Chapter 157 Snow Night
At this time, the ninth peak.

The bright moon hangs high, barely bringing a glimmer of light to this dark land, and heavy snow covers the sky, falling profusely.

In the distance, several huge mountain peaks are brightly lit, glowing with colorful lights, scorching extraordinary.

In contrast, the gloomy silence of the Ninth Peak is completely different.

In the snowy night, the two walked out of the room.

The girl holds an umbrella, leads a girl, and puts her petite body under the umbrella.

"Squeak... squeak..."

Hearing the sound of stepping on the snow, Lu Ling raised her head to look at Liu Fufeng, who was walking slowly while holding an umbrella while talking about some household things.

"En..." Lu Ling didn't know what she said, so it was right to respond anyway.

Although the two had already left the house, Lu Ling was still thinking about what happened to Liu Fufeng just now, and the playful appearance of the latter was still reflected in her mind.

My junior sister...

She's just an ordinary girl, she looks like she's smiling... Well, Lu Ling thought about it for a long time, and decided to use the word youth to describe it best.

It is youth.

Before, Liu Fufeng gave her the impression that she was always a very gentle person, but a little too mature... Now she is still gentle, but there are some other things added.

"What's the matter?" Sensing Lu Ling's absent-minded state, Liu Fufeng stopped and looked down at Lu Ling.

"Ah? It's okay." Lu Ling waved her hand.

"Oh." Seeing this, a trace of doubt flashed across Liu Fufeng's face, followed by relief.

With Ah Ling's character, she might be thinking about what she learned today, but there's no way her Ah Ling loves to study so much.

In fact, she was thinking too much. Now Lu Ling's mind was full of food besides her, and the homework given by Li Zhuzi made her forget the back of her head, not to mention the ten times of punishment.

Then Liu Fufeng smiled, and gradually slowed down his pace.

Lu Ling's legs and feet were inconvenient, so the two of them walked very slowly, more like a walk than a hurry, but in Liu Fufeng's heart, the two of them were walking.

At this moment, Lu Ling had two ponytails hanging behind her head, and they kept hitting her back as she hopped and jumped, like rabbit ears, and Lu Ling was naturally that cute rabbit.

This was the first time I went out for a walk with Ah Ling, and she couldn't be called out in the past.

Liu Fufeng thought about it, and then the cold wind blew, and a few snowflakes stuck to her neck, turning into water stains.

"Hiss." Liu Fufeng took a small breath of cold air.

It's really cold.

But looking at Lu Ling, she felt that it wasn't that cold. Unlike her, the latter didn't feel cold at all.

But Liu Fufeng still held up the umbrella to protect Lu Ling, but his body got a little wet.

This is also related to Li Zhuzi's warning. Teacher Li told her that she still remembered the matter of Xue Hua. If it wasn't for Lu Ling, she might go out without an umbrella.

It should have something to do with my own cultivation.

After so long, Ah Ling has successfully condensed her breath, but she hasn't moved at all.

Subconsciously touched the lower abdomen, which is the position of the lower dantian, and it is also the place where the spiritual energy of Lingshan Kungfu is initially collected.

There was a dead silence, without any fluctuation of spiritual power.

With this progress, Qi Condensation is nowhere in sight.

"I don't know what is the use of this snowflake?" Liu Fufeng murmured as he stretched out his hand to catch a piece of crystal.

"Junior sister, what did you... say?" Lu Ling raised her head and asked doubtfully.

"It's okay." Shaking his head, Liu Fufeng put away his thoughts.

Forget it, it's useless to think so much, as long as you meditate as usual every day, there will always be progress.

No matter how bad it is, she still has Lu Ling.

Her senior sister is a genius.

It's a pity that there is no master, otherwise, with the talent shown by the senior sister, it will definitely be more...


Thinking about it, Liu Fufeng put away his thoughts.

That's enough.

She held Lu Ling's hand a little harder, making the latter bewildered.

Then, the two stepped onto the teleportation array, Liu Fufeng thought for a while, and clicked on a location.

A silver light flashed, and the figures of the two disappeared out of thin air. When they reappeared, they were already on another mountain peak.

second peak.

Just now she was thinking about where she should take Lu Ling. Originally, she wanted to go to the first peak, but she gave up later.

At this time, Senior Sister Xu should still be reading in the book garden, so she simply chose the second peak.

After all, I have been here once, so I am familiar with it.


After coming down, Lu Ling retched.

This kind of space transmission is really...


She supported Liu Fufeng's waist, looking very uncomfortable.

The simple teleportation made Lu Ling feel her stomach tumbling.

"Are you okay?" Liu Fufeng quickly squatted down, looked at Lu Ling and asked.

"...a little...not...comfortable..." Lu Ling said intermittently, then looked up into the distance.

Unlike her home, the light here is very bright, like daylight, very dazzling.

Even more uncomfortable.

"Hey..." Seeing that Lu Ling was uncomfortable, Liu Fufeng panicked.

Although Lu Ling was not used to it before, it was not so strong...

But is it really hard to teleport?Why doesn't she feel anything?

There was no other way, Liu Fufeng could only slowly pat Lu Ling on the back, hoping that she would recover quickly.

At this time, another figure appeared on the teleportation array, it was a young girl, and she saw the two of them after she got down.

"Oh? New junior sister? Good evening."

"Hi, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng returned a polite smile, and then looked at Lu Ling with distress. The latter's face was pale and he hadn't recovered yet.

"This little junior sister...became like this after using the teleportation formation?" the girl asked.

"Yes, senior sister, do you know what's going on?" Hearing this, Liu Fufeng hurriedly asked.

"It's normal, don't worry about it." The girl explained: "The disciples who have just started are not cultivated enough, and their bodies are resistant to space transfer, so there is no hidden danger. It will be fine after a while."

"That's it." Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued: "Will it always be like this?"

"Of course not." The girl smiled: "Everyone will experience this at the beginning, and when they have a little cultivation, the body will automatically resist. When I first entered the mountain, I also vomited badly."

"That's it... Thank you, Senior Sister." Liu Fufeng said.

"It's okay, I'll go first, don't worry about this little junior sister, she will get better soon."

Then the girl walked away.

Looking at the pale Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng was a little suspicious.

Will be uncomfortable?
Then why don't I feel any discomfort?Even when teleporting, you will relax physically and mentally.

I guess it depends on the person.

It would be great if she and Lu Ling's adaptability could be changed, she was already used to stomach pain and so on.

"Forget it." Liu Fufeng sighed.

She originally wanted to go for a walk with Lu Ling, but now it seems that she should go to the dining hall first... Maybe Ah Ling will feel better if she sits and rests.

"Come up." Liu Fufeng turned his back to Lu Ling, motioning for her to climb up on his back.

"En..." Lu Ling didn't shirk, and wrapped her arms around Liu Fufeng's neck.

"Let's go." Supporting Lu Ling's thigh with one hand, Liu Fufeng held up the umbrella and walked slowly towards the destination.


The same is the second peak.

Although it was dark, it was still early, and it was time for dinner.

Inside the side hall.

"Huh?" Qin Qin looked at the kitchen with surprise.

Where did the meat and vegetables she received in the morning go?
Why is there only so little left?

She doesn't want to go to the Lingtai now.

"Forget it, go to the canteen and get some."

(End of this chapter)

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