Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 139 The Mysterious Voice

Chapter 139 The Mysterious Voice
Where did Lu Ling go?
a few minutes ago.

After looking at the wall for a while, Lu Ling yawned.

She squinted her eyes and looked around. The snow was very thick at this time, and it was still snowing heavily in the sky. I don't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that the snow in Nanyuan was bigger than that on the Lingtai in the distance...

It must be a matter of perspective.

In the courtyard, a few little girls are carefully sculpting their own snowmen. Although they are clumsy, they are somewhat human.

More still in snowball fights...

These little girls were shivering from the cold, their faces were flushed, and some of them even sneezed several times, probably because they had caught a cold.

Even the hand that was rubbing the snowball was full of blood.

But even so, they couldn't resist their interest in playing in the snow.

No kid can hate snow.

Although Lu Ling also likes snow very much, let her play with this group of little girls now——

It's still a bit difficult.

Although I am not very old, in the ancient times of my previous life, I was already old enough to marry.

I don't know the status of girls in this world.

This matter... Liu Fufeng has the right to speak, but she probably won't talk to Lu Ling.

[Not too high...]

Thinking of the remaining memories of her "wandering", Lu Ling slowly shook her head. She watched the laughter in the courtyard and got up to go back to the house.

Lingshan is really a good place.

Suddenly, Lu Ling heard something faintly, which was a little illusory and not very clear.

But the rhythm was clear, which aroused her interest in an instant, and the sleepiness disappeared.

Probe took a look, at this time Li Zhuzi was still busy, so Lu Ling walked out the door.

After looking around for a while, the voice in her head became clearer, and Lu Ling followed the guidance to a certain place.

Nanyuan is very large, and they are all different courtyards. Li Zhuzi's school is just a small courtyard in the front, which belongs to the relatively low-level "education department". Going inside, there are many courtyards. But Lu Ling didn't know what it was used for.

After walking for a while, the voice in Lu Ling's head finally became clear. She stopped in front of a courtyard and looked in carefully.

It was a very small house, the door was closed, it was very quiet, there was no sound at all, but Lu Ling heard it.

It's like a voice that comes directly into your head.

Do you want to go in and have a look...

Lu Ling hesitated, and then suddenly, there was a burst of music in the room, as if some restriction had been lifted.

Now Lu Ling heard clearly.

It's the voice.

It was a piece of music, long and warm, which deeply attracted her.

Leaning against the door, Lu Ling listened carefully.

What kind of musical instrument is this... the sound is very similar to Xiao, but it's not, the simple and vast tone does not have the feeling of a hole flute.

But it sounds good.

Is it played by the owner of this yard?Wonderful!
Lu Ling stood in front of the door and listened quietly for a while, with a very happy expression on her face, as if all the sleepiness from getting up early had been eliminated.

After a long time... Lu Ling didn't come back to her senses until the voice in her ear was completely cut off.


Sir, get out of class is not over yet, how long has it been?

Lu Ling, who was intoxicated by the strange voice, completely forgot the fact that she was still in class, her calm state of mind just now was instantly broken, and she hurriedly turned and left.


Because of standing for a long time, the snow under her feet melted a little, Lu Ling lost her foothold and fell to the ground again.

it hurts!

This is the first time today!

No, you must wear shoes in the afternoon.

Grinning her teeth, she stood up from the ground, Lu Ling slapped off the snow stains on her body, and limped away.

After Lu Ling left.

In the small courtyard, there was a sound of opening the door, and then a woman in purple came out.

She seemed very weak, coughed a few times, picked up the broom in the courtyard and walked to the gate.

Looking at the obvious human-shaped imprint and a faint small footprint in the snow, the woman remained calm and filled up Lu Ling's "remains" in front of the door, then turned and closed the door.

Just before closing the door, she glanced in the direction of Li Zhuzi's school.

Then the small courtyard became completely quiet.


At noon, after class.

"Sister Lu, let's go back first." Tang Sheng bid farewell to Lu Ling, who gave her a smile.

Then the little girl was dragged away by Tang Zheng.

"Ah, sister, don't pull me, I haven't finished yet..."


With the departure of Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng, the school was completely quiet, only Lu Ling and Li Zhuzi were left.

"Come here." Li Zhuzi put down his things and said to Lu Ling.

"Yes." Lu Ling obediently walked over.


Unsurprisingly, Lu Ling was hit again on the forehead.

Putting down the ruler, Li Zhuzi asked, "Where did you go?"

This girl didn't have a bottom line when she played, she had deliberately extended her rest time, and as a result, Lu Ling didn't come back until almost noon, and the snow stains all over her body didn't know where to go.

"I, I..." Lu Ling stood there for a while, not knowing what to say.

"Forget it." Looking at Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi handed over the things in his hands to Lu Ling.

That was her "homework" specially prepared for Lu Ling.

"Copy it ten times and give it to me tomorrow."

After taking the notebook, Lu Ling flipped it a little bit, seeing the densely packed small characters made her flustered.

This is too much...

ten times...

she will be exhausted...

But there is no way, who made me make a mistake, Lu Ling took the notebook in a desperate manner, and put it in her arms.

Isn't it just ten times, don't you believe that you can't finish writing in one night?

Besides, they were all words she knew, so it was time to consolidate her knowledge.

If Li Zhuzi knew Lu Ling's thoughts, she would definitely be beaten again.

What does it mean to consolidate knowledge?She didn't want to punish Lu Ling, she wrote this book for Lu Ling by herself.

To be precise, if Lu Ling copied it several times by herself, it would be considered a punishment.

But now that Li Zhuzi has just finished the course, he is a little tired.

In front of Lu Ling, she stretched without any scruples, then lazily rolled her eyes, turned around, passed through the screen, and left.

Lu Ling stood there stupidly, and it took a while to come back to her senses.

Recalling Li Zhuzi's actions just now, Lu Ling blushed.

"Mister's figure..."

It's really—too perverted.

It's just that he has a figure, and the husband always dresses so plainly, which is not seductive at all.

Lu Ling suddenly had an idea.

What would the gentleman look like if he wore a gorgeous Taoist robe, or even a gorgeous neon dress?
But now she can only think about it, but once this thought arises, it will take root one day.

After all, Lu Ling has a lot of "creative ideas" about clothing in her mind, and even a little is enough to subvert Lingshan's aesthetics.

"Oh, sir—wait for me."

It wasn't until Li Zhuzi disappeared from sight that Lu Ling remembered to follow.


At the same time, the ninth peak.

Liu Fufeng was cooking. After soaking the rice, she looked at a piece of fresh meat and worried.

What should I do...

 My stomach hurts to death, I should be a fairy soon, by the way, it’s all about Chapter 140—just think of it as two in one [witty], the main thing is that I can’t change it myself—I’m too stupid and don’t want to bother Editor-in-Chief, you really should give up——

(End of this chapter)

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