, blocked her sister, and looked at Lu Ling with vigilance and dissatisfaction.

what happened again?
Lu Ling was helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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