Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 138 Tang Zheng Tang Sheng

Chapter 138 Tang Zheng Tang Sheng
Lu Ling knew that she would be targeted by Tang Zheng today.

Because she was well prepared, Lu Ling was not surprised at all.

Maybe he was surprised, surprised that Tang Zheng only started to make trouble for himself until now.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Tang Sheng was taken aback, then pushed his sister away.

What are you doing all of a sudden?

"Hello." Tang Zheng was even more dissatisfied when she saw her sister pushing herself. She stretched out her finger and tapped Tang Sheng's eyebrows. Under the force, Tang Sheng's small head tilted back a little, and then shook it a few times.

"Tang Sheng, I'm your older sister." Tang Zheng stopped dissatisfied and put on an older sister's appearance.

"???" Several question marks appeared on Tang Sheng's head.

What do you mean?
"I know." Tang Sheng was puzzled.

Of course she knew that the person in front of her was her own sister. After sleeping in the same bed for so long, did she need to say anything?
"I am your sister." Tang Zheng repeated, pointing at himself at the same time.

"Not her."

This time it was Lu Ling.

Seeing that she was named by Tang Zheng, Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then met Tang Sheng's eyes who greeted her, and Lu Ling made a gesture of shrugging her shoulders.

"I know, sister, you are my older sister, but...Sister Lu...wait." Tang Sheng, who was still in a daze, finally came to his senses when he saw the hostility in Tang Zheng's eyes.

My own sister must have disliked Sister Lu again.

Didn't you promise yourself not to trouble Sister Lu again?

growing dissatisfied.

Tang Sheng felt that he was cheated by his sister.

But it's not the first time. This morning, my sister ate her snacks. Yesterday at noon, she played a prank on herself.

There was another time when it was obviously her sister who wet the bed, so she pushed her on her body, but Tang Sheng didn't know it, she really thought that she had drawn a map on the bed, and she was so ashamed that she didn't dare to look up.


The matter was exposed by the master, and Tang Sheng realized that he had been cheated when he saw his sister being punished by the master to wash the sheets.


What a bad sister.

What would happen if Sister Lu was my sister?

Looking back at Lu Ling, Tang Sheng bit his lower lip, having a hard time making a choice.

"What are you looking at, look at me." Dissatisfied, Tang Zheng stretched out his hand to hold Tang Sheng's head forcibly, and pushed her to be on the same side as him, looking at each other.

"Crackling." There was a sound of grinding teeth.

What Tang Zheng saw was his younger sister's angry eyes.

Tang Sheng was hurt by Tang Zheng.

"I hate my sister the most!" Tang Sheng burst into tears.

She was still thinking just now, although she likes Sister Lu very much, expected, Sister Stupid is the most suitable for her. Although she is a little stingy, she is still very kind to herself.

My sister does all the tiring work, and my sister helps me get dressed every day. Tang Sheng herself is clumsy, and she still doesn't know how to wear underwear.

But she was so rude...neck, neck...

It hurts!
Hearing this, Tang Zheng froze in place like a bolt from the blue.

I hate my sister the most...

most annoying...


Tang Sheng's voice kept flashing in her mind, Tang Zheng felt aggrieved for a while.

Whatever she did, she would be told by her sister.

Since she was hated, she didn't like her sister either.

Cry, cry, I will not comfort you.

Seeing his sister's teary eyes, Tang Zheng's heart softened, but he hardened immediately.

He cared about her so much, yet he still had to be told that——

Obviously also very wronged.

But as a sister, you can't cry.

From that day on, she decided to protect Tang Sheng, so how could she cry.

"If you hate it, hate it, anyway, I like you." Tang Zheng once again turned his sister's head away from him to his body, looked at her overflowing tears, and said word by word.

"..." Tang Sheng was stunned when he heard this.

hi... like what...

"I don't like you." Tang Sheng closed his eyes, as if I didn't listen.

"Cut." Seeing that his offensive had no effect, Tang Zheng spat.

"If you don't like it, you don't like it. Then you can dress yourself in the future."

"You can wear it yourself." Tang Sheng wiped away his tears and said in a fit of anger.

"I wash my clothes myself."

"Wash yourself, wash yourself."



The two snorted at the same time and turned their heads away.

The movement is unified like a mirror image.

"En..." Lu Ling left the two of them a long time ago, leaning her back against a south wall, looking at the two little lolis.

"It feels so good..."

Although Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng seemed to be arguing, it was obvious that the relationship between the two was very good.

Emotions are sublimated in the noise.

This should be true family love.

Lu Ling was a little envious and thought at the same time.

If she and Liu Fufeng quarreled—what would it be like.

Well, unimaginable.

Sure enough, Lu Ling felt that she was the weakest party. The younger sister said one is one, and the younger sister said two is two, she would never talk nonsense.

Referred to as the total subject.

Of course Lu Ling wouldn't say that about herself.

No, why is she so weak?

Lu Ling suddenly reacted.

She is the elder sister of the Ninth Peak.

Closing her eyes and dragging out her profile, Lu Ling nodded in satisfaction as she looked at the bright [Master Sister of the Ninth Peak of Lingshan] below.

Starting today, she will gradually accumulate some majesty attributes.

Just follow... Just shape yourself according to the temperament of that short-haired young lady today.

In the end, Lu Ling locked her target on Shen Gui—well, the target is huge.

However, Lu Ling still doesn't know that it is impossible for her to have the majestic attribute.

After all, a picked-up name of a senior sister still wants to be majestic-impossible, impossible.


Inside the room, Li Zhuzi heard Tang Sheng's crying, and he gave his hands a pause.

It must be that the two sisters are at odds again.

It's not the first time Tang Zheng made Tang Sheng cry, but it will always be reconciled in the end.

The relationship between the two sisters is very good. I heard that they wandered together for a long time before entering Lingshan.

Good character.

As for talent, Li Zhuzi didn't pay attention to it.

In fact, there is no one with poor talent who can be sent to Li Zhuzi's side.

It's just that she never noticed it herself.

I don't know who made Tang Zheng cry this time because of his sister, but Li Zhuzi can also guess that it is probably Lu Ling again.


With a groan, Li Zhuzi shook his head and continued preparing lessons.

It's a long-lost snow day, let these little girls play for a while longer.


Outside the door, the little girls looked at the two sisters who were quarreling, and they all looked familiar.


Just when Tang Zheng's forehead was about to touch Tang Sheng's cheek, a snowball hit the back of her head, and the remaining snowflakes entered her neck, making Tang Zheng shiver from the cold.

"Who is it!"

Looking back dissatisfied.

No one paid attention to it, but Tang Zheng knew who the culprit was at a glance.

In the distance, behind the snowman, a little loli with twin tails had a mischievous smile on her lips.

"Wait for me."

Being provoked, Tang Sheng didn't bother to quarrel with her sister any longer. She squatted down, squeezed a snowball, and threw it in the snowman's direction, but Lolita with two ponytails dodged it without accident.

"Ah, I was discovered." Little Lolita stuck out her tongue, and then said to Tang Sheng, "A Sheng, I vented my anger on you, please forgive Stupid Zheng."

"Who is Stupid Zheng!" Tang Zheng was dissatisfied, and ran out angrily. After a while, the two began to fight one-on-one.

Singled out for a snowball fight.

Afterwards, laughter filled the courtyard again, including Tang Zheng's.

She is very playful, and when she is playing, she forgets about her sister.

Tang Sheng: "..."

Seeing his sister being besieged by a group of companions, covered in snow, Tang Sheng laughed out loud.

"Sister Lu..."

Only then did Tang Sheng think of Lu Ling, and when she turned around, she found that her sister Lu was no longer behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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