Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 156 The Different Liu Fufeng

Chapter 156 The Different Liu Fufeng

Liu Fufeng rummaged through the room for a while but couldn't find anything to wear, so he could only throw the clothes back in front of Lu Ling.

"Put it on."


"..." Lu Ling looked at the clothes Liu Fufeng threw in front of her, showing a little awkwardness.

She doesn't want to wear it because it's uncomfortable.

"Junior Sister, this dress is too small, it's very...uncomfortable."

"Put it on." Liu Fufeng's tone was beyond doubt.

"..." Lu Ling continued to hesitate. She wore it once at Li Zhuzi's house, and her chest and stomach felt constricted, and her breathing was a little difficult.

She thought about why Liu Fufeng insisted on putting on clothes, and then said, "I'm not cold at all."

That's right, it wasn't cold at all, but Liu Fufeng couldn't listen.

"Put it on." Still the same words.

Lu Ling felt a little wronged.

She didn't feel cold at all, why did she have to wear clothes, it was obviously uncomfortable.

The junior sister has too much control...

As soon as I had this idea, I immediately strangled it to death.

How could she think so.

"Put it on, or don't go out." Liu Fufeng said with a firm heart.

"...Okay." Being threatened, Lu Ling had no choice but to listen to Liu Fufeng and obediently put on her underwear.

"Junior Sister, turn around..." Lu Ling blushed and gestured.

"Okay." Liu Fufeng was helpless.

The little girl was still shy, but she turned around in response to what Lu Ling said.

So Lu Ling closed her eyes.

Hearing the rustling sounds behind him, Liu Fufeng secretly turned around and took a look, then shuddered.

Changing clothes while it was still snowing outside, she felt scary looking at it, so she went up and touched Lu Ling's back.

It starts with a piece of warm and smooth, and at the same time it is cold and cold, without any temperature.

Although she knew it wasn't cold, she was still not used to it.


After being touched, Lu Ling only felt a chill rushing from her heel to her scalp, and she was hit several times.


She blushed, turned around and put her arms around her chest, gritted her teeth and looked at Liu Fufeng.

"Okay, I don't look at it.

Lu Ling was so shy, Liu Fufeng really didn't understand.

"...Really." Lu Ling turned her head several times and found that Liu Fufeng was standing obediently before continuing to move.


Lu Ling felt a headache when she saw it.

The clothes here are not the clothes in her impression, but just a kind of clothes worn inside. Lu Ling's set has two pieces, which means her pants are also inside.

wear it.

You can't go out to eat without wearing it.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling gained strength, and as soon as she gritted her teeth, she picked up the white shirt and put it on her head.

"and many more!"

At this time, Liu Fufeng's sudden opening startled her again, and she just froze in place holding on to her clothes.

", junior sister!"

Lu Ling, who came back to her senses, clenched her silver teeth, with a look of unbearable expression on her face.

Can you put yourself in clothes and talk!
"...I'm sorry." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling who was so ashamed, with a smile on his lips.

She didn't deliberately tease Lu Ling because she looked cute and shy. Although she liked A Ling like this very much, this time it was really serious.

The outer Taoist robe has buttons on the abdomen, so it is easy to take off, but the inner clothes are different. If I remember correctly, the clothes that fit A Ling's body most closely need to be pulled over.

This is nothing, but... She has twintails now, and she can't just put them on and then pull out her hair like before.

But Lu Ling obviously didn't notice this problem, so Liu Fufeng reminded her aloud.

"What's the matter!!" There was no way, Lu Ling hugged her clothes to cover her body, blushing almost to the point of bleeding, and at the same time, she was a little angry.

Junior sister, this is too much!

"En, hair." Liu Fufeng pointed to the back of his ear, Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and then she understood it with a backhand touch.

"What should I do, stop wearing it?" Lu Ling was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

If you lose your horse, you will know no blessings.

"No way." How could Liu Fufeng not know what Lu Ling was thinking.

It is absolutely not allowed to go out without underwear.


Just untie it, and then tie it up after you put on your clothes.

She will not find it troublesome.

Who made her A Ling so cute, it's all worth it.

"No way..." Lu Ling curled her lips, but as she expected, what should she do now?She looked at Liu Fufeng.

"Turn around, I'll untie it for you." Liu Fufeng reminded.

"...Oh." There was no other way, Lu Ling could only do as she wanted.

The degree of shame has already broken through the sky, Lu Ling knelt on the bed, with her back to Liu Fufeng, two slender ponytails on both sides, clearly black and white.

Liu Fufeng suppressed the desire to hug Lu Ling, and helped her untie the ponytail.

Then, the long hair poured down like a waterfall.

Feeling the familiar softness on her back, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief. No wonder she always felt weird just now. It turned out that her back was in direct contact with the air... In the past, her hair blocked it.

Now that familiar feeling is back.

Similarly, looking at Lu Ling's hair, Liu Fufeng showed a satisfied smile.

At this time, the tail of her hair was like a swallow's tail, hooked in an inexplicable arc, and there was no trace of a gap at all.

younger sister……

Now she perfectly fits the image of the younger sister in Liu Fufeng's fantasy, and I really like her.

Then, Lu Ling skillfully put on her underwear, put on a small white vest, and finally wrapped in a red Taoist robe.

fully armed.

"You can turn around." Lu Ling said.

"En..." Turning around, Liu Fufeng looked Lu Ling up and down.

Although she still looks very thin, but now Lu Ling is at least tightly wrapped, except for the neck and above, there is no exposed place.

She is satisfied.

But Lu Ling was not happy.

Discomfort, tightness, constriction, difficulty breathing.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but Lu Ling who was forced to put on clothes felt uncomfortable all over.

"But it's really a lot smaller... It's showing its belly." Liu Fufeng said.

She just saw that the clothes that used to cover the waist now exposed the belly, and the little vest only reached the navel.

Ah Ling really grew up a little overnight.

"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling gritted her teeth.

Turn your back on what you agreed, why don't you look at it?


Facing Shang Lu Ling's angry eyes, Liu Fufeng was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back!"

"..." Looking at the playful Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling froze.

This is the first time I have seen a junior sister like this.

(End of this chapter)

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