Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 146 Recognize the reality

Chapter 146 Recognize the reality
Because she was afraid that her junior sister would feel uncomfortable, Lu Ling fetched a basin of water first, and took a piece of white silk to wet it.

After soaking in some stream water, Lu Ling squatted down and was about to wipe Liu Fufeng's face when she suddenly froze.

This icy water—so dangerous.

She doesn't feel cold, but that doesn't mean the junior sister is the same.

Lu Ling looked at the pot on the stove.

It has not been cleaned yet, and there is no way to boil water.

what should we do……

hot water...

Lu Ling kept talking, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

Hot water, isn't there a hot spring in the back mountain?

After thinking about it, Lu Ling went out with a bucket in her arms.


Soon she will be back.


Out of breath.

As she thought, even in such a snowy day, the hot spring is still steaming upwards, and for some reason, the whole Lingquan seems to be boiling, and the temperature is much higher than usual.

So she fetched a bucket of water and hurried back.

But when the water poured out, Lu Ling was dumbfounded.

heat?Where is the heat?

It's almost cold.

At this time, the temperature outside was very low, snowflakes could fall into the water unscrupulously, and the temperature dropped quickly. In addition, Lu Ling's legs and feet were inconvenient, so she walked five steps and rested three steps. After returning to the thatched cottage, the warm spring water was already cold.

Of course, it was much better than the bitterly cold stream.

Although it works, Lu Ling is not satisfied.

Hot water, she wants hot water.

Lu Ling now misses the fire glaze given by Venerable Ye, as long as she throws it into the water, there should be hot water.

But now that Huoliuzi is in Li Zhuzi's hands, Lu Ling can only think about it.

There is no way, there is no hot water, so I can only make do with warm water.

But when Lu Ling poured out the water, the lukewarm water had already turned into ice water - just in the moment of her hesitation.

isn't it...

Lu Ling sighed, feeling a sense of despondency rising from her whole body.

Without junior sister, can't I even do this little thing well?
No, you can't think that way.

Lu Ling quickly cheered up, picked up the bucket again, and went out.

When I came back, it was cold water again.

After repeating it several times, Lu Ling gritted her teeth as she looked at the almost cold spring water in her hand.

Suddenly, she saw the tub.

Something that can keep warm...

Then, Lu Ling looked for it in the house, and finally she found a small piece of wood, which was just the same size as the mouth of a bucket.

That should keep it warm.

Lu Ling went out again.

It's such a small matter as getting hot water, it's been difficult for her for so long, I really don't know what Liu Fufeng will think if he is awake at this time.

However, Lu Ling's idea is correct. The reason why the spring water cools down has nothing to do with the weather temperature. The main reason is the snowflakes falling into the bucket, which contains extreme cold. Every snowflake is equivalent to a block of ice, so the cooling effect is naturally good.

Although the method used was somewhat retarded, it was really effective. After Lu Ling came back this time, she put down the bucket out of breath——

Above, a layer of wooden boards snapped to the top.

Carefully taking off the cover, Lu Ling showed surprise.

Did it, it was hot water!
at last……

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't dare to neglect, for fear that the spring water would get cold again.

Next, she soaked the white silk with hot water, and carefully wiped it on Liu Fufeng's face. The latter was sleeping soundly and had no intention of waking up.

But when Lu Ling wiped the corners of her mouth, Lu Ling could clearly feel that her junior sister's complexion eased a lot.

Sure enough, using hot water was the right thing to do.


Lu Ling carefully helped Liu Fufeng wipe the forehead, cheeks, neck, and even the collarbone where it could be wiped clean, leaving no trace of dirt.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but Lu Ling feels that the junior sister now seems to be sleeping a little more deeply than before.

As long as the junior sister sleeps comfortably, everything is worth it.

Lu Ling put away the bucket and stood up again.

After wiping, the next step is——


Only after doing it herself, did Lu Ling understand how hard her junior sister usually works.

Holding several dishes and bowls, Lu Ling squatted in the lower reaches of the stream, rubbing them constantly, and there was a silver-white pot of unknown metal beside her.

"Brush brush..."

There was a sound of scratching for a while, and Lu Ling used all her breastfeeding strength.

What kind of oil is this, why can't it be washed...

Lu Ling looked at the plate in her hand with a look of despair.

The pot was okay, I don't know what it was made of, even Lu Ling didn't know if it was made of iron, but it was true that it was easy to wash, she just rinsed it and cleaned it.

This created an illusion for Lu Ling that washing the dishes was easy, and then the real hell began.

The bowls and the like couldn't be cleaned at all.

No matter how many times she washed it, she could clearly feel the greasy residual oil stain with a swipe of her hand.

Dishwashing liquid!
I need dish soap!

Lu Ling cried out in her heart, it's a pity that there is no so-called detergent in this world, and Liu Fufeng usually uses a special item for cleaning, which is sent by Lingshan to remove oil.

But obviously Lu Ling doesn't do housework, so she doesn't know about it at all, so she can only obediently wash it by hand. Of course, hand washing can clean it, but it will be very slow.

One bowl...two bowls...saucers...

Lu Ling thought about it, feeling like she was going crazy.

Why didn't it all fall apart?

Lu Ling cursed in her heart, because a plate was broken when the Eight Immortals table was overturned, and she had already thrown away the remains.

But complaints belong to complaints, Lu Ling still obediently washed all the dishes and chopsticks until there was no oil left.

Now her little hands are covered with hair... There are white lines, which look fleshy.


What should I do next?
Lu Ling pondered for a while, then looked at herself.

The red Taoist robe was full of stains and had a strange smell.

After a long time, the smell came from her body, Lu Ling pinched her nose, she thought it was from the house.

So Lu Ling prepared to wash the clothes by herself.


She made a mistake.

She has no clothes to wear now, if she takes off the red Taoist robe on her body, she will run naked.

There is a change of clothes, but no matter how you wear them without taking a shower, they will still get dirty.


To be honest, Lu Ling didn't dare to go.

Because every time she went to the hot spring to take a bath, she would always pass out, without exception, it was okay in the past, there were junior sisters who could drag her back, but not now.

What if she passed out in the spring and drowned?
Only now did Lu Ling realize that she couldn't do anything without her junior sister.

junior sister...

Get well soon...

Lu Ling prayed.


At the same time, Nanyuan Academy.

Afternoon classes started, Li Zhuzi came out with a book in his hands, and glanced down.

Well, Lu Ling's seat is indeed vacant, I don't know what happened to Liu girl.

Thinking about it, there's nothing wrong with it, otherwise that stupid girl would definitely come to her again.

So, in Lingshan, there is absolutely no need for Lu Ling to panic.

But the strange thing is that not only Lu Ling, there are fewer people in the school today - for example, behind Lu Ling, there is only a little girl with long hair left on the table for two.

(End of this chapter)

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