Chapter 145
Although it is not clear what exactly happened, but now Lu Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Not knowing if the junior sister is completely alright, Lu Ling carefully looked at Liu Fufeng.

The cheeks that used to be rosy were extremely pale now, even though he was asleep, the brows were still tightly furrowed, and his breathing was very weak, like a person recovering from a serious illness.

Lu Ling looked very distressed, really distressed.

Also panicked.

It turns out that Junior Sister is not as strong as I imagined, she is just an ordinary girl, always relying on herself for everything——

Is it really suitable?

Just like the sudden accident today, she can't do anything but watch.

Lu Ling thought and got up silently.

She has something to do now, such as the mess on the ground, if she doesn't clean it up, should she wait for her junior sister to wake up and do it?
Lu Ling walked around the food on the ground, and first helped up the table and chairs, her movements were very light, without making too much noise, for fear of disturbing Liu Fufeng's rest.

In fact, she doesn't have to worry at all, Liu Fufeng seems to be asleep, but he is actually in a coma, and he won't be able to wake up for a short time.

Although it was just an ordinary food seasoning, the harm it caused her was much more serious than she thought.

These things destroyed Liu Fufeng's body functions in just a few minutes. To Liu Fufeng, they were more terrifying than poison. As her master thought, this was a special constitution, and the reason was unknown.

But it's certain that you can't eat meat, Liu Fufeng was right, but onions and garlic are so serious, if it's really meat... maybe he will really die.

Here, Lu Ling wiped the table clean, looked at the messy food on the ground in a daze, and thought about why there was a scene at noon.

No one reminded her, Lu Ling naturally couldn't think of the meat dishes, in her mind, since entering the door, the junior sister has looked weak, something must have happened in the middle...

At the Shuyuan, Liu Fufeng's complexion was still very good, so after leaving the Shuyuan...

According to the daily life of the younger sister, it should be cooking.

The problem lies here.

Closing her eyes, Lu Ling recalled everything before and after Liu Fufeng's "illness".


Throwing up in the dark.

Sure enough, there is only one possibility...

Lu Ling opened her eyes, staring at the golden vegetables that had been fused with the soil on the ground. Even though they were no longer edible, Lu Ling could still smell the attractive fragrance.

The culprit was it, and the accident happened after Junior Sister ate it.

Although I tasted it not only without any problems, but even delicious, but now that Lu Ling sees this kind of dish, she is full of resentment.

It's not that it's delicious, it's that my junior sister's craftsmanship is good.

She stared at the golden yellow vegetables. This was the first time she ate it, and it should be the last time.

The first "immortal" enemy in Lu Ling's life appeared.

An edible delicacy.

Really good fortune.

As for why she tastes fine, Lu Ling thinks it's easy to explain, just like in her previous life, isn't there a lot of people who can't accept certain things at all?
If a person has a severe allergy to something, it can be life-threatening if not sent to a doctor.

And Liu Fufeng looked very similar before, retching all the time and also very similar to food poisoning.

Lu Ling used her strength to wrap the food on the ground.

At this time, Lu Ling was glad that she didn't stay at her husband's place for lunch because of her gluttony, otherwise - the consequences would be unimaginable based on the painful appearance of her junior sister.

But Lu Ling also blamed herself very much, and even started to hate herself.

It was because she insisted on Liu Fufeng to taste it that the current disaster happened.

Blame yourself.

The more Lu Ling thought about it, the harder she worked. After a while, she cleaned up all the rubbish on the ground.

Carrying the "garbage" that was delicious food, Lu Ling walked carefully to the door, opened a gap and got out.

It was windy and snowy outside. Although Lu Ling didn't feel cold at all, and even felt warm, the cold weather was beyond doubt.

After walking out of the door, Lu Ling braved the wind and snow and threw a large bag of garbage off the cliff through the teleportation array - Liu Fufeng has always done this in the past.

Down there should be a dump.

Indeed, there is no place to dispose of garbage on the Ninth Peak. There is no problem in doing so. The mountain guard array on the Ninth Peak will automatically decompose the garbage and then purify it.

Back in the room, Lu Ling frowned as she smelled various inexplicable smells in the air.

The first is the smell of food.

It smells good when eating, but in this situation, it is definitely not a pleasant smell. In addition, the oil stains from the food have already penetrated into the soil on the ground, and the smell is constantly emitting.

Not to mention that there is still a strong smell of alcohol in the room. The combination of several smells makes Lu Ling feel sick when she smells it.

what should we do……

Lu Ling wanted to open the door to ventilate—the windows of this simple thatched cottage were just decorations, and Liu Fufeng had already sealed them up.

Opening the door to ventilate is the easiest way, but Lu Ling dare not.

She herself is not afraid of the cold at all, but her junior sister is.

In the morning, Liu Fufeng was so tightly dressed that he trembled from time to time, let alone now.

If she catches a cold again, Lu Ling will die of heartache.

The smell in the air was very strong, and Lu Ling didn't care, but she was afraid that the smell would continue to hurt her junior sister.

In fact, what she thought was correct, getting rid of this smell would really be beneficial to Liu Fufeng's recovery.

Standing on the spot and thinking foolishly for a long time, Lu Ling didn't know what to do, and finally she chose a stupid method.

If the oil gets into the soil, dig it out.

think of doing it.

Lu Ling used a lot of strength and kept scraping on the ground, trying to remove the large pieces of soil with wood.

Until she lay on the ground and couldn't smell anything.

Just being so cautious, throwing the smelly soil in the house off the cliff, Lu Ling pondered for a while, then walked to the deserted field, where the moongrowth grass grew.

Lu Ling discovered by accident that Yueyingcao can remove peculiar smell, and the effect is remarkable.

This is also a function of Moongrow Grass - purification, but Lu Ling has never used it.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling drove away the snow, wrapped a large pile of soft soil with white silk, and then went back to the house and spread it on the ground.

After finishing, she sat on the ground sweating profusely.

Finally, the smell on the ground was completely gone. Although it was still in the air, it seemed to have lost its source, and it should disappear soon.

Looking at the soil with completely different colors on the ground, Lu Ling felt that she really had enough time to spare, and she was so serious about doing unnecessary things...

Somewhat ridiculous.

But it should be considered chores.

Then Lu Ling stood up from the ground.

She can't rest yet, there are many things that need to be done, such as tidying up the dishes, the pot has not been cleaned...

His clothes were also dirty.

And the most important thing—to take care of my junior sister.

At this time, Liu Fufeng had some stains on the corners of his mouth because of his stomach discomfort.

Lu Ling can't do anything else, so get some water and help her wipe her face.

(End of this chapter)

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