Chapter 173 The Gap
"Really?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback when he heard Shen Gui's words suit his taste, and then bit his lower lip nervously.

"En." Shen Gui gave an affirmative answer.

This smell...although it was so-so, it brought back some distant memories for her.

Liu Fufeng's youthful cooking skills reminded her of her senior sister - Xu Xu.

Compared with Xu Xu, Liu Fufeng's culinary skills are simply perfect. Her senior sister has a congenital fire spirit body for nothing, and Xu Xu's cooking skills, which have the advantage of natural fire control, are not generally bad. You must know that she has been meticulous before she has practiced, and she is still top-notch nuanced.

People who are nuanced will fry that kind of dark stuff?
Xu Xu's peak level in this life is about the same as Liu Fufeng's now, and even the taste is a bit similar, so Shen Gui ate two more bites, of course, that's all. With his junior sister's food in front of him, everything else will be overshadowed.

Shen Gui lowered his head and continued to eat, leaving only the somewhat petrified Qin Qin, it took her a while to recover.

Not knowing what happened, Qin Qin could only guess that Liu Fufeng's cooking skills just matched Shen Gui's channel, but fortunately, it only matched for a while, and now Shen Gui started to eat her food again.

She was startled, thinking that she had fallen out of favor.


This incident also reminded Qin Qin that maybe she should try some new cuisines, otherwise Shen Gui would get tired of eating one day...

I have eaten too much delicacies from mountains and seas, and occasionally I want to try pickles, don’t I?

Bah bah bah, like to eat or not.

Why must Shen Gui like it?

Qin Qin spat at herself.

"Junior Sister Liu, let's eat."

"En." Liu Fufeng picked up the bowl and ate the rice in small bites.

As for the dishes...

She also chose one, one was vegetables made by herself, and the other was Qin Qin's.

First, Senior Sister Qin's.

He took a bite of the vegetable leaf lightly.

Then Liu Fufeng was stunned.

This was the first time she tasted this kind of taste, first it was warm and sweet, followed by a fresh fragrance.

Liu Fufeng savored it carefully.

The taste is refreshing and soft, as if it is about to melt away. Every time you chew, your mouth will be filled with fresh juice, and at the same time, the slightly numb and slightly spicy flavor will gently stimulate your tongue.

The spiciness and the sweetness of the vegetables are perfectly combined, without any loss of water, and the juice will splash with every bite.

Then Liu Fufeng picked up the dishes he made...the same ingredients, but her portion was a bit dry.

Without much hesitation, the whole thing was stuffed into his mouth.

Green and astringent, the veins are connected after lack of water, which greatly affects the taste. Although a little effort has been made on the "crisp", the taste has changed.

Completely defeated.

In the past, Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling eating happily and was a little complacent, but now he is not happy at all.

"Hey, Junior Sister Liu, how does it taste?" Qin Qin asked eagerly, she also wanted to get Liu Fufeng's evaluation.

"It's great, it's the best thing I've ever eaten." Liu Fufeng didn't hold back on his praise.

"You can eat more if it's delicious."

"En." Liu Fufeng moved his chopsticks, ready to fill his stomach.

It was so delicious that she moved her index finger.

Seeing this, Qin Qin was very happy. Her favorite thing was to watch the junior sisters in Lingshan eat her cooking.

She likes the feeling of being recognized by others very much, which is why she cares so much about what others think of her piano art, and even prepares to transform.

Of course, the idea of ​​transformation was shattered by Lu Ling. Her music really has to serve her. If many young juniors don’t understand it, then they don’t understand it. Even if everyone doesn’t like it, she will be my last music. fan.

Besides, isn't there still Lu Ling?
The style of the little girl's song is very strange, and it is easy to understand. The cooperation between the two of them will be very tacit.

Thinking of this, Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling, and was about to speak, but then choked back her words.

She originally wanted to ask Lu Ling if she liked her cooking skills, but now it seems that there is no need to ask.

"one more bowl."

Lu Ling extended the bowl to Liu Fufeng.

"Senior sister, please pay attention too..." Liu Fufeng bent down and filled her with a bowl of rice, then took out a handkerchief to clean up the oil stains on Lu Ling's cheeks, and said angrily.

"...It's really delicious..." Lu Ling licked the corner of her mouth in embarrassment.

This is really the most delicious food she has ever eaten. Lu Ling was already hungry, and she ate the well-received dishes made by Qin Qin. One plus one is greater than two.

She almost ate her own tongue.

This is also the reason why Lu Ling didn't speak up when she heard Shen Gui say that her junior sister's craftsmanship was "average".

Although she was a little dissatisfied, she had to admit that compared with this young lady who could play the piano, her junior sister's cooking skills were indeed not enough.

The gap between the two is like a five-star hotel chef and an apprentice who just graduated from New Oriental.

But this doesn't mean that Lu Ling dislikes Liu Fufeng, her junior sister is the best.

It's just that now her chopsticks are always moving Qin Qin's dishes, which seems very unconvincing.

Seeing Lu Ling eating so happily, Qin Qin was happier than her.

Then, only the sound of eating was left.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

In the middle, Qin Qin tried to stir up the topic several times, but ended in failure.

The problem is coming.

The little junior sister who has a language barrier, the bored gourd sinks back, and the preoccupied Liu Fufeng...

What can she do? She is also very desperate, and what is even more desperate is that she is still a chatterbox. Unfortunately, in front of these three people, it is useless to chatter, and the chat is impossible.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, she and Shen Gui usually eat together like this, each eating their own food.

got used to.

Qin Qin took a sip of the egg drop soup, revealing a little bit of happiness.

Why is my own craftsmanship so good?

Here, Lu Ling, who has already eaten two bowls of rice, is eliminating her third "opponent", but this time her speed has slowed down, and she barely feels a little quiet—if she doesn't babble.

"Bah, blah, blah, blah."

Fortunately, other people don't mind making such a sound. If Li Zhuzi was here, he would probably have served him with a ruler.

At this time, Lu Ling looked at the three people beside her while eating.

The short-haired lady... Lu Ling didn't dare to look carefully, for fear of making her unhappy, but she still took a cursory glance. This young lady ate very slowly, very slowly.

Very gentle.

She was a little surprised, she thought that a "rude" person like Shen Gui would have the same rude way of eating, but she didn't expect him to be unexpectedly elegant?

Lu Ling didn't even think about it, besides her ugly food, there was no one else present.

They eat differently, sleep differently, and have different personalities.

She was no match for any of the women present.

Then she looked at Qin Qin, and after seeing Lu Ling's gaze, Qin Qin gave her a smile.

Lu Ling blushed and hurriedly lowered her head.

Although this young lady has a bit of a bad personality, she is also quite beautiful...and she can cook good food and play the piano well.

Very suitable for being a wife.

Well, she can only lust for a while now, but when it comes to being a wife... her junior sister is also very good, not worse than Qin Qin at all, and also very gentle.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling looked across to her. At this time, Liu Fufeng was eating, and her sips were full of gentleness.

wait, is this?
Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, then slammed the table hard.


A loud muffled sound interrupted the meal of the other three people. They looked over, but found that Lu Ling jumped off the stool, ran to Liu Fufeng, and snatched her chopsticks.

Liu Fufeng didn't resist, but was very puzzled.


"This, you can't eat it!" Lu Ling took the chopsticks and picked out the golden vegetables in Liu Fufeng's bowl and threw them on the table, saying solemnly.

Both Liu Fufeng and Qin Qin were puzzled, their faces full of doubts.


What a waste of food...

Shen Gui narrowed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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